Five Hundred And Twenty-Nine

“It looks like I’m going to have to depart ahead of schedule.” I apologised to Asha, who was idly tending to the field of plants she had created, and Hyacinth had strengthened, using the rich elemental energies her Rhyming Tree was outputting. “I’ve sent Shiro a message to end her Berserk Blessing, but if you could remind her… I don’t want your Tree, or you, to suffer any harm, especially not now.”

“I shall do so.” Asha smiled warmly. “We knew you would have to venture into the Boundary in foreign lands eventually. It merely comes a few days sooner than expected.”

I nodded at that. Yeah, getting by without leaving here was very unlikely. That doesn’t mean I worry any less though…

Seeing my concerns, Asha stood from her field of ginseng and other herbs. She gently brushed dirt off her green dress, one of her favourite colours, it seemed, as she often wore some variant of the shade, and she then came over, sitting beside me, leaning her body against mine. Asha wasn’t particularly demonstrative of her physical affection, though of course we had made love a few times, but as a Dryad she had a rather low sexual drive. It seems she’s abnormally fertile though, that or we’re just lucky…

“I know you worry. But… take it from one who knows. You cannot be everywhere, protect everyone, at all times. Not unless you gather everyone you care about together, and hide away. And… that way is merely delaying the inevitable. After all, did the might of the Seelie Court prevent the loss of the Spring, and my long suffering, the death of my sisters?”

I shook my head, understanding her point. “I know. Even if we did all hunker down together, we’d slow our growth, stunt our potential, leave our fates in the hands of others. But… it doesn’t stop me worrying.” I idly stroked Asha’s long, auburn hair, and her smile was brilliant yet warm.

“Nor should it. Everyone is delighted when you worry for them. I know I am, it shows our hearts are connected. Though… we also do not wish for you to worry. Emotions… love… it is rather complicated. We Dryads have it better…” Her smile changed, now teasing, an unusual look for Asha. Perhaps now she is no longer alone, and is engaging with others, her personality is adapting?

“…after all, we find just one mate in our lives, and then fruit. You… you have many within your grasp.”

“Most men would say I’m a lucky bastard…” I disagreed, and she chuckled softly.

“Maybe so. Everyone is special. I can see that. But… while you receive much love and joy, each is also a weight to carry. If it was just me, or even a handful, then you could perhaps keep us all safe within your grasp, but… that is not your fate. Nor should you lament that. Princess Shaeula is correct. You are destined for great things. Else I could not have been saved. And not just me. Even now, a being of once-terrible power lives humbly in your home, a match for even my father, great Orion, I would imagine. Both are wounded, but… Tamamo-no-Mae will recover with your care, will she not?”

“She will.” I agreed, still unsure of what to do with her, but I believed Uranai’s prophecies, as passed onto me by Shinkume-no-Hana. I do feel better having Mae here. Even if she can only manifest most of her abilities for a short time… I’m sure that would be immense… “Honestly, Shaeula is curious to see if we can heal the King of the Fae, perhaps together, especially if we enlist aid from Bintara as well… it might be doable. Of course, she wouldn’t do it for free…” I had to laugh at that, while feeling a little guilty. While Orion was more a spiritual father to Asha, the Fae took such matters seriously.

“Nor should she.” Asha agreed, surprising me. “Kindness, compassion… they are worthy deeds, but… you have commitments now. To us.” She patted her belly tenderly. “To our children. Those you love should not be disadvantaged by your charity.”

“Can I touch it?” I asked, and Asha merely guided my hand to her stomach, sliding it inside her dress. Her skin was warm, and soft. “I suppose it’s too young to feel them moving? Or do Fae even do that?”

“Perhaps. Fae pregnancies are… malleable. I expect mine to be more so. After all, you are not entirely a Fae, nor mortal. Who can say how our fruits will grow? Yet I know they will be well-loved.”

