Side One Hundred And Seventy-Six – Matsumuro Tsukiko, The DivinerSide One Hundred And Seventy-Six – Matsumuro Tsukiko, The Diviner
“Cheers, everyone!” Shiro was saying, raising her glass of brightly coloured drink. Tsukiko was still rather uncomfortable at such crowded, almost rowdy occasions, but she made an effort to smile, which wasn’t a terrible struggle. I do suppose I am more bemused than anything. It is hardly an unwelcome feeling, rather, it feels warm, but I still confess to being overwhelmed at times.
“Cheers!” everyone echoed, and it was an eclectic everyone, most definitely. Though I am best placed to accept it, considering my role as the Diviner. Tsukiko had also raised her glass and offered the typical Japanese toast, but Shiro had seen her slight hesitation, and grinned broadly.
“Come on Tsuki, no need to be shy. We’re all friends here… strange as that is.”
Tsuki. It was strange. She had almost entirely abandoned her name, until Akio had forcibly shared it, in defiance of the prophetic vision of Tsukuyomi she had as a child, which foretold her death should anyone hear her true name or see her bare face. Reflexively, she touched her own perfect features, her customary veil no longer with her, nor her usual ornate shrine priestess robes and hakama. Instead, she was in a pair of jeans and a fluffy jumper, though the jeans were a wine red, and the jumper a snowy white, in deference to her calling.
“Yes, I suppose we are.” she agreed, taking a sip of the fruity cocktail. They had been given a large private room, which was a necessity considering the attendees. Glancing around, there were ordinary people, such as Akio’s university friends, but Shiro herself was famous now, after having appeared at the press conference in London, and there were… other… strange guests.
“Mortal customs are rather fascinating.” The Fae Princess Ffionnan said to her companion, the tiny, foot high Fae Princess Estalian, who had been smuggled through the streets to this destination in a small bag, much to her annoyance, but now she was using an empty, overturned beer mug as a stool, and was waving her legs and wings animatedly, her face flushed from the cocktails she was guzzling though a straw comically.
“That they are…” Estalian giggled, before burping a little, covering her tiny mouth with her hands. “I must say, you have great talents.” She spoke to the woman Nie Ling, the Chinese captive who was responsible for bringing the two Princesses here, and was required to maintain their existence, as such powerful beings burned through the aether used to shift them from the Boundary quickly.
Suzuki Haru, the Onryō woman who served Akio, translated her words for Nie Ling, who nodded, withdrawn and embarrassed, but still with her own drink. The rest of the group was more normal, consisting of Shiro’s friends, Akio’s secretary Karen-san, as well as the policewoman Usui-san and her friend (as well as Shaeula’s) Ichika-san. Rounding off the group was the nervous Bunta-san, and also the Kitsune Nebisuki, whose missing leg was replaced by a prosthetic, and while her tails had been hidden by a voluminous coat during their journey here, now she was letting her two remaining tails free.
Ffionnan also giggled too. The many coins, jewels and beads braided into her long hair gave off a relaxing tinkling sound as she shook her head. “Yes, it’s always good to be able to see my investments come to life.” She began to talk about the visit to the construction site of Akio’s factories. Work was proceeding well there, and as construction had moved into the tunnels connecting the shrine, the estate and the factory, machinery and other essentials were being moved in, ready for production to finally begin.
“I’ll say.” Estalian burped again, and when her fit of giggles calmed down, she explained. “Though while the magic carriages and strange scrying mirrors are fascinating, I’m more interested in your progress on light element, Ffionnan.”
“I am making progress.” Ffionnan boasted. “Though transcending our being is difficult, and I have no need to tell you that, Estalian, considering your successes… the instruction is very clear.” She nodded at Haru-san gratefully, as she had assisted alongside the twin shrine maidens from Hikawa-Kawagoe shrine before. “I suspect soon I’ll be able to make my treasures glimmer with beautiful light. The way gems and precious metals sparkle is simply inspirational!”
