Side One Hundred And Seventy-Five – Oshiro Sapphire AikoSide One Hundred And Seventy-Five – Oshiro Sapphire Aiko
“It seems my bro and the others have arrived safely.” I said, as I leaned back in the plush leather seat of the expensive foreign car that was driving us back to Nishimorioka. There was no need for a helicopter today, as we weren’t in any rush, and sometimes it was fun to take it slow. This even comes with a mini bar. And with my Ether Healing I barely even get hangovers now!
“Indeed.” Shaeula nodded. She was accompanying me back, along with the little cutie Marika-chan, who was going home for the first time since her move to Tokyo. She was a serious little girl, but adorable, and she was trying to maintain her mature composure, but I could see she was happy.
“It is rather convenient indeed-indeed that Eri can communicate with Akio wherever he may-may be. While mobile phones are great, it lacks… intimacy, I should-should say.” Shaeula finished, grinning.
“Jealous, huh?” I asked, still unable to believe the life my bro was living now. “My bro’s off with Hinata-chan travelling the world, and here you are stuck in Japan.” I couldn’t help teasing Shaeula. I felt as close to her as I did Eri, which was a testament to just how thoroughly she’d wormed her way into our lives and hearts. In fact, I liked all my bro’s women, and they all made sure to get along with me, but Shaeula was special. If not for her, Eri might never have confessed, and none of this would have been possible…
“I will survive.” Shaeula snickered, beer in hand. “I am rather busy myself, and besides, it is not-not as if I can not-not see Akio when I wish. He is still here as well-well, at least for now.” She took a swig, before wiping foam from around her lips, a cute gesture that she did instinctively. “I dare-dare say Akio will have to relinquish his Astral body at some point soon to assist him in his endeavours, but for now-now…” She then shrugged. “Besides, I am so-so busy…” She now looked exasperated, and I sympathised.
“I was quite-quite naïve. Even a small yet vastly important…” Shaeula wasn’t one for modesty, which amused me as always. “…domain such as the Spring of Clear Reflections requires much-much effort to manage. Always meetings and discussions.” Though Shaeula was complaining, I could tell she really enjoyed her life now, and the power she held, so I let her complain for a while. I know she’s jealous, but… she’s also good with sharing. She wants Hinata-chan to have her time too. I don’t know If I could be as generous myself…
“So, Marika-chan, you must be looking forward to seeing your family again?” I asked when Shaeula wound down her grumblings. She looked a little guilty, which was also cute, but she was an honest girl too, so she nodded politely.
“Yes, Aiko-sama, I am.”
“No, that won’t do!” I said firmly, shaking my head. “I’ve told you about that!”
“Sorry, Aiko-chan…” Marika-chan flushed adorably, her face and ears pink. She struggled not to be incredibly polite to us, and she definitely had reverence for my bro, seeing him as something near-Divine. And that passes to me and our family by default. Divine, huh? I guess I know my bro too well, I can’t really see it, though… when he’s maximising his League and giving orders to everyone… okay, maybe I get it a little…
“Yes, I am quite happy to see mother and father again. Grandfather too.” She didn’t mention her sisters, which was a little sad. I knew she didn’t dislike them, but she’d said they had no interest in running Chairoakitara shrine or being shrine maidens, so there was always that gap between them. “But I can finally meet Chairo-sama!” Her smile was brilliant and pure, and it made me want to pull her into a hug. I want her as a younger sister. Bro’s collecting new sisters recently, so maybe he can… wait, but if she’s my sister, she’s bro’s sister too. I’m the younger sister here! Thinking inane thoughts, I flushed too, matching Marika-chan.
Shaeula glanced at me, a knowing smirk on her face, and my skin felt hot to the touch, and I knew I must be burning crimson right now. Changing the subject, I spoke up. “And there’s just one more week left until winter break at school. Thank the Gods. Though you’re lucky, Marika-chan. I have my final exams, but you’ll be moving up to a faith school with no worries.”
“I am sure you will excel, Aiko-chan.” Marika-chan replied stoutly, and I felt her kindness.
“Yeah, should do. I’m much better at studying, maths and physics are easy for me now, and the uni I’m interested in for sports science isn’t that demanding in terms of grades. But anyway, we have to make the most of winter break! We’ll be busy doing this pilgrimage for a good chunk of it… that’ll be fun, but not that relaxing.” I then looked at Shaeula. “It’s your birthday too, isn’t it? My bro’s bound to spoil you rotten.”
