Five Hundred And Thirty

“There was a certain sense of… familiarity… when my Eye observed them. When I saw what I learned, I understood why.” I glanced at Christina, and she had at least enough sense to appear embarrassed, though it couldn’t hide her eagerness to know. Before I could speak, Hinata made her demands clear.

“I know you joke about having betrayed America…”

“It’s no joke, more’s the pity. I was overeager, didn’t think things though. Adam knew he had to allow a little leeway, but he trusted I wouldn’t go too far… but it seems I did.”

“Whether you’ve committed treason or not, whether they want you dead… none of that matters.” Hinata declared firmly. “You have heard too much and are about to hear more. And honestly, I don’t trust your word. Why would I? If you betrayed your bosses, you could betray us if you find someone more suited to fulfilling your twisted desires.”

Christina opened her mouth, but shut it, unwilling to lie, it seemed. She flushed, looking quite uncomfortable. “I… find that contempt rather itchy. Your cold eyes, Akio’s harsh stare… no, you’re right. I had no pride as a woman or even a person. Pride as a scientist is very different, turned towards different aims. Hopping from one laboratory or group to another for better opportunities is normal… but… certain matters demand loyalty, I see now!” Christina shook her head, her unkempt blonde hair a tangled mess. “It comes down to this, Hinata. I know you believe I won’t find anyone better. There isn’t anyone better, is there?”

Our rapid conversation was taking a bit of time, but we still needed to be prepared. Hinata nodded. “That’s true, but then, I don’t think much of your emotional intelligence. You may be clever, well-learned, but when it comes to your understanding of people… that’s not what’s important, though. You know too much!” Hinata repeated vehemently. “And nowadays, the old-fashioned methods of brainwashing and extracting information, like torture, drugs or bribery…” Hearing such cold facts come from Hinata’s mouth surprised us, me most of all, but then, she always was a realist, despite her tender age.

“…now there are many ways to find knowledge. Someone could have telepathy, like Haru, or a domination ability, forcing you to talk. We can’t simply let you just go back to your role in America, not now. We either kill you to seal your mouth, or we make use of you.”

“I… understand.” Christina’s momentary exuberance was snuffed out. “I really did burn all my bridges.”

“But there’s a narrow thread that leads across the chasm. It’s up to you to grasp it.” Hinata advised her. “But you should be aware of how cruel and ruthless the world is. After all, at least you have a choice, even if it’s an unpalatable one.”

Christina nodded. “Time is wasting. When this is over… I’ll accept my fate, whatever it is.”

Hinata was trying to scare her, but she was serious too. I don’t like that. I don’t want the girls to have any more blood on their hands than is necessary. It’s inevitable that they’ll have to take some hard decisions, but as their husband, I should be shielding them from what I can… anyway, time is short.

“As I was saying, that familiarity… it felt a bit like some sort of connection, or resonance. When I looked deeper at the pair of them with my Eye, I got the usual information, which is important in itself, but then also… it’s easier if I explain.” First was Hermodike’s.

Ajé-Shaluga’s Female Face Of Seeking Prosperity And Treasures: This Divine Favour is made of concentrated Adherence, refined Ether and ?????????, and has been fortified by an external, powerful force, a Seed of the Fruit Of The World Tree. The female face can seek out valuable treasures, pockets of rich resources and wealth ripe for the taking, and use and understand them effectively, and in conjunction with the male face can understand how to strengthen and create value within treasures and items, or purify pockets of resources, increasing their potency.

The absorbed nature of this external influence has also changed the Adherence and ????????? of this Favour, allowing the bearer to instinctively know and understand how to find ways to further increase the power of treasures, or attract other similar treasures to her, drawing on knowledge through the Seed’s connection to ????????????.

Just as Ajé-Shaluga’s female face smiles upon hearth and home, bringing happiness and joy, so too shall all the treasures of this world fall into your clutches, and ?????? ?????? ?????? shall find and strengthen the Seeds, sprouting prosperity and wonderous Fortune. [Class: Imperious] [Type: Law]

And then there was Midas’ Favour.

