Five Hundred And Twenty-Eight

After returning to the main body of the party, Ichijou-san could see that something was off. We quickly concluded our business at the gala, Hinata briefly introducing me to a few more dignitaries and business leaders from across the African continent that would be beneficial to know, while Ichijou-san took over the after-gala meetings for us, though Hinata was going to give him detailed instructions, which greatly amused him.

Soon, after saying our farewells to Miss Lindiwe and Mr Mandla, we were in our expensive foreign car with our new guest, heading back for a much needed discussion. Though… There’s something wrong here, and even Mayumi-san has noticed it…

“Don’t you feel at all nervous… you know, you never did say your name.” Mayumi-san inquired. She was right, as Midas was incredibly calm, in contrast to Katana-san and Kazumi-san, who despite my presence, were both on high alert, looking ready to attack if Midas made any threatening moves whatsoever.

“Midas will do.” The shaven-headed man smiled, showing his teeth. “While it is not chosen by me… and is not African, I believe that he was King of Phrygia, which would be in Turkey now, if I am not mistaken…” At Mayumi-san’s agreeing nod, he continued. “While I myself am African… I still enjoy the symbolism. After all… in the West, they would say a Midas touch brings success to every endeavour, no?”

“I’ve heard that.” Mayumi-san agreed. “But you haven’t answered my other question.”

“It is simple.” Midas agreed. “Am I not in the presence of the Hero of Britain, and the man who rescued innocent schoolchildren in Korea?” His smile was broad, but beside me, Hinata was looking at him flatly, a pensive expression on her face. To hide that, she snuggled into me, so I reached out an arm and hugged her.

“You would hardly be so crass, would you, as to harm someone who came seeking your assistance?” he continued. “Of course, I am hardly so weak as to fear harm. After all… many have tried to bring me low, and while it has been… inconvenient and stressful… I remain free.”

The two bodyguards for Ichijou-san, while clearly not used to such situations, started feeling tense too. I made a small gesture for them to calm down, while matching Midas’ smile with one of my own.

“Of course, I’m not one to resort to violence unless me or those I protect are in danger. But… there’s still a lot of unanswered questions regarding your intentions.”

“All in good time.” Midas declared. “All in good time.”

The limousine quickly reached the hotel, though it wasn’t our hotel. While there was every chance that Midas or indeed the other Chosen who gate-crashed the gala already knew or could guess where we were staying, there was no point taking chances. Instead, I had secretly messaged Aliyah and Trey to move everyone to the third-best hotel in the area.

Seeing our destination, everyone remained quiet. Mayumi-san, who normally commented on everything, as if seeking to always have our attention, was clearly well-versed in security, as well she might be, being the heir to such a prestigious house, seemed to understand and showed no surprise.

“In that case, we should talk.” I said, and Midas grinned again.

“Of course. Over something cold and strong, perhaps?”

“Business talks do proceed well over alcohol.” I agreed. While Midas is hiding his League, I doubt he’s any weaker than Nkosi or Dino. So I doubt alcohol will loosen his tongue…

Once we arrived at our new suite, I knocked on the door, and there was silence for a while, Aliyah and Trey likely checking it was us. After a moment, Treyvon opened the door, eyeing Midas warily. “Welcome back.” He said in English, his Japanese still not as fluent as his sister’s.

“Americans, huh?” Midas frowned, a swift expression he quickly suppressed, but my senses caught it. Makes sense he doesn’t like them, I suppose…

“Got a problem?” Aliyah asked sourly, behind her brother. “We’re just here as bodyguards and gophers, just pretend we ain’t here. Or not.”

I glanced around the room. Titan and Christina weren’t sitting on the sofas in the living area, they were likely hiding in one of the other rooms. I concentrated, and quickly confirmed my guess. I glanced at Midas, but he either didn’t notice, or was keeping quiet.

“Katana, Kazumi… some drinks for us all.” Mayumi-san ordered casually, and while Katana-san nodded, Kazumi-san looked at Hinata for instructions.

“It’s fine.” Hinata sighed. “Since Akio is here, but… it’s polite not to ask Kazumi to do things. She’s not your bodyguard, Mayumi.”

“Don’t be such a spoilsport, Hinata.” Mayumi-san waved it off. In the end, Kazumi-san moved at Hinata’s nod, and then Hinata breathed a few words, so quiet as to barely be audible, but my Perception meant I could pick it up, as surely was her intention.