“I still find it hard to imagine…” I admitted. “I knew in my head one day I might settle down and have children, but it all seemed so abstract, distant. But I don’t want you to think I’m not thrilled…” I hastily assured Asha, who merely smiled in response. “…it’s just… it’s a big responsibility. Now I have to leave the world a better place, for our children, and the children yet to come. And… that’s hard, isn’t it? Ordinary parents half a year ago were worrying about house prices, education, crime… we have to worry about the oncoming apocalypse, dangerous Chosen, rising tensions…”

“It is no different. It is just more to protect. But… we all are responsible for that. You cannot carry it all alone, nor should you.” Asha reassured me. “I may not be strong myself, but… I too will defend what I cherish. I owe it… to those that perished so I might live, to our budding fruits, and … to you, who shared my Kiss I can only give once.” She kissed me then, a gentle, comfortable kiss. It didn’t have the deep passion of some of the others, but I could taste her love, and when we separated, our lips and tongues damp, I continued stroking her belly, making the most of this brief, calming interlude.

With my free hand I gestured to her colossal and slowly growing Rhyming Tree that towered over the heart of the Territory. Up on the terrace above I could hear the voices of denizens of our Territory enjoying their rest and relaxation. “Not strong? Without your Tree, none of this would be possible.” I assured her. “But yeah… I know. Everyone’s working so hard to be able to protect themselves, and each other. I’m happy, but also worried. But… I can’t be everywhere at once. I have to accept that. We can’t stop trying to grow stronger.”

Asha nodded, agreeing, and I changed the subject. “It’s nearly time for the charity concert here in Japan, right? I’m sorry I’m missing it, but I know everyone’s excited. Especially my sis… Kana too.”

“Yes, they seem rather joyful.” Asha agreed. “I do not quite understand the appeal myself.”

“So what’s your plans for the day?” I asked, enjoying these last few peaceful moments here, as soon I would be dismissing this half of me and recreating it in Botswana.

“I shall tend my fields and the Trees for a while. The herbs are not to Daiyu’s satisfaction yet, though it is but early in my experiments. Then… I shall be spending time with your family at our home.” Her slightly green cheeks were tinged with faint pink. “I confess it a little disconcerting how they fuss over me so. I am not used to it, though it is far from unpleasant.”

“Yeah, it’s a big thing, mom’s first grandkids. No wonder she’s thrilled.” I laughed cheerfully, thinking of my excitable mother. “She always imagined me and Eri having kids together… I guess she’s still not wrong, but now… mom’s just like that famous meme from the film Predator, where they clasp hands. Both Shaeula and mom seem obsessed with me increasing my wives.” I chuckled dryly. “Mom really wants that team of grandchildren.”

“Predator?” Asha asked, confused, and I shrugged.

“It’s an old American film. I saw it a few years ago. It’s not bad. But that’s not the point… it was just a joke.” I snorted, amused. “If you ask Shiro, I daresay she’d be able to explain the meme. All that matters is… mom’s thrilled. And… honestly, I am too, though I’m equal parts scared!”

“Your mother said that everyone is frightened at first.” Asha reassured me. “But she believes in you. Your father does as well. It seems that you turned out fine in the end, he said.”

I shrugged at that. “Yeah, father… well, he doted on Aiko more than me, but I guess girls are more adorable than boys? I was never that close to him, but… I certainly respect him. And… things are better now. But I think I’ll be a more supportive parent, at least I hope so.”

“So, you wish me to be the stern one?” I blinked at Asha’s words, before I realised she was making a joke, and I pulled her close, playfully toying with her hair, enjoying the last few moments of peace before inevitable trouble engulfed me…

Back on the Material in Botswana, we had landed, the helicopter flying away to refuel for our return. Hinata watched it go, before turning to me, whispering so quietly hopefully only I could hear. “There’s clearly more to this than we’ve been told. I know you know that, but…” She glanced over at Christina Bakker, troubled. “…is bringing her wise? I’ve no love for her, how could I? She would have tortured or even killed you if you weren’t strong enough to protect yourself. But… she’s useful still. We don’t have to like her to use her…”

I nodded, using a trickle of wind to hide my voice from the others. “It might cause issues with the Americans if she dies under our custody, but… if she is trying to atone, in her own way, even if it’s stupid… I can’t find it in me to deny her the chance. But don’t worry, you’re my priority!”

“Kazumi too, make sure you save her!” Hinata whispered, and I nodded, though we both knew if the worst happened, Hinata would have to be my ultimate priority. It shouldn’t come to that though, I hope. Fortunately the worst danger, the Material bodies, isn’t an issue for me anymore as I can watch over them…

“So, we are here.” Midas declared, and I nodded, sure that the seeds I was searching for had to be involved in whatever Midas needed me for. After all, the coincidence of this small town we had landed beside being in near enough the exact same area as where we were headed was too obvious to ignore.