Ajé-Shaluga’s Male Face Of Creating Wealth And Stability: This Divine Favour is made of concentrated Adherence, refined Ether and ?????????, and has been fortified by an external, powerful force, a Seed of the Fruit Of The World Tree. The male face can manipulate Metal Element, and has the power to utilise Gold Element, a Mutated and powerful variant Element, to transform inorganic matter or even biological flesh to gold or use it as a weapon. In conjunction with the female face, one may sacrifice their own body to create offerings that draw on Fortune, Fate and the strength of Metal.

The absorbed nature of this external influence has also changed the Adherence and ????????? of this Favour, allowing the bearer to comprehend and generate a more complex variant Mutated Element of Metal. While Gold has immutable, incorruptible properties, Silver shall purify, heal and spark emotions, while Copper manipulates Aether with great efficiency. This enhanced Element is rather unstable and requires the Seed’s connection to ???????????? to function properly, and over time the Seed will be consumed to fuel this additional Elemental energy.

Just as Ajé-Shaluga’s male face provides coin and comfort, bringing warmth and plenty, so too shall wealth accumulate in your grasp, and those who threaten your home shall be cast out, and the Seeds shall release their ????? ????? ????? until Metal shall sprout within your heart. [Class: Legendary] [Type: Principle]

“I’m still not entirely sure how the Classes and Types work.” Hinata muttered. “I know we don’t have time for a lecture now… and whoever arranged it so that there’s Classes of Skills, and Classes such as your Conqueror… very sloppy.”

Christina looked crestfallen at that, eager to know, so I summed it up as best I could in a single sentence. “Midas’ power is technically stronger, but… there’s something more fundamental about Hermodike’s. Like it touches more on the Laws that govern reality. Anyway… the obvious worry here is that they’ve already been using up the Seeds. But they can’t all be gone, at least they weren’t before, according to the Oracle Engine and Yasaka-san. Now… we should head in.”

“So, want me to stay, man?” Titan asked again, and I shook my head.

“No, it’s fine. But do wait a few minutes, then stay back. You’ll be a surprise for them. I still don’t know if they are our enemies, but… their lack of honesty doesn’t inspire confidence or trust.”

I quickly gave Christina some aether, and once they were all inside, I greeted them in the Boundary. That left Christina blinking strangely.

“How did you beat us here?” she asked, and I shrugged.

“That’s not important. What matters is we’ve delayed a bit having our discussion. We don’t want to make Midas suspicious, so…” I was using aether to etch arrows into the ground so Titan could follow us. The Boundary was fairly malleable, so such marks wouldn’t persist for too long, but it would doubtless be enough to guide him our way.

“What kept you?” Midas asked when we caught up with him. He wa standing outside the house, looking up at the beautiful un-light aurorae of the Boundary. Seeing Hinata and the others with me, he grimaced. “So, you did bring them all. This isn’t a midnight safari, where you watch the danger from a distance, protected by field guides and safe from harm. The Ancestral Land is full of hidden peril.” His lips quirked sadly at that.

“I know. Don’t worry about us though, we only take necessary risks.” I promised, and he shrugged.

“If you say so.” He didn’t seem to believe me, and in a sense he was right, it was a risk, taking Hinata, but she’d been training, and was looking for field experience to grow.

“Your wife, I’m sorry she got hurt.” Christina apologised again, but not until she had glanced at Hinata, waiting for her approval to speak. “If she’s just an ordinary civilian, then there’s no benefit in causing harm.”

“So there is to us? You are quite tolerant, having this creature who sees you only as an experimental subject at your side. But your reputation perhaps precedes you. She is beautiful, on the outside, at least.” Midas mocked me as we were led out into the wilderness. The surrounding scenery was fascinating, long fronds of twitching grasses that moved without a breeze reaching my waist, and higher on Hinata, of course, as she was rather shorter than I was. Trees that were strangely gnarled and twisted also waved around their branches, and out of the corner of my eye, I was sure I could see some of them moving.

