“I’ll ask you to refrain from saying anything unnecessary if you don’t mind. To save us both some time.”
The room shook quite furiously as Abaddon resisted the urge to level this entire hall from the comfort of his home.
“Careful. Or your end can be as tragic as it will be swift.”
Izanagi, for all of his faults and shortcomings, was still a primordial god.
He didn’t quite buckle underneath Abaddon’s threats and pressure the way a normal deity would. Which in itself was quite worthy of praise.
“Yes, yes, the dragon created to kill things is good at killing things. How dreadfully shocking.” Izanagi snorted. “I have not called for your ear on a childish whim. I wish to ascertain my daughter’s condition.”
Truthfully, Abaddon had forgotten Amaterasu was even in his house until right this moment.
“I will check on her and get back to you.” Abaddon started to dissipate.
“That’s not good enough!” Izanagi yelled out. “Your daughter told me that I would be allowed to see my daughter as soon as the summit was over, and yet I haven’t heard a peep. I demand to know her whereabouts and the status of her condition!”
Abaddon’s eye narrowed again. “As I said, I will go find out and -“
“Takes too long, man! This is my child! Allow me through at this instant!”
Abaddon had many things he would’ve liked to say in that moment. None of them were kind.
“You’re getting on my nerves..!”
“Then just allow me passage to see my daughter so that I can spare us both a headache!”
Izanagi kept waiting for Abaddon to do something other than grumble and grant him passage into Tehom.
He had already pulled out all of his best cards and left himself with none other to play. Even going as far as to use Nubia in his excuses.
If Abaddon refused again, he would be completely out of luck.
The pyre in front of him rumbled and seemingly collapsed into the floor.
A burning staircase not unlike a gate into hell had opened up in front of him. Izanagi couldn’t help but find it to be fitting considering where he was going.
“Thank you.”
“Shut up.”
The front door to Abaddon’s home opened up relatively slowly.
Izanagi stuck his head inside warily. When he looked around, he was clearly expecting some brand of large demon to come charging up to him, looking for a meal or a test of it’s strength.
Instead, he arrived in a foyer the size of an indoor pool that was far nicer than what the trip down here would have suggested.
Carved marble filled up every square inch of his vision, including the two winding staircases on either side of the room in front of him.
“Stop gawking. It’s distasteful.”
Izanagi’s eyes narrowed when he found a large figure sitting on the bottom staircase.
He blinked twice once he saw Abaddon. A large figure wearing an even larger sweatsuit was certainly a sight to behold.
“What did I just say?”
“It’s odd to see you like this. Do you often dress like this at home?”
“Given that it’s my home I don’t see why the fuck I can’t.”
“True enough. I just never would have imagined it.”
“That matters little because you won’t remember it.” Abaddon yawned.
He stood up and began walking, but Izanagi didn’t get to see where he went.
A single blink was all that it took.
When he opened his eyes, he found that he was standing outside of a doorway with no recollection of how or when he got there.
“What did you do to me??”
“Forgive me, I take the sanctity of my home very seriously. I’d prefer for outside eyes not to even look at it. My wife will have to burn some sage as soon as you are gone.”
Izanagi’s lip curled in agitation. “I am no demon, creature.”
“Indeed not.” Abaddon sighed. “If only we were so lucky.”
Abaddon knocked on the door twice to announce himself before he opened it.
He took a single step inside and was completely floored by what he saw.
Izanami was sitting on the edge of Amaterasu’s bed. Clearly, just as surprised to see Abaddon as he was to see her.
Abaddon slammed the door behind him quickly.
He leaned against the door and cursed himself internally for his prior thoughtlessness.
Apparently, he had done too good of a job of trying not to think of Izanami. He had completely forgotten that she was here.
“It’s bad manners to slam doors with an injured person in the room.” Amaterasu responded sarcastically as she lifted a spoon to her own mouth.
Abaddon smiled mockingly. Completely unamused.
“Your father is here.”
“Yes, I assumed that was him when I saw his shocked face from underneath your armpit.” The goddess pushed her silver-streaked hair back.
Abaddon wanted to say something, but his eyes drifted towards Izanami and he realized that he hadn’t responded when she spoke to him a moment ago. As a result, her face had become slightly downtrodden.
She lifted her head again and found him staring back at her. Her ears became slightly red as she smiled softly. “You look a bit frazzled.”
“Ah, well… That does tend to happen to me a lot more than I think anyone would expect.” He admitted.
Izanami’s smile got just a tiny bit bigger.
“…I’m sorry.” He finally said. “I was being quite thoughtless just now. I’ll have him leave.”
“For what?”
Izanami’s complete lack of reaction may have been the most surprising thing about this entire ordeal. “Well, I… I just assumed you wouldn’t want to see him.”
Izanami just kind of shrugged. Surprising Abaddon all over again.
“You know… This is your home too. If you don’t like something, you are more than free to say.” Abaddon’s eyes softened.
Amaterasu watched her mother’s ears turn cherry red. It was the strangest thing she had seen all day.
“Well then… I thank you for your consideration, but I’m fine.” Izanami smiled. “I’m not bothered.”
Izanami just went back to eating out of her own bowl. Solidifying the position that she really didn’t care as much as Abaddon might’ve thought.
“I… Well, okay then.” He started to open the door.
“How come you didn’t ask me if I actually wanted visitors?” Amaterasu questioned.
“Oh, I don’t care what you want.” Abaddon clarified.
Abaddon finally opened the door again. He found Izanagi nursing a now red and swollen nose.
“What in the creator’s name is the meaning of-“
“Hush, please. Just come in and act like you have some sense.”
Abaddon widened the door and gestured for the Shinto god to step inside.
Once he did, he saw Amaterasu first. She was sitting up, healthy, and even eating. He immediately felt a wave of relief crash over him like a monsoon.
But then, his eyes landed on Izanami.
At first, he was confused because he didn’t recognize her she didn’t even look up at him.
But upon noticing her aura that was eerily similar to his own, it became impossible to deny the reality in front of him.
He didn’t care about the fashionable new clothes she wore. Or even the drastic makeover she’d had since he’d last seen her.
He only had one, singular worry.
“She shouldn’t be here-“
Quicker than Izanagi could form a full thought, there was an ominous bladed tail pointed directly between his eyes.
“I could say the very same thing about you.” Abaddon said in a dangerously low voice. “Mind. Your. Manners.”
Izanagi remained obstinate.
Technically, he was the one to give birth to Amaterasu. Not Izanami.
After returning from the underworld and abandoning his wife, Izanagi attempted to purify himself in the Woto River.
Amaterasu and her siblings were born as a result of this cleansing. No other extramarital factors.
People just always counted Izanami as their mother because the concept of ‘divorce’ wasn’t really a thing yet back then.
Izanagi wasn’t willing to compromise his radiant daughter’s light by allowing her near his dark and despondent ex-wife.
“She’s not her moth-“
Before Abaddon could stab Izanagi in the eye, something entirely unexpected happened.
Izanami stood up under her own power and proceeded to walk out of the room. Bowl in hand and completely calm.
It stunned everyone, but no one more so than Abaddon.
He glared at Izanagi one final time before pushing him aside roughly.
Running out into the hall, he caught up to Izanami…
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