“You old miser, you haven’t changed at all! A new element is for more than just vanity! Look at Moira, how hard she labours.” As Estalian bickered back, one of Shiro’s friends, the brash young man Yasu-san, turned to the woman sitting next to him and let out an amused comment.
“There’s just something amazing about all this, isn’t there, Karen-chan babe? Though I have to say, that little one looks a lot more like it’d expect a Faerie to be like. Sorry, but the big one’s a bit normal.”
“Excuse me? Big one?” Ffionnan scoffed, her expression dangerous. “I am the very definition of wealthy, regal beauty! Mortal kings and heroes would often offer gold and jewels for the chance of snatching a mere glimpse of me!”
“All right, Yasu-kun didn’t mean anything by it.” Akio’s friend Hayato-san stepped in, flashing a handsome smile to diffuse the tension. “Princess, how about another drink? Yasu-kun’s buying?”
“Why yes, I shall partake. When one does not pay, it tastes all the sweeter. After all, wealth should accumulate, not decrease!”
“I cannot help but feel… I am made light of here.” The Kitsune Nebisuki complained. She was sucking on the ivory stem of a smoking pipe, though due to the laws of Japan regarding indoor smoking, it wasn’t lit. “Am I not a more interesting sight than these two visitors from another land? Oh, nobody loves me, except for Akio. I do so wish he was here to console me, hold me close…” She sighed, her bosom heaving in her partially open yukata, which she wore despite the cold.
“I wouldn’t stare, if I was you, Yasu-kun. Karen-chan might get the wrong idea.” Another of Akio’s friends, the short and rather pretty Aimi-san warned with a smile. “And I can see you trying to peek subtly too, Shugo-kun. What would your girlfriend say?”
As the two men flushed and stammered denials, Shiro broke in.
“Expecting men not to glance at those tits requires high moral character.” She smirked at Hayato-san, who ran a hand through his blond hair, embarrassed by her endorsement. “Shit, even Aki can’t help but steal a peek at any gorgeous woman that walks by. But… seriously, you’re bigger than me. And Tamamo-no-Mae is colossal. Is it something about Kitsune where you all have huge tits?”
“Hardly. I have met others, and like you humans, we are varied. But… I do take after grandmother.” She sighed, drinking the sweet alcohol in front of her. “It is a shame she refused to venture out into the mortal world, but… it seems she takes her duty seriously. Until Akio returns in mortal form, she will not abandon her vigil.” Her two tails wagged restlessly. “I never thought grandmother would be so docile. Wilfulness and self-centred passions are her usual nature.”
“Suffering changes a person.” Haru-san shrugged. “Besides, she knows gratitude, it seems. And I know we all feel better having her watching over Akio’s home and family.”
“Yeah, Aki’s tamed the mythical nine-tailed fox. I expected no less.” Shiro smirked. “Still, we don’t lose, do we, Tsuki? We may not be as comically huge as her, but we’re still stacked and gorgeous. And if Aki catches you eyeing Tsuki much more Yasu, you’ll get to see what life is like without that part you hold dear, and too often, if you catch my drift.” Her mean and crude humour still surprised Tsukiko, but the group took it in their stride, the men laughing and teasing Yasu-san, apart from Bunta-san, who was sitting in the corner of the room, ever alert like a panicky rodent. Narrowing her beautiful ruby eyes, Tsukiko shook her head.
Shiro and I are very alike. Both of us were born with spiritual atavism, adapted for a world long passed. Though now fortunately returning. Yet… our fates were different despite the similarities. Whether it was her bloodline, or the blessing of Tsukuyomi, or simply that Kyoto, where she was born and lived, was richer in ether, she had not suffered the dreadful weakness and illnesses Shiro had endured her whole life. Though I made other sacrifices.
“Don’t be so gloomy, Tsuki.” Shiro noticed her thoughts. “This is a fun night out. Sure, we started a bit late, but since the concert isn’t until the afternoon, we’ve plenty of time to sleep it off even if we party the night away!”
