Book 6: Chapter 40


The fanatical old man continues our lessons for hours on end as I repeatedly try one new thing after another, but my progress ends up being rather slow compared to what I would’ve preferred. And while part of it is because using magic without any guide is just plain difficult, part of it is also because the old man keeps having to go far away when I actually try to use magic. Seeing as the best way to start using magic is to summon your symbol and use it to help you out.

But if I have my symbol out, the old man will die.

If it were just him losing his eyes every time, I wouldn’t care. It’s not just that, though, because he only lost his eyes and passed out before because of how long he was exposed to my symbols. He would’ve lost a lot more than that if he’d been exposed for longer.

So our lessons end up being him explaining things, him going far away, me trying out the thing he explained, then me calling him back to either tell him I failed, or I succeeded. Following which he explains what I did wrong or explains the next step to learn.

Eventually we finish the basics over the course of several days, throughout which I make sure to kill all the void creatures on Earth. A process that takes little more than a couple seconds every time.

I actually find that it makes for some good practice during the lessons. And after them as well.

Once we finish up, I send Isaac back to his mansion – which is suspiciously standing once again without any damage done to it, likely due to some sort of enchantment – before I fly up into space around the planet and cross my arms under my chest.

Right. So, this really will take some getting used to.

It’s almost been a week now since I ascended to Class VI, and I’m still not used to my strength yet. Just yesterday I broke a few walls of my home merely trying to stop by and grab something.

Ended up not getting it after all. Didn’t want to break more of my home in the process. Especially when Aria lives there too.

I let out a sigh, somehow managing to do it even without any air. Then I tilt my head and frown at the world down below me.

“Is it still bothering you?” Tar asks, appearing nearby in the process.

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“Hmm,” I hum while nodding my head without saying anything.

The Voided Overlord’s divine mark…

“It’ll be tough to deal with,” Tar mutters, making me nod my head again.

A divine mark that powerful… it’s rather frightening.

From what the old fanatic said in regards to the prophecy, the Voided Overlord’s divine mark has governance over the void, devouring, and destruction. So the Voided Overlord itself represents the destruction and devourment of everything in existence, all the way till there’s nothing left but the void.

And it can absorb the powers of anything it devours.

The magic, the skills, whatever. Anything it devours, it can use.

It also adds on the reality of whatever it devours to itself, making it even stronger. Which is probably how it ended up becoming Class VI in the first place, assuming it didn’t get that particular power from reaching Class VI.

If that were all it could do, it wouldn’t be a problem. Considering that I do the same with the Red Plague. Since I can devour other things and absorb their realities too.

But the Voided Overlord’s ability to take the powers of everything it absorbs is… not something I’m looking forward to facing.

“Isaac and Grandmother’s suggestion makes the most sense, even if the prophecy isn’t assured anymore,” Tar says. And I can’t help but agree with him.

The longer the Voided Overlord is in our universe, the more powers it can collect. Since there aren’t any powers other than void related powers within the void, making it unable to absorb other types of magic beyond void magic related ones. Like destruction.

So it’s best to attack the Voided Overlord soon after it enters our universe from the void. Preferably as soon as I possibly can in order to stop it from taking on new magics.

Of course, I still need to learn more about my own magic before we can even think of fighting the Voided Overlord. Or, rather, before I can. Seeing how having others join me in the battle would only feed the Voided Overlord more powers rather than help me.

I let out another sigh, at which point Tar moves over and pats me on the head.

“This battle won’t be an easy one,” I mutter as I continue staring out over the planet, occasionally wiping out any void creature that appears.

“Well,” Tar begins, the tanuki still patting me on the head even if he’s avoiding landing on me in case I send him flying on accident, “it’s basically a battle with a god. So I would expect it to be rather difficult.”


The tanuki gets a rather amused look on his face as he says, “I wouldn’t be surprised if people later on down the road refer to this battle as the Battle of the Gods, or maybe the battle between the God of Destruction and the Goddess of the Universe!”

I glance at him with my eyes narrowed slightly in exasperation.

“Well, I have work I need to go do now,” Tar says, before giving me a salute with his paw and quickly vanishing. Leaving his voice echoing behind him. “I’ll talk to you later!”

That would be embarrassing if something like that happened. But, and I can’t believe I’m thinking this, I get the feeling it might actually happen.

Pretty sure I’m already being worshiped as a goddess on quite a few worlds as it is. Just from my time hunting void creatures not too long ago.

I can hope though.

Well, back to practicing.

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