“Someone has to keep an eye on her.” I shrugged. “By the way, thanks for letting us into your Territory. I notice the resistance has dropped.” It had happened after I Healed Hermodike, so this made me suspect it was actually her Territory, and answered the mystery of why it was Rank 3. With two nearby they can protect each other from attacks…

“I did call you here.” Midas admitted. “And it would be difficult for you to be at your best if you were unwelcome. There are a number of dangers here. We would likely be fine, but your companions… I am a married man myself. I would hate anything to happen to your fiancée, especially after such a successful debut.”

“It was rather great, wasn’t it? I’m just sorry mother, father and grandfather were too busy to attend, unlike Motoko’s parents. Well, I suppose Natsumi wasn’t accompanied. Say, I have a question…” Hinata built on the conversation Christina had sparked. “…your wife, she seems very nice. Beautiful too. You’re a lucky man.”

He chuckled, good humour in his eyes at that. “Yes, I am indeed. I was always a weak man, but my wife… she was from Nigeria, originally. Yoruba. I don’t much care for these tribal distinctions. I’m not Nkosi, dreaming of a Xhosa takeover of the whole of Africa, forming a new empire by Africans, for Africans. I do agree that outsiders should stay clear, but…” He sighed, looking up at the skies overhead. “Only great power can make that happen. After all, across Africa are many different countries, from South Africa here in the south, occupied and shaped by the Dutch and the British, to Egypt in the North, while they too saw British colonisation, things turned out differently, and their culture, history and mythology is vastly different to those in the central and southern reaches. We have civil wars, tribal conflicts, different cultures and religions… perhaps it’s the greatest melting pot in the world. But that pot is boiling…”

Hinata made a noise of agreement. “Yes, you throw Chosen into the mix, and you get… well, what happened at the gala. Warlords, vying for power, each with different aims. But bringing order isn’t bad.”

“No, I’d like order. I follow my wife’s traditions. My own are similar, but…” He gestured, and a brilliant mote of light formed on his fingers, a deep, ruddy orange, not the bright orange of water element, but the dull, furnace-glow dusky orange that reminded me of metal, and within glimmered sparks of golden and silver light. “…I’m not a religious man, as I said before. I expect the Gods, they are merely to us as we are to the animals. More knowledgeable, with powers we can’t understand. But… if there are those to believe in, my wife’s Orishas, those Divine beings, would be my first choice now.” He paused to chuckle darkly. “Though if you ask Nkosi, or perhaps those from the north, from Egypt, or even the more Christian South Africans or Kenyans as a whole… their answers would surely be different.”

“Yeah, in a way we have it easier.” I agreed. “Though if we expanded it out to the whole of Asia, we have a huge panda of a problem on our doorstep.”

That made Midas smile. “Yes, I can imagine. A huge, powerful country. Though do they still retain a suitable legacy of faith? I heard that the Chinese nowadays are rather… secular.”

“You’d be surprised.” I snorted, thinking of Daiyu and her fellow Cultivators.

“We have rather got off the topic of my darling wife.” Midas changed the subject. “It is why I do this. She deserves only the best. We were never able to have children. Before I was far too frail. Strange how that works out.” He grinned, showing his teeth. “Now I am a virile man, with the Midas touch. But… this melting pot is boiling, it’s true. And many come here to seek the wanderer to be… changed. Until the issue is resolved, my wife can never be safe here.”

“I respect that. I’d say you could move away but…” I decided to show off a little knowledge, so as not to appear weak. “This Territory must have taken some investment to create. Abandoning it to start over would be a harsh blow.”

“Quite.” Midas agreed. “Besides, this is the only one of our homes you Americans…” he scowled at Christina. “…haven’t discovered. We are tired of running like cowering dogs. They say one man cannot face the world, and for now it is true, but in time…”

This would all ring truer apart from the few holes in his story, though he’s not aware we know everything we do. But he’s a smart, powerful man, it seems. He’s survived a number of American attacks, and also seems to have monopolised the corpse of my fellow Chosen. There’s a story there, definitely. My gut instinct was Midas wasn’t evil, not like some Chosen I had met, like Kondou Kazuo, or Chae Cho-Hee. But he was definitely hiding some dark emotions.

“Yes, we can’t stand still. Which is why…” I decided to go fishing for information, as we waded through the long, swaying grasses. “…I have to wonder, weren’t you tempted? To take power from this wanderer? After all, you must have seen how others have grown.”