“I should indeed hope-hope so, after his efforts for Eri.” Shaeula agreed. “I do not-not mind it will be during the pilgrimage, as I am most-most fascinated by the native spirits of this land.”
“I am eager as well.” Marika-chan agreed. “I want to win the approval of Chairo-sama and the other Kami, becoming a true shrine maiden, and bringing Chairoakitara shrine back to glory. After all, Akio-sama… err, Akio-san…” While I had instructed Marika-chan to call me by the -chan honorific, she couldn’t bring herself to address my bro with such informal tones. I guess we have to take what we can get. “…has elevated Shirohebizumi shrine. Kana-san, Keomi-chan and the others are very happy, and I hope one day to be as capable as Kana-san is!”
Unable to resist the urge, I ruffled Marika-chan’s hair, making her giggle softly. “Don’t be in such a rush, you’re just a kid. But my bro’s right about one thing. Hard work started early pays off. After all, I started Kyūdō and volleyball when I was young, and now I’m pretty damn good, if I do say so myself.”
“And modest as always.” Shaeula chuckled. I pretended to be offended, but everyone knew I was joking.
“What do I have to be modest about? I’m going to surpass your brother one day, Shaeula!”
“I would love-love to see it. Though that day is likely far off.” Shaeula shrugged.
“Maybe so, but the pilgrimage might help with that.” I was eager to strengthen the Kami-Blessed Class. The bonuses it offered were always welcome, and while it didn’t seem to have much to do with Kyūdō, I just had a feeling there would be benefits. Besides, I didn’t accept Kannon’s Divine Favour just to rest on my laurels. Nope, now I have to prove I’m worth it. And without the advantages Eri enjoys. But I’m happy for her. Just like she was for me. Now she has a Favour too, we can stand together, and better still, it sounds like she’s got a defensive Favour, while I’m an archer. What better combination to really kick some ass?
“I am home.” Marika-chan said loudly as we followed her up to her house. Moments later, we could hear the pattering of feet as several girls came running out to greet us.
Wow, they look just like older Marika-chans! Cute, and if so, Marika-chan’s got a bright future ahead of her.
“Mother, father, Marika-chan’s home!” the younger sister said in surprise. “And she’s brought… guests…?”
“It’s Oshiro Aiko-san!” the oldest sister exclaimed. I recognised her, she was a first year in the highschool branch of our school, and while I hadn’t interacted with her much as she didn’t do sports, I had seen her around. “Oh my God!” She was practically squealing. “You looked so amazing in Korea.”
“Yeah, can we see it? The Golden statues?” the other sister chimed in, eager, and I felt both rather flattered and also exhausted. This must be how bro feels when he goes out…
“Please, elder sister Rumi-san, elder sister Himari-san, calm down. Our guests should not be hassled the moment they arrive!” Marika-chan chided them adorably. Oh yeah, Himari-chan. That was her name. I remember now.
“Oh, it’s Shaeula-chan as well!” the older sister, Himari-chan, noticed her, having spotted me first. “Don’t worry, we won’t bar-bar your way!” Both sisters burst out into happy giggles then, and Shaeula rolled her amber eyes.
“I would hope not-not.” Shaeula pulled on indoor shoes for guests that were by the door, and I did the same. As we did so, Marika-chan’s mother, Junko-san, and her father, both came out.
“Marika, you’re home? Why didn’t you call me… oh, guests.” Junko-san noticed us. On seeing who we were, her expression changed, and she was now wary and guarded, but she wasn’t overtly rude. “Come in, Oshiro-san. Dannan-san, wasn’t it?”
“Just call me Shaeula. I have no-no need of your formalities.” Shaeula declared boldly. “Besides, Marika is our friend and comrade, so we-we are allies too.”
Her father frowned at that as well but was too polite to speak out. Junko-san wasn’t so restrained though. “I still think it is far too soon for Marika to be involved, but grandfather… I have no idea why I ever agreed to this!”
Yeah, I don’t get it either, but… Shaeula shifted a bit guiltily, and I assumed that she was involved somehow. Not that it matters. Everyone’s keeping Marika-chan safe. She’s like a little mascot at the training school. And there’s another girl around her age as well now. Arisa-chan, right?
“Because it is the right thing to do, mother.” Marika-chan spoke up, wise beyond her years. “It is early, but as Aiko-chan told me on the journey here, just as she started Kyūdō young, so too I started my role as a shrine maiden. And I love it, and I want it to be my life. I understand you worry for me, mother, but everyone looks out for me.”