“Yes, so… you avoided explaining in detail during the flight.” I observed. “But it’s time to come clean. We can’t help if we aren’t aware of just what’s going on.”

“In that case… we should go to my home.” Midas offered, and I raised an eyebrow quizzically.

“So, you just happen to live near the problem?”

Midas frowned for a moment, but quickly shook his head. “You are hardly a fool, and have seen many things. Power is drawn to power, and trouble often comes unbidden. Now… follow me.”

He led us through the streets, mostly deserted due to it being late at night, and I was on high alert, and wasn’t the only one. While Christina was looking around, her eyes a little unfocused, clearly still not mentally sound, both Titan and Adelheid were wary, Kazumi-san too, of course, she was keeping close to Hinata, and she was also carrying some hidden weapons made by Ixitt.

“Shit. Feel that?” Adelheid grumbled as we approached a modest yet well-kept house. She was rubbing at her arms, a chill at odds with the warm African night, and it was a feeling I understood.

“Yeah, it’s a Territory. His, I presume.” I nodded at Midas, who seemed unconcerned. “It’s a strong one too. Rank three. So he’s either worked hard or is damn lucky, upgrading that far is risky.”

“I know that. Though mine is gone now. You owe me for that, you promised, remember? If you try and cheat me…”

“You’re a cautious one, aren’t you?” I chuckled. “You’ve spoken to Hinata, you know I’m not that sort of man. Anyway… we’re here.”

Indeed, we had arrived, and Midas opened the door grandly. “I hope you aren’t offended by my humble home. I know it seems… strange… that with my golden touch I live so plainly, but… home is where the heart is, so they say. Please come in, and… you are welcome here, have no fear.” He addressed us Chosen.

“I don’t get it…” Christina’s eyes regained a little light as she grabbed my arm, holding me back as Titan led the others in. “If he had such a stable home, there’s no way we should have so little information about him. It doesn’t add up. Midas is one of the cats… uh… sorry, Chosen… that Adam has been most interested in.”

I agreed. “Yeah, there’s something odd here. And I don’t think Titan or Adelheid noticed, but I’m more sensitive… anyway, we need to go.” She seemed annoyed I didn’t tell her what I had noticed, but the odd thing was when Midas said we were welcome here, the sense of oppression the Territory generated didn’t decrease. So, it’s either… we’re not welcome at all, or… it’s not his…

I heard conversation in a language I didn’t understand, a woman’s voice, and then as we all gathered in the living room, a woman in perhaps her late twenties walked in. She was actually rather beautiful, with ebony skin and deep blue eyes, as well as golden-brown hair that was down to her shoulders, but with a long ponytail down to her bottom. Oh, actually I can only see one eye. Half of her face is covered by hair… hmm.

Seeing us all there, she smiled, lips curving up, before speaking to Midas. They exchanged words, before the woman changed to English. “I see. You’re guests of my husband. How rude of me. He should have let me know you were coming. I suppose you can call me… Hermodike.”

I didn’t get the reference, and Midas snorted, clearly regarding his wife with great affection. “If I am Midas, then my wife would be Hermodike. Though I’ve heard it said differently.”

“Take a seat, let me get you some kola nuts and wine. You have come a long way, you must be exhausted. Not everyone is as strong as my dear husband.” Hermodike proclaimed, but before she could, it was Christina who spoke up, showing no regard for the mood as usual.

“Your… face. It’s… rather damaged, isn’t it?” she asked. “And the way you are walking. Your leg too?” Her legs were hidden by a long, prettily decorated skirt, so it was hard to see, but yes, she was walking with a slight hitch in her steps.

“Of course she is.” Midas was radiating pressure, his hidden League released, and it was strong. On a par with Nkosi’s, who was hardly weak. Hinata and Kazumi-san stepped backwards behind me, while Titan and Adelheid grimaced. Christina looked quite sick and pale, shaking, but she didn’t back down at Midas’ anger.

“And you would know why, scientist, researcher!” His expression was baleful, but I understood and even sympathised. If Hinata here was wounded… “After all, your agents and snatch squads caught my wife in several attempts to kidnap me. Is it any wonder I brought them death?” He turned to me then. “Would you do any less?”

“Honestly? I’d try and keep the deaths minimal, but if they hurt Hinata here from either carelessness or malice… I’d have no forgiveness for them.” I agreed, and Hinata blushed behind me, looking delighted.

