Five Hundred And Twenty-One

Once inside the house, which was full of cheap, yet perfectly cleaned and maintained furniture, Sophia told me to take a seat. Constantine sat beside me, and as the elderly woman headed for the kitchen, Sophia followed.

“My sister’s such a nag, but she has a good heart, I suppose.” Constantine allowed. “Anyway, we Greeks are very hospitable, so just accept what Theodosia offers, and be thankful.”

Theodosia? “So that’s her name then?” I asked, and he nodded.

“I know you Asians have a thing about which name to use, we Greeks are rather easy-going. Just calling her that or aunty would be fine. Nobody likes to feel old. Anyway, as guests, we should be polite and bring no harm, and help if needed. Sophia gets on better with her than I do, so…”

I nodded. Seems like she’s helping out with some sort of meal. I could smell a rich aroma drifting in. Looking around, I could see there were a great deal of pictures dotted all over the room, faded photographs that had clearly been well cared for. Many of them were monochrome, showing just how old they were. I could see what looked like a number of photos of a younger Theodosia, many of them with a man beside her. He was quite tall and rather handsome, even in the still images, and as they grew older together in the photographs, they were suddenly holding babies, and then accompanied by children, and then by grandchildren, the family expanding.

“Hmm…” I saw that in several images, the man was holding a telescope or similar equipment, and some of the shots were of this very mountain and the observatory. And others were of the night sky, stars clearly visible. I think Eri would like those.

Seeing where I was looking, Constantine explained a little. “That was her husband, Stelios. His name meant ‘like a star’. It’s apt, as he had a keen interest in the night skies. He eventually had a job at the Shinakas observatory on this very mountain. Even when he died, some ten years ago, he was still working there, refusing to retire.” He shook his head, perhaps in wonder. “They even managed to buy a little land here on Mount Ida and built this cottage. Aunty lives here still, unwilling to leave, despite her family living dispersed around Greece.”

“I see. It obviously holds memories for her.” Seeing how she cared for the photographs of her extended family, I nodded approvingly. “But it must be hard for an old…” I changed what I was going to say, not wanting to be rude. “A single woman living alone out here. It’s not exactly a quick jaunt to the shops, is it?”

“No.” Sophia agreed, returning, carrying bowls of steaming hot water with clean towels. “Wipe your hands and face, a guest should refresh themselves, aunty Theodosia says.”

Taking one, I did as asked, wiping off my sweat, and Sophia nodded at the photos. “She’s still popular, after all, her husband worked here for more than twenty years… so once or twice a month the staff will bring her the essentials or take her into town. She… gets by? Yes, gets by.”

“She’s stubborn. Like most of us Greeks.” Constantine laughed.

Sophia rattled off some rapid-fire Greek, looking peevish, before agreeing and letting out a long sigh, back to her shaky English. “Yes, or you’d have a damn job, brother, not wasting your life…”

“I have a job!” he pointed out, triumphant. “And I’m doing it now! If all goes well, then I’ll have done a great service, won’t I?”

I nodded. “Yeah. Honestly, you’ve done what I asked, so even if she doesn’t agree, and the other girl we need to find has moved on or declines, I can’t hold you at fault. I’ll keep my word and give you both suitable roles.” I always need more people, and at least they’ve seen the changing world close up, in South Korea…

As the two of them started bickering, mixing between Greek and English, I continued looking at the photographs, until Theodosia returned, carrying several large bowls and a clay jug of what smelled like honeyed milk. Despite her seemingly frail arms she carried them confidently, and as Sophia got up to help she nodded gratefully, her black, mysterious eyes sharp. I too stood, and took one bowl, full of mixed vegetables drizzled in olive oil, placing it on the small table. It was a little cramped, not meant to seat four, but when all the food and drink was placed, Theodosia addressed me in Greek.

“She says, you should eat. It’s a long way out here, so you must be hungry.” Sophia translated.

“Thank you! Uh… Ef-ha-ri-sto?” I tried sounding out a thank you in Greek, and everyone smiled.

“She says your pronunciation was passable.” Sophia translated again. “Now, eat! Aunty won’t talk business until her guests are settled.”

The old woman clasped her hands in prayer, Sophia and Constantine joining her. Since I wasn’t a Christian, I didn’t follow suit, but I did mutter ‘Thank you for the meal’ in Japanese, as was our traditions. Hey, this isn’t bad. The food was different to what I was used to, being neither Japanese, nor of the British sort my mom made on occasion.

At first we all ate in a rather awkward silence, but after a while Theodosia began to talk, her Greek clipped and rapid, Sophia and for the more complicated phrases, Constantine translating. “So Stelios was always showing her the skies, calling her his Goddess of the Night. Auntie used to get so annoyed…”

At Constantine’s words, Theodosia said some more Greek, and he laughed. “Yes, that is an unfortunate choice of words. After all, woman of the night is a way of describing those women who sell themselves for money.”

“I’m sure he didn’t mean it that way…” I defended the departed Stelios, despite not knowing him. In the photographs he looked at peace and happy to be with his wife and family.

