Five Hundred And Twenty-Four

“I don’t think this is such a good idea…” Adelheid complained as she kicked her legs restlessly, her mannerisms childish. We were in the private lounge of the nearby airport, waiting for Hinata’s flight to arrive, where it would be refuelled, and then we’d be on our way. Adelheid glanced at the pair of suitcases beside her, remembering our shopping spree earlier, and her expression changed. “Did I need all this? Don’t mistake me, I deserve it, but…”

“You’re on my team now. And you have your own money.” I assured her. “And as for the dresses… yeah, we’ll be taking you to a rather high-profile event, you can’t just turn up in jeans and a jumper, even though you look cute like that.” At my gentle smile, Adelheid flushed, shaking her head, cheeks puffed out grumpily.

“I get that, but… that store… so… so annoying!” she grumbled, and I didn’t think she was thinking of all the measuring and choosing. The store Karl took us to was a small yet very upmarket tailors, which had a very wide selection of gorgeous dresses and gowns for both older women and young girls. The owner seemed to know Karl, and was very surprised at him making the call. Then… When he said he thought Karl was coming with his daughter after so long, the situation was so awkward… Karl had changed the subject, and the owner was a professional, glossing over the messy mistake, but it had taken a while for Adelheid to relax her tension.

“It can’t be helped.” I gently soothed her. “Thinking about it won’t do you any good. From the sounds of it, it was due to a divorce, rather than his daughter dying or anything like that. Or is it jealousy?”

“Me? Are your eyes working, fool? Shit, crap. I’m not jealous of some girl who doesn’t see her father anymore. I never want to see my shitty parents again.” Adelheid’s blue eyes went wide and angry, and oddly I could feel aether surging within her.

“All right.” I apologised. “No need to use your Favour here. Calm down. I can tell that Karl is very protective of you, no matter the reasons. And… well, it’s none of our business, but where there’s life there’s hope. Hinata’s people will look into his background, to make sure it’s safe to have him work for me, so…” At my meaningful glance she tossed her head, not meeting my eyes.

“I said I’m not jealous. Stop making me repeat myself!”

“Yeah, my bad. Anyway, shall we continue?” We had taken a small break, but I had been teaching her English. She remembered a little from her school days, but had never paid much attention in class, so I had been going through the basics, though with my German far from perfect, we couldn’t really discuss complicated concepts, but I could teach her conversational English at least.

“If it’ll shut you up talking nonsense.” Adelheid conceded, and we resumed me repeating phrases in both English and German, Adelheid parroting it back to me, and then having to remember it a few minutes later. Her memory was far better than an ordinary person’s, though obviously vastly inferior to mine, but with her learning capabilities she soon was able to converse at an amateur level.

“I’ve had enough!” Adelheid finally said, before ratting off a number of swearwords in both German and English. I had taken the archetypal route of also teaching swearwords, as it was almost a meme nowadays that the first things anyone did when they got a dictionary in another language was to find the rude words. Besides, it’s part of her speech patterns. She swears more than Shiro does, and certainly with more feeling.

“I’m done!” she reiterated, nearly kicking me as she swung her legs. Glancing at my watch, I saw that a couple of hours had vanished during my teaching, so it wouldn’t be long before Hinata and the others arrived.

“Yeah, take a break.” I allowed, handing her a drink. She twisted off the top of the bottle savagely and took a swig. “But at least you’ll be able to follow along with the basics.”

“Why not teach me Japanese?” Adelheid asked, and I shrugged.

“English is the universal second language. Sure, you’ll probably want to learn Japanese too, but this is a rush job, so for now…”

“I hate you!” She interrupted me with a childish howl. “I’m already done with school!”

“Sorry, but if you want to be strong, then you have to keep learning. You can’t just rely on your Favour alone, or you’ll eventually lose.”

“You just love lecturing me, don’t you?” Adelheid rolled her eyes. “Think you’re a teacher or some shit?”

We continued our playful argument, and through the high windows of the lounge I could see a jet coming in to land. “All right, fun’s over.” I told her, and as the jet taxied up to the terminal, Adelheid watched with some interest.

“I’ve never flown before…” she said quietly, and I resisted the urge to pat her head. She’s not actually a kid, despite how she looks.

“Lucky you, what better way to experience it for the first time than flying in private luxury?” My attention was taken by seeing Hinata and the others disembarking, though I suppressed a grimace at seeing Christina also leaving the plane. Not like I can put her off forever, might as well bite the bullet.

