Five Hundred And Twenty-Five

“The view is spectacular.” Hinata gushed, looking out over the city of Cape Town far below us, her small hand in mine. The temperature was a pleasant, warm one this time of year in South Africa, so she was wearing a rather cute summery dress, though with little exposure, with a fluttering hem down to her ankles, and long sleeves, though those were lacy and airy. Her cute young lady image was topped off by a wide-brimmed hat, shielding her from the bright sun.

“It is indeed.” I grinned, and Hinata blushed as I was looking at her, not down the mountain.

“You’re such a flirt. I don’t hate it though.” Hinata gently pounded my shoulder with her free fist. “This is nice. It’d be perfect, except for…” She turned to look at Mayumi-san, who was accompanied by Katana-san as always. Mayumi was more flashily dressed than Hinata, despite our hike, her dress exposing more, though she barely noticed the eyes of others on her, acting like a queen.

“…unneeded guests.” Hinata finished, and Mayumi-san snorted cheekily. Sёarch* The Nôvel(F)ire.nёt website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“How could you be so mean to me, Hinata? Aren’t we best friends? I’d have thought you’d enjoy seeing the sights with me.”

“We are friends, yes.” Hinata agreed. “But this is clearly time for Akio and me to spend together romantically. Don’t you think you’re being a hindrance to that?”

“I don’t think so, no.” Mayumi-san shook her head. “After all, she’s come along, hasn’t she?” Mayumi-san gestured to the silent Adelheid, who was dressed in casual jumper and jeans, watching the scenery below idly.

“It seems a little cruel to leave Adelheid behind, since she doesn’t speak Japanese, and her English is basic.” I explained, a point Mayumi-san had to concede. I noticed she also didn’t count the silent Kazumi-san, who was accompanying Hinata as always.

“Besides… at least Adelheid knows when to keep quiet. You’ve been chattering away to Akio and me constantly. I get that you’re excited, Mayumi, but sometimes I wonder…”

“Wonder what?” Mayumi-san tilted her head, not taking offense at Hinata’s words.

“I wonder if you’re so starved for male company who isn’t your father, grandfather or brother, that you’re eager to monopolise Akio. I think you need to find another hobby, Mayumi.” Hinata’s words were teasing, but I could see she was a little annoyed, judging by the way she gripped my hand.

“That’s a funny joke, Hinata.” Mayumi-san chuckled. “We’re all friends here, aren’t we? Besides, this is fun! Akio-kun is someone I can talk to without any shadow cast on my reputation, and I know he won’t suddenly attack me. After all, he’s your fiancé, Hinata.”

“Yes, he’s my fiancé. And this is my debut event for my engagement. Father and grandfather really should be here, but there’s just too much for them to do back in Japan right now, and besides, this trip isn’t just about me, I know that.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll do my best not to overshadow you.” Mayumi-san promised, missing the point. “Though it is hard, I am the beautiful, intelligent Ichijou Mayumi! Where I go, all eyes follow and tongues wag. That’s why it’s so relaxing here. You speak your mind to me freely, as does Akio-kun. Besides…” Her smile was teasing now, trying to turn the tables on Hinata. “…grandfather is taking responsibility for being your chaperone at this debut. It’s quite the honour. I know you worry about matching Motoko-san’s and Natsumi’s, but… everyone at Hanafubuki will celebrate, I am quite sure.”

Yeah, the girls take it seriously. Their families too. Natsumi was telling me her treatment by the true noble daughters at school had changed after the pictures of her debut were shared. They were stuck in a bit of a limbo before, as she was marrying me along with Motoko and Hinata, which gave her a certain status, but she was also from a low family of the Three-Hundred, which was at odds with that. Now though, they treat her as if she’s from a family like Motoko’s.

“I’m grateful to Kira-sama.” Hinata agreed. “But still, I don’t get to spend as much time with Akio as I’d like…”

“You’re spending time with him now!” Mayumi-san missed the point, her naivety about relations between men and women showing through.