“I think Mayumi needs some sort of shock. She’s trying, I’ll admit, but… too many years of being treated as a princess, no, a queen, has meant she can’t step outside of that. As her friend, I have to correct her. Besides, it’s really annoying.” Her smile was slightly apologetic, but I did agree. Miyu had changed, but Mayumi-san was still stuck in her past mindset, even if she had finally opened up to Hinata.

Once the drinks were on the table, Adelheid, who had been silent the whole time, her language skills still rather inferior, made a bee-line for the beer. Midas glanced at her, another quick frown on his face, before he too reached for a glass. It was filled with ice and a brown creamy liquid. Amarula, I think? That’s a local drink…

“Not bad.” he declared, smacking his lips, before dropping down onto one of the unoccupied sofas with a certain arrogance, as if he owned the place. “So, let me be blunt. You want to know why I sought you out, why I offered a deal for my aid?”

Deciding to try some Amarula myself, Hinata following suit, I sat opposite him, Hinata on my left, while Adelheid scooted up to the right, putting some distance between us. “Yes. I know there’s no such thing as free in this world. And excuse me, but for some reason I simply doubt that you’re going to tell me you want money or the like. The man with the golden touch shouldn’t have a shortage of funds.”

He shook his head wryly at my biting sarcasm. “Of course not. Just as I changed the leaf and the earring… if I wish, golden treasures are mine. Though I would expect you to understand my limits better than most.” Sёarch* The novel(F~) website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I agreed with that. If it’s some sort of unique ability it’ll likely consume a huge amount of aether. Or if it’s metal element, the same issue would apply… Of course, I had the reports from the Vermillion List about the gold dust that had seemingly killed the US agents, and it didn’t take much effort to imagine ways transforming even a tiny portion of a human body to metal would be fatal.

“So, you said there was a lot wrong here, and it needed rooting out, and that if my goal didn’t conflict with your aims you’d consider helping me. There’s the issue though, you know about us, but we know very little about you, Midas.”

“What’s to know? I’m a good, family man, who was granted this power. It was… unexpected, but it was clearly the will of the Gods.”

Adelheid snorted at that, still sipping at my beer. “There seem to be no end of Gods … imposing? Yes… imposing their wills nowadays.” She then lapsed back into German. “We’re all dancing to someone else’s flute. But I’m no shitty puppet. I’m my own woman!”

I nodded, agreeing. As I said from the start, I’m grateful to Ortlinde and Tyr, and now Tsukuyomi, but I’m also not their servants. I’ll help them out in the future, their Pantheons, if I can… but our own needs come first.

“So, what do you want to root out?” I asked bluntly. On another seat, Mayumi-san watched on with great interest, finding all this very exciting, while her grandfather clicked his tongue, before speaking up.  

“Now, now Akio-kun. Getting to the point so straightforwardly might be one of your good points, but it can also be seen as rude. Besides, negotiation requires finesse. You tell him, Hinata-chan!”

“When it comes to business, I’ll step in.” Hinata agreed. “But Kira-sama, Mayumi, neither of you really understand Chosen matters. Yes, you have your Ichijou house recruits…” She glanced at the two guards of Ichijou-san again, her lip curling imperceptibly, clearly unimpressed by their calibre. “…but when it comes to dealing with such things, there’s more to it than business. Let Akio handle things, and I’ll step in when needed.”

“She’s a very good woman.” Midas approved, making Hinata grin smugly, her cheeks pink. “My wife… well, perhaps you’ll have the chance to meet her, Akio-kun.” He copied the Japanese form of address. “She’s a wonderful woman, and always will be. Of course, if I was to gather as many beauties as you have, my wife would seek out a practitioner of juju and curse me with the thunderbolt, the Magun. Pardon the expression, but I would not stand strong ever again…”

The men in the room, me included, all reflexively glanced down. Seeing that, his smile was wicked. “Anyway… I digress. I would be more than happy to speak of my needs, but first… why don’t our other guests come out to join us?”

So he did notice. I expected so… “Christina, Titan, no point being shy.” I sighed, and after a moment the big man Titan came out, wearing a ripped, sleeveless t-shirt, and shorts, all the better to intimidate with his powerful physique. Behind him Christina, still wearing her faded lab coat as if it was armour, followed him, almost using him as a shield.

“More Americans, huh?” Midas narrowed his eyes. “You keep poor company.”