As several people called out that they agreed with her, including the tiny and drunk Estalian, Shiro continued. “It was good we didn’t start until near midnight anyway, I had to help Aki with something. Man, it’s odd, missing him. I mean, for now, we can go and see him any time we want, right? And even if we can’t, Eri’s got him in her head any time she wants, so we can always get an update. I’d say that must be strange, but honestly… it just seems normal to me now. Tan’s always with me, after all. It’s just a damn shame Arisu couldn’t make it. Since tomorrow is her big return to the public eye, if you don’t count the talk show, she wants to make sure she’s perfect.”
“I for one am relieved.” Bunta-san muttered. “She scares me.”
“Oh, don’t be such a wet blanket, Bunta-kun.” Usui-san snorted. “You’re a big boy now, and you have those shadows that can easily handle your enemies. I’ve seen them in action. She can’t be that scary…”
“Akio-kun would certainly disagree.” Haru-san chuckled. “Now don’t misunderstand me, Akio-kun is very fond of Arisugawa-san, but he does find her intimidating. Besides, he believes she’s a genius, and that her ability is one of the only ones he knows of that he thinks could defeat him.”
“Yeah, but even if she squashes Aki to pieces with her Room, she can’t take him out in both realms at once. But I’m scared of only one thing… that Aki’s very fond goes too far.” Shiro shuddered, looking pensive, and it wasn’t a sight Tsukiko was used to seeing. “I’m Shirohime, gorgeous, intelligent, charming and powerful…”
“Modest too…” Shugo-san whispered, only to fall silent at Shiro’s glare.
“Quiet in the peanut gallery. Modesty is a sin when you’re as good as I am. Anyway… yeah, I have confidence against anyone, but… Arisu’s got the looks, the charm, the intellect… plus Aki has a deep-seated need to be bullied, I’m sure.” She snorted, amused again. “Arisu would end up in charge in short order. Anyway… she can’t make it, so let’s not talk more about her tonight!” As she insisted that, Bunta-san sighed in relief.
“All right then!” Shiro continued loudly. “Game time! Someone bust out a deck of cards or something similar. And get us some more booze. Let’s get this party started!”
Tsukiko was feeling a little light-headed after losing a number of rounds of cards. Despite retaining some of the strength Tsukuyomi had granted her, even after passing it on to Akio, she was still tipsy, as Shiro had tailored the loss penalties to each drinker.
“For someone who can predict the future, you suck at gambling.” Shiro teased, sitting down beside her. “Your face is nearly as red as your eyes.”
“I doubt very much Tsukuyomi meant his gifts for mere play.” Tsukiko replied primly. “I shall be fine after some water.” She reached for a glass, and Haru-san passed her one. Taking a grateful gulp of the cold water, the ice withing long having melted, she sighed.
“Worried?” Shiro asked, and Tsukiko frowned, unsure of what she meant.
“About your parents?” Shiro clarified. “They seem to be fitting in all right, if you ask me. Not like mine… they still have shame at least, they must know I’m doing well for myself now, I’ve been all over the news, but… they don’t have the face to try and rekindle our familial relationship. Which is good. If they do, I’m telling them to piss right off. I’ll borrow some cash off Aki and give them back what it cost to raise me, before they gave up, at least, but if it comes to that, then I have no family. I’ll not let them sour my life. But you… your parents still love you.”
Tsukiko nodded. “Yes. It is… awkward. But I still feel affection for them. I made the choice, even as a child, to embrace Tsukuyomi. To become the Diviner. To abandon Tsukiko…”
“And now… you’re a bit lost?” Usui-san piped up beside her. “I know someone else who is struggling with similar feelings.” She pounded the shoulder of Konoe-san beside her, who protested weakly. “Anyway…” Usui-san continued. “Not everyone gets a second chance. Especially not like your one, Tsukiko-chan.”
I think she is a little drunk. She lost a fair few games as well. Listening patiently, Tsukiko nodded.
