One second to remember [Brushstroke Pavilion] [Free of charge, read the wonderful novel!]

Chapter 947 - Wishful thinking

From the bottom of his heart, Xueluo really liked the little sticky girl.

Especially after the last time when the cute little girl helped her comb her hair and put on makeup, it gave birth to a strong desire of Xueluo to have a daughter as a cotton-padded jacket!

Seeing a four year old child crying in grievance, Xueluo indeed couldn't bear it anymore.

However, when she saw his husband Feng Xinglang cuddling the little thing in his arms, she felt a little sour.

Heavens, he was actually arguing with a four year old baby over gains and losses?

That was enough!

Xiao Hu, the chauffeur who was pushing the wheelchair at the time, was still in the state of shock that he was in when he was in the Ghastly Graveyard.

It didn't matter if it was a show of love, or a battle of wits and courage. There was almost no time to think about it.

Immersed in his world of fear, he had forgotten to push his wheelchair back to his villa; he had allowed Second Master Feng Xinglang to handle this troublesome sister-in-law relationship in his own way in the courtyard.

This time, she really became a sister-in-law who expressed her goodwill to her brother-in-law!

and even used the innocent Feng Tuantuan as a medium!

Feng Tuantuan used her soft little hands and took out a Mango Pie from the box, feeding it to Uncle's mouth.

Maybe he was really hungry, or maybe he just wanted to tease his niece, who was just crying. Feng Xinglang bit off more than half of the apple pie in one bite, and almost bit into the little hand that was full of meat.

"Uncle, you bit into my hand."

The little cutie giggled happily. He immediately took his fingers out from Feng Xinglang's mouth.

Feng Xinglang slowly chewed on the Mango Sect in his mouth as he withdrew his expression.

"What's wrong, Uncle? "Don't you like mango pie?"

Bound Boat asked nervously. She really hoped that Uncle would like to eat the Mango Pie that she had learned to make all day.

"Mn," Feng Xinglang snorted. "Indeed, it doesn't suit Uncle's taste! Uncle still likes to eat the Mango Pie your uncle made for me! "

Why did this answer sound so pretentious?

"But Mummy's Mango Pie tastes really good, don't you think?"

Before he gave it to Uncle to taste, the little guy had already tasted it.

"That's because this Mango Pie is filled with your mother's love for you. Similarly, Uncle thinks that the Mango Pie cooked by my aunt is delicious because my aunt's love for Uncle is filled to the brim! So, Uncle only likes to eat Mango Pie cooked by Aunt! "

Feng Xinglang's explanation carried an element of philosophy that little cutie could not understand.

The little cutie could only nod her head in confusion.

"Anyway, my dear dad doesn't like to eat anything made by your mommy! He only likes to eat what my mommy cooks! It's that simple! "

Linnuo's little friend made the last simple and crude statement.

Compared to Uncle's tactful and philosophical answer, Big Brother Nuonuo's straightforward and crude reason made the group understand even more.

Before the cute tears fell, Feng Xinglang rubbed a kiss on her face that could be broken by the flick of a finger.

"Be a good girl and don't send Uncle anything to eat in the future. Your uncle will take good care of Uncle! "

Slightly paused, Feng Xinglang used his fingers to wipe away the tears on Xiao Kui's face, "But Uncle really hopes that you can come and visit Uncle and Aunt on a regular basis! And your big brother Nuonuo! "

Being allowed by Uncle Feng Xinglang to come to see him, Xiao Kui stopped crying and nodded his head forcefully.

"Then the next time you come back, you'll be free of food, won't you?"

"Good boy!"

Feng Xinglang once again kissed the cute and teary cheeks, "Uncle loves you!"

"You guys love the Uncle too!"

The cute girl caught Feng Xinglang's neck and kissed him loudly.

"It's windy out there, so go home and sleep! Don't catch a cold, Uncle will feel heartache. "

Feng Xinglang placed the little thing that was stuck to him back onto the ground.

"Uncle, good night. Aunt, Big Brother Nuonuo, good night."

The cute girl waved her hands and reluctantly ran back to her villa.

Returning to the warm villa's living room, Xueluo's mood was still heavy.

The grudges and grudges between adults, yet trying to make it difficult for an innocent child in the middle to act in front of the media?

Although his husband, Feng Xinglang, had heartlessly refused Lan Youyou's goodwill, Xueluo had also realized: This kind of rejection would more or less harm the innocent.

In the past, Feng Xinglang doted on him so much!

Or perhaps he was currently spoiling Lil Thing, but he suppressed this sort of affection deep in his heart.

Because he had to take into account the feelings of his wife and children!

Actually, Xueluo had hoped that Feng Xinglang would openly pamper him! But with Lan Youyou, her mother, his unrestrained love would only make people think twice! Presumably, the one being suppressed, was not only her, Lin Xueluo!