“Huh, you seem happy.” Adelheid observed. “That’s almost cute. Or is it creepy? Not for me to say…”

A couple of minutes later, the door to the lounge opened, and Hinata rushed in, throwing herself into my arms with a smile. “Akio, I’ve missed you! But I’m here now, and ready to show off to the world!”

Mayumi-san had followed her in, accompanying Ichijou-san, as well as two bodyguards I didn’t know, but could feel the strength within them, as could Adelheid, as she was immediately on the defensive, bristling like an angry cat. Kazumi-san was with them too, and Mayumi-san turned to her, laughing. “I see Hinata couldn’t even wait a minute. At least her marriage should be a loving one. I’m jealous!”

“She is very deeply in love.” Kazumi-san agreed, smiling. “But she’s also being needy, as if she wanted to see him, she could anytime.”

“Oh yes, being in two places at once.” Mayumi-san agreed. “I still can’t quite understand how that works, but…” She narrowed her eyes, glancing at Adelheid, who was looking wary and defensive now all the newcomers had arrived. “…so, who’s this? Your new girlfriend, Akio-kun? If so, she’s a little… young… don’t you think?”

Fortunately she was speaking in Japanese, or Adelheid would no doubt deny it furiously. Shaking my head, I explained. “She’s a Chosen I’ve picked up to be on my team, Adelheid Richter. She’s got talent, and will be an asset, I’m sure. As for her age, she’s not much different to you and Hinata actually. She’s just youthful…”

“I see. She doesn’t seem to understand us. How about English?” Mayumi-san changed language, while Hinata watched on from my arms, a wry smile on her lips. Yeah, Hinata knows me well and trusts me. Besides, she’s aware of my itinerary.

As Mayumi-san began to speak, I noticed Christina looking at me with an indecipherable expression. It left me feeling uncomfortable, but it was better than the sloppy, lusty grin she had on her face when we met the last time.

“Nice to meet you, Adelheid-san. I’m Ichijou Mayumi, granddaughter of Ichijou Kira, and Akio-kun and Hinata’s business partner!” Mayumi-san puffed out her chest proudly, and her smile was regal, but that didn’t impress Adelheid.

“Rich girl, huh? What’s so special about that? Try living a life where you drift day to day, never being safe, and see if you can boast about whose granddaughter you are.”

Mayumi-san was left blinking in surprise, while Hinata stifled a giggle. Ichijou-san merely nodded, understanding. “It’s true, my Mayumi hasn’t faced many hardships in her life. But then, there’s no need to be proud at facing suffering either, young miss. Hardships may build character, but just because one is rich doesn’t mean one is weak.”

Adelheid tossed her head, and I decided to calm things down. I released Hinata from my hug, though she still clung to my arm happily, and as I asked everyone to relax, she nodded. “Yes, Mayumi, I’ve told you to restrain your aura of being a queen. We’re not at Hanafubuki now. Besides, if she’s working for Akio now, to my mind, she outranks you!”

“Cheeky girl!” Mayumi-san chuckled. “Is that any way to talk to your best friend?”

As the cheerful bickering continued, Christina came and sat beside me. She opened her mouth but didn’t speak, seemingly unsure of what to say, and so I spoke first. “Do you regret it?”

She understood what I meant, and after a while, shook her head slowly. “I’m a scientist. Knowing is always better than ignorance. And I am prepared to pay any price for enlightenment. Even this. But I thought… I didn’t care about being hurt. I don’t relish pain, but I don’t avoid it, and… it felt strange when you were cold to me. It hurt, but… also felt fizzy, bubbly. I can’t meaningfully describe it.” She sighed. “I hate imprecision. It’s why this avenue of study is so fascinating, so meaningful, and you are the best. You bring clarity to the fuzzy, light to the darkness of ignorance. So I thought if I understood what I had done that was so wrong, I could understand you better. At the least, you’d forgive me, like me more.”

“It be not that simple.” Titan said softly, and Hinata agreed.