Sophia translated, and Theodosia replied back. “Of course not.” Sophia explained. “It was due to her hair, which used to be black as the moonless skies. And her moods…” Sophia was the one to chuckle now. “She says she could be quite cold at times, and dark and moody, but that uncle never gave up on her.”

“That’s as it should be.”  I agreed, thinking of my own dark fiancée, Eri. “After all, there’s no such thing as bad emotions.” I had learned that through my study of darkness and light elements, and of Yin and Yang, Daiyu assisting me. Too much of anything was harmful, love becoming obsession, charity becoming condescension and poison, but a little of something could be medicine, such as envy driving someone to improve, or jealousy leading to a confession. “Besides, I think that sometimes such emotions can be rather adorable.”

After it was translated for her, Theodosia shot me a rather flat look, before breaking out into a resigned sigh. She exchanged more words, and Sophia nodded. “Auntie says you are a fool, but a fool she understands. Her husband was just like you. Driven.”

I wasn’t so sure about that. For years I had drifted through life, never trying too hard, always avoiding what I didn’t want to face. But… Perhaps now that’s true. After all, now I give my all to everything I do. Because I have to. I have responsibilities. In the Boundary I was still resonating with Asha’s Tree, keeping the ether flowing, and while the pain hadn’t built back up to the levels of last night, it was getting to the stage where I was struggling to keep my face from showing an expression of discomfort here in the Material. “A person who chases after their dreams, I can respect that.” I said at last.

“She agrees. After all, in the end, she says if uncle wasn’t looking up at the stars, searching for meaning out there in the universe, he wouldn’t have seemed right to her. But he also never forgot to look at her, nor their family. The night is beautiful, but also distant. Drowning in it is lonely…” Constantine translated.

“Yeah, we have to appreciate what we have, while searching for what we don’t.” I agreed. Once she understood, Theodosia narrowed her eyes. She whispered something to Sophia, who nodded, and she left, going back to the kitchen. A bit of an awkward silence descended, until Sophia returned, carrying a clay jug which gave off a strong, herbal scent, reminiscent of trees. Sophia poured us all generous measures, and Constantine nodded.

“Mastika. It’s traditional for after a meal.” He then paused. “It’s… not always to the taste of foreigners. But…”

“It’s fine.” I wasn’t particularly fussy about my alcohol. I then said thank you in Greek again, this time my pronunciation somewhat better, to everyone’s amusement. I then said a few words of Greek I had picked up here, much to everyone’s surprise. It’s only natural with my Intellect. It may not help me emotionally much, but when it comes to learning and pattern recognition…

Taking a sip of the strangely woody liquor, I nodded. “It’s not bad. Different to what I’m used to, but it compliments the meal. Yamas!”

Copying their words again, Constantine smiled. “We could make an honorary Greek of you yet. Indeed. Yamas!”

As we all drank, the atmosphere turned harmonious, but there was a definite edge to it, hiding beneath the surface, which was only to be expected, due to the reason we were here. After drinking another glass of liquor, hot towels were proffered anew, and after wiping my hands and face, Theodosia turned to the Greek siblings and with a rather grave face, spoke seriously.

“Aunty says… you may as well be honest about why you are here.” Sophia communicated he words to me.

“Obviously we’ve told her. At least the gist of it.” Constantine agreed. “But… well, we don’t fully understand it ourselves, and…”

“Enough.” Theodosia managed that word in English, before lapsing back into Greek. Her words were rapid, and Sophia soon realised she was unable to translate everything, so her brother tried his best.

“She says she knows you are like her, blessed or cursed by the Gods. We Greeks know all about the way the Gods are often cruel. When you think of such tales, we Greeks are famous.” It seems an odd thing to be proud of, but it was true. Even in manga, the Greek Gods were reasonably often depicted as very… petty, for want of a better word.

“She knows you have offered to compensate her for taking on the burden, but…” Constantine looked embarrassed. “She half-believes you have come here to kill her. We tried to explain that’s not the case, but… there’s no internet or TV here, and she’s… never heard of you.”

“That makes her unusual.” Sophia smirked at me. “How does that make you feel?”

“I wasn’t after fame.” I said defensively. “Although it has its benefits. I’d hoped I’d be able to persuade her of my good intentions. Although…” I sighed. My intentions were good. I was doing this for those I loved, and I was prepared to take the burden from someone who would willingly relinquish it, as well as compensate them fairly. Although can anything truly compensate for this chance? Though… many have died already. It’s not a guarantee of success, far from it. And if not me… one day, someone else will come visiting, and then…

Seeing my troubled look, Theodosia barked out further words. The translation was thus. “You would take this gift and hoard it? What purpose do you seek more power? If we have learned anything from our mythology… no, history… the gifts from the Gods are swords without a hilt. Hold them carelessly and be wounded.”