“Does she ever shut up? She’s chewing off our ears like she’s starving.” Adelheid said in German grumpily. I held in a laugh, before replying.

“Yeah, she’s always quite talkative. Don’t mind her. How are you finding your first trip abroad?”

“It’s a nice view.” Adelheid conceded, a woman of few words. “Don’t mind me, unlike her…” She snorted at Mayumi-san. “…I’m not the fifth wheel on this wagon. Just enjoy yourselves.”

“What did she say? I speak French, but not German…” Mayumi-san asked, curious.

“Nothing important.” I waved my free hand to dismiss that. “Anyway, the view really is amazing.” I agreed with Hinata’s earlier sentiments. “It’s different to Mount Fuji, but no less spectacular.”

“That makes me wonder…” Hinata said, thinking. “…do you think that others have Territories here?”

The thought had crossed my mind. “The ether density is a bit lower than Kyoto’s, but higher than Tokyo’s. In fact, South Africa seems to have a higher ether density than most of Japan in general. As for Territories… since I don’t think one can own the mountain, it’s hard to say, but… I wouldn’t be surprised. I’m keen on securing Mount Fuji, and we’ll do so as soon as we reach Rank four and can reach it.”

“Don’t you worry that someone will already have claimed it?” Mayumi-san asked, curious.

“From what I understand, that’s unlikely. It’s bound to be full of Yōkai and other powerful beings. But… nobody’s registered it with the Ministry, so in theory it’s fair game.” I wasn’t keen on seizing land by force, and if it was claimed by someone unwilling to fall in line I wouldn’t use Conqueror to destroy their Anchor, but I would consider removing their Territory and taking it for my own.

“Yes, nobody should be holding such valuable sites other than us.” Hinata agreed. “Anyway, Territory or not, it sure is beautiful up here.” The rich vegetation and numerous species of flowering plants around us were unlike any scenery we had back home.

“Yes, beautiful indeed.” Once more I echoed her, yet looked into Hinata’s eyes, until she flushed and looked down shyly. Behind us, Kazumi-san coughed softly, well used to and exasperated by our romantic antics.

“You flirt!” Hinata giggled, and Katana-san also looked away, though she remained alert, even up here.

“There’s no need to keep showing us how in love you are.” Mayumi-san smirked. “I already know Hinata adores you. Anyway, how about breakfast?”

“Sure.” We had landed in the early hours local time and been ferried to our hotel for a quick couple of hours of sleep, which was enough to refresh us. Instead of eating at the hotel, I had packed us a hamper of food, which was slung over my shoulder. A picnic out here is rather romantic. Ichijou-san had some business to attend to, and he was accompanied by his Chosen guards, while Titan and Christina stayed back at the hotel, and Treyvon and Aliyah were watching them. And anyway, Aliyah did say watching me flirt with Hinata would just make her sick…

Unpacking an array of fresh sandwiches, snacks, biscuits and more, I laid down a blanket for the girls to sit on. I also pulled out several bottles of wine, as while it was early for alcohol, and we’d likely be drinking later, I wanted to set the scene with Hinata, and I could use Ether Healing to sober everyone up before we left.

Seeing Katana-san still on alert, I asked her to relax and sit down. “Don’t worry, if any danger threatens, I can take care of it.” I promised. She didn’t look convinced, but Mayumi-san waved a hand, agreeing with me.

“Oh do take a seat, Katana. If Akio-kun can’t protect us, sadly I don’t think you’ll be much help. Besides, we’re all friends here, aren’t we? Take your lead from Kazumi, she’s not concerned.” Indeed, Hinata’s friend and bodyguard had already relaxed, well aware I was always prepared for any danger.

