One day, as Rain traversed the sun-kissed beach, his eyes sharp and observant, he stumbled upon a mesmerizing sight—a group of peculiar turtle-like creatures basking in the warmth of the sand.

These were no ordinary turtles; they were unique turtle monsters, each displaying distinct characteristics that piqued Rain's curiosity.

One of them, adorned with a shimmering emerald shell, caught Rain's attention. Its presence exuded an aura of tranquility, as if it were an ancient guardian of the beach.

Another turtle monster, smaller in size, boasted a vibrant mosaic of colors on its shell, resembling a living work of art. 

Curiosity getting the better of him, Rain approached these creatures cautiously, ensuring not to disturb their serene existence.

They paid him no mind, continuing their leisurely activities under the warm sun. They seemed to have formed a harmonious bond with the beach, blending seamlessly into their surroundings.

"I wish I could live like them." Rain mumbled. 

Their presence served as a reminder to Rain that not everything on this island was a threat. Some beings, like these docile turtle monsters, were simply part of the tapestry of this mysterious place.

While he refrained from interacting with the turtle monsters, Rain couldn't help but appreciate their beauty and grace. He took a moment to capture their image in his mind, an everlasting memory of this encounter. 

Leaving the turtle monsters to their tranquil existence, Rain continued his exploration of the beach. 

After dedicating two to three days to the exploration of the beach, Rain realized that he had traversed its entirety.

The beach had revealed its secrets to him, and he was ready to venture further, to unravel the mysteries that awaited in the heart of the island.

With his space ring filled with  necessary things and equipments, Rain turned his gaze towards the unexplored terrain that lay ahead. 

With the captivating memories of the docile turtle monsters etched in his mind, Rain bid farewell to the beach and redirected his footsteps toward the northeastern region of the island. 

However, before starting the exploration of the forest area, Rain bought some equipment from the system store. 

"Till now I was using equipment I used to use while outdoor training before awaknening past life memories. But they won't able to keep up with my training from now on." Rain thought as he stared at the equipment he was using. 

In the end, he exchaned them with the system and acquired some points. 

After that, he bought a few new equipments. 

Sure! Here's a panel description for the Sylvanleaf Armor of the Verdant Grove:


║  Sylvanleaf Armor of the Verdant Grove  ║


║ Type: Armor 

║ Rarity: Unique Low 


║ Description: Crafted from the vibrant green leaves of the ancient Sylvan Trees, this armor possesses a deep connection to the life force that permeates the forest. It bestows upon the wearer heightened agility and a profound attunement to nature's essence.


║ Stats: 

║ - Agility: +25% 

║ - Nature's Blessing: Grants the wearer a passive regeneration effect when in natural environments.

║ - Sylvan Resilience: Provides enhanced protection against magical and nature-based attacks. 


║ Price : 100 pts

║ Lore: 

║ Legends speak of the Sylvan Trees, ancient guardians of the verdant grove. It is said that their leaves hold within them the very essence of the forest, granting those who wear their armor a bond with nature's vitality and an unparalleled grace in movement. 


║ How to Obtain: 

║ Seek out the sacred grove hidden deep within the heart of the ancient forest. Complete a series of trials bestowed upon you by the spirits of the Sylvan Trees to earn their favor and the right to craft this majestic armor.


"I don't have time to clear the trials and I don't want to go to the kingdom of elves." Thinking this, Rain bought the armor with 100 points. Although it was costly, Rain had some points remaining after exchanging things.

Certainly! Here's a panel description for the Windsong Boots, the Zephyr's Whisper:


║  Windsong Boots, the Zephyr's Whisper  ║


║ Type: Footwear 

║ Rarity: Unique Low 


║ Description: Crafted from the supple leather of the elusive Windstalkers, these boots grant the wearer unparalleled swiftness and agility. They enable user to move with the grace of a gentle breeze, traversing the forest without making a sound.


║ Stats: 

║ - Fleetfoot: Increases movement speed by 20%. 

║ - Whispering Shadows: Allows the wearer to move silently, making it harder for enemies to detect user's presence. 

║ Price: 70 pts

║ Lore: 

║ Legends speak of the Windstalkers, a mystical creature said to be born from the winds themselves. It is said that their swift and silent movements inspired the creation of these boots. Crafted by master artisans who dedicated their lives to understanding the secrets of the wind, the Windsong Boots grant the wearer the freedom to dance across the forest floor, leaving no trace behind.



Rain's eyes widened with surprise as he read the description of the Windsong Boots.

"Windstalkers? Aren't they one of the high-class families among elves?" he pondered aloud, his curiosity piqued. The mention of the elusive Windstalkers stirred a memory within him, harkening back to the tales he had read during his days as the programmer of the game.