“That is a great truth.” Nebisuki waggled her vulpine ears, amused. “To return from the embrace of death. Those thieving cats are the same, though in their case, it was rather more a miracle, no? Oh, to be as well-loved as you. I envy you, I certainly do.”
Tsukiko found herself flushing at the wicked smile of the Kitsune. Such emotions did not come easily to her, so used to subsuming her own emotional needs as she was, but when Tsukuyomi had revealed she was to die, her spirit to be devoured, she had simultaneously railed against her fate, while also clutching at any hope of survival. In the end, she had been unable to go against her calling, and accepted her demise. But… In the end, here I stand. And while life is perplexing now, it is far from unhappy…
“Well, Tamamo-no-Mae’s survival was just as much a miracle.” Shiro pointed out. “You two have a lot in common, Tsuki.”
She nodded. “It shall be interesting. After all… the nine-tailed fox walked the land before the Gods departed from Japan. What tales she could tell…”
“I can tell plenty of tall tales.” Nebisuki smirked. “Besides, grandmother’s tales are likely cruel. Though…” Her face fell, and Tsukiko knew she must have been remembering the terrible battle against the one who had imprisoned and tortured the mythical Kitsune for an endless stretch of years.
“…those tales are likely not fit for the ears of women of modesty.” She smirked, amused, ears and tail flickering. “Grandmother was a creature of appetites. She is being quiet and humble now, Akio’s hand on her tail, but in time she will likely wish to indulge again. Though I fear just as I am bound, Akio will be in no mood to release her.” She then turned her attention to Yasu-san. “I expect this one would enjoy hearing such tales of debauchery though.”
As Aimi-san cried out that Nebisuki had his number, there was cheery laughter in the room, and the clink of glasses. Yasu-san flushed, but then waved a hand. “Sure, whatever, poor Yasu, always the butt of jokes. But you’ll be on my side, won’t you, Karen-chan babe?”
Karen-san smiled wickedly. “I don’t know, Yasu-kun. I’ll have to see how I feel…”
“I’m hurt, babe!” Yasu-san cried out in mock pain, making everyone laugh harder. He ran a hand through his bleached hair, before his expression turned serious. “Honestly, I’m a bit bummed out at the moment. Hisano-chan’s being quite cold with me. I worry…”
“You mean your cousin?” Karen-san asked, and he nodded.
“I wouldn’t worry. She’s just growing up. You still see her as a little kid. She’s not. There’s no difference in the age gap between you and Takagi-chan, and Akio-kun and Kana-chan, is there? So she’s a young woman, and she’s discovered something she wants to do with her life, and got some confidence. If you insist she’s still a little kid, like she used to be, no wonder she’ll hit back. Take some advice from a woman…”
“I’m all ears, babe!” Yasu-san agreed.
“Young girls want to be treated as adults, while when we get old, we want to be treated as young girls. I know we’re complicated, but Hayato-kun and Shugo-kun seem to be managing just fine!”
“I notice you’re not mentioning Akio-kun.” Hayato-san said dryly, while Hina-san chuckled softly beside him, sipping drink with a straw.
“He’s a special case. Be they young like Kana-chan or Hinata-chan, or old, who I won’t name, as all women are eighteen at heart…” Karen-san joked. “…he treats them just the same.”
“Well, you’re not looking your age, Karen-chan babe!” Yasu-san said obsequiously, and Karen-san rolled her eyes, exasperated.
“Sure, not a bad effort, but next time, try harder. Anyway… Takagi-chan… she’s not lacking talent, apparently. And her confidence is growing. So, if you want some advice…”
“Sure, I do, I do! Even if I didn’t, I’d always listen to you, babe!” Yasu-san leaned in eagerly, and she batted him away with a free hand. Tsukiko and Shiro exchanged glances, Shiro having to hold in laughter.
Yes, it’s a different sort of feeling, being in this sort of group. I do not hate it, but I am more comfortable in subdued settings.
“Sure. Anyway, you’re going to the concert tomorrow, aren’t you?” Karen-san asked, and it was Aimi-san who answered.