As she repeated my words I was embarrassed again, but they seemed to reach Junko-san. She looked at her daughter with a complicated mix of pride and resignation, before remembering her manners. “Come in. Take a seat. Himari, Rumi, some tea for our guests.”
As they agreed, disappointed they couldn’t talk to us more, we entered the house. Soon we were seated in their living room, and it wasn’t that much larger than my home here in Nishimorioka. Most of the town wasn’t rich, if not as poor as the Mori’s. Though those days are gone. It was hilarious when uncle and auntie heard that my bro spent nearly a billion yen on getting Eri that Favour though. They went so white I thought they’d pass out on the spot. It’s hard to shake a poverty mindset…
“So tell me, what was it like meeting the Queen?” Himari-chan asked Shaeula eagerly the moment we had tea in our hands.
“The Queen?” Shaeula sniffed charmingly. “I feel she should-should be proud of meeting me!” Despite her arrogance, Shaeula briefly explained, while I watched, amused.
“That’s great, but we still haven’t seen the golden statues!” Rumi-chan gushed, looking at me with her big brown eyes pleadingly.
“Rumi, magic isn’t a toy, it’s dangerous!” Junko-san snapped, and I could see she was definitely harbouring doubts about everything. Deciding to do my bro a favour, I hoped to smooth things out.
“It’s not, but I even gave a demonstration at school before.” Marika-chan’s sisters nodded at that, having seen it. “In fact, it’s more dangerous not to know, especially if you’re a shrine family. Maiko-chan’s shrine was targeted by a bad man, and her father was put in a coma for weeks…” Realising what I was saying wasn’t helping, I hurried to my point. “…basically, it’s here now whether we like it or not, so best to understand it, and make it ours.”
“You raise a good point.” Marika-chan’s father, who was keeping silent up until now, agreed. “Junko, dear, Marika is back, happy and healthy…”
“I am only visiting, since Aiko-chan graciously offered to bring me home to see you. I will be back during winter break for longer, though I have to partake in the pilgrimage to earn the favour of the Kami of Japan.” Marika-chan was eager at the thought. “Our humble shrine will see many visitors. I cannot wait to see Chairo-sama bless them all!”
Seeing Marika-chan’s enthusiasm, Junko-san had to give in, though she still wasn’t happy. Shaeula lazily reached out a hand and patted Marika-chan’s head gently, making her squirm, embarrassed. Is it wrong that Rumi-chan and Himari-chan seem jealous?
“Have no fear, Marika is not-not exposed to danger that can not-not be managed carefully. All life entails risks, but I assure you that Akio does cherish her. And Marika is not-not weak. Her drive and determination are praiseworthy. As a female and a mother, I would-would expect you to be supportive, and praise her hard efforts.”
Junko-san pursed her lips at that, but in the end, she conceded the point. “It’s hard to overlook all the trouble. First Marika was attacked in her new home, then the mess at Kyoto, London, now Korea…”
“That’s the point.” I said, and with a wave of my hand I materialised one of my Golden Sisters, this one appearing to be Eri, as that seemed more appropriate for being back in Nishimorioka. Huh, it looks a little different. Now Eri’s statue has a flowing cloak on that looks damn cool. Wow, maybe I should take up sculpting? No, I’m more into sport… As Marika-chan’s sisters gasped in awe, stars in their eyes as they looked at it as it stood in the centre of the room, I continued. “No point burying our heads in the sand, is there? Sooner or later trouble will find us. But just look at it this way. In the unlikely event a burglar broke in here now with a knife and threatened us… Shaeula or I could handle it easily. Marika-chan… it might be tough, she’s still a bit small to fight properly, but…”
“I am not afraid!” Marika declared, raising one hand. She wasn’t able to hold much elemental energy, but in a flash of red, a small pebble of compressed soil appeared in her palm. “I have studied and trained.” She flicked the pebble, which pinged off the golden Eri with an audible thud, before flaring into nothingness. The speed of the projectile surprised Junko-san and her sisters though, it was far slower than a bullet, but it was the sort of speed one of the pitchers in the ‘pro’ team at our annual baseball game would have thrown the ball. “I may still be weak, but…” She looked at her mother, bowing earnestly. “…I strive every day to be better. Yes, I have faced danger. But Akio-san saved me, and he would do so again. Or Aiko-chan would. Or any of the others.” Shaeula nodded at that.