“So…” he turned back to Christina, while Hermodike promised she was fine now, trying to calm him down. Now that’s also unusual. I think I get it…

“…was it worth it, dragging innocents into your mess? Hurting and killing others just for knowledge. I am not a particularly religious man, even now, but… I believe in the West, Christians believe the original sin was stolen knowledge, wasn’t it?”

“All knowledge is necessary.” Christina, shuddering and trembling, tears and snot dripping down her face from the effort of meeting his fury, pulled her lab coat around her like armour. “But… the ways we get it… they might be wrong. But… I’m not trying to be cruel. Poor little Christina, always misunderstood, even when I’m being kind…” She smiled, but it was more like a grimace. “…you were at the gala. I didn’t show my face, but… Miss Lindiwe recovered from grave illness, thanks to Akio here. He could… heal your wife. I know it.”

I see. So she wasn’t trying to be inquisitive. “I believe I could.” I agreed. “Although that takes a lot of trust.”

Midas glanced at his wife, who definitely displayed a yearning, but also her visible blue eye showed wariness. “Get them bowls of wine.” he said at last. “We must show our hospitality. We aren’t savages. Even if some treat us as if we are far from human.” Christina winced at that. “Anyway, sit down. And then we will talk.”

Once we were all seated, Hinata beside me, of course, and richly decorated pottery bowls of fragrant wine were served, along with nuts and fruits, many drizzled in sweet honey, as well as spiced milk, we began to talk, but not before taking several sips of wine and at least a handful of food. Seeing that, both Midas and Hermodike relaxed.

“Thanks for your hospitality.” I said, clapping my hands together in Japanese fashion. “But we need to get to the point. Just what’s going on that’s changing people? And how is it related to here?”

“It is quite simple. There is a dark wanderer who has come to these lands, and he has found a sacred treasure.” Midas narrowed his eyes. “At first, I left him alone. But his power now is too… enticing. Many come seeking his newfound strength, and all leave… changed. The powers they had became different, stronger, yet… less pure.” He grimaced, running a hand over his poorly shaved head, and his wife tutted.

“Your beautiful golden hair. I wept when you cut it.” She glared at Christina, who managed a nervous laugh.

I wept when you were caught up in my affairs and wounded. I am thankful it wasn’t worse.” Midas replied tenderly. “But I digress.” He fixed us with a fierce glare. “You saw it. The Scales Of Judgement?

I nodded, not wanting to give too much away, especially now, but I had to explain a little. “Yes, I’m quite experienced with other Chosen and their abilities. I could tell something was off about it. Besides, now I think about it, I’ve heard the myth. It’s not an uncommon one in games. The Scales should have weighed the heart against sins, not against whatever Janco chose, right?”

Ma’at’s feather.” Hermodike said softly, and when we looked at her, she smiled, though now we knew what we were looking for, we could see how half her face was rather frozen, even the unhidden part. “Egypt is in Africa, though far to our north, of course we know the myths. Besides my husband, he was weak, but clever. He loved to study, to read about adventures in archaeology, unearthing treasures, finding lost tombs… though he is my treasure.” she said fondly, and he smiled back.

Yeah they seem genuine enough as husband and wife. I guess it’s just one more example of the irony of the Gods… “More importantly though, before we came here, you told us you thought, or you believed. Now it seems you are certain. It isn’t good, deceiving us.” I warned, and he shrugged.

“Until you agreed to aid us, I was keeping my knowledge hidden. After all… there’s the danger you would then dismiss my pleas, and seek the wanderer yourself. It is a risk I was unwilling to take. Have you shared everything with me? I think not. Anyway, you can imagine the temptation the favoured of the Gods are under. Though Nkosi and his companions have resisted the temptations so far… but if others grow stronger, he has to submit, adapt or die.” Midas explained. “Africa is in a good place, despite the interference of outsiders.” He glowered at Christina again. Strangely enough she didn’t seem to enjoy others bullying her.

“We can settle our own struggles, and the most fit to lead us will emerge.” Midas continued, but Adelheid scoffed, rattling of harsh words in German. I translated for her, and Midas frowned at her words.

“She says do you mean you should lead? Our Tanya thinks those that talk of the best placed to rule always mean themselves.”