Katana glanced at Adelheid, who was flopped down and was munching on some snacks like she was starving, and Mayumi-san shrugged. “Don’t mind her. Akio-kun has her in hand. Now, can someone uncork the wine? This isn’t a bad vintage…”

“Of course not. Do you think Akio would pick something poor? This was from the hotel’s private collection.” Hinata said proudly, as I uncorked it elegantly with a corkscrew. I could pull it out by hand, but that seems a little crude. Ordinarily, hiking up Table Mountain should have taken two hours, and doing it with a hamper full of glassware and cutlery would have been considered foolish, but I could have sprinted up it easily enough, and even the girls were more than capable of doing it in an hour after Chirurgery. That’s not counting Adelheid, of course. Like me, she could run up it quite easily.

Pouring the fragrant red wine into glasses, when everyone had their own and a plate of food, I declared a toast. “To a productive trip…”

“And to a wonderful date!” Hinata added to much laughter.

“Sure, to a productive date too!” I echoed, and Hinata flushed.

“And what would you consider productive?” Mayumi-san was genuinely curious.

“It’s too soon for you to know that.” Hinata was flushed pink but smiling happily. “When you finally get engaged, if anyone will have you, then you can ask!”

“It’s not my fault that there’s hardly any suitable matches for me. It’s not like I can marry your new brother Minoru-kun, can I? He’s too young for me. And marrying into one of the upper Fifty-Eight presents its own issues.” Mayumi-san was slightly offended, but she recovered quickly, her mood mercurial. Taking a sip of the wine, she smiled broadly. “Yes, this is good. Anyway… I think I understand. I am a model student, after all!”

“Sure you do.” Hinata agreed wryly, before sipping on her own wine. Adelheid was drinking too, but it seemed she preferred beer. Fortunately I had packed a few cans, though she had skipped them because they’d got warm during the climb. An easy fix…

Taking a can, I used water element and a little aether and soon it was ice cold. I tossed it to Adelheid, who caught it, surprised, but then she cracked it open, taking a swig. “A neat trick there. I’ll have to remember that one.”

“It’s easier with water element, but… huh, that gives me an idea.” I released a fine, cooling mist of it, shrouding us all. The South African heat was quick to evaporate it, leaving us dry, but the drop in temperature was welcome. “Anyway, you can do it with just aether, but it’s more taxing that way.”

“I see. I’ve a lot to learn.” Adelheid agreed.

We spent the next twenty minutes chatting, eating and drinking, admiring the view. A number of other tourists spared us a few glances as they passed, and Mayumi-san sat prouder at the admiring looks she was receiving, while Hinata didn’t care, only interested in my approval. As I packed up when we were finished, Mayumi-san couldn’t help but boast.

“So how does it feel, all the jealous glances? After all, you’re with a number of fine young women, the only man amongst us.”

“I’m used to it.” I shrugged, slinging the hamper over one shoulder again, and taking Hinata’s hand anew. “If I couldn’t handle it, I’d be a nervous wreck by now.”

“Oh, you’re no fun.” Mayumi-san pouted, hoping for a bigger reaction. With that said, she cheered up. “So, what’s the plan for afterwards?”

“It’s not really your concern.” Hinata smiled cheekily, knowing that Mayumi-san hated being left out of what others were doing. “After all, there’s no way that you can come with us. It’s far too dangerous.”

“But you’re going.” Mayumi-san pointed out, and honestly, I’d given it a lot of thought. Eri’s disastrous injuries in Kyoto were still fresh on my mind, but things were different now. I would be there to protect her, and not just me. Adelheid would be with us as well, and I aimed to borrow Titan too.

“Yes, we’ve agonised over that.” Hinata agreed as we began our stroll down the mountain, taking in more of the breathtaking views. “But it would be beneficial for me to go out in the field, and there isn’t a better chance. Anyway, after the gala, we’ll have time for some private meetings if we need them, then overnight we’ll take a couple of helicopters over to Botswana. We can sleep on the way.”

“Inside a helicopter? Good luck with that.” Mayumi-san grinned, but I shrugged.

“I don’t need it, and I can help Hinata sleep. It’s fine. But yes, I’m anticipating a relatively risk-free expedition. Though I’m prepared for the worst. But while Hinata does see herself as more invested in our empire building and financial sides, she’s right… field experience is vital, as then she can better understand our needs.”

