You're My Only Star

Chapter 240 - A Little Older

Lu Xun finally re-entered his office when he had finished his business. When he walked in, he noticed that she was staring at her phone with an annoyed look on her face. However, the moment Song Xing Xing heard him entering, she had quickly put down her phone and smiled at him.

"You don't look so good just now. What's wrong?"

Song Xing Xing quickly shook her head. "Nothing. Just saw something strange on the internet." She stood up and changed the subject. "Where are you taking me to dinner?"

His expression turned gentler. Lu Xun rubbed his thumb on her cheek and asked, "What do you want to eat?"

"Let me think about it." Song Xing Xing lowered her head as she tried to think but then another thought came to her mind. "Ah, my bag is still downstairs."

"We'll go and get them together."

"Oh." Song Xing Xing nodded. She watched as Lu Xun walked over to his desk and suddenly recalled the words that the netizen had said earlier.

Her gaze on Lu Xun turned a little complicated.

He is indeed a little older than she is.

What if he really had some unspeakable disease? Should she start to worry about his health now?

As her thoughts were running wild, Song Xing Xing decided that she should be watching over his diet carefully. Maybe she should ask him to go on a health check-up as well. As his girlfriend, she should be concerned about his healt.

Of course, Song Xing Xing was lucky that Lu Xun was unaware of her thoughts, or else she would be punished for it.

Lu Xun fetched everything he needed before he led the Song Xing Xing to the office.

The cold wind burst from the inside, causing Song Xing Xing to shiver. She looked inside the office and heaved a sigh upon noticing that there was no one else inside.

Swiftly, she tidied up her belonging and grabbed her bag.

"This room is too cold," Lu Xun commented as he walked in.

"The air conditioner is put on blast almost all the time to help cool the server."

Lu Xun looked at his girlfriend again. It was then that he understood why his girlfriend would always wear a think jacket whenever she was in the studio.

"Come on."

The two of them walked down the stairs together. Fortunately for them, there was no shooting in the studio and everyone had gone home early.

Song Xing Xing gave the name of the restaurant and Lu Xun quickly typed them into the navigation system. His brow rose upon noticing the name of the restaurant.

"You're going vegetarian today?"

Song Xing Xing coughed. "Mmm... I heard from others that this place is pretty good. Moreover, we have been eating out a lot recently. I'm worried that I might gain weight."

Of course, she could not tell him that she was keeping her eyes on his diet. If she told him the reason, Lu Xun might be unhappy. He was not going to like it when he think of their age gap again.

Lu Xun completely believed her words and continued to drive following the navigation system. After all, he was not picky about food. As the car entered the main road, Lu Xun glanced at his girlfriend a few times and thought about the conversation with his friends.

"This weekend, my friends are organizing a little reunion. Xing Xing, come with me, alright?"

"Your friends?"

"Un. The people who studied with me together in C Country. Back then, there were only a few of us in the same year. You have already met Yu Han and Celine. There are a few guys who are curious and wanted to meet you."

Song Xing Xing laughed. "What's there to be curious about?"

Lu Xun smiled.

Of course, his friends would be curious about his girlfriend. After all, it has been years since he started to date again. The others would want to see which girl has managed to change his mind.

"Will your ex-girlfriend attend as well?" She knew that his girlfriend went to the same university to study.

The smile on his face instantly disappeared. "I don't think so. I heard that she is not in the country."

The last time Shi An Na tried to create trouble for them, Lu Xun had made his move to retaliate. If she wanted to keep her job, she should move out from Capital City. The company would send her out to work on their overseas branch.

Lu Xun knew that Shi An Na needed the job to raise her son. She had already lost her job a few times after returning to the country. There was no way that she would reject her company's arrangement. Or else, she would have to work hard to find a new job.

"You're quite informed about your ex-girlfriend's movement." Song Xing Xing pouted.

He glanced at the girl beside him again, sensing her displeasure. "Don't think too much. Someone just mentioned that in the passing."

Even if he did not want to care about his ex-girlfriend, Lu Xun had no other choice but to let someone keep an eye on her. He did not want to give Shi An Na any chance to hurt Song Xing Xing.

Song Xing Xing narrowed her eyes. Seeing that there was no change in his expression, she decided to trust his explanation.

After everything that his ex-girlfriend had done to hurt him, there was no way that Lu Xun would like that person again, right?

She quickly readjusted her mood and flashed him a smile. "Alright. I'll go."

His face brightened up with her answer.

Looking at him now, Song Xing Xing could already imagine how happy he would be when he get to introduce her as his girlfriend.

Her boyfriend is cute like that. It made her feel as if she wanted to squeeze his cheek for a long time and take a bite at his lips.

Song Xing Xing propped her chin on her hand and continued to stare at him for a long time.

Her stare made him uncomfortable. Just as he turned his head to speak, Lu Xun could not help but notice the way she was looking at him.

The corner of her lips tilted up and her eyes turned into a crescent. She was looking at him with an adoring look in her eyes.

His heart skipped a beat and his throat felt a little dry. It was getting harder for him to control a certain emotion when he was with her.

It would be fine if she wanted to look at him but why did she have to look at him like that?

"Xing Xing?" His throat bobbed.


"Stop looking at me like that. I still need to focus on the road."

Song Xing Xing saw the troubled look on his face and laughed.

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