“Tempted?” He tasted the word, rolling it around his mouth. “Life is nothing but temptations. For money, power, love, security… everyone strives to be happier. But the thing with such treasures is…”

I narrowed my eyes as he continued. “…make sure you always know the price. Anyway, it is not far from here.” He led us towards a small valley. Hinata tugged on my sleeve, and I nodded. The jagged fissure in the ground was perhaps several hundred metres in length and seemed to go down thirty or forty metres. That wasn’t what was notable though. What was intriguing was the array of small silver and gold needles, looking similar to my Ether Spires, but more modest in scale, each perhaps being only a metre tall, which covered the ridgeline of the small valley, generating some sort of intangible field.

I gestured to Hinata, motioning for her to distract Midas a second, so she asked him a question which made him pause.

“You can see it, I’m here now with Akio. But you must be aware I’m not Chosen by any Kami or God.”

At her sudden words, Midas turned, looking at her, while I stepped discreetly to the side, letting my Eye glow a little as I investigated the Spires.

Golden Treasure Trap Rank 2 – These Buildings draw on Aether and Adherence to create an area of Fortune specifically designed to attract and prevent the escape of potent and powerful items, relics and treasures. They are created by the grace of AjéShaluga, and the female aspect of the Trap attracts, while the male aspect protects.

I see. So…

“One doesn’t have to be Chosen to have opportunities.” Hinata was probing Midas. “Your wife, couldn’t she benefit from the treasures here? I understand your wariness, but… if she had strength, wouldn’t she be better able to resist danger, and the situation with the Americans surely wouldn’t happen again.”

“You think mere strength alone wards off all misfortune?” Midas seemed angry, before he visibly calmed himself. “My apologies. It isn’t fair to take my justified anger and hatred out on you. Else I’d be as foolish as the others. All I will say is, such treasures will not solve all your problems.”

“I see. it’s hard for me, I’m a very mercantile girl.” Hinata giggled charmingly. “So when I hear treasures, I think money, and I am used to money solving all my problems. After all, it can buy happiness.” Her face was red now. “After all, it was my money that I used as a bait to persuade Akio to marry me. I still feel terrible about that, but… just like Motoko and Natsumi, we three who feel we entrapped Akio resolved we’ll never let him regret it.”

It’s there. There’s a certain level of interference, perhaps Hermodike’s ability, but… I see the corpse. Of course, I also see a number of familiar faces. I’m impressed. Sure, there were a few hours since they quit the gala, but we took a fast helicopter after that… “The past is dead.”  I reassured Hinata, my task done. I had extended my vision with aether a bit, and Titan was keeping distance behind us too. ”You know I’m happy with how things turned out.”

“This is painful to listen to.” Christina whispered theatrically to the young blonde girl beside her. “This isn’t the discomfort I like, it’s frustrating. I brought gifts too…”

Adelheid rolled her eyes, clearly uninterested in my love life, but Kazumi-san offered a few words. “Yes, but your gifts were soaked with innocent blood. And, let me be frank. You’re not as cute as Hinata!”

As Hinata flushed and giggled, Midas had completely let his guard down, as we intended.

“I’m surprised. Even though this is… my home in the Ancestral Land…” I didn’t miss the slight stumble even he wasn’t aware of. “…there are always dangers here. To seem so carefree. You hardly seem foolish, so…”

“Firstly, I’m with Akio. I have nothing to fear.” Hinata spoke those words for my benefit, I was sure. “Secondly, Akio has brought us into his own Territory a number of times. We’re used to things. I have even fought battles. Safe ones.” she admitted. “It may seem pointless, as I’m not like you or Akio, I can’t become powerful, but…”

“Experience is key. Even having a little makes it less likely you will freeze in a suddenly dangerous situation.” Kazumi-san approved to her. “Having a gun doesn’t teach you how to pull the trigger, or when and why to pull it. It is why modern military training is more focussed on moulding the wills and behaviours of their soldiers.”