“I think that makes sense. What do you think, Katana?” Mayumi-san asked.

Her masculine-dressed bodyguard shrugged, the barest movement of her shoulders. “I don’t think you should follow suit, Mayumi-sama, but… from a bodyguarding perspective, one day of hands-on training and field experience is worth weeks of theory.” Beside her, Kazumi nodded, agreeing.

Glancing at Hinata, she squeezed my hand again. Her smile was bold, and I knew she was brave, but I still had some misgivings. But I don’t want to leave her behind. I get a feeling I shouldn’t. Besides,with my Foresight blaring, at least if she’s within my reach, I can protect her…


“Now you look simply stunning.” I could hardly take my eyes off Hinata, who smiled triumphantly as I left the shower, my hair still damp. She was looking much more mature than usual, her hair pulled up and fixed into buns, pinned with ornate hair sticks, and her purple dress was rather daring, showing off her cleavage and her legs through a slit down the side.

As my waist was still wrapped in a towel, seeing my natural reaction, she giggled, blushing. “It seems you’re a fan. Don’t worry though, no need to be jealous. They can look, but I’m only for you.”

“I know that. I’m not that jealous.” I insisted, and she raised an eyebrow, amused. “I’m not.” I insisted again. “I’m happy that you’re all so gorgeous and adorable. Of course, that only goes so far…”

“I know.” Hinata smirked. “And none of us have any intention of upsetting you. Why would we want to? After all, we’ve already secured the best man alive, as Shaeula would say. No, she’d say ‘best male’, but that doesn’t matter. It makes us feel wanted when you’re jealous though.”

“If we had more time, and you weren’t already all dressed up, I’d show you how wanted you are with my actions….” I teased, though she was certainly exciting me. “You really like purple, don’t you? Usually at these sorts of events that’s the colour you wear.”

“You remember.” She giggled, twirling to give me a better view, skirt fluttering. Even in heels she was graceful, perhaps due to her boosted stats. “Purple’s just my colour, it suits me.”

“It does, I agree.” I quickly started dressing, and Hinata blushed but didn’t look away, her eyes devouring me. Seeing that, I flushed a little as well. “If things go well, I’ll make some time for you before I send you off.”

“That’s a promise then.” Hinata agreed, and she then came over and helped me dress, quite the surreal experience. As she buttoned up my shirt and combed my hair, I really felt like she was my wife. I suppose she has had lessons in how a noble wife behaves since she was a young girl…

Seeing my enthusiasm, Hinata straightened my tie, after having knotted it perfectly. She stepped back, giving me an appraising look up and down, before nodding, well satisfied. “Yes, you look perfect. Dashing, handsome, and a fit match for me. Tonight has to be perfect, after all.” She held out her arm and I took it. We would be leaving our hotel and be chauffeured to the venue of the gala, which was the mansion of the president of Kumba-Stillwater, Miss Lindiwe’s father. Apparently it had magical views of the ocean, especially in the evening.

Leaving our room, we quickly ran into the others. Mayumi-san was in a daring black and white gown with a deep V-shaped neckline, while Katana-san was in an expensive gentleman’s suit. Kazumi-san was there as well, in a tasteful white dress that looked fashionable, but I could see that the skirt was actually more of a skort, with internal leggings for ease of movement should trouble break out. Lastly, Adelheid was in one corner, her face flushed and her expression sour. She was wearing the pretty blue dress that we had bought in Berlin, and it was certainly a good design, as it made her look closer to her actual age.

“What?” she complained, seeing my gaze. “Do you think it doesn’t suit me? Maybe I should be in a light summer dress, all floaty and childish. Would you like that, mister?” Her singsong, elongated speech made her sound like a kid, and I shook my head, though I thought I understood.

She’s definitely got a complex about her appearance and age. It’s probably some sort of defence mechanism.