Christina flinched at that, looking guilty, an expression that didn’t look right on her. While I found her actions in pursuing her research abhorrent, I did have a trace of sympathy for her current uncertainly and suffering, even if she brought it on herself by asking Haru to help her, even if she did it for stupid, self-centred reasons.

“I admit to not being overly fond of the actions of the Americans. I’ve personally experienced what you have…” I said, and while he looked a little surprised, he nodded, understanding. “That’s not to say all Americans are bad…” Christina and Titan sat, Titan grabbing a mug of beer, Christina taking some Amarula.

“…in fact, I have a few American friends.” Aliyah snorted at that, but wisely said nothing. She wasn’t drinking, I noticed, which meant that she was still on alert. Ignoring her, I leaned forwards, my gaze stern as I fixed it on Midas. “Just like I don’t expect to hold everyone from Africa responsible for the actions of Dino and Janco this afternoon. But… I expect it’s about them you’re here, isn’t it?”

“You’re the man you are rumoured to be.” Midas agreed, helping himself to more liquor. “Yes, it’s as you suspect. Do you know much of what’s happening here in South Africa and the surrounding countries?”

“To a certain extent. Seeing the relationship between the groups of Chosen let by Nkosi, as well as Dino, and the way they can freely come and go, even into private events full of the powerful men and women of the African continent, who would normally be under strict protection… yeah, I have an idea. The Chosen of Africa are banding together and gathering power, aren’t they?”

“As expected.” Midas clapped his hands together, impressed. “Yes. Unlike the more… developed… oh how we hate that expression… countries of the far East and the West, we are less bound by the structures of authority. Like Nkosi and his longing for the old ways of the Xhosa, or Dino and his… more autocratic views on power. They are not the only groups, though many have been destroyed and subsumed in the struggle. It takes place below the surface, in what we call the Ancestral Land, but it has spilled out on occasion. I believe that the powerful here were second only to the Americans…” His expression was distasteful. “…in their understanding of this shift in our reality.”

“Then Miss Lindiwe…” Mayumi-san mused. “…perhaps that explains why she was prepared to grasp at straws and take Akio-kun’s offer.”

“We are rather short of healers here. If one was to be found, then fighting would intensify over him or her…” Midas agreed. “Then, I don’t take you for a healer, Akio-kun.” There’s something I can’t quite put my finger on…

“I’m whatever I need to be.” I shrugged. “Adapt or die, right?”

“Adapt or die? Survival of the fittest, hmm? Yes, I agree. You have good insight.” Midas laughed, seemingly cheery. “The Chosen of Southern and Eastern Africa all agree. Those that do not had little say in it. After all… destroying someone’s hold on the Ancestral Land gives great benefits.” He searched my face for a reaction, but not getting one, he shrugged. “I expect you know this. After your battles.”

Seeing I wasn’t going to speak, he continued. “They also agreed that nobody not from these lands would be permitted to enter the Ancestral Land here, nor claim any of it. History is a bitter guide. We will not let it be plundered by foreigners. So, if your task is here, then… you may find it difficult, without assistance. Even I am loathe to break our agreements, it will be… troublesome… but you have to give to receive.”

“All I’m here for is an act of piety towards the God that chose me and his Pantheon.” I promised, not lying but not telling the whole truth. “But your needs…”

“Quite. Well, it’s as you noticed. There’s a crack forming. Dino and his group have changed. I believe they have found some sort of treasure that can alter them, or maybe some powerful practitioner of juju also blessed by the Gods. In any case… their attitudes and actions have become worrisome. But… I too consulted with someone, and I believe you are linked to this mess, or can at least help resolve it.”

Find out more, but don’t give much away…” Hinata mouthed, and I nodded. Before I could, Christina had been watching the pair of us closely, and face pale, she spoke up.

“You’ve shaved your head recently, haven’t you?”

Midas froze for a minute, before nodding. “Yes, I made a poor job of it. I was tired of being pestered by you Americans. My hair was always unusual, even from birth. My mother always used to call me her little golden boy. My wife… she loves it so much whenever I cut it, she has it woven into a scarf.” He reminisced fondly. “But it stands out, and never takes dye. I was a sickly boy, my wife always having to take care of me, but now… well, now I am strong. One of the ironies of life.”

Just like Shiro. I could tell Hinata agreed by her expression.