“While there’s definitely a place for an eye for an eye, that’s not all there is to justice.” Her words were soft but heartfelt. “If you had done the same to Akio, or any of my fellow sisters, and then accepted equal suffering yourself, it wouldn’t cool my anger. It doesn’t undo what you did. But… I can hardly blame you for wanting to appeal to Akio. I did the same, in the end. I entrapped him. I’m not going to say I regret it, because I don’t…”

Yeah, Hinata, Motoko and Natsumi still feel guilty for the way they pressured me into our relationship. Even though they shouldn’t. Who cares how it starts? Now it’s love. And I’ve shed my resistance to arranged unions, even if I’m not going to simply sit back and accept them either. I’ll take each one on its own merits. But I also understand guilt. Even if I’m trying my best to make everyone happy, and I rationalise it, and it makes nobody happy… humans are complicated. No, not humans. All living beings…

“I… wasn’t prepared. I thought I would understand it, hurt and suffer, but it was all abstract. Perhaps I’m too cold. Poor little Christina, beautiful genius scientist…” Even now she couldn’t resist her usual inappropriate humour, though her expression was sorrowful. “…everyone says I’m a robot, who doesn’t understand emotions. Maybe they were right. So I thought… it would be like I was detached as always, clinical. Feeling it, studying it, but…”

“What’s she talking about?” Adelheid couldn’t follow most of the conversation, only some of the words. I waved a hand, promising to explain later, and she pouted, puffing her cheeks out in annoyance.

“…instead it was like you were the one going through it? But… also not you?” I remembered being exposed to Haru’s Light before. It was a complicated feeling, and as Christina nodded, I explained my thoughts. “Before, you were just watching experiences as an outside observer, like it was a stream of a game played by someone else. Haru… she’s basically allowed you to emulate it, as if you were running different software. The experience is very different. And you can’t be detached anymore.”

“It seems so. I… don’t sleep well.” Christina agreed, and she did indeed look worse than ever, her skin pale, hair lank and her eyes were ringed by dark circles. Perhaps another woman would have covered herself in makeup to hide it, but not her. “But I still don’t regret it. If I did… I wouldn’t be myself. I still believe that what I did was right. The good of the many requires the sacrifice of the few. It’s… not like I knew there were better ways. We can’t all be like you.”

“All right, enough of this gloomy talk.” I shook my head. “We’ll have time to talk later. It won’t take long to refuel.”

“Yeah, let’s talk about something happier!” Hinata grinned. She sent the two bodyguards of Ichijou-san off to pick up a few bits from the airport shops, but that was clearly to get them to leave. “Eri’s delighted with her Favour. And so are we. I feel especially pleased. I respect Eri, I really do. She’s opened my eyes to my own shortcomings. I’ll not break her trust again. And I’m happy to see she can finally stand at your side without fear.”

“Jealous?” Mayumi-san asked, curious. “You could ask too, and I’m sure Akio-kun would buy you one as well, if it can be bought. How much in the end?” She was curious. Adelheid was trying to pretend she was happy to be ignored, but the way she puffed up like an angry cat was cute.

“Ten million euros, plus some guarantees of aid. For Eri… it’s a price I’m happy to pay.”

“Quite a price, but not unaffordable. Perhaps you should find me one too, grandfather.” Mayumi-san’s eyes sparkled, but Hinata giggled teasingly.

“Oh really? And how will you find a suitable Favour? It’s not easy at all. Maybe there’s not even one you’re compatible with in the whole world without some effort. Even if you could, and they were willing to make a deal, how would you extract it and give it to yourself? Or will you be persuading Akio to do it?” Her smile was cheeky, and Mayumi-san looked sullen. “Besides…” Hinata continued. “While Akio likely would help if you asked, since he’s kind like that, do you really want to fight? Because if you have a Favour, that’s what’ll happen. It’s not like Chirurgery, or learning elements, which we can make available to more people. Favours are a dwindling resource.”

“That’s not true. Miyu-san isn’t involved in fighting.” Mayumi-san protested, but I shook my head.

“That’s being a little too optimistic. Yes, there are support Chosen, but even they have to fight in the end.” I warned. “Besides…” I glanced over at Adelheid, who asked me why I was staring at her.

“Adelheid here, she’s been trying to keep to herself, but others keep coming after her. It makes sense. I don’t need my Eye to tell other Chosen in most circumstances now. And as Territories expand, conflict is inevitable.” I switched to English so she could understand. seaʀᴄh thё nô website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Idiot rich girl.” Adelheid scoffed. “This isn’t a game. It’s kill or be killed. But then, so is life. You’ve never had to put yourself at risk just to have food to eat or a place to sleep.”

“What did she say?” Mayumi-san asked, and I softened it a bit, but she was still offended. At that moment the Chosen Ichijou-san brought as security returned, and I took that as our cue to head to the jet, which was almost refuelled. Inside the jet, I saw that Aliyah and Treyvon had remained inside, and while Aliyah was sleeping, catching up on her rest while she could, like a professional, Treyvon had remained awake to protect the luggage. He nodded at me, and I returned the gesture.