“Actually, it suits you just fine. Besides, it’s an important event, we have to dress up.” I reassured her. Speaking of that, Christina Bakker and Titan were staying at the hotel. I had considered taking them, but considering the activities of the Americans at this point, which had almost certainly strayed into the African continent, if their attempts to take down this Midas were any indication, I didn’t want to be associated with that. Treyvon and Aliyah were staying behind too, much to their relief, as apparently they preferred drinking in dingy bars and clubs, according to Aliyah. Treyvon was more worried she’d get drunk and cause a scene. But honestly, while Aliyah is terribly annoying, especially when drunk, when she’s on a job she’s actually quite professional, at least from what I’ve seen.

Adelheid frowned but said no more. Moments later, Ichijou-san joined us, his two bodyguards following him, dressed in sharp, professional suits. Ichijou-san was also in a suit, though the quality difference was easy to see. Is it wrong to be a little proud I can tell good suits from bad, and great suits from good, nowadays? I really do move in different circles.

“You look excellent together, Akio-kun, Hinata-chan.” He approved, looking us up and down. “Don’t worry and leave everything to me, your debut will be a grand success!”

“And what about me, grandfather?” Mayumi-san interjected, and he laughed.

“Your debut? We need to find you a fiancé first, Mayumi!”

“You know I didn’t mean that!” Mayumi-san flounced, a little annoyed. “I mean, don’t I look gorgeous?”

“Always, my dear granddaughter, always. But it’s Hinata-chan’s big occasion, so be supportive. You’re friends, aren’t you?”

“That’s right, we are.” Mayumi-san agreed, and Hinata’s hand tightened in mine again, and I could feel her happiness at the genuine nature of it. Sure, she’s remarkably arrogant, and it’s certainly unearned, but… in her own way she’s made a genuine connection with Hinata now. “Despite that…” she continued. “…it’s also an important networking event. Our new company has to make connections, doesn’t it? Who knows…” her smile was wicked. “…we might even find some new clients for you to exploit, Akio-kun.”

“Exploit?” Hinata rolled her eyes at that. “Akio’s simply being rewarded for his help. It’s you who exploits them, Mayumi!”

“All right, that’s enough tussling.” Ichijou-san laughed. “We need to go. It simply wouldn’t do to be late.”

Soon we had taken the short limousine ride to the estate of Miss Lindiwe and her father, and we joined the parade of expensive vehicles being checked by security as we passed the imposing, black-painted metal gates that secured the mansion compound. It was larger in area than my estate in Tokyo, which made sense, as land in the heart of Tokyo was scarce, but I wasn’t jealous. After all, we have ocean views too…

“Quite the turnout.” Ichijou-san observed. “I would expect no less. Kumba-Stillwater is one of the more impressive mining companies worldwide, and the chairman has connections even in government, in South Africa and the surrounding countries.” Glancing through the tinted windows, which were no bar to my vision, I could see a great number of security guards, many of them armed with automatic weapons.

“Seems like security is tight…” I observed, and after I explained what I could see, Ichijou-san shrugged.

“It seems we’ll be having auspicious guests indeed. If it was just the heads of the business world of Africa, then such heavy security wouldn’t be needed.” He paused, before grinning slyly at Hinata. “Best be ready, Hinata-chan. It looks like your moment to shine has arrived!”

“I’m always ready!” Hinata declared proudly, clinging to my arm, careful not to disarray her dress. As our driver wound down his window and presented our invitations to the security, we couldn’t understand what they were saying, as they were using one of the native tongues. Still, there seemed to be no issues, as soon we were parked up, and I escorted Hinata out of the car, Kazumi-san standing beside her, a few steps behind.

“Not going to help me out?” Mayumi-san asked, and Hinata sniggered.

“Sorry, find your own fiancé for that.”  She echoed Ichijou-san, who chuckled as well. Mayumi-san reddened a little, before tossing her head.