“Yep, we got tickets through Akio-kun’s allocation. Considering how much effort we’ve put in on the Oracle Engine, we could use a break! I wonder if we’ll meet some idols?”
“If you want to do that, you can hang around Shirohebizumi shrine, Aimi-chan.” Hina-san advised her. “There’s those girls from AKB0048, isn’t there?”
“It’s totally not the same…” Aimi-san complained, drunk. “It’s like… seeing them in their natural habitats?”
“What are they, wild animals?” Yasu-san joked, and Aimi-chan made a tragic expression, claiming she was sorrowful that she had ‘been sassed by Yasu-kun!’
“My point is…” Karen-san broke in, a little irritated. “Takagi-chan is attending tomorrow. A lot of the trainees have backstage invitations, especially Kana-chan’s friends. I think if you spend some time with her at the concert, and treat her like the career-focussed young woman she’s becoming, she’ll respond better. Sure, she’s still at school, but… she’s already making progress on a career path. And I know she’s serious about it.”
“Little Hisano-chan… she was always so withdrawn and shy.” Yasu-san shook his head. “You’re right babe, I’ll talk to her, praise her a bit. Just… so long as she doesn’t fall for Akio-kun! He can’t have my cousin, or else I’ll poach his sister!”
“Shit, good luck with that.” Shiro snorted, and almost everyone in the room knew what an overprotective brother Akio was, and how Aiko-san was perhaps even worse.
“Speaking of a career…” Usui-san pounded the nervous Konoe-san on the back. “…spill. How’s it been, your first days at work, Ichika-chan?”
“There’s a lot to learn. It’s all very strange. But Shaeula was happy to see me. And… I do feel better about things, now I’m contributing. I’ll try my hardest not to let anyone down.”
“As I told you before, it is not something you try.” Tsukiko advised, before realising it was the same with her. Shiro was making a great effort to include her in more social events, broadening her horizons. The others helped her as well. Akio’s and Eri-san’s parents and grandparents were making her own parents at ease. Shaeula was always talking to her, as were the others, and Yukiko, while terribly busy, the weight of Amaterasu on her shoulders, often made time to call her or at least exchange texts.
Yes, I am blessed. I have a second chance to pursue a life I desire. Desire…
As Konoe-san and Usui-san continued talking back and forth about work, Shiro glanced over. “You’re looking red there, Tsuki. The booze, or… thinking of something, or someone else?”
“Perceptive as ever.” Tsukiko admitted, unwilling to lie. “I… have the resolve. To pursue my happiness.”
“Great. I like that. Shit, even Tan wants happiness, though the happiness of a Goddess is rather complicated, it seems.” Her eye glinted red at that, and she snorted, likely communicating silently with the Goddess inside.
Shiro and I are alike in that regard as well. Though I was not sharing a body with Tsukuyomi, I did hear his voice in my dreams and visions…
“This is very interesting.” Ffionnan declared, listening in. “Work is a strange concept, though payment, I understand!”
“You’re a moon-damned usurer!” the tiny Fae Estalian giggled sourly. “Always collecting treasures. Are you some sort of dragon, making a bed of gold and jewels to sleep on?”
“I shall have you know, my hoard diminishes. There are always new shares to buy! But I do admit, while it pains my heart, I hope to soon reap the benefit of profit shares and dividends. Maybe I will make a bed of gold, though sleeping on cold, hard metal is unpleasant. Perhaps just the frame…”
“I’m sure that you will see an excellent return on your investment.” Haru-san promised. “While I’m not specifically involved in it, Karen-san can update you on progress. You saw it yourself earlier, soon the first devices will be up and running. Trash to treasure at first, and then energy security for Japan and our allied countries.”
“Speaking of work… Bunta-kun, you know where I’m coming from, right?” Usui-san was rather drunk and aggressive. “We’ve been investigating, with help from your Oracle Engine. That thing’s wild, the Detective says that it’s dangerous to rely on it, but it can… oh, what did he say… oh yeah, it could revolutionise crime prevention and active policing! Anyway… the case makes no damn sense. Sure, we’ve been checking the list of names we have obtained, but… nothing on any of them.”