"Err …"

Suddenly, Feng Xinglang groaned, and painfully covered his own stomach.

"Xinglang, what's wrong? "Where's the discomfort?"

Xueluo immediately rushed over and knelt beside the man's wheelchair, and asked urgently.

"My stomach hurts … It seemed... It seems to have been poisoned! "

Feng Xinglang said in an intermittent, somewhat difficult manner.

"Poisoned? It was time … Could it be that there's a problem with that Mango Sect? "

Xueluo asked in panic.


Linnuo's little friend immediately rushed over and shook his father's body, "Father, don't die! I'll send you to the hospital right now! "


Suddenly, Feng Xinglang who was clutching his stomach laughed out loud, "I'm teasing you guys! There's nothing wrong with daddy! "

"Feng Xinglang! You're too much! Is that how you scare your wife and kids? "

Seeing that the man was safe and sound and was just playing with her, the woman was angry but happy and burst into tears.

"I saw that you were depressed, your husband just wanted to make you laugh!"

The man took Xueluo's hand and kissed it, "I especially like to see you, my nervous husband! But I can't bear to see you so sad and impatient! "

"You're so annoying!"

Xueluo punched the man's chest, causing his tears and snot to flow onto his shoulders. Then, she left the man on the wheelchair and walked over to set up a table with his aunt.

Linnuo's little friend quietly looked at his father.

His limpid eyes squinted, staring at his bastard dad as if he was looking at an alien.

"My son, do you have any objections to your father?"

Feng Xinglang could feel that his son Linnuo was looking at him with a sharp gaze.

"Feng Xinglang, you are such a good at coaxing girls … Wouldn't that mean that many girls like you? "

"Mhmm..." Feng Xinglang arrogantly snorted, "Your father's charm is incomparable!"

"Since you're so popular with girls, why did you marry my mother, that silly woman?"

The little guy suddenly changed the topic.

"My good son, look at what you're saying … Aren't you afraid that you'll be unhappy kissing Mommy? Can an adjective like 'stupid' be used on your own mother? "

Feng Xinglang flatly rebuked his son.

"I just feel that a wicked bastard like you should marry a great witch like Lan Youyou! and shouldn't have married my poor silly mommy! "

The little guy's words tonight sounded really... Deep!

It felt like he was just talking nonsense and talking nonsense, but when you looked at him carefully, you could tell that this was really the case.

Regarding the conversation between father and son, Xueluo, who was sitting on the table, had been listening intently.

Even his son Linnuo could see that Feng Xinglang should marry a strong and united woman, not a kind and kind woman like her.

"My good son, then Father would like to ask you: Do you like your silly mommy, or do you like the witch?"

"Of course I only like my own mommy!"

"Does daddy mean that you like your own mommy to be silly, or is it naughty?"

"..." The little guy tilted his head and thought for a moment. "I'll kiss Mommy. No matter if she's silly or bad, I'll like her!"

"That's enough!" A woman whom your father has taken a fancy to, regardless of whether she is foolish or wicked, your father will always like her! "

This didn't seem to be an answer, did it?!

However, Linnuo's little friend who was confused by his father's actions had already believed that his father's love for his mother was real!

"Nuonuo, go wash your hands. And then he pushed your dad over to dinner. "

Xueluo's gentle and loving voice warmed the entire villa's living room.

There was a home, there was love, there was a wife, there was also a son …

For an entire three days, neither the Gentleman Bai nor Bai Mo came to harass Yuan Duoduo.

Yuan Duoduo was still a little disappointed.

She wanted to call Butler Bai and ask about his condition, but Yuan Duoduo resisted.

In the end, Bai's mansion was not her home.

And Gentleman Bai would also receive more considerate care from others.

It's not like the world would stop spinning without her, Yuan Duoduo! Once Gentleman Bai gets used to being taken care of, it would be fine!

But every time it quieted down, Yuan Duoduo's heart would still hurt like a pin.

It was a luxurious lunar center, close to maternal and child care; suites had been reserved until early next year. Almost from the beginning of pregnancy to the first year of life, a full range of services.

Yue Zi Center's pregnant women's yoga classes were pretty good; furthermore, it brought Yuan Duoduo 300 yuan worth of income every day. Furthermore, the Principal said that she could provide services for Yuan Duoduo when she was born free of charge.

This way, it would be equivalent to resolving Yuan Duoduo's worries. She was still worried about what she should do when she was a son of the moon.

Of course, she also thought of a solution, which was to return to the orphanage.

When Yuan Duoduo returned from the Moon Child Center, it was already around 6 PM. Compared to the Dance Training Center, this could already be considered early.

She was carrying tomatoes and fresh milk from the supermarket, and two big chicken legs.

As soon as he stepped out of the elevator, he saw Bai Mo, who was leaning on her anti-theft door.

"What, you want to capture me?"

When Bai Mo opened his mouth, it was filled with a strong sense of provocation.

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