“My name isn’t Tanya!” Adelheid grumbled, though I noticed her hands were still ferrying nuts and fruit to her mouth, and her cheeks and lips were wet with wine.

“Her point is a good one though.” Hinata agreed. “I can certainly see the merits of competition, I firmly support Akio in a similar one in Japan… but the killing, the factional disputes… isn’t it so wasteful? Every Chosen is precious.”

“It is the way of things. Nkosi would brag about being a lion… and a pride must drive away or kill rivals. Dino, and the other warlords think the same way.”

“And you?” Hinata asked the question of Midas for me.

“That’s quite enough of that, young lady.” Hermodike said softly, putting down bowls of ice-cream for her, Kazumi-san and Adelheid. “A young girl such as yourself shouldn’t be involved in such troublesome matters.” She fixed me with a stern gaze then, disapproving. “And you… my husband is constantly targeted. If he didn’t have a number of other places to call home to distract his enemies, then this place could become a battleground. You shouldn’t bring such a girl to danger! You should marry her and make babies when she’s older!”

Hinata flushed at that. “I’m not as young as I look! We Japanese always look younger to Westerners. You’re all just big!” She paused, embarrassed, as Kazumi-san was chuckling behind her, and Adelheid was rolling her eyes. Still eating though. I guess her past makes her eager to fill up when she can…

Anyway… there’s no time for children yet. While I’m jealous of Asha a little… I’ve too much to do to set us up properly!” Hinata continued. “My point stands, though. It’s not wise to be wasteful. You must know the world will change, and strength will be needed to fend it off?”

“Of course. But there can only be one on top of the mountain, one… Astral Emperor, no?” Midas narrowed his eyes. “And power… can be found other ways. Hence this predicament. Better to be strong themselves, and remove a rival, than share the fruits of victory.”

“So narrow-minded.” Hinata sighed. “That’s why Akio’s a bigger man than these fools. He delights in our growth, and that of his allies. If he was so cowardly, there’d be no Shaeula, Grulgor or more… and what of you?” she asked him boldly. “Can you tell us you’ve not availed yourself of these powers?”

Midas merely met her gaze calmly, before snorting. “I like outspoken women. My wife has a sharp tongue too. But… this is a matter for those of us who have the strength to make a difference.” He then finished his explanation. “I have considered dealing with the wanderer, but… he is strong. Perhaps I could have formed an alliance with Nkosi or one of the other few who hold out, but… doing it that way, Dino or others tied to the wanderer would use that opportunity. My hands are tied… without outside help. And in exchange… I will cover this up, and allow you to perform your religious observations.”

I exchanged looks with Hinata and Adelheid, before Adelheid shrugged, and Hinata nodded. “Can we have a little privacy just to make sure of a few things?” I asked.

“By my guest.” Midas agreed. “I have not seen my dear wife in several days, and we will be departing again shortly, so…”

“Hold on a second.” Christina interrupted again, struggling through the stares of antipathy she received. “I feel rather… unpleasant… about how things turned out here. I wasn’t the one who sent the agents who hurt your wife, that was Adam, but…” She swallowed, glancing at me. “…I see I’m not clean. I never cared about blood, others’ or my own, but… it’s better to not hurt people, isn’t it? And… Akio can heal your wife. As for the cost… I’ll pay it. As a small apology. I mean it. I’m… sorry, worthless though that is.” She glanced at me, looking imploring, but I caught a faint spark of the old Christina in her eyes, teasing, inquisitive and urging me to do this.

“I can. My Eye guides my Healing. It’s hardly my only talent, but honestly, my Healing and Chirurgery are priceless.” I agreed, careful again not to lie, but to imply that my Eye was a Healing gift. I didn’t much care for lying before, but now I’m a Faeduine, it’s ever more important I stay truthful. Besides, it’s becoming more obvious that karma is more integral to how things work than I ever imagined, so avoiding bad deeds is wise unless otherwise impossible.

I watched carefully, focussing all my perception on Midas and his wife. Now I had dismissed my Astral body and wasn’t labouring under resonance with Shiro’s painful buffs, I was clearheaded and alert, a pleasant feeling. The two of them exchanged a silent glance, their faces outwardly expressionless, but I could pick up on minute traces that perhaps only two people who had known and been in love with each other for years would see.