“Yeah, I don’t have the time right now, but hopefully after my packed December and January, ill have time to take the JSDF Officer’s training, as well as Special Forces and Ranger training too.” Making me a better leader is paramount. I know I rely far too heavily on my Statistics and Skills. That’s only natural, I’ve worked hard to get them all so powerful, and not using my strengths is idiotic. But if I’m going to be more than a fighter, but a leader, I need to know how best to apply my talents, and the talents under my command, in any situation. I’d very much like to get some Way-Wardens such as Bell and Teare, and Ulfuric to sit through it as well. Maybe they won’t learn anything, but combining the know-how of Fae who have been fighting for thousands of years with our advanced, tech-based mortal ways of war…

“It seems you have it hard.” Midas chuckled, and it seemed to me he did sympathise. He’s hard to read, sometimes he seems cold, other times friendly.

“Always. But…” I patted Hinata’s head gently. “…like you, I’m fighting for my wife. Well, wives, I suppose. But Hinata’s right. I’ll protect her. No matter what.”

“I have no intention of harming her.” Midas assured me, perhaps hearing a little bite in my tone. “Nor will the wanderer, I believe. Though… I suspect you might not believe me.” We reached the lip of the small valley, and looking down into it, I could see the wall was porous and damaged, and that this wasn’t a natural formation, if such concepts even made sense in the Boundary. It was as if a great claw had been dragged through the rock and soil, leaving a gash behind. The bare walls were crumbling like sandstone exposed to the elements, and there were a number of cracks and fissures large enough to hold a person, and a number were filled.

Of course, that wasn’t what caught our eye. As we moved down crude steps into the small canyon, everyone noticed the figure standing on a platform of flat granite towards the back of the pit. It was cloaked in a voluminous black robe, hiding all her features, for it was Hermodike. And what she was standing above was a body. One that had likely been dead a while. Much of it had faded away, becoming ether, no doubt, and all that remained was a single arm and half of the torso, as well as a head that was little more than a skull, the bones now resembling white jade, thin, translucent and faded. Thin roots of silver and shimmering rainbow light were protruding from its wrist, a half-dozen strands shimmering with a potent adherence.

“This is your Territory?” Christina asked suddenly. Honestly, her knowledge of the Boundary was fairly rudimentary, though she had thrown herself into learning more ever since my gift to her in London. But she listened closely to us and her mind worked fast and could make intuitive leaps and logical deductions, so she was clearly aware of the problems here. “So if I may ask, just how is the dangerous wanderer you want our aid to deal with just sitting here, relaxing without a care in the world? Little Miss Christina here may be naïve and unable to understand human emotions, but I understand duplicity just fine. The NSA and dear old Adam are masters of it. Besides, that pile of bones there is surely the Norse Chosen Akio wishes to retrieve.”

“You’re right.” Midas sighed. “And of course I lied, though…” he frowned. “Honestly, I most definitely do need your aid, with several matters. But the wanderer…”

“Would be your wife, if I’m not mistaken. Ibilola… no, I prefer Hermodike right now, Mr Khumo Mokgethi.” I whispered their names I had observed with my Eye, and he froze. Before he could give anything away, I grinned, grabbing his arm, careful to do it out from the line of sight of the watching Hermodike. “…before you ask, I didn’t investigate you. I’m just more well informed than you knew. And… let’s be blunt. Just act natural, and we’ll go discuss things. I can see your hidden comrades, and if I’m not mistaken, our dear friend Dino and a number of his crew are here too. They can come out, but first…”

“How did you… your eye, the healing…” Midas snorted, making a guess. “It wasn’t for helping my wife at all.”

“Actually it was. Though my Skill is high enough I could manage without my Eye, removing all the pieces of shrapnel without it would have been far more painful.” I shrugged. “But it also sees more than you’d expect. Like how I know your names, and that Hermodike is also a Chosen of AjéShaluga, just as you are. And as Christina said so tactlessly…” She flushed at that, but I ignored her. “…that down there is my fellow Norse Chosen I’ve come for.”

“You’ve come for the Seeds…” Midas resisted the urge to spit as our pace slowed a little, not enough to be suspicious, but enough to buy us more time to talk. “Don’t pretend to be honourable. You seek power, as we do!”

