A few days ago,

Mike was standing in front of the mirror while washing his face. After he cleans his face, he looks at the mirror giving a charming smile, and brags "How can the owner of this handsome have such a ridiculous weakness?"

"Ahh! This is so frustrating. Why the hell do I've such a weak emotion? Damn! I want to smash my head on the walls. But, that will only hurt me, so I won't. But what should I do? What can I do? Change? As if it would be easy."

"The previous God of Sex also said it takes some time to forget someone you love. Then, I definitely can't change my emotions in a single day. Although I will definitely get mentally stronger as I have already taken the steps to make my mind stronger from the master, it still takes time."

"Until then, what can I do?" Mike lifts his head and sticks his tongue out while stars slapping himself.


The weird sound comes out of his mouth irritating Lucas who was waiting outside. Hearing this sound, Lucas sighs and finally walks away. Inside the washroom, Mike kept slapping himself for ideas.


"Wait a freaking minute! I am thinking with the wrong mindset. I should think like a protagonist. What would a true protagonist do if he was in my place? He will fall in the path of darkness. Might be? He will lock himself and try to find a solution alone. I don't think sooooo?"

"He will definitely find someone to help him. This might be the case? So, if I am the true protagonist, who can I ask for the help?"

"Jenny? Ahhh, I can't think of someone else. Why does she keep appearing in my heart all the time? It feels like my heart is ruled by her. Hmm! technically, she is the one whom I love most. So, it would come with no surprise. But how can she help me? Should I ask her?"

Just when he was about to turn back, he shook his head and continued "Nah! I will try to find a solution relating to her. So, how can I relate her to my situation?"


'You need something that can trigger you mentally, something that can really push you to your limit.' Suddenly, these words rang in his mind like the bell in a temple. They kept ringing until he realized something.

"I am the protagonist. Even if I'm not, I treat myself like one. So, who cares? As a protagonist, I should do something that most people can't, something that truly makes a character 'protagonist'. It's not about turning the enemy into friends. It's not about making enemies your lover. It's about turning your weakness into strength."

"That's the common between most protagonists. And, that sets them apart from other characters. Since I think I am a protagonist of a shitty novel. I need to do it what other protagonists can do. I will turn my weakness into strength. Master, I found it. I find the trigger that can push myself to the limit."

'Claire, can you make a real video without an actor acting in it?' Mike asks her with his thoughts.

"Host, are you sure you can bear it? If you can't, then you might get consumed by it." Claire's tone was filled with anxiety as she speaks in his mind.

'Yes, didn't I just say? I want to turn my weakness into my strength. I might not be able to erase this weakness within a short time. But, I will do what I can. If horror and tragedy is something that I need to bear for turning this weakness into strength, I am willing to try it.'

Saying so, he chuckled and continued 'And, isn't it just a kind of a prediction of a worst-case scenario?'

"But, can you truly bear it? Do you know how much scared you got when you saw First Mistress in that condition? These are the worst-case scenario. It will be worst, so can you really bear it?" Claire kept convincing him to give him.

Mike clenched his fist hard and shouted in his thought 'So what? So, what if I can't bear it? Do you think I can bear it? No, no way in hell! I can't bear something that hurts Jenny. But, I need to. I can't shrink back every time and find the alternatives for it.'

His eyes were filled with tears as he continued 'This time I will face it. No matter how heartbreaking it might be. No matter how many times I will cry. I will bear it in my heart. I promise I will not show my tears to anyone. If I ever shed tears in front of others, it will be the blood.'

Promising himself, he swallowed those tears back to his eyes and continued 'I will change my weakness into my strength. White, Yellow, Red, Blue, Purple, Silver, and Golden. Seven realms, right? Each time I watch that video, I will increase my realm until I reach the top.'

'And when that happens, it will no longer be the weakness that I will have.'

At the current moment,

Mike cleaned his entire body while dodging the attacks from Seru. His reflexes went crazy high due to the evolution of Fighting Spirit. Fighting Spirit makes a true fighter. A true fighter doesn't go berserk to fight. He looks for the opportunity to strike and play by the rules of weak and strong.

The yellow energy shook around his body and infused in his leg. Two layers of yellow energy, both of them were violent and domineering. When he uses both of them, the outcome never was Fighting Spirit plus Slaughter Spirit.

It was the multiplication of Fighting Spirit Slaughter Spirit. The scarlet essence infused with his leg as well. In an instant, his leg started glowing with yellow-crimson energy. The entire foot was burning in flames. His Fighting Spirit was allowing him to see each movement from Seru.

Whoosh! Bang! Ka-cha!

Suddenly, he turns around and lifts his foot. His leg strikes on the flames. Slaughter Spirit and Fighting Spirit pierces those flames and his leg smashed on Seru's neck. The bones on his neck crack, followed by another kick on his stomach. This time it was the left leg.


With a single stroke, his ribs were broken. His Slaughter Spirit and Fighting Spirit were extinguishing his flames with each strike. Without those flames, he was almost like a mouse in a mousetrap.

Ka-cha! Thud!

Finally, his right leg rose up. Two layers of Slaughter Spirit and Fighting Spirit coiled like the snakes. His foot slides down and smashes on Seru's head. His head bones didn't crack but he indeed up losing consciousness. Without using those flames, he couldn't float in the air.

His body fell from the sky and landed on the ground. This time he broke most of his bones. Fortunately, he had passed out otherwise he would have passed out now with the intense pain striking his body.


Mike wasn't in the best condition either. Although his Slaughter Spirit and Fighting Spirit evolved, his body is still not strong enough to bear it. He must have a strong body and soul. More importantly, strong killing intent was burning out of his heart.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! We have the winner of our second round. Mike Tyson and Olive Xavier have won this battle. Let's give them a round of applause for such an amazing battle." MC standing on the top stage shouted with excitement that made the crowd roar with claps.

Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!

"Mike!" "Mike!" "Mike!" "Mike!" "Mike!" "Mike!" "Mike!" "Mike!" "Mike!" "Mike!" "Mike!" "Mike!"

"Olive!" "Olive!" "Olive!" "Olive!" "Olive!" "Olive!" "Olive!" "Olive!" "Olive!" "Olive!" "Olive!" "Olive!"

"Even though Zen and Seru couldn't win this battle, they still gave us an amazing battle. So, please them a round of applause as well." As MC shouted, the medical team had already arrived. They picked Zen's and Seru's bodies and took them away.

Olive stood up and walked towards Mike who was barely able to move. But, feeling an intense killing intent radiating from his body, she stopped. For a moment, she couldn't decide whether to help him or not. After all, the killing intent was too scary for her.

But slowly his killing intent got suppressed with the blood flowing out of his hand. The Healing Lotus started healing his wounds.


He tried to stand up but ended up falling to the ground on his back. There was nothing in his face. No anger, not a single drop of tear, no joy, no feelings, everything had faded away from his face. Only one thing remained though.

It was loneliness. He missed Jenny. He missed her food. Even though only a few hours have passed, he already started missing her. Maybe it was because of that video or simply because of that anger or simply because he was scared.

'Yeah, maybe I am scared. Damn! So many of those powerful lines just to be afraid. I'm so damn pathetic. But, I can't cry.' His nose was turning sore but he stopped himself from crying.

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