“It’s only natural…” Bunta-san said. He shrank in on himself when everyone’s eyes were on him, especially Shiro’s, which made him sweat. Oh yes, she was his leader, or perhaps Taṇhā was, and she put fear into his already cowardly heart.
“…anyway…” he continued. “If these deaths and attacks have been a warning, a smokescreen or some sort of distraction… we’re dealing with a conspiracy. Clearly there are Chosen at play as well. We’re at a loss for now, but…”
“Yeah, it’s so aggravating!” Usui-san agreed. “The only thing is we’ve narrowed down a few of the more suspicious names on our immigration list. But most of them are elderly, and some are businessmen who in addition to charitable work, have ties to some of the biggest enterprises in Japan. If they are problematic, then this goes way over our heads. The Detective hates dealing with nobility, especially the real big ones, like Fujiwara house.”
“Not as much as Daizen did, dumb bastard.” Shiro grumbled, though Tsukiko noticed her black eyes seemed downcast. “Isn’t that right, Bunta?”
As the nervous man agreed softly, Shiro continued her bitter rant. “Sure, he’d probably not be happy working with us considering Aki’s ties to the nobility, but… beats being dead, doesn’t it? All he had to do was walk away, but no, he had to make threats… yes Tan, I know, Abrogation is a real win, but… oops, that’s a secret!” Shiro made an effort to pull down her eyelid and stick her tongue out, which confused Tsukiko.
“Anyway…” Shiro continued, her face a little flushed with seeming embarrassment. “I can’t see any of the big nobles being involved, it doesn’t make sense, but… I guess you police have to follow any leads, don’t you?”
“That’s right!” Usui-san slurred, clearly drunk by now. Her hair bun had come loose, and she had started fanning herself with one hand, after having unbuttoned the top of her shirt. Beside her, Konoe-san tried to calm her down, to no avail. “Just because something seems improbable, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible! I mean, just look at here! Faeries and Foxes and magic people…”
“That’s right.” Hayato-san agreed. “We can boot up the Oracle Engine again, maybe. Shaeula’s Fortune can power it…”
Perhaps because she was thinking of her past, Shiro shook her head. “It’s all the Raven Knight’s fault. If only he hadn’t insisted we kill Shaeula and Aki, when his real goal was to get his damn Tree back. Vengeance over common sense… fool.”
That drew attention, and Estalian stopped flailing her legs long enough to look up. “The wandering Raven, I see. He’s a pitiful one, but also unrepentant. If he enters the Court again, he’ll be hunted down by the Way-Wardens… but he’s not been seen in a fair while… uh… I need more alcohol!”
“I know Aki is just waiting for their next meeting, considering he was almost killed last time. Worse, apparently he said some very hurtful things to Shaeula as well.” Shiro shrugged, grinning nastily. “He has it coming. Damn, I know that gathering up Chosen led to me meeting Arisu and Suzu… I guess you too, Bunta…” Her words to him seemed an afterthought, but in a way Bunta-san seemed relieved at that. “But then, working with selfish and evil people definitely required something like the Binding Chains… I much prefer it now, where Aki only brings on good people. Anyway…”
“Yes, if I may.” Karen-san interjected. “The Oracle Engine… how it works, I can’t honestly understand it, but by all means use it, it’s what we spent all that money on.” Shiro’s friends smiled at that, embarrassed by how eagerly they had spent money on it, and Karen-san continued. “You could also try asking Miyu-san. She’s a Fujiwara herself, isn’t she? And she’s quite approachable, I think?”
“I can help too, perhaps.” Tsukiko volunteered, unwilling to be left out. “It is as Konoe-san says. It feels good to contribute, and I feel… restless.”