“I will, you’ll see. You are being quite stingy, Hinata. But I suppose I’ll forgive you…” With that, I took up the lead, Ichijou-san beside me. Strolling to the main entrance, we were welcomed into the spacious hall, which was lit by bright chandeliers. Dozens of guests were here already, and as we walked into the hall all eyes were on us. The majority language spoken seemed to be English, so I heard “Hero of Britain” mentioned a number of times, and Korea too, though there were plenty of words I didn’t understand. Zulu, maybe? Or Xhosa, is it? Might be Afrikaans too, I suppose.Even if I learn a language a week, it’ll still take me years to catch up with the whole world…

“Greetings.” A smartly dressed butler came over. It seemed the gala was confirming more to the British style, though there were certainly different cultural twists to it, as the decorations certainly weren’t Western in style, nor was most of the food, by the looks of it. “It is a pleasure to see you, Hero of Britain, and saviour of our good Miss Lindiwe. In fact, if you would come this way…”

We were led to the back of the room, where I recognised Miss Lindiwe. She was talking to several other guests, but on seeing us, she excused herself, before coming over and greeting us.

“It is a great pleasure to see you again.” She said in slightly accented English, reaching out a hand for us to shake. We did so in turns, the grip a little different to what I was used to. In addition, she seldom met our eyes, which seemed to be a cultural thing. Then again, nobody likes too much direct eye contact in Japan, but we’re a bit different, as mom still has the habit of meeting eyes while talking. Oh well, different cultures. Nobody’s right or wrong.

“I see you again. Sanibonani!” she said after the handshakes were finished, and Ichijou-san, ever the well-travelled businessman, grinned.

Yebo, sawubona!”

Miss Lindiwe looked pleased, so we quickly echoed Ichijou-san, which seemed to be the correct response.

“The formalities are over.” Miss Lindiwe said cheerfully. “We meet again. You are looking very beautiful tonight.” she said to Hinata and Mayumi-san. “Especially you, Miss Hinata. I see your engagement is agreeing with you.”

“It most certainly is!” She held my arm tightly, as if to claim me. “But then, my husband-to-be is most certainly the best there is.” She paused, glancing at Miss Lindiwe. “It’s good that you’re looking better. You’ve filled out a bit.”

Before she could answer, a strong, powerful voice called out to us. “Yes, my princess has recovered. Though she could still stand to eat a little more. Women should be pleasingly plump.” The speaker was a tall, well-built African man, wearing a high-quality suit, with a head of curly hair. Beside him was an older man, balding but still giving off the aura of a leader.

“Father! Don’t embarrass me in front of our guests!” Miss Lindiwe pouted, which showed women were the same the world over. “Besides, this isn’t the past anymore, women don’t just sit at home!”

“She’s a fiery one, Mandla.” The older man said to Miss Lindiwe’s father. “It’s good that you didn’t have to lose her.” He then paused. “Where are my manners?” He gave us a handshake, though it was more what I was used to. “It’s been a while, Mr Kira. It’s good to see you healthy. I’m feeling my age myself at times.”

“It’s hard not to be energetic when Akio-kun here is doing all these interesting things. Anyway, I’m sorry that Kenji-san couldn’t make it…” he mentioned Hinata’s grandfather. “…but we’re very busy nowadays. I expect you are too. Anyway, his granddaughter is here to represent him, and… well, you know our traditions. Oh, and congratulations again on your victory, Mr President.” Huh, he’s the President of South Africa? No wonder there’s so much security.

“I do.” the President agreed. “You are looking quite lovely tonight, Miss Hinata. And this must be your fiancé, the Hero of Britain, Savior of South Korea, Mr Akio. I must say, in the flesh you seem less intimidating…”

I raised an eyebrow at that, not sure of his meaning. Hinata then spoke up. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. Yes, this is my engagement debut, to inform the world there is no going back on our marriage. Not that I’d ever allow that. Good to see you as well, Mr Mandla.” She greeted Miss Lindiwe’s father too.

“Yes, I hope we can talk some business later.” Mayumi-san broke in. “After all, our factory will be operational soon, and we need raw materials.”

“I look forward to extra tax revenues.” The President laughed. “Although…” He looked troubled for a moment, which none of us missed, but before we could ask he changed the subject. “…there’s someone here I don’t know. Is this young girl with you?”