“Yes, but I’m at least intending to honour his death. After all, he too was gifted them by a Valkyrie, as you must know I was.”

“He was not a good man. He’s not worth your piety.” Midas pulled his arm free from my grasp, his temper spilling out. “My Lola, we fought him together for three full days and nights, not that there is ever a true day here.” He did spit then, and down below Hermodike seemed alarmed, but as we continued to walk down the valley she relaxed.

“He was a selfish, cruel man, and not… honest. Many times he nearly had us. I asked him if he would spare my wife if I surrendered, and he said he would, but… I knew he was lying. In the end, I sacrificed much to kill him, and almost died myself.” He turned to glance at Hinata, before looking back at me, dark eyes hard. “If you had the same choices I did, you would have done the same. He was corrupted by his power. I do not lie. The Seeds… they are dangerous in the wrong hands. But…”

“In your hands, they are fair game?” I guessed. “That doesn’t explain why Janco had his Favour altered. Have you been handing out Seeds?”

“As bribes, or for alliances.” Midas agreed. “It is a treasure. And all treasures in our lands belong to AjéShaluga, to bring wealth and happiness, and we understand the mysteries of them and how to make them work. I was weak, and frail, life was hard. But my wife is my truest treasure, and… if I am to protect her, I need to be strong!”

“I don’t disapprove. But… I don’t imagine there are many Seeds, if you keep handing them out. Worse, while Hermodike’s enhanced strength seems stable, your Favour is consuming the Seeds to empower you, isn’t it? Soon they’ll all be gone.”

“Yes.” He grated. “You understand them well, as expected.” He glanced at my right wrist. “How unfair it is, being provided with such treasures.”

“You think? Sure, you can look at it in hindsight and say I was happy with it, but… the number of times I nearly died at the start, I was laughably underpowered. Makes me jealous of him…” I nodded at the remains. “…if he put up a good fight against you and your wife, I feel cheated, even if your wife’s clearly an unbalanced support type with poor combat stats.” I’m guessing he didn’t take the harder, better way Ortlinde offered me. Perhaps he had access to his Favour at the least…

We were almost within earshot, and I was using wind to prevent our conversation being heard by his wife or our hidden watchers. “One last question then, since time is short. You brought me here for my Seeds, I’m guessing? That’s a little… callous.”

“Maybe so.” Midas admitted. “It eased my heart when I discovered you were with her…” He snorted at Christina, still loathing her, as well he might. “But healing my wife… and accepting our hospitality. It shames me to repay good with ill, even if you clearly used such healing as an attempt to spy on us. Why?”

“Because nothing you said added up, and while you seem a good enough person from my initial impressions, your mannerisms showed a number of red flags. And sorry, but once you wanted to take us to here, where I already knew that the Seeds were, it reeked of a trap. Now, it’s up to you…” I let the wind barrier fall, before nodding at Hermodike. “Wanderer… hey, is that a Norse quip? Are you pretending to be Odin? That’s not whose Favour lies here…”

As she shifted, a little surprised, I pressed my advantage. “Anyway, it’s good to see you again, Hermodike. I’d say long time no see, but… it’s only been a few minutes.”

As Hinata and Christina giggled at that, Adelheid rolling her eyes, and Kazumi-san wary as ever, I cast my vision backwards with ether, relieved to see Titan was at the crest of the canyon, hidden, watching us. He was strong and fast, so he could be here in moments if needed, which was reassuring.

Hermodike turned her covered face to Midas, as if to ask if he had told us, and he shrugged. Seeing that, she pulled off her cloak, and her beautiful, now unscarred face actually seemed relieved. “My apologies. It sat ill with me, lying to you, especially when you came to my home, and restored me.” She waggled her leg happily. I noticed she was wearing a vast number of golden, silver and copper bangles, as well as a beautiful golden scarf, which looked woven from cloth of gold, but was likely the hair Midas had talked of shearing for her. “Dearest husband, does that mean…?” she asked Midas, who shrugged again.

“We’re here to talk. He knows everything, anyway.”

“In that case, why don’t our watchers come out too?” I raised my voice, and after a moment the cracks in the crumbling walls around us were vacated by a half-dozen Chosen, a few of which I recognised, including the scowling Dino, his eyes cold.