“Don’t worry, you’ll be installed in your original planned position as special advisor to the Ministry soon enough.” Haru-san promised. “And… you wish to be useful to Akio-kun, the man who defeated death for you… and for me, I suppose, although Kiku made it possible for him…”
“I do.” Tsukiko said without shame. Yasu-san whistled, impressed, and Shiro snickered. Despite that, Tsukiko was unwilling to dissemble. “It is not merely that Akio has taken the mantle of Tsukuyomi, or that he saved my life… or that I wish to pursue a life with him, together with you, Shiro, and everyone else…”
“Shit, saying it like that makes me shy…” Shiro looked down, her flushed face hidden by her long silver hair, and Tsukiko’s smile broadened. Yes, for someone who seems so outgoing, you are rather shy, and direct praise and compliments embarrass you…
“…I have no idea if I can receive any visions or dreams, but… perhaps the Oracle Engine will stimulate me?”
“Worth a try.” Usui-san agreed. “I’ll leave talking to the Fujiwara girl to the Detective though…”
Now that was settled, talk turned to the recent volcanic eruption that afflicted the Nasu Volcanoes. Obviously, they knew the cause, and that Tamamo-no-Mae was rescued from there, but even so, concerns that such would happen elsewhere was an ever-present fear in the back of their minds.
“It is like this…” Estalian said, beginning to lecture us. Ffionnan broke in, her arrogance on show, and they started to struggle, Estalian flying up and pulling on Ffionnan’s hair, while she waved her hands like trying to swat a fly. Despite the fight, Estalian continued to speak, though her words were occasionally interrupted with cries of annoyance and pain.
“…only the Queen, may she return from her self-imposed retreat one day, is as well versed in such matters as… ouch, you old miser, stop that… me. The density of ether and elemental energies is… I’ll pull out your damn gems and throw them away…”
“Little brat! Act your age! I’m not a fool either! I can explain!” Ffionnan grumbled as their comedic fight continued.
It was then that Nie Ling spoke up, worried. “If you exert yourselves, then I can’t hold you here for long…”
Tsukiko, who could now speak Chinese as flawlessly as Akio could, translated, and soon the argument calmed down, though with a smirk, Estalian conjured a blast of wind while Ffionnan wasn’t looking, shearing off a few strands of hair, allowing several golden beads to fall away and be lost. With that done, she continued to explain. “…so yes, as I was saying, I believe the rivers of unusual ether used to be called Ley Lines. They flow between areas of unusually high or low density. They will have largely become dormant.” She started to lecture everyone, and Tsukiko listened carefully.
“Coming here wasn’t just to experience mortal pleasures. I’m not this damn Leprechaun.” Ffionnan protested at that again, but Estalian merely pointed at the fallen gold beads, which sent her diving to pick them up, but she used wind to roll them towards the exit of the room, making Ffionnan scurry.
“Anyway, no, I am concerned that the Seelie Court will be affected as the Boundary begins to break. It’s already happening. While it is fascinating, just as the reverse was… I suspect that old Ley Lines and sites of rich elemental energies will rekindle, and… just as when water meets lava… there will be… disruption.” Estalian continued.
I see. It makes sense. The world of the Divine, the spiritual will not integrate with the mortal world we know painlessly or easily. Which is why… Her resolve undimmed, Tsukiko vowed to ensure her return was meaningful, not just for her own sake, her parents, for Akio’s happiness, but so that Tsukuyomi’s wish for the world to be preserved was fulfilled. I owe my God that. After all… the past is dead. And now… Glancing around the room, Tsukiko felt warm. It was still uncomfortable, stepping out of her isolation and aloofness, but…
I have not just found a chance at love, or regained my family, or found sisters, or become a true friend to Yukiko, now able to share my hidden face and thoughts… no, there are many people, many beings, both human and not, who I can allow to behold me… the real me. Though… there are parts of me I can only share with one other… Shiro met her gaze, and Tsukiko flushed, but met it honestly. Shiro gave her a thumbs up, and, taking up her glass, Tsukiko took a long drink of her alcohol, paying close attention to the priceless, near unheard of opportunity of listening to a lecture from a Faerie Princess on aetheric metaphysics and mysticism…
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