Adelheid screwed up her face, annoyed, as she understood enough English now to get what he had said. I warned her to be good with a small smile, before explaining. “Actually, she’s a friend and ally of mine, and older than she looks. She’s Adelheid Richter, and she’s a Chosen I’ve recruited.”

“Pleased to meet you.” Adelheid managed.

“I see. In that case, there must be a fascinating story to tell. But I shouldn’t monopolise you just yet.” The President apologised. “I know little Lindiwe here is eager to spend time with her saviours. And there will be a number of other politicians who’ll be happy to discuss cooperation. I know that the Nigerian Foreign Minister is here already, and I think we are expecting representatives from the Ivory Coast, Ethiopia, Ghana and more… it’s time the whole of the African continent steps up.” He paused, smiling. “I believe the Crown Prince of Lesotho is invited as well.”

“Great. You can introduce me later.” Hinata beamed. At her excitement, the president laughed, before departing with a wave.

“It’s not the Queen of Great Britain, but there’s still a number of dignitaries here. It’ll do.” Hinata concluded.

“Not just those, but the heads and Presidents of some of Africa’s most prominent companies.” Mr Mandla boasted. “Kumba-Stillwater still holds sway, and it would be rude not to celebrate the full recovery of my Lindiwe. It’s just a shame…”

“A shame?” I asked, and he frowned.

“I mean no offense to you but turning to those outside our shores… if there was one here who could have helped her it would have been better, but it was not to be.”

“Father, don’t be rude, please!” Miss Lindiwe was upset by his attitude. “It doesn’t matter who helped me, or why. I was dying, and nobody could save me. Now I have a second chance.”

“You’re right.” He agreed. “That was indeed rude of me. I just hope our homeland can be strong. Anyway, do excuse me. I see some other guests I must greet…” As he scurried away, she apologised to us again.

“Sorry. He really is grateful to you, and we won’t go back on our agreements. It’s just… there’s a lot going on nowadays. Everyone has to pick a side…” Her expression was downcast, but Mayumi-san, as usual with little tact, asked her what she was talking about, and Miss Lindiwe froze for a moment, before confessing.

“Our security isn’t so strict simply because the President and other world leaders are here. It’s because… they’ll probably be coming. They have no invitation, but… who would dare stop them? And father sympathises with their aims, at least…”

“They?” Mayumi-san asked, and before Miss Lindiwe could answer, the question became moot. A buzz of conversation swept through the venue, and the crowd parted. Even from here I could feel the pressure of a powerful League, though again, mine surpassed it. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s enough to make the guns the security has here worthless though.

An imposing dark-skinned man with close-cropped red hair, which was closer to crimson than ordinary red, wearing a long, reddish-ochre skirt-like garment, strode in like he owned the place. He was bare-chested, an array of beads of precious jewels, ivory and metal around his neck, covering most of his torso. But most imposing was his confidence. He walked with the air of a leader, and beside him was a stunning woman of around twenty-five years of age, voluptuous and sultry, her own clothing in blood-red, a western-style suit overlayed with similar reams of beads to the man. Several other men were behind them, though there was something off about them, and I quickly realised they weren’t humans, but some sort of spiritual beings.

“Are they…?” Hinata asked, shivering.

“Yeah. No question.” I answered her. The President we had spoken to earlier went to greet these new arrivals, looking uncomfortable and shaky at the sheer force the newcomer exuded, but as I released my own League in a way to protect those around me, offsetting the pressure, he noticed. His black eyes narrowed, and he said something to the woman beside him, who nodded, grinning. The President backed aside, seeming oddly deferential, and the group stalked over to us.

“It’ll be fine. It will…” Miss Lindiwe was muttering to herself. I nodded to Adelheid, who was on high alert, while the pair of Chosen Ichijou-san had brought were also wary. Katana-san and Kazumi-san were also ready for trouble, though they were well aware they stood little chance of being useful against a powerful Chosen.