Windstalkers, a revered and noble elven family known for their affinity with the winds and their exceptional agility. They were said to possess an innate grace that allowed them to move with the swiftness of the wind itself, making them formidable warriors and expert scouts.

"Usually I don't remember these kind of small details. However, there is supposed be a character regarding this." Rain sighed as he remember that hidden route. "I hope Ken won't choose that route. It's too bothersome. Still, it's none of my business." 

He bought the boots, too.


║  Reaper's Embrace Cloak  ║


║ Type: Cloak 

║ Rarity: Rare 


║ Description: Crafted from shadowy threads interwoven with the essence of darkness, this cloak emanates an aura of foreboding. It enhances the wearer's critical strike chance and critical damage, empowering them with lethal precision in combat.


║ Stats: 

║ - Critical Strike Chance: +10% 

║ - Critical Damage: +15% 


║ Price : 80 pts


After this, Rain bought some other euipments for other body parts. However, they were't too impressive. It's because he didn't have much points. 

"I should keep some points in case of emergency." Rain thought. 

With his new equipment, he went towards other part of the island.


The transition from the open expanse of the beach to the lush greenery of the forest was like stepping into another realm. The air grew thick with the scent of moss and vegetation, and a symphony of chirping birds and rustling leaves enveloped him.

As Rain delved deeper into the forest, he kept to the sidelines, choosing to navigate the edges rather than plunging into the heart of the wilderness.

It was a strategic decision, driven by the understanding that the central area of the island was dominated by a range of tall mountains, a formidable obstacle for his current capabilities.

He encountered a variety of unique and fantastical creatures, each adding to the island's rich tapestry.

From nimble woodland sprites darting through the underbrush to elusive fox-like creatures with shimmering, ethereal fur, Rain marveled at the diversity of life that thrived within this verdant realm.

However, Rain's quest for exploration was not confined solely to observation. He yearned to test his mettle, to hone his skills through combat.

With his senses heightened and his weapon at the ready, he sought out monsters that posed a suitable challenge, allowing him to grow stronger in the process.

One by one, Rain engaged in battles with the forest's inhabitants. He encountered agile wolf-like creatures with razor-sharp fangs and swift, predatory movements.

Their ferocity tested his reflexes and combat instincts, pushing him to adapt and strategize. Rain's skills as a swordsman were put to the test, his blade dancing with precision and purpose as he sought to emerge victorious.

In these battles, Rain experienced the thrill of combat, the adrenaline coursing through his veins.

With each encounter, his understanding of the island's dangers deepened, and his proficiency in combat expanded. He learned to exploit weaknesses, to capitalize on openings, and to adapt his strategies to different opponents.

Yet, Rain remained cautious, mindful of his limitations and aware of the dangers that lurked deeper within the forest.

He knew that patience and gradual progression were key, and he chose not to venture too far into the heart of the wilderness, focusing instead on the sidelines where potential threats were still within his grasp.

As Rain continued his exploration and combat encounters in the forest's sidelines, he relished the sense of growth and empowerment that accompanied each victorious battle.

The forest had become his training ground, shaping him into a more capable and resilient warrior.

Like that a week passed, in that time he found a river. It was the same river where he saw the mermaid's pearl. 

After encountering that, Rain switched to west side of the island and started exploring it. 


As Rain continued his exploration of the northwestern region, he became more familiar with the geography of the island.

To the south, a pristine beach stretched along the coastline, offering a tranquil respite from the island's wild interior.

To the north, imposing cliffs rose majestically, overlooking the crashing waves below.

In the center, a formidable mountain range dominated the landscape, its peaks shrouded in mist and mystery.

And to the west, an expansive swamp sprawled, its murky waters and dense vegetation posing a challenge to anyone.

Amidst this convergence of diverse landscapes, Rain stumbled upon the hidden gem he had sought—a remarkable ant colony nestled between the mountain range, beach, and swamp. 

As Rain retraced his steps back to his house, he took note of the island's geography, carefully studying maps that depicted the lay of the land.

He marked the precise location of the ant colony, a spot where the rugged cliffs of the north met the untamed wilderness of the swamp, forming a nexus of habitats for the mutated ants to flourish.


Today, as Rain ventured once again towards the northwestern convergence, he marveled at the subtle transitions between each landscape.

The sandy shores gradually gave way to rocky outcrops, and the soothing sounds of crashing waves grew faint as he delved deeper into the untamed wilderness. Verdant foliage surrounded him, alive with the calls of unseen creatures. 

In the convergence point of the mountain range, beach, and swamp, Rain's journey reached a pivotal moment. With the map of the island etched in his mind, he arrived near the ant colony soon. 

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