She’s nervous, as well she might be. He clearly hates her wounds, and wants her healed, but… he’s also wary of me. A natural set of emotions maybe, but… the wariness isn’t of potential harm, I don’t think…

“I would hardly wish to put you to any trouble. We are…” he began, but Christina broke in eagerly.

“It’s no trouble. I’ve thrown my lot in with Akio… uh… I’ve burnt my bridges with Adam, he’s so going to disappear me… now that Akio’s no longer going to pretend to be my boyfriend…” Her face fell in a fairly convincing facsimile of sadness.

“I… think ya be in real trouble.” Titan agreed. “I be not saying anything, I have to be honest, I don’t much like ya, but I’ve been ya guard for a while. But… he always knows.”

“So yes, poor little Christina is going to end up the way many of my test subjects did. Unmarked grave. So at least let me help this one last time… I can’t turn back the past, but… at least some victims returned home safely, and can be helped. Your injuries too…” she nodded at Hermodike. “…I’m a beautiful woman, though for some reason Akio hasn’t succumbed to my charms. It’s unscientific!” she cried, though her face was pale. “Wounding us is like throwing paint on the Mona Lisa! At least let Akio restore such a work of art!”

She’s laying it on thick. It’s similar to how she talked before, but not quite the same…

“But you’d happily destroy such art, you Americans, if it wasn’t yours.” Midas snorted. “Always the same. You look down on us. And you would do worse, render it down to pigments just to see how it worked.”

“I would, and have. Therefore, is it so wrong to want to see the paint put back in its place?” She crossed her arms triumphantly, and Hermodike sighed.

“My husband worries so. You understand, surely?” I nodded at her words, clasping Hinata’s hand.

“In that case… if you can swear to only heal my wounds, and not affect me in other ways, I would be happy to be beautiful again.”

“You’re still beautiful!” Midas grated, and Hermodike laughed lightly.

“Oh, you.” Her words were fond. “If you do attempt to harm me, my husband is quite overprotective. And powerful, the strongest in Africa!” Sёarch* The NôvelFire(.)net website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Yes, you will see why my gold is not mere baubles for the wealthy to enjoy.” He promised. “I know you are powerful, but I am he called Midas. My touch is death, just as Zoë became gold at his careless contact.” His glare was fierce.

“Don’t worry.” I promised, and as my phone vibrated in my pocket silently, I glanced at Christina, who winked at me subtly. “I always treat women with respect.”

“In that case…” Hermodike’s smile was shy. “I can show my face, but I would hope you don’t need to see my leg. I am a modest woman, that is for my husband’s eyes only.”

“I wouldn’t go quite that far.” Hinata giggled. “I don’t hate shorter skirts, but I agree my most attractive appearance is only for Akio.”

“Your idea of a shorter skirt is still to the knees.” Kazumi-san rolled her eyes. “Hanafubuki education is strict indeed.”

There was some laughter at that, and I assured her I wouldn’t need to see her leg, as my Eye would direct the healing regardless, again implying it was a healing eye. Midas nodded. “I am curious, my knowledge of Norse mythology is scant. Perhaps one God has such an eye they bequeathed you?”

“Maybe so.” I asked them to fetch a few things, and as they turned away, I took out my phone, and Christina smirked as I quickly glanced at her message. ‘I’m getting you a chance, don’t waste it’, huh? How did she notice?

With damp towels and a bowl in hand, as well as some soothing lotion, which were just a distraction, I let my Eye shine, though I tried to mute the glow with light element as much as possible. Nodding, I grimaced. “Yes, actually the outside of your leg isn’t too bad, but the muscles, nerves and bones are also quite degraded. There are metal fragments inside. From… bullets, I’d imagine?”

Midas nodded sourly. “Yes, from American bullets. They died for it, though.”

“I can fix that, though it’ll hurt a little. The face… don’t worry, it’ll be as good as new.” Yeah, some sort of burn or shrapnel scarring across one cheek and around her eye. She was lucky she wasn’t blinded. Though I suppose it’s not just luck…

I then let my aether free, and while it was a bit of a challenge removing the fragments of metal from muscle and bone without disturbing her skirt, I managed it, and soon the bowl was full of bloody fragments, her body healed up, and it was far easier to fix her face. With a tremulous smile, she brushed her long hair aside, revealing her restored cheek and forehead.