“I see. And… another question.” Christina asked, after glancing at me for approval. I nodded slightly, curious as to what she’d say, but also worried. “Your power. Can it make more than just gold? Other precious metals? What about any metal. Sodium, Caesium… Uranium? What about specific isotopes?”

At her questions, Midas tensed up. He tried to pretend the question didn’t bother him, but I was watching him very closely, and I could see the minute changes in expression that betrayed him. “That is a very personal question, Miss…?”

“Christina Bakker. Scientist. I… am in charge of research on beings such as yourself for the American government.” she admitted, surprising everyone here.

Midas blinked, taken aback, before he rubbed his poorly-shaved scalp, laughing in genuine shock. “You would say that in front of me? I am unsure of whether to be impressed or enraged.” He turned to me. “You keep wretched company.”

“I won’t deny she’s rather unpleasant…” I tried to ignore the way Christina looked somehow both crestfallen and excited at my words. “…but in her own foolish way she’s trying to make some sort of amends. Her question… it’s interesting though, isn’t it?”

Midas scoffed. “And if I asked you about your strengths and weaknesses? Would you answer me so carelessly?”

Hinata’s hand tightened on mine, her lips tugging into a smile, and I remembered how careless I used to be. I was still too carefree with information, but I had improved, no question. “That depends. But we’re not asking for your weaknesses. Simply a worry. A piece of Uranium or Plutonium the size of the leaf you created before would be.. dangerous. Sure, my physics is a bit rusty, but isn’t the critical mass of Plutonium around eleven kilograms? And it’s a dense metal. Wouldn’t take many leaves to make a devastating bomb… besides… even a little could be used as a devastating poison…”

Christina nodded, and while I most certainly didn’t share Adam’s need to purge those who had troubling powers, I did understand how devastating they could be. Although to be honest… Hyacinth is probably the most dangerous being I’ve met so far in terms of the threat to humanity… and that’s largely my fault for pushing and training her in biological warfare…

“And if I say yes, what will you do?” He grinned, no humour in it at all now. “Try and kill me? Sell me to Miss Christina here, to be experimented on… or no, I imagine I’d be tortured and forced to provide such for you Americans.”

“Adam wouldn’t do that. Too risky trying to control you, no cell could hold you, if you can simply transmute restraints and suchlike into soft, breakable metals like lead.” Christina disagreed. “I… might well have done. But then, it seems poor little Christina here has more inquisitiveness than common sense.” She shrugged mournfully. “No, you know what Adam wants.”

“As for me, I don’t believe that just because someone is powerful, they are automatically a danger.” I try not to be a hypocrite, although… I’ve already made many selfish choices. My relationships, Nie Ling and Chen Na… even Tamamo-no-Mae… but so be it. “But I would be wanting to bring you onside. Not only to prevent dangers, but also to make use of your talents.”

“In the interests of our brief alliance, let me assure you… I am not limited to gold, unlike Midas of old, but they must be treasures, precious metals. No Uranium, Miss Christina. Not that you have any cause to believe me. Nor I any wish to forgive you. Thanks to your country and its efforts, my life, my wife… it has been hell. I am tempted to choke the life from you here and now. I dare say there is ample blood on your hands.”

Christina glanced at me then, and I shrugged. I can likely check with my Eye, but that could cause him to become my enemy. Now isn’t the time for that… “Like I said, in her own way, she’s struggling to atone. And while if she died… I’d find it hard not to think it karma… she’s currently under my protection. So I’m afraid I’d have to stop you.”

“You think you can?” he asked, his tone quiet, and I nodded.

“I think so. So set that aside. We were talking about what you want from me?”

“It is as I intimated. A number of our brothers and sisters have… changed. I would have your aid investigating them, and potentially… dealing with the source.” he replied.

“In principle, I’m not opposed. I’ve come across similar in South Korea, and rooting that out is only natural, and to everyone’s benefit. But… firstly, if I’m not allowed entrance to the Ancestral Land, as you call it, I’m not sure what help I can be. Secondly, I’m on a tight schedule. I have a day or two at the most.”

“For the Hero of Britain, surely that is sufficient. Didn’t you save London in a day?” he countered, and I shrugged.

“As for the issue of the Ancestral Land… I carry some sway in Africa. While it upsets me I must ask this of you… and it will put me in a difficult spot, I no longer trust Dino’s group. And there are others changing too… not everyone is a stubborn hardhead like Nkosi, unwilling to compromise. In time, it will all spiral out of control, I’m sure.”