“I understand.” Junko-san grumbled. “But I’m your mother, and you’re just a child! You’re not even in middle school yet! Can’t you enjoy your childhood? It’s not too late to decide when you’re older…”
“That’s a reasonable argument.” I admitted. “But there are a lot of people who decide their careers at a young age. Like those taking sport seriously…”
“But sport isn’t so dangerous…” Junko-san protested, and I shrugged.
“Are you sure? There’s lots of fairly dangerous sports. Rugby for one.” I shrugged. “But that’s not the issue, is it? Marika-chan’s picked her path, and you agreed.”
“Indeed. Mother, I am doing this for Chairo-sama! I know you are not a great believer in our religion, but… it is all true. I have met Kami, and one such as that sits before you.” Shaeula preened at her words, and I was once more amused at just how charmingly arrogant Shaeula as, though if anyone had a right to be it was her. “I do not wish to come to harm, I was so terrified…” She shuddered, remembering the attack on Shirohebizumi shrine by some yakuza. I wasn’t there, obviously, but Kana-chan told me about it and it sounded awful. Though trust bro to swoop in and save the day, winning Kana-chan’s heart in the process. Well, she had some liking for my bro before that, but afterwards, she had no chance to resist…
“…but what scares me more is failing Chairo-sama. Just as grandfather loves the shrine, so do I.” She was serious, and that impressed Junko-san, despite her misgivings. “I do not need to be older to know this is my calling, and I am so deeply thankful to Akio-san for giving me this chance. And… were I to be menaced by such thugs again…” Another bullet of earth smacked into my golden Eri. “…I am not helpless. And I am only at the beginning of my training. I will protect the shrine, my comrades, and my family.”
“Earth bullets as Marika can use are rather-rather feeble, but she is, as she says, merely a beginner. Knowledge, training and experience can-can transform her abilities into something great.” Shaeula, who used to hate earth element, was surrounded by the same ruby glow, and her bullet was near as fast as a pistol round, and far more solid. Even so, it only scratched my Golden Sister, but the point was made.
“So awesome!” Rumi-chan was wide-eyed, her sister likewise.
“Yeah, Marika-chan, don’t be mean, teach us too!”
“I thought you had no interest in the shrine, calling it stupid, old-fashioned and boring?” Marika-chan said slowly, which made her sisters wince. I held in a giggle at her well-chosen words.
“We did, but… we were wrong, okay?” Himari-chan tried to apologise. “You win!”
“Yeah. We were wrong!” Rumi-chan echoed. “You’re our smart little sister, and we’re so jealous… err, I mean we want to help you!”
There was laughter at her slipup, and even Junko-san softened a little. “All right then.” I said, finishing my tea. “This is a flying visit, as we’re here to pick up a couple of my friends, so we’ll swing by in two hours or so and grab you. Stay here and spend some time with your family. We’ll take you to the Boundary before we head back, I have something to do there anyway.”
Marika-chan nodded, happy to see her family again, even if they didn’t show her calling the respect she felt it was warranted. Her sisters complained, eager to have us stay, but I waved them off. “Sorry, but I’ll see you all again during the pilgrimage. And why not come visit Tokyo? Marika-chan is getting paid after all. It’s not a huge amount, but it’s enough for that.”
With that we left after I dismissed the golden Eri, to more groans of disappointment, Shaeula and I exchanging glances. “That was quite-quite fun!” she proclaimed. “I do so-so enjoy proving others wrong. Marika has shown that she is-is on the right path.”
“Maybe so.” I agreed thoughtfully. “But I get it too. Just like bro didn’t think Eri and I should get involved, but you did… so, we have to make sure that Marika-chan is safe, don’t we?”
“Of course. Losing any more of our trainees would be a grim-grim failure. Mistakes were made, but… never again.”
“Never again.” I agreed, pulling out my phone, and arranging to meet Rika-chan and Yae-chan…
“I don’t recall inviting you guys.” I sighed, exasperated but not entirely surprised, as we met at the small café in town.
“Don’t be like that, Aiko-chan.” Tomoko-chan, my volleyball teammate declared. Several other members of the volleyball team were here too, as well as Akari-chan, my adorable junior from Kyūdō. “We’re just here to see the woman of the hour. Korea was crazy!”
“Seeing you fighting…” Akari-chan was practically beaming. “It made me think that Kyūdō can be more than just a sport, an art!”
“Well, that’s the case…” I agreed, feeling a bit overwhelmed. Shaeula was snickering behind me, but then several girls started questioning her about London, and soon she too was being bombarded, until Rika-chan clapped her hands.