Watching closely, I noticed a bit of regret in Hermodike’s eyes, but it was quickly covered by happiness. As Midas fussed over his wife, Christina gave me a thumbs-up, and mouthed “did you see?” at me. I inclined my head, slightly thankful her efforts had given me a graceful chance to have a look at Hermodike and Midas without drawing suspicion.

“I can see why Miss Lindiwe and her father are so delighted. Your healing is indeed a great talent. We have found none yet who have such blessings.” Midas nodded gratefully. “I appreciate this aid, and…” He frowned at Christina. “There is no forgiveness, for I know you have the blood of my African brothers and sisters on your hands, among many others, but… there is gratitude.”

“I do it because it’s right!” Christina said proudly, the irony not lost on us all. It wasn’t convincing, especially the way she was eyeing me out of the corner of her eyes, trying to see how I reacted, her face pink. “Not because I expect to be forgiven. Sadly… were I to travel back in time, I’d likely do the same thing again. Because I didn’t know there was someone like Akio…” Her face twitched, and she realised she had said too much. “…his healing eye would make my experiments much safer and less painful. It would be practically humane!” she tittered nervously.

“I suppose I can respect your commitment to forbidden knowledge, even if I doubt your humanity.” Midas then grimaced. “You betrayed your country, you say?” He glanced at me then. “I wouldn’t be so sure you’ll die. As long as you cling to him. But if you do, it will be what you deserve. But…” He inclined his head in a polite manner. “…my wife and I will pour a last drink for you.”

“Thanks, I suppose?” Christina shrugged.

“In any case… to business. Will you aid me in dealing with the problem Africa has here?” Midas pressed. “It would be challenging for you to find your fallen Norse comrade without my aid, as the favoured of southern Africa flock to the wanderer, and all agree no outsiders shall be tolerated in the Ancestral Land. But I can smooth your path, despite the cost to my reputation and alliances.”

“I can see it’s an issue.” I agreed. “But…” I glanced at my companions. “There’s risk, going to the Boundary.”

“I’ll step out.” Hermodike said cheerfully. “After all, I can show my face without shame again. Besides, we have guests, and hospitality is important.”

“I can offer you a secure room that can be locked from the inside. Surely you hardly fear my frail wife can beat down your door? Besides, you brought the big man for that purpose, didn’t you?” Midas grinned at Titan, showing his teeth, and though Hinata squeezed my hand, I nodded.

“Hardly frail, but don’t worry. I’m not worried, and I trust in your honesty.”

Shown to a storage pantry which had a fairly sturdy wooden door with thick bolts, we were offered enough blankets to make it more comfortable, and soon we were set up. It was cramped inside, the girls having to huddle together, while Titan occupied another corner.

“Want me to watch for ya, man?” Titan asked, and I shook my head.

“While Hermodike, even if she unlocked the door, can’t do much… his words missed the point. It would be easy enough to get some strong men or Chosen here and break down the door. He’s not a fool, and knows I’m not one either. But… again, I don’t see the benefit for him in that, and he knows that too.

“There are other benefits though, aren’t there?” Hinata was shrewd. “Miss Bakker, you pressed for Akio to Heal her. You noticed something…”

“Why yes I did!” She crossed her arms under her chest proudly, looking a bit like her old, arrogant self. “But I won’t steal Akio’s thunder. I doubt this room is bugged, so…”

I checked, but just in case shrouded us with wind. “Yes, she hides it well, perhaps because for some reason her stats are absolutely lousy, expect for Aether. But Hermodike’s a Chosen too. And actually, she’s a matching pair with Midas.”

“Yes, I have more experience in noticing the subtle changes. After all, I did experiment on myself and noticed what a little exposure could do.” Christina boasted. Then her mood changed mercurially, her face falling. “Sorry, I shouldn’t brag. The work was meaningful, I can’t deny that, but… I felt what it cost others.”

“So, what Favour?” Hinata asked, and I lowered my voice still further.

AjéShaluga, twin aspected God and Goddess of prosperity, treasures and trade.” I replied, and Hinata widened her eyes, mind racing. Christina also worked it out quickly.

“I’m no fool. You’re here for more than just religious rites. Just like you want Egil Anderson’s body. It’s the treasure Midas spoke of, isn’t it? That would make…”

“…him or his wife the wanderer they spoke of? So… why bring us here?” Hinata finished for her.

“I can answer that.” I laughed grimly, and remembering what my Eye had seen, I started to speak…

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