The man strode closer, accompanied by his companions, and he glanced at the two bodyguards attending to Ichijou-san, before spitting out some harsh, contemptuous words, which were greeted by laughter from his companions. Though damn, the woman in red is gorgeous even doing that.

Msunu wako! Bunch of useless cowards.” He switched to English, his stare intimidating the bodyguards, but I merely stood there, composed. Adelheid was unmoved as well. She was nervous, I could see that by her mannerisms becoming more childish, but her blue eyes glared at the newcomer with unblinking ferocity. Yeah, she’s seen enough trouble to harden her resolve… “But you…” he continued. “Rha! I know you. You’re famous. What the fuck brings you here?”

His tone was dry, but I could see he was evaluating me.

“Don’t be so crude. There are young ladies present.” Miss Lindiwe said, and though she was clearly afraid of this man, she didn’t hesitate.

“Ah, so there are. My apologies.” The woman in crimson said with a sweet smile, at odds with the tension. Around us, the conversation had stopped, and everyone in the hall was watching. “Yes, very adorable ladies as well, it seems.” Her English was fast and flawless. “Nkosi, don’t be so harsh. We’re not on the battlefield now.” Behind them, the accompanying spiritual beings grinned balefully.

She then apologised again. “Oh, where are my manners? You’re… Japanese, if I recall? Very keen on politeness and introductions. I am Zozibini, she who received the gift from Qamata with both hands. This here is the noble Nkosi Khetho, he who chooses, and offers choices. As for the others… best left unsaid.”

The spiritual beings continued to smile, as if that was a hilarious joke. It was then that Mr Nkosi spoke up, appraising me cautiously. His League suddenly spiked, but I let my own out to counter it, and my patience was at its send.

“Can we drop the pissing contest? You’re upsetting my fiancée.” I grumbled, shielding Hinata.

Mr Nkosi barked a laugh, and the pressure dropped. “You… you are quite the strong one. I see your reputation is not just rhino shit.” He eyed Hinata and the others, shrugging. “If I scared you, I apologise. Rha! I am a man of action, not decorum. I leave that to Zozibini and the others.”

“It’s… good that you could make it, brother Nkosi.” Miss Lindiwe tried to smooth things over, addressing him with wary respect. “This… you already know…” She was starting to sweat but was doing her best to be a good host and smooth things over. She introduced us, and finished by saying that I was her saviour, who cured her terminal, untreatable cancer.

“I heard that.” Zozibini agreed mildly, looking like a secretary at the moment. Though she’s not weak, far from it. From the way she moves, I’d say she’s a cut above the usual Chosen. “Such a shame that we weren’t able to help. But it’s not our speciality, I’m afraid.” Her smile was teasing. “Anyway, to translate for dear Nkosi, he is quite pleased to meet another who follows his path.”

“I can speak for myself, woman!” he grumbled. “So what brings you here? This is not Britain, or Korea. We don’t need nor want your interference.” He was prickly and challenging. “For too long, we have had to bend the knee to the West. But now our time is coming. We are warriors, proud, bold and unafraid. Now when we raise our spears, no longer will guns answer us.” He grinned wildly, pointing at his bare chest. Below the mess of ornate beads, I could see a number of faint scars. “No gun can harm me now. So… I offer a choice. Leave here, or…”

“Or what?” I asked, knowing that I couldn’t back down, I needed to venture into Botswana, to find what remained of my fellow Norse Chosen.

“Or…” He made a gesture with one hand, forming a spear-shape. “…pray to Qamata, the true God, for you shall see courage has burned within the Xhosa undimmed for all these years.”

Before I could answer, another wave of League silenced the room, and I could hear clapping. Mr Nkosi scowled, turning, and we could see the newcomer, who was also accompanied by a number of men and women, most of which again resembled spiritual beings to my enhanced senses. More trouble? I reached out and patted Hinata’s back gently, and she smiled at me ruefully. Yeah, this is certainly not quite the debut she had in mind. It’s troublesome, in a very different way to Motoko’s and Natsumi’s…

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