“I see. That’s reasonable. So… where would we start?” I asked.

“I’ve done some investigating. It seems… the source of the troubles are in southern Botswana. Near a small village, called…” As he named it, Hinata and I exchanged a glance, trying to keep our expressions composed.

Coincidence? It can’t be. That was where the Oracle Engine and Yasaka-san had narrowed down the remains of one of my fellow Norse Chosen to be. “I see. In that case… yes, I can spare some time.”

“It sounds exciting!” Mayumi-san declared, eager, having listened to the talk with bright eyes. “When do we go?”

We don’t.” I denied her, and she pouted, and when she was going to object I raised a hand to forestall her. “This isn’t a game, Mayumi-san. Honestly, I’m a bit wary of taking Hinata, but this is a learning experience for her, and I’m confident of protecting her. Actually, I don’t want to take Kazumi-san either…”

“You have to!” Kazumi-san implored. “I am Hinata’s bodyguard and friend. I don’t mind dying, so long as I can see her safe…”

“That’s a failure as a bodyguard.” I shook my head. “You don’t just guard their body, but their hearts too. Your death would wound Hinata’s heart badly. But… I sympathise. You’re trying to find your path to the power you need.”

“it’s rough.” Aliyah spoke up story. “Women have it hard. Especially in this company. But you’re young yet. I’m not going to call you a kid… you’ve been a professional for years, even if not like Trey or me were. But… Akio’s right. Dying sounds noble, but it’s the fucking end, get it? Sure, you may go out satisfied, but what about those left behind, and what about next time, when you ain’t there? Got it? Live to fight another day.”

“Akio and I are trying to think of a way, Kazumi.” Hinata promised. She was unwilling to say more here, in unknown company, but we had considered our options. If Hinata had a Favour, she could take some Territory and gift Kazumi-san a Throne slot. It was a bit of a waste, but eventually we’d start having more and more Thrones available. Other ideas were similarly plausible, yet with their own unique flaws.

“Yes, Mayumi, you need to remain behind.” Ichijou-san said gently. “Besides, would you leave business to me alone? And I wanted to spend time with you on this trip.”

“That’s right. Besides…” Hinata knew how to handle Mayumi-san, it seemed, as her next words fired her up. “You keep bragging about how we’re in business together. Don’t just work for Ichijou house, you have to bring profits to our company! Prove you’re better than me, if you can!”

“Just see if I don’t!” Mayumi-san took the bait, being self-confident and eager for a competition. Hinata gave me a hidden thumbs-up, and then Christina spoke too.

“I’ll come, though.” she said, and I shook my head.

“No way, it’s not safe, and you’re another non-combatant. Besides…” I glanced at Midas, who had good reason to hate her.

“I know. But… if I go, you can bring Titan. For… insurance.” she reasoned. “I also… it’s as you said. I’m a fool, and if I die, perhaps it is my just desserts? It would also make a mockery of my efforts, although… others will take up my mantle, and prevent my data being a cruel waste. But… I am inquisitive, knowledgeable, and one of the finest scientists alive. My knowledge would be helpful!”

“These women have no use. They cannot enter the Ancestral land…” Midas began, but I shook  my head.

“Since you shared with me, I’ll share with you. As it happens I can bring a number of people with me. It won’t be an issue.” I dissembled, being about as honest as I suspected Midas was, without actually lying. After all, he’s no fool.

“Don’t blame me if something bad happens to her…” he glared, and I shrugged.

“You heard her. I disagree and think it’s a mistake, but… I’m not going to stop her from trying to make amends, even if it’s misplaced. Besides…” Having Titan with us might well be helpful. So, me, Adelheid and Titan… we won’t be beaten easily… Though Hinata was a potential weakness, leaving her here worried me too.

“Fine. It’s a long journey to the border, we should prepare…” Midas said, standing and finishing his glass of alcohol.

“Our helicopter is ready, with a refuelling location halfway already organised.” Ichijou-san advised, and that surprised Midas a little, but he quickly recovered.

“Excellent. I see time is of the essence. But… you wanted me to help you with a religious observation, no? Can you elaborate?”

“While we’re on route. We’ll be in the air a number of hours.”