“All right, that’s enough. Ai-chan is feeling swamped right now!” Rika-chan was dressed in comfy, casual clothes yet still made the effort to look fashionable. Yae-chan was the same, though I noticed she still wore the gold and ruby earrings my bro had bought her, little flickers of red light shining as she tossed her head, laughing. Seeing that, I narrowed my eyes, and Yae-chan looked a little guilty, Rika-chan seeming resigned.
“I sure am.” I agreed. “I’ve already had this at Marika-chan’s place… can’t a girl have a break and a quick parfait?”
“You’ll get chubby, Aiko-chan!” Tomoko-chan laughed. “Your brother won’t think you’re cute if you bulk up!”
“Wow, rude much?” I snorted. “Firstly, no way I’ll get fat, I can eat all the sweets I want, my training regimen makes what we did for volleyball look like nothing. And secondly…” I narrowed my eyes. “…my bro will always think I’m cute, seeing as I’m the cutest sister in the world!”
“My sister is not-not cute at all.” Shaeula agreed, laughing. “But I am a sister too, Aiko. Do not-not count me out!”
“It’s a different genre.” I insisted, to more laughter. Soon, our table was covered in brightly coloured drinks and puddings, and I paid the bill, feeling a little guilty, as Tomoko-chan and the others were clearly jealous they weren’t going to Tokyo. Sorry, but it’s not my fault! Maybe next time…
“Yeah, this sucks. I thought we were friends, Aiko-chan! Teammates shooting for the gold!” one girl complained. I could tell she didn’t genuinely mean it, but was jealous, so I explained as best I could.
“Like I said, It’s fate. Bro met Rika-chan and Yae-chan when he came back, and he asked them to look after me and Eri. Not that I need chaperones.” I snorted. My bro was as overprotective as ever. “But then there was that mess with the bet on the baseball…” I paused to let everyone laugh and joke about that, but Yae-chan was looking pensive, touching her earrings.
“…so yeah. It’s all fate. My bro asked if they wanted to go see the concert, and here we are. Sorry.” I clapped my hands together in apology. “There’s limited tickets available, even for us. While we’re definitely involved, Arisugawa-san is in charge, and you have no idea how scary she can be. Just be happy my bro helped out some idols and that’ll get us backstage…”
“I saw news about that!” Rika-chan agreed. “Keiko-chan… I’m glad she didn’t get hurt. Akio-kun’s always swooping in to save the day. It’s even better considering…” She glanced over at Yae-chan, a cheeky grin on her lips. “…Keiko-chan said on that talk show that Akio-kun was her dream man.”
“My bro has a lot of admirers. Drives Eri crazy.” I admitted, and Shaeula chortled.
“Indeed it does. Though Eri is not-not a fool. She merely worries about quantity. While I do believe that Akio could manage a hundred females or many-many more, I see why she has concerns. We were… perhaps too hasty in advancing our plans, though I believe such an organisation is indeed-indeed needed.”
“Yeah, I get it too. Everyone’s great, all so different, and my bro… well, he’s a lucky dog. And then there’s those foxes…”
Shaeula nodded. “I can not-not say I care for Nebisuki at all, I still-still hold a grudge, but… Tamamo-no-Mae… when she recovers, her strength will be legendary…”
Akari-chan widened her eyes, shocked. “Tamamo-no-Mae? Is that… a nickname?”
“Nope. The genuine article.” I said proudly. Only my bro could tame such mythical, legendary beings that I had thought were mere myth. Shaeula seemed a little pouty at my enthusiasm, so I grinned. “Don’t be jealous, Shaeula. You’re awesome too, a Faerie princess, but… it’s not like anyone in Japan had heard of you. But Tamamo-no-Mae’s different!”
“I’m blown away…” one girl declared, stunned, and Tomoko-chan agreed.
“Me too. I’m not sure whether to be proud someone from our little town is now one of the most famous guys alive, or just jealous. Nope, I’m both!”