“Did you double-cross us, Khumo? We had an agreement. Fifty-fifty, and an unshakable expansion pact between us. Most generous if you ask me. After all, you and your lovely wife may be strong…” At his tone, Hermodike retreated, clutching her scarf, clearly hating the man. “…perhaps only I am your equal, but we have the numbers, more so now that we swept into Southern Namibia and made it plain that it was joining our crusade, or…” He drew a thumb across his throat. Behind him, a couple of dark-skinned men wearing what looked like chainmail pieced together from bone and feathers, yet carrying weapons that were all too well made, scowled, and shot murderous glances at Dino, but he simply waved their hostility off.

“Bark all you like. You lost, and you want what we all want. Power!”  He played his eyes over us all, and he stopped when he saw Christina, who despite her tatty clothes and unkempt nature was still a busty beauty. He grinned, licking his lips, before his roaming gaze moved on.

“That’s the normal reaction!” Christina grumbled, red-faced but with a slightly disgusted expression. “It’s only you that isn’t attracted to me, Akio!”

“Now is not the time for that!” Hinata hissed, standing in a spot close enough to me to be protected and shielded from the most attackers, but far enough not to get in my way, her self-defence lessons in the Boundary bearing fruit.

“If you’re pulling a fast one, Khumo, then you know you’ve broken faith. It won’t be just us you have to contend with. Even that glory-obsessed fool Nkosi, who thinks he’s a damn lion, would turn on you. After all, outsiders are not allowed here, are they?” He sneered contemptuously. “Besides, if you were confident of dealing with him yourself, you wouldn’t have needed us.”

“It’s true.” Hermodike whispered, clutching her scarf, bangles jingling. “AjéShaluga coveted the Seeds. Perhaps it was her face that guided the bitter, angry man to us, where we fought and he fell. I understood how to remove them, how to grant them to others, to strengthen what lies inside, at the core.”

“Janco didn’t make it.” one of the Chosen behind Dino sneered. “Strangled by his snare, like some foreigner trying to camp in the savannah. We owe you for that!”

“That hardly seems fair.” Christina complained. “Don’t they say only gamble what you can afford to lose? If he was gambling his life, he should have cheated better, surely?”

“I don’t disagree, but now is not the time to provoke them.” Hinata snorted, trying to hold in a giggle at the Chosen’s enraged faces. It was Dino that held up a hand to stop the squabbling.

“All right, I mourn for Janco as much as anyone. He was a damn canyon crab, but he knew when to bow down.” He used some sort of insult I didn’t understand, though one of the pale-skinned Chosen winced. “I’ve no time for racism. I’m more interested in whether someone will obey.” He glared at Midas and his wife. “You may hold the precious Seeds here and manipulate them. But… are we still going to take his?” He pointed at me.

Midas bit at his lip, before sighing, imploring me. “I would ask humbly that you relent and give us your Seeds. We can use them to grow stronger, and create a better country, and perhaps one day, stop all the petty infighting, wars and pointless tribal disputes that mar Africa as a whole. If we were at peace, not marred by conflicts, we could be the envy of the world. After all, humanity was born here. Ajé-Shaluga knows there are great strengths in this Ancestral Land. Even just setting my home country right would be a welcome start and would do so much good. Can’t you see that?”

“It’s selfish, but… you’ve taken from others too.” Hermodike seemed embarrassed. “I know how to extract them. We won’t need to take your arm, like Dino suggested…”

“Sorry, but I’ve already lost an arm, it’s not the way to remove the Seeds.” I grimaced, remembering. “I have a nasty feeling, if you separated them from me… well, it’d be like what happened to Janco.”

Hermodike shook her head. “I am no killer, not of good people. And you seem a good man, your reputation precedes you. With my strengthened gift, I can free them without causing you great harm. It is… unpleasant, but… we live in fear even now. The Americans are always watching, waiting for a chance to strike. Others, such as this corpse upon which we scavenge… we just want the strength and the alliances to live our lives and protect what is ours. Is that wrong?”

