Chapter 85

Chapter 85: The Frustrated Shura, Greened Himself?

At the entrance of the Bihai Flower Villa.

Xiao Fan and Yang Gaofei sat under the shade of a tree nearby, somewhat listlessly observing their surroundings.

“Lingxi came out!” Xiao Fan turned and saw Zhou Lingxi leaving the villa. His face lit up with joy, and he was about to approach her for a reunion.

However, seeing Zhou Lingxi holding hands with another man, his expression immediately darkened. That man was none other than the one who had just entered the villa.

Watching their intimate actions, Xiao Fan’s fists clenched tightly with anger, feeling as if his head was sprouting a field of green grass.

“Lingxi, who is this man?” Xiao Fan managed to suppress his inner turmoil and stood in front of them, his tone slightly accusatory.

“Who he is has nothing to do with you,” Zhou Lingxi sneered, looking disdainfully at Xiao Fan. Just seeing him kindled a fire of irritation in her heart.

“But I am your husband, how can it not concern me?” Xiao Fan said, somewhat dumbfounded. Although Zhou Lingxi had always been cold to him, she had never openly cuckolded him before.

“Shut up! I have never acknowledged our relationship,” Zhou Lingxi retorted. “As soon as the three-year period is over, we’ll divorce immediately!”


“Boy, I warn you, stay away from my woman, or you’ll regret it,” Jiang Che interjected, his voice threatening. He nonchalantly wrapped an arm around Zhou Lingxi’s waist.

Zhou Lingxi’s cheeks flushed, instinctively wanting to pull away from Jiang Che. But remembering Xiao Fan was watching, she abandoned the thought and leaned comfortably against Jiang Che, speaking in a gentle tone. “Honey, let’s not bother with this waste. Let’s go have a meal.”

Jiang Che glanced amusingly at Xiao Fan, who stood there with clenched fists, seemingly too scared to react. He thought to himself about the resilience of such protagonists, enduring even when their wives were taken away.

“Alright, let’s not let this waste spoil our mood. Let’s go for a meal,” Jiang Che agreed and hooked his finger under Zhou Lingxi’s nose, then started to lead her away.

“Wife…” Xiao Fan called out as he watched them leave.

“I told you, I’m not your wife!” Zhou Lingxi snapped back. “And you’re not fit to be my husband!”

Hearing Xiao Fan persistently calling her that, Zhou Lingxi finally lost her temper. She turned around and slapped him across the face.

“Whack!” With a loud slap, Xiao Fan was taken aback, still not quite recovering from his daze.

“Let’s go, honey. Don’t let this waste affect our good mood,” Zhou Lingxi said cheerfully, looking at Jiang Che. They then got into Jiang Che’s Bugatti and drove off.

Watching the Bugatti disappear into the distance, Xiao Fan stood there, dazed, still struggling to grasp what had just happened. Zhou Lingxi, his wife, openly displayed affection for another man right in front of him and even slapped him for that man.

He felt a sense of injustice. What had he done wrong to be so despised by her?

“Hall Master, why not just divorce Ms. Zhou? It’s clear she doesn’t have you in her heart,” Yang Gaofei suggested beside him, clearly exasperated. The dignified master of the Shura Hall had been cuckolded and even slapped. He found it absurd.

“Do you know that man?” Xiao Fan asked, ignoring Yang Gaofei’s suggestion.

“He’s the young master of the Jiang family in Linjiang City,” Yang Gaofei replied, having already researched the social circles of Linjiang City.

“Jiang family’s young master…” Xiao Fan murmured, a fierce light in his eyes. “Lingxi must have been threatened by him. She distanced herself from me to avoid dragging me into this.”

Listening to Xiao Fan’s soliloquy, Yang Gaofei’s lips twitched in disbelief. Threatened? Zhou Lingxi looked anything but threatened, snuggling up to that Jiang guy.

“What should we do, Hall Master? Take action against this Jiang young master?” Yang Gaofei asked tentatively, knowing full well the complications of clashing with the Jiang family.

“He threatened my wife; of course, I’ll make the Jiang family pay!” Xiao Fan declared, his aura intensifying, reminiscent of his days of fierce battles abroad.

But his next words threw Yang Gaofei off again.

“Act against the Jiang family in secret, and ensure Lingxi doesn’t find out it’s me interfering.”

Yang Gaofei sighed inwardly, acknowledging his master’s unchanging character. He had hoped the recent events might awaken Xiao Fan’s assertive side, but it seemed he was still holding onto his delusions.

“Understood,” Yang Gaofei replied resignedly, realizing that his expectations for Xiao Fan were perhaps too high.

Jiang Che was speeding along the highway in his Bugatti, with Zhou Lingxi sitting in the passenger seat, appearing in good spirits.

“Where shall we go?” Zhou Lingxi turned her head to look at Jiang Che and asked cheerfully.

“Shopping, dining, watching a movie? It’s up to you, since you are my girlfriend now, wherever you want to go,” Jiang Che said, shrugging his shoulders and then glancing at Zhou Lingxi with a smile.

“Actually let me first buy you some clothes.” Zhou Lingxi, in her flowing long dress, was not quite his style. He preferred a more urban white-collar look. Pencil skirts, black stockings…

“Okay.” Zhou Lingxi agreed, leaning her head against the passenger seat, quietly watching Jiang Che.

“What? Have you been captivated by this young master’s good looks?” Noticing Zhou Lingxi’s gaze, Jiang Che raised an eyebrow and asked somewhat playfully.

“Indeed, you are the most handsome man I have ever seen,” Zhou Lingxi admitted frankly. That was just her character, direct and straightforward. “Pity, you are my senior sister’s fiancé, otherwise I would definitely make you mine!”

“Are you really afraid of Qingqiu?”

“Of course, our senior sister is so fierce,” Zhou Lingxi said, pouting her mouth. Shen Qingqiu, among their sisterhood, was recognized as the most stoic, colder than even Ji Qingwan.

“We just don’t let her know, right?”

“What do you mean?” Zhou Lingxi was momentarily baffled, looking puzzledly at Jiang Che.

“I mean just what I said.”

“You want me to be your concubine?” Zhou Lingxi looked at Jiang Che with a touch of oddity. She thought he was a decent guy, but it turns out, no man is a good thing.

“Exactly.” Jiang Che nodded affirmatively, admitting it outright. Such things were not uncommon in their circle; he was no exception.

Having power and wealth, why not have multiple women? It’s not like he couldn’t. Love only one person for life? He wasn’t that sentimental.

“Do you think I would agree?” Zhou Lingxi almost laughed in exasperation, though she had some fondness for Jiang Che, it didn’t mean she was willing to willingly be a concubine.

“You will agree,” Jiang Che said earnestly, nodding his head.

“Where does your confidence come from?” Zhou Lingxi gave Jiang Che a sidelong glance and then, as if thinking of something, she covered her mouth and giggled.

“If you can really attract me, I am willing to be your concubine willingly.”

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