“Look, I’m sorry.” I apologised again. “I’ll make it up to you. But… like I said, my bro sees Rika-chan and Yae-chan as my special friends. It just happened that way. Besides, he likes them.” Yae-chan flushed at that, and I rolled my eyes, realising that she still had feelings for my bro. At least Rika-chan is more sensible. I don’t think any ordinary girl has much chance anymore…
“So yeah…” I continued, ignoring the embarrassed Yae-chan. “Unless you have a special relationship or friendship with my bro, this time you’ll have to give it a miss. It won’t be the last chance though. Keiko-chan and her fellow idols are frequent visitors now.” I’m not going to say why. But… if I’m not mistaken, after the concert, Tamami-chan from Red and White, and other AKB0048 members will likely join the training, or become Daiyu’s disciples. Awesome…
“That wouldn’t bother many girls.” Tomoko-chan said, surprising me. Seeing that, she was the one rolling her eyes at me. “Seriously, Aiko-chan, you’re too close to see it. Yeah, every girl dreams of their prince charming, but… your brother… he’s the ideal guy, apart from one thing. Sharing… it’s not great, not at all, but… you don’t mind, do you Shaeula?”
Before she could reply, I interjected. “I wouldn’t take Shaeula as a normal girl!”
“That is quite-quite rude…” Shaeula snickered, but Tomoko-chan wasn’t done.
“Look, even Eri-chan, jealous, possessive Eri-chan is sharing. And she’s happy, isn’t she? Me… I’d let your brother romance me in a heartbeat. What do you think, Yae-chan?”
“Me?” Yae-chan blushed. “I… I tried to forget him, but…” She was crimson, showing the depth of her embarrassment. “…I mean, you’re a brocon queen, Ai-chan, you know how great he is!”
“I’ll ignore the insult, but… ugh, yeah, I know. I thought you might cool off, being stuck here, but… okay, we’ll talk about this later!” I cooled my head by finishing my melon juice, sucking it through the straw noisily. “Subject change! My bro is off-limits!” I crossed my arms to make my point. “Look, I promise I’ll take the volleyball team and the Kyūdō club to something awesome when exams are over. Though…” I glanced at Akari-chan and some of the volleyball juniors. “…better make that the year-end break, I guess. Not everyone gets to finish early due to exams.”
“Spending your brother’s money, huh?” Tomoko-chan said, and I made a buzzing noise.
“That’s a foul, no mentioning him! Buy me another glass of juice as a penalty!”
As Tomoko-chan protested jokingly, I glanced at Rika-chan and Yae-chan. Yae-chan looked down, still flushed, while Rika-chan shrugged, resigned to it all. I mean, yeah, I get why Yae-chan yearns for my bro. He did too well on their stupid penalty date, and he’s changed a lot. But… I just feel sorry for her. But… all I can do is give her some advice. Just like I did before…
Marika-chan was practically skipping up the steps towards Chairoakitara shrine, eager to enter the Boundary there. Shaeula was with her, while I hung back a bit with Yae-chan and Rika-chan. I was going to check their progress when we entered the Boundary, and I also wanted to talk to Yae-chan before we got there.
“So… this might sound a bit condescending, but… you sure this is the path you want to take? My bro… he likes you just fine, but not romantically.” I was going to be straight with her. I had joked with my bro before he could snap her up, and Yae-chan wasn’t a bad girl. A bit flashy and annoying at times, but she was genuine.
“Yae here’s a bit of a fool. Don’t get me wrong, when Akio-kun came back and was so different, even I was interested. But I’m more of a realist.” Rika-chan giggled. “He’s out of my league. Just look at Shaeula, or even Ri-Ri. Then there’s those noble girls… nope. I still want him to be my friend though. And I’m like Yae. I want to move to the capital when exams are over. It’ll never be a boring life, hanging around with you, Ai-chan!”
“Yeah, well you’ve taken the first steps accepting Chirurgery, so getting a job with us isn’t a problem.” I assured her. “So… your thoughts?” I asked Yae-chan again.
“I know I’m stupid. And maybe I should move on… but… I want to give it my best shot. Otherwise… I think I’ll always regret it!” Yae-chan said earnestly. “I don’t have many hopes, but…”
“No kidding. Like I said, the next girls lined up are mythical foxes, Elves, or rich heirs.” Yu-mi’s definitely regretting not accepting marrying my bro now. Whether it’s enough to push her to make a serious play for him is another question, but… well, Yae-chan has it tough. “But… I did speak to my bro about you…”
“What?” Yae-chan yelped so loud that Shaeula and Mariko-chan looked back at us, making her lower her head and her voice, blushing scarlet. “I mean… what did he say?”
“Like I said, he likes you just fine, but that’s all. But I did make him promise to genuinely consider your feelings if you confess, and not string you along.” Kana-chan had it hard. No repeat of that, thanks.
“I know I’ll fail, but… I have my pride as a woman.” Yae-chan muttered. “It’s his fault anyway! He was too dashing, too mature!”
