Chapter 969 - 969: They Reported To The Highest Authority TooWell… To say those two did not take the news well would be an understatement…
“Fired?! Wait! What do you mean by that, Lady Lehcaruoc?!”
“Tha… That’s right, Lady Lehcaruoc… Isn’t that too big of a reaction?”
Unerolia scoffed at them, “Was I not clear enough? You are all relieved of your positions, effective immediately. Both of you can pack up your things and vacate my castle in the next few hours.”
Ragnus struggled against the ropes that were still binding him, “Why?! I did nothing wrong! What is the meaning of this?!”
“Do you really think that you did nothing wrong?”
Wow, the fact that he said it out without hesitation meant he really believed so…
Unerolia sighed, “You really believe that you did nothing wrong?”
“I believe you did something wrong, so what are you going to say about that?”
“Then I say you’re wrong! You don’t know what is happening here like we do!”
“And whose fault is that?”
That made the guy pause and he showed her a confused look, clearly unsure of the answer.
She went up to tap him on the face with the back of her hand, “Whose fault is it that I don’t know what is happening here? Hmm? Who was supposed to report what is happening here so that I know what is going on?”
“Ah… Umm… Me?”
“So you’ve failed in that area too, haven’t you?”
He hesitated for a moment before speaking again, “That’s… That’s not true! Something as minor as this does not need to be reported right?!”
“Did I give you a list of things that you shouldn’t report to me?”
“Eh? Err… No?”
“So why are you deciding for yourself what I should or should not know?”
“I… I got it! I’ll make sure to report everything to you from now on, how about that?”
Unerolia shook her head, “There’s no need. You are relieved of your position.”
“You… You can’t do that! This isn’t fair! The King will not stand for this!”
“Funny you should say that because…”
Unerolia turned to look in our direction and I was wondering what she wanted from us when Mary stepped forward and created a portal in front of her.
Wait… Is she going to…
A very familiar figure stepped out from the portal and the faces on those two incompetent idiots paled even more.
Just how far did they arrange for today? Because I doubt they could just get the King to show up on such a short notice…
No wait… Mother most definitely could, but seeing how Justinia was dressed in her formal royal dress, they definitely arranged this ahead of time.
Justinia took a moment to look around before settling on the two men in front of her.
“I assume you know who I am?” She asked.
The both of them nodded.
“So why are you not kneeling?”
Both of them hurriedly fell to their knees, though the Ragnus guy took a while longer to do so since he was still tied up.
“Hear my decree. Ragnus Mutherford shall be stripped of his noble status and position. I also now sentence both of you to be relegated to criminal slave status and assign Unerolia Lehcaruoc as the owner of these two. That is all.”
I thought that she would return through the portal but she stepped to the side and allowed Unerolia to take over, prompting the portal to close up.
Unerolia didn’t waste any time as she stepped towards them while reaching out her hand to the side.
Esmeral reappeared with a collar in her hand which the Marchioness plucked to prepare to lock it on Ragnus’s neck.
The former noble backpedaled away from her, “Wait, wait! I… I don’t consent to this! I don’t consent to this! You can’t do this to me!”
Unerolia didn’t even say anything and just grabbed him by the shirt to pull him forward, completely sealing off his escape before she snapped the collar around his neck.
She then shoved him away before moving to Carlas, the guy looking equally as terrified but at least he did not try to run away.
With the both of them collared, Unerolia stepped back and nodded at Esmeral, “Alright. Take them away to prepare them for my punishment. Oh, and please prepare the guest rooms for our actual guests, please…”
“As you wish, Mistress.”
Several guards appeared at that exact moment as though they were waiting for that signal to appear.
They then grabbed their two former bosses and dragged them out from the room, paying no heed to Ragnus’s screams of protest.
Mother then turned to Mary and Katsuki, “Fufufu~ Why don’t the two of you also go and help prepare the guest rooms as well?”
Mary bowed immediately, “Right away, Mistress.”
Katsuki took a moment to look at me as though she was asking for my permission first.
I nodded at her and she turned back to bow at Mother slightly, “Understood, Madam.”
With those two gone as well, now it was just Unerolia, Justinia, Mother and I remaining.
Unerolia let out a breath before she leapt towards Justinia.
“Cousin Justiiiiiiii!!”
Justinia side stepped her and avoided her lunge, letting the Marchioness fly past her to crash into one of the chairs behind her.
“It is good to see you in good health as well, cousin Une,” Justinia answered, not even phased about the girl lunging at her.
Unerolia leapt back on her feet, “Waaaa! I haven’t seen you in so long and this is how you treat me?!”
“I don’t believe it was that long since the last time we met, was it?”
“I still missed you! You never come to visit! I have to go find you all the time!”
“Because I’m busy, cousin. Unlike you, I can’t always indulge in my own hobbies.”
“I don’t do that!”
The King raised an eyebrow at her, “Oh really? When was the last time you challenged someone to a sword duel?”
“That… That’s different!”
“That is indeed your hobby is it not?”
“Ggrrr… That’s unfair, cousin!”
“No it isn’t. Didn’t all this happen because you haven’t been doing your work? Such as actually paying attention to your territory and making sure your subordinates are doing their jobs?”
“I… I was tricked, ok? I thought that everything was going well because he didn’t report back to me that there was anything wrong!”
“Mmhmm… And you only found out after we started investigating, didn’t we? If it wasn’t for this, it might have gone for a much longer time before it was found out. You also failed at your job, cousin.”
“Uuu… I’m sorry…”
“At least you’re repentant about it. Still… I’m going to need to punish you as well or else the other nobles would say that I’m playing favourites.”
“Ughh… I understand…”
Justinia seemed to think for a moment before nodding, “Those taxes that were misused, you will need to pay them all back. Additionally, I expect the bandit problem in the border and around your territory to be resolved by the end of the year.”
“Ahhh?! But the Creas were used by that idiot! How am I supposed to pay that back without increasing the taxes?”
“Don’t you have two new criminal slaves that you can use to earn more Creas? They belong to you so you are free to use them however you wish, right?”
Unerolia gasped, “Oh! You’re a genius, cousin! As expected of our King!”
Justinia rolled her eyes at the praise, “If there’s nothing else, I shall be returning back–“
Unerolia cried out suddenly, “No wait! I heard you actually gave your virginity away! Is that true?!”
Surprisingly, Justinia actually blushed a little though she tried to hide it, “What does that have to do with you?”
“Well I want to know why haven’t you fucked me yet!”
That question seemed to have surprised Justinia who stared at Unerolia for a good few seconds before finally muttering, “What?”
“Yeah! Why haven’t you?! What have I done to make you hate me that much?!”
“Hold on… Wait a minute… I thought you were the one that hated me before?”
“Ha?! Why would I hate you?”
“You always say something about beating me and taking me down, don’t you? I thought you were unhappy that I became King.”
“Why would I be unhappy about that?! I want to beat you with swords so that I can push you down and ride you since you aren’t coming onto me at all! I don’t hate you, cousin!!”
Justinia stared at her cousin in disbelief, “Why… Why couldn’t you have just asked?”
“Eh? Err… I dunno?”
Wow… These two are really something, aren’t they?
Mother then giggled, “Ufufufu~ Since the two of you have finally resolved this misunderstanding, why not go ahead and do it here? I don’t think anyone would be coming here soon~”
Unerolia immediately perked up, “Oh! As expected of Madam Nilm! That’s a great idea! Aster is going to join us as well, aren’t you?”
Why am I not even surprised that it turned out like this?
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