“Too late to worry about right or wrong.” Dino waved one hand dismissively. “You’ve been using this as a trap to lure in the greedy and dispose of them. Not a killer? Good people? Dead is dead, woman. You may despise us, but we’ve done nothing worse than you two. If anything, we’re just more honest about our needs.”

“They sure do talk a lot. Shit. Like the chattering of birds. English is so unsatisfying. German sounds far more respectable.” Adelheid grimaced, twisting a finger in her ear before pulling it out, inspecting it and blowing on the end, flicking away a little wax. “Oh, don’t mind me. Not that any of you understand me anyway… the world has always been kill or be killed, take or be taken from, but all you big men, coming here to rob Akio and a bunch of girls. Pathetic. But do you think you can? I wouldn’t be so sure…”

I understand you.” One of the Chosen muttered in accented German, glaring, and Adelheid snorted, blue eyes wide and amused. Searᴄh the novё website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Great, so you think you have headwater here? No, you’ve spilled the damn water and slipped on it!” Adelheid grinned back balefully, her fingers twitching. “The Fury is rising within me. I hate self-righteous shits. This isn’t stealing a loaf of bread to survive, this is plundering!”

“Sadly, I’m disinclined to relinquish what’s mine. I have just as much right to it as you do. But…” I glanced at the remains of the Chosen with mixed feelings. “Conversely, I came here to take these Seeds. Though I lay claim to them, through the fact I am one of those who were given them, I’m not the sort to take those Seeds you’ve already used. But I will reclaim these and his body. There are other ways to grow stronger, but I need the Seeds for something else…”

As Midas and Hermodike looked torn, Dino barked a laugh. “You think you get to negotiate? Khumo, Lola…” His shortened nickname for Hermodike seemed to annoy her and her husband. “…you want these as much as we do! Giving you half, when we’ll barely have enough to get once each, probably, maybe not even that, is already showing you too much respect! You’re both soft, pathetic. Even Nkosi has more fire than you do. if I had your powers, Khumo, I’d already rule South Africa as a King, reinstate a monarchy! I’d invade Botswana, Namibia, Lesotho… I’d forge an empire. That’s all that lion-obsessed fool has right!”

“Think very carefully.” I warned, ready for a fight. We were outnumbered, but I was still confident, even if their Favours were likely unpredictable due to some of them having beaten me to the Seeds. “Once you start a fight, I’ll end it.”

“You think?” Dino sneered. “You’re here, so your ordinary selves are just lying vulnerable at Khumo’s house. All unprotected.” He licked his lips. “I’m not a monster, so I won’t harm your woman…” He nodded at Hinata, who shivered. “…I don’t steal from other men, I have some standards.” Some of his followers smirked at that. “The others though… nothing like a good tumble in the sheets to cool down blood boiling from battle. Oh, that’s something Nkosi and his battle-obsessed idiots would say. No… you, my girl…” he smirked at Hinata. “…are some rich heiress. You and the other one who I don’t see here. Ransom is a wonderful thing. We need a lot of money if we’re going to make it in this world.”

“You go too far!” Hermodike was angered. “No true man does such to women!”

“You think? Just watch the news. It happens every day, here in Botswana, South Africa, all over the continent. America and Asia too. If they don’t like it… they should be stronger!” He gestured, and more figures poured out of the caves. Most of them seemed to be spiritual beings, but there were a couple more Chosen too. Yeah, we’re outnumbered more than the Chinese invasion of Kyoto. But… it all comes down to Midas and Hermodike, and what they’ll do…

As a distant roar echoed, the ground was shaking, and a colossal creature was barrelling towards us, looking like a wingless dragon. Titan turned to see it, and with a panicked cry, abandoned his hiding place, as the massive multilegged lizard began to descend the ravine. Titan came rushing towards us, and I caught the look of bitter disappointment on Hermodike’s face as she saw him.

“Husband… this isn’t what we agreed on, is it?” she whispered, and Midas, face impassive, remained silent.

“Husband, husband!” she repeated, but as the massive lizard crunched down the mountain, brightly coloured frill of scales around its neck fanning out, he remained unmoving, a complicated and shameful expression on his face, while Dino and the surrounding Chosen grew ever more enthusiastic…

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