As she echoed my earlier thoughts, I did feel sorry for her. I’m actually feeling a little annoyed with my bro now. He can’t go breaking hearts everywhere he goes! But… I guess it isn’t always his fault. Though sometimes I’m sure he deliberately says things that make girls misunderstand. Scratch the surface and big bro moonstone is still under there!
“If you are serious…” I thought about it. “…and you don’t mind playing the long game…” At my words, Yae-chan nodded, so I explained my idea. Once I was done, she nodded.
“I don’t mind waiting, or… working hard. And if it doesn’t work out… it’s not like I’ll have lost anything. I’ll only benefit, won’t I? Thanks Ai-chan, you’re a good friend. I mean it.”
Rika-chan was looking at us warmly, but a little concerned. “Can you make that happen?”
“Who do you think I am?” I thumped my chest. “Of course I can! They listen to me. Besides, Shaeula’s here. And you’re coming to Tokyo. You can speak to the others…”
Yae-chan had perked up, and she nodded again. “All right. I’ll take your advice. I’ll work hard to slowly fill in the moat, then strike with all my might. If, after all that, Aki doesn’t accept… I’ll move on. I will.”
“That’s my Yae!” Rika-chan approved, and as we reached the shrine, Marika-chan’s grandfather rushing over to greet us, I was well satisfied.
“Put that aside for now. Just enjoy the concert tomorrow.” I advised. “And we can have some fun and shopping in Tokyo too. It’ll be awesome. You can hang around with some of the others, as well.”
“My rivals…” Yae-chan giggled, and I slapped my forehead, having spoken carelessly, but she reassured me. “I don’t mind. Honestly I don’t. I think one of the best things out of all this is how we’ve become closer to you and Ri-Ri. That’s something that won’t change.”
“Yeah, I guess not. Anyway, best say our greetings…” I agreed, before bowing to the priest.
“Hi, it’s been a while. Can you let us borrow the shrine, same as always?”
“Yes, it’s been too long. You’re more than welcome as always.” He turned to his granddaughter again then. “I’ve missed you, Marika.” He gave her a hug, which made Marika-chan embarrassed, which was adorable as well.
“I have missed you too, grandfather. But I have carried the pride of our shrine. It has been meaningful.” she replied.
“I know. You’ve always been devout and diligent, and you’ve earned this chance. Though Junko does worry about you.” He admitted. “Oh, where are my manners. Come in, and I’ll get some tea and cakes.”
“No need.” I stopped him. “We’ve already had some treats at the café. And we don’t have all day, we need to be back in Tokyo tonight. Busy day tomorrow. Though when we’re done, we can probably spare some time for you to talk with your granddaughter.”
Marika-chan smiled at me, and her grandfather thanked me, so after that, we entered the Boundary, appearing in the familiar Chairoakitara shrine.
“I’m getting used to this now.” Rika-chan said, stretching. “Not that I think we’re achieving much.”
“All training is worthwhile.” Shaeula disagreed. “When I first arrived here in this town, I was most-most weak. Not-not as pathetic as when Akio first defeated me, but… still most-most feeble. Now look at me!” She flexed one slender arm, amused. “While I can not-not determine your Skills as Akio does, my eyes are keen. I shall inspect your progress later.”
“Now I’m feeling intimidated.” Yae-chan chuckled, her mood better. “We’ve never been good on tests, have we Rika?”
“No, though our grades have skyrocketed nowadays.” She giggled in response, before Shaeula opened the door, Marika-chan following behind, eager to see the Brown Dog Kami. Entering into the main chamber, which was richly decorated here in the Boundary, Marika-chan was wide-eyed in awe and wonder, despite the shrine being far less impressive than my bro’s Territory she was used to. I guess it’s all about expectations…
Seeing all the dogs lying around, some the size of ponies, I felt a brief twinge of discomfort, but I was mostly over my dislike of dogs now. Not like if a dog menaced me again I couldn’t teach it a lesson… They weren’t all I saw though, as lounging in one corner, as though she owned the shrine, was the massive Oni I had fought with and entrusted to guard the shrine. Beside it was sitting the brown Dog Kami, and Marika-chan’s eyes widened in shock and awe, before she even noticed the huge Oni, flinching back.
“Gwa ha har!” The Oni laughed in her strange, guttural way. “You came back, ally of those bastards.” I still don’t get what she means by that.