As he agreed, I pulled Aliyah and Treyvon to one side while everyone else was making ready. “I’m trusting you pair to take care of things here.” I lowered my voice, making sure nobody was listening. “I know it seems odd, when we have two Chosen, but…”

‘”I get you. Fucking paper tigers, both of them.” Aliyah snorted sourly, hair beads clinking as she shook her head.

“I wouldn’t be so rude, green, I’d say. They’ve got whatever unnatural strength they gained, but… no combat experience.” Trey agreed with her.

“Green as grass, or your piss after a night on cocktails, Trey.” Aliyah scoffed. “Don’t worry, she’s an annoying bitch, that Mayumi girl, so full of herself, never had any hardship or misfortune, but… we’ll keep her and her granddaddy out of trouble.”

“Just you… I guess I don’t need to say, but… keep those girls safe. No more repeats of Kyoto, all right?” Trey warned, and I grinned as I saw he included Adelheid in his gaze.

“Yeah. I’m prepared. And ready for anything.”

“See that you are.” Aliyah pounded my back with her big hand. “We will be too.” She then patted her clothes, where a number of hidden weapons were. “Shit, it’d be better if nothing goes down, and we make it out without any fuck-ups, but if not… at least the rat will be happy that we’ve given his new toys a workout. Don’t worry…” She glanced at the pair of paper tigers who were guarding Ichijou-san and Mayumi-san. “…if they are green fucks like this pair, us being weaker and slower won’t mean jack shit. It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, but…”

“…the dog that goes for the throat, and has an assortment of damn good weapons.” Treyvon grinned, rather handsomely.

“I’m not sure that’s how the saying goes…” I snickered. “But yeah. It’s harsh, but the Chosen are paid to guard, so make sure you save Ichijou-san and the other two first…”

“Roger that! Like you I’m always up for saving cute girls.” Aliyah smirked. “Now get going. I don’t envy you. There’s something about old Midas here that doesn’t sit right with me. You agree, Trey?”

“I… don’t know. He doesn’t seem malicious, but… yeah, he’s hiding something.” Trey agreed. “If I had more time, he’d be someone I’d like to have a few drinks with, get to know him better, but…”

“He’s got a wife Trey, he ain’t going to go for you…” Aliyah teased, and as they bickered, I nodded to myself. Obviously. He wants something from me, and he knows far more about me than I’d like. Someone like Yasaka-san, maybe? He did say someone informed him about me. With those thoughts in mind, we finished up and headed for the helicopter, knowing that Aliyah and Trey would move everyone back to our prior hotel, when they were sure the area was clear of watchers…


The helicopter ride was long, and we had refuelled in the middle, but we were closing in on the border. Initially, the atmosphere had been a bit frosty, Christina trying to ignore the harsh glares from Midas. She had tried to ingratiate herself with me, in her usual clumsy way, but it definitely seemed that her behaviour was more… fragile, unsure than before. If she’s learned some empathy from Haru’s sharing of memories that would be a good thing, but… it’s also oddly… wrong to me. Like she’s not herself. Maybe that’s a good thing…

After Hinata stepped in with a cold smile to prevent her flirting with me, Hinata took over, seeming to take pleasure in denying her. I tried not to see or hear the way it made Christina flush and pant though.

Adelheid was relaxed, actually falling asleep, though she did warn me in German not to let my guard down, and to keep an eye on her safety. Meanwhile, Titan was on high alert, and so was Kazumi-san, though she watched with a fond expression as I flirted with Hinata.

“So, will you share with me your religious obligation now?” Midas asked, having remained largely silent for most of the trip. “After all, we are approaching our destination. And there is a time for honesty if we are going to help each other.”

Hinata moved in my embrace, and I understood.

“Of course. Well, I had a realisation, perhaps you might call it a vision… anyway, I am aware that a fellow Chosen of the Norse Pantheon has perished in Botswana, and I need to retrieve their remains, and commit them to their God.” I kept my vision on Midas, and was sorely tempted to use my Eye to observe him, masking the glow with aether, but I had a feeling he’d detect that.

“I see.” He seemed only slightly curious. “Quite a coincidence then. Perhaps our cooperation was fated.”

“Perhaps…” I agreed, as the helicopter cut through the African skies, heading for its destination, where I had a feeling there would be more waiting than I had anticipated. Damn, so much for a nice, simple retrieval job. I had hoped this one would be simple, but who knew retrieving the Chosen of Thor’s body from America is shaping up to be less trouble…

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