Once on board, Hinata tactfully changed the subject. “So, we’ll be flying directly to Cape Town International. We’ll take some rest, and then we have Miss Lindiwe’s gala in the evening.”

Mayumi-san nodded proudly. “You don’t have to thank me, Hinata, Akio-kun! Without my introduction this wouldn’t be happening.”

We were speaking English for the sake of our travelling companions, so Adelheid, who was looking out of the window, having never flown before, merely rolled her eyes, irritated. Hinata raised an eyebrow as well. “Oh? While we’re grateful, I think it’s Akio’s ability that made the difference.”

“Let’s not dwell on details.” Mayumi-san said airily, having an amazingly thick skin. She waved one hand dismissively, while her grandfather chuckled. “What matters is, we have this opportunity.”

“That’s right.” I agreed. “The next day, we’ll cross the border into Botswana, and try and track down the location of our target.”

“I’ve made arrangements, local guides and so forth.” Hinata was excited, and so was I. The seeds were important to me, and this was the first opportunity we would have.

“Midas is active in that area.” Christina spoke up. “He’s a very dangerous man. We’ve tried and failed to deal with him before. Though Adam won’t give up easily. In fact, you’re the only one he’s really backed down on. Despite that… he’ll have his agenda. So be very careful when you meet him.”

“Should you be telling us that? Aren’t you worried?” Hinata asked, and Christina shrugged, looking at me, much calmer than I remembered her.

“I’m a fool, it seems. When I took the Vermillion List, I had already crossed a line I shouldn’t. I got too excited. A character flaw of mine, it seems.” Her tone was bitter. “I had hoped that you would protect me… no, I had hoped for more.” She flushed, clearly mortified. “I still do.” We barely heard those whispered words, before she raised her voice again. “But then, nobody loves little Christina. Men are… more complicated than I imagined. Objectively, I am quite the catch. I have large breasts, a pretty face, I’m intelligent, not poor…”

“Modest too…” Aliyah yawned, having woken up from her sleep. “Damn, woman. I have no interest in men and I know more about them than you do. Don’t you agree, Trey?”

“Oh?” Christina asked, interested.

“I’m sure you could easily get laid in a bar, so long as you kept your mouth shut. You ain’t my type, but I admit you’d clean up well, I imagine. But nobody wants a relationship with someone that looks at it like it’s a science experiment. And you’re hardly like a woman at all in terms of personality. Too consumed in work, and too cold, too… too logical. Women should be passionate!”

“I’m passionate about knowledge, science. But… my heart races differently now.” she admitted. “I suppose perhaps this is my punishment. If I’ve done wrong, then maybe it’s some consolation. Anyway… Titan, you’ll tell Adam about my leaks, won’t you?”

The big man shrugged uncomfortably. “I have to, ya know? I don’t want to get ya in trouble, but what choice do I have?”

“None.” Christina agreed bitterly. “I… hate leaving work unfinished. That would make everything I’ve done a true crime. All my efforts for naught, their… their suffering for nothing.” She sighed. “Anyway, you’ve read the files. Midas is dangerous. I worry he might interfere in your matters. As for me… I don’t have anything you desire, it seems. I’ve already shown my hand.”

“I won’t let Adam make you disappear. That’s my promise.” I reassured her. I didn’t like her, but… after her brave, stupid and reckless request to Haru, she seemed changed. More introspective, slightly more empathetic. She was still definitely abnormal, but it was less… off-putting, for lack of a better term.  

“I’d very much appreciate that.” she chuckled. “Of course, my offer still stands. I’m now becoming aware I’m perhaps not quite the trophy I thought I was, but… I still have plenty to offer.”

“No thanks.” Hinata shot her down. “I’m not having you as a sister, and I know Eri would agree!”

“How rude!” Christina protested, squirming a little, breathing a touch heavily. “I’ve changed, I’m turning over a new leaf! And if I’m a woman without any understanding of emotions, what better way to help me learn to be a woman he likes?”

As they bickered, Hinata holding my arm defensively, Adelheid grumbled.

“So noisy, so crazy. You know a great number of weird people.”