“A good thing too…” The Oni continued. “I was getting rather restless, gwa mwa ha! There’s nothing to do and little to fight here.” She then paused, eyeing Shaeula, licking her lips. “Wait a second. For a tiny little thing with no tits, you smell strong! And familiar.”
Shaeula grimaced, crossing her arms. “I shall have you know my chest is quite-quite well liked by the only male that matters. Size is not-not everything. Now, I shall forgive your rudeness, as Oni are rather lacking in manners, I have-have observed.”
“Lacking? I’m not lacking anything, unlike you, tiny-tits!”
Rika-chan and Yae-chan were giggling at the juvenile insults the Oni was throwing out. They were more familiar with her than I was, so perhaps this was nothing new.
“I see.” Shaeula frowned. “Such a disappointment. If you wish-wish to meet that fool Red, perhaps you should have better manners.”
“You know Red? For true? How?” The Oni narrowed her purple eyes. “Little girl like you…”
“For the last-last time, size is not-not everything!” Shaeula then shifted, and she was in her Kamaitachi form, her jade sickles at wrist and ankle especially fetching. “I am Shaeula Tu Shae Dannan, Kamaitachi, and Seventy-First of the Hyakki Yagyō, of course I know-know Red and Blue.”
The Oni was surprised, before grinning ferally. “I see. But you aren’t any bigger like that, girl.”
Before Shaeula could explode, I stepped in. “Now, no need for that. My bro finds her endlessly cute, but then he doesn’t discriminate. Hyacinth, Shiro and Tsukiko are hardly small. Asha neither. Anyway…” I tapped my finger, where Daiyu’s birthday present from my bro sat, which I’d borrowed. If I lose or break it, I’m dead. Daiyu loves this gift… “It can be boring work, just hanging out. Don’t worry, soon we’ll keep our promise and introduce you as you wanted. But for now…” I channelled a little aether, and the ring disgorged some of its contents. A large clay gourd of Fae spirits appeared, as well as several barrels of strong liquor Ginneka had brought over. To prevent the barrels returning to the Material, Ixitt had used some red and orange Etherites to make some sort of seal for them, not that I entirely understood it.
“Huh? I smell booze.” The Oni rose to her feet, ripping the cork free from the gourd, and hoisting it to her lips, taking a hearty swig, despite the size and heavy weight. “Not bad, not bad…” she approved. “Fine, this will kill some time!”
“Great. And…” I took out some offerings for the Brown Dog Kami too, though I passed them to Marika-chan to hand over. She took them gracefully, before handing over some ornate porcelain bowls of rice, salt and pure spring water. Uh, actually, is it spring water when Shaeula conjured it up? It’s definitely pure though…
“Here, Chairo-sama, please accept my humble offerings!” Mariko-chan said happily. The Kami, with as much dignity as a dog in tri-corner hat and robes could have, gratefully lapped at the water, before licking the salt and devouring the rice. When he was done, he growled his thanks, but I could barely stifle a giggle, as the Kami had rice in his fur.
“Let me help you!” Marika-chan hurried closer and quickly groomed the rice out of the fur, the Kami making a rather embarrassed expression, which was a sight to see. The other dog adherents had their tongues out, in a canine expression of amusement, while Shaeula had joined the Oni in a drinking contest, watching on calmly.
“Grr.” The Brown Dog Kami shook himself, coughing. “I thank you, pious child of our shrine. My paws are not the most flexible. Now… Grr. Finally you are here, my shrine maiden. Accept my blessings and may the grace of the Kami and our creator Gods shine upon you.” Tears of joy sparkled in Marika-chan’s eyes as she received the words she wanted to hear from her shrine’s Kami. “Your Kagura dance is beautiful, I have watched it these past years. May you continue to bring beauty to this shrine, and veneration to the Kami, Grr.”
“I will, I will!” Marika-chan promised, and as the Kami continued to praise her, I gestured to Yae-chan and Rika-chan to be quiet, and they gave me knowing nods. I guess there’s no need to hurry off. This is a rather heartwarming scene. I’m happy for Marika-chan. And seeing her like this… yeah, she was always meant to join us. Her piety is really very touching…
Looking over at the drunken Oni, I resolved to keep her happy. Protecting this shrine meant protecting Marika-chan’s smile, and that was something both my bro and I agreed on. But that aside, I can hardly wait for tomorrow. Red and White, AKB0048 with Keiko-chan’s new song, even Suzu-chan… plus I know there’s some secret surprises… bro may be having fun on his little honeymoon with Hinata-chan, but we know how to party too!
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