“That I do.” I agreed. “Anyway…” I switched to German for a bit. “I hope you’ll accompany me to Botswana. That way you can protect Hinata. I considered going alone, but I’d feel safer when she’s with me. Hopefully there should be no troubles, but…” Midas. Even if not him, a Chosen’s died in that area, so… either Boundary dwellers or other Chosen. If it’s the former, Hinata should be safe, the latter…

“Fine.” She agreed. “It’s too late to back out now. It may seem like you’re demanding an extra sausage, but…” Another strange idiom, but one I just about grasped. “…when you’re paying for all my meals, grabbing one off my plate isn’t unreasonable. Shit.” She breathed, the swearing heartfelt. “I… feel restless. Like I don’t know what to do with myself.”

“Don’t worry.” I reassured her. “You’re on my team now. I’ll look after you.”

She gave me no answer, merely resuming her staring out of the window, but from the set of her back it seemed she had relaxed a bit. Hinata finished arguing with Christina, who was a little red-faced, and then Ichijou-san spoke up.

“This was all very amusing…” Indeed, the old man seemed to have a rather more playful disposition than Miyu’s grandfather. “…but while I have your ear, Akio-kun…” he addressed me familiarly, like Mayumi-san did. “…I would like to give you some thanks.”

“Oh?” I raised an eyebrow, and he smiled.

“The matter with the Tengokusentou. I know you have your Korean allies looking into matters, as well as that American, Mr Kelly. It seems to be bearing fruit, though of course, we remain wary.”

“Park Yu-mi is an excellent find.” Hinata agreed. “With her as the lead in Korea, supported by Kang Bora and her brother, we’ve got a very good chance of building up a significant power base. She’s well-connected with the sons and daughters of a number of influential Korean businessmen, politicians and more. I like her enthusiasm as well. Although, I question her judgement in one respect…” She grinned impishly. “If she wasn’t so proud, she’d already be the twelfth. Fancy turning down an arranged marriage to you. It’s too late for regrets now.”

“Not everyone wants to marry Akio-kun, Hinata.” Mayumi-san laughed. “Less to share him. Besides, we grew up knowing we’ll be married off for our families. Ordinary people don’t understand that. Not every rich family is like the Three-Hundred.”

“True. But it’s not necessarily a good thing.” I pointed out. “Or a bad thing, either. As long as every party is happy in the exchange I won’t judge. But that’s not what matters.” I frowned. “Considering Ruby Serpent and the Mizuhara house’s involvement in the mess, it seems unlikely they’d just give up, or don’t have a plan.”

“True, and we are wary. Mizuhara house is being watched, and Shiraishi house, while effectively having collapsed, is being propped up for the time being.” Ichijou-san sighed, troubled. “The eldest Shiraishi girl should be made to inherit the family when we retrieve the Tengokusentou, but she’s far too timid. Her sister Arisa-chan is bolder, but far too young. In any case, their useless parents will be given a stipend but will have to relinquish the family assets.”

“Nozomi and Arisa are under my care.” Hinata agreed. “They’re troublesome girls, but they are finally beginning to understand their position. But without the Tengokusentou there is no Shiraishi house.”

“In any case, if it is simply a matter of extortion, to make a profit, then we will stuff their mouths with gold. After all, I am assuming that we will be wealthy after our investment in you bears fruit.” Ichijou-san continued to smile. “If a problem can be solved by money, then we’ll do so. Though Shiraishi and Mizuhara houses can hardly escape punishment. If they assume we will bail them out every time they make mistakes, then other nobility will stop caring, and not even Fujiwara and Ichijou houses can carry all of the nobility alone.”

“It seems things are in hand then. But… it just doesn’t make sense to me. Even if they sell it back for ten times the price, was it all just some harassment?” I had a bad feeling about it, but then, I had bad feelings about everything at the moment. I warned Ichijou-san again, and he assured me that the negotiations were being carefully handled, and they were wary of traps.

“All right, enough talk of business!” Hinata declared cheerfully, leaning her head against my shoulder fondly. As Mayumi-san accused her of flirting, she stuck out her tongue happily.

“Of course I am. I’m excited! This is my debut coming up, and I want Akio to spoil me. I may not need a Favour for myself, but I’m still jealous of Eri, who wouldn’t be? So now… it’s my time!”

“Sure” Ignoring the eye-rolling of Aliyah and the clear jealousy of Christina, I resolved to spend the rest of the flight spoiling Hinata, though despite her words, talk quickly turned back to business, and her eyes lit up when I told her about our plans to research and hopefully sell restorative potions and pills. Seeing her brilliant expression, I couldn’t help but hold her close. Yeah, Hinata shines brightest when she’s partaking in her interests. That smile… I have to protect it.

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