“I know that. I… don’t seek this for myself, but to give to another.” I assured her. When she asked who, I answered. “My Fiancée. She… she’s not weak. She’s worked hard, she’s fought and suffered, despite not being as blessed as I was. She’s been torn apart, and rebuilt herself, and she wants to stand beside me. Honestly, she probably can already.” I admitted. “Her stats are a bit on the low side, so I fobbed her off, but… honestly, with her Lovers’ Link as broken as it is, she’s got huge boosts so is more than capable of fighting. But… it may be selfish, but… I never want to see her so harmed again. So I want her to have a Favour, a gift, as you put it… so that she has more than just raw stats to fall back on.”

Even Constantine struggled to translate some of the concepts, but after some back and forth, Theodosia nodded. “Your fiancée? So it is for a woman then?” Sophia then added her own words. “Which one?”

“She’s a girl that also loves the night sky.” I said, thinking fondly of Eri and all we had been through together, from when she was first born until this day. “In fact, she used to want to be an Astronomer when she was younger. She’d have loved the observatory too. Now… now she just wants to stand by my side. And not just mine. All of us who struggle to face those who would harm us, harm Earth.” I stood, hands behind my back, as I talked, the two siblings translating for the impassive Theodosia. Looking at the family photographs, I smiled.

“I have a family too. But even if I wasn’t getting married to her, Eri would be my precious family and I’d still want to help her. But… I know what I’m asking is unreasonable. Yes, there’s hardship and danger in being Chosen. Perhaps you’ve had to face it already. But there are benefits too. And I’ll be taking some of those from you. After all…” I turned back to her. “You must have noticed your health improving, your body brimming with strength? You’ll lose a great deal of that. Though far from all, I promise you. I have ways of fixing any damage caused, and you should still live a longer and healthier life. Yet… perhaps not as long as you could have, missing out on time with your family.” I don’t like it, but… she won’t be left alone here forever. If I can find her, others can too…

“In exchange… I’ll provide a suitable sum of compensation, enough to bring your family security. And should they have any illnesses or injuries, I am more than happy to heal them. I don’t want to pressure you, but… I think this is the best way for everyone.”

After the two finished translating my words to Greek, there was a long silence, before Theodosia spoke, holding out her hand to me. I looked down at it, puzzled, and Sophia shook her head. “Aunty says she wants to see a picture of Eri. She knows you young people…” She snorted at that, not being much older than me herself. “…are obsessed with your phones. Aunty doesn’t hold much with that.”

“The signal on the mountain is restricted. To prevent interference with the observatory and its instruments.” Constantine filled in, as I brought up a photo of Eri, handing Theodosia the phone. “You can get it with special equipment, but that’s costly. I…” His face reddened with shame. “…I used to think the government was hiding something here. Not one of my better theories. That doesn’t mean I was any less right about you and your kind though!”

Ignoring that, Theodosia was looking at Eri’s picture with a slight smile on her face. She spoke again, and Sophia nodded. “She says that she’s very pretty. But there’s more to love than looks.”

“I know. I’d love her regardless. And she me.” I assured Theodosia, who nodded knowingly after the translation from my companions. “Though I’m a man, of course I love that she’s beautiful. But it’s the memories we share…” I talked about our trips to Nishimorioka’s mountains, gazing at the night skies together with my sis, about the dog, about the battles in the Boundary, Eri being crippled and her recovery, and much more. Even Constantine was struggling to translate, as his English, while decent, wasn’t flawless, but in the end we managed to get my points across.

“So she has faced danger. Yet… you would allow her to face more?” Theodosia’s words were pointed, but I faced them head on.

“Of course I hate the thought of Eri getting hurt. My sis too, and… others I care for.” I admitted. “But I also can’t wrap her in cotton wool, lock her away, not and have her still be Eri. Love is a partnership, and she knows what’s at stake. So… I have, no want, to support her. I’m a man, and I have my pride too. If Eri is going to face this world head on, I’ll be sure to do everything I can to make her choice the right one. Don’t get me wrong…” I promised. “I’ve learned my hard lessons. I’ve told you about some. If the situation is untenable, then I’ll be firm, and send her to safety. But… with more power, she has more options, and the greater her possibilities.”

After my words were roughly translated, Theodosia nodded sharply. Her clipped Greek was slightly warmer, and Sophia smiled. “She says that you are not a fool. And it is a rare man who allows that a woman is just as strong as a man can be. After all, women have higher… tolerance?” I nodded at her word choice, and she continued. “…tolerance to pain and loss. Childbirth, losing loved ones to war or mischance…”

“I never doubt that.” I was surrounded by strong women, and honestly, when it came to emotional strength, it was an area I was rather lacking in. In fact, one could certainly argue the reason why I had so many women in the first place was I was too weak to pressure and wasn’t hard enough to reject those who liked me. But I still don’t regret it. How could I?

“Many men are greedy…” Sophia continued. “Aunty feared you might be here to take it for yourself.”

“Things are seldom that easy. Compatibility is key anyway.” I pointed out, and she shook her head.

“Anyway… aunty will give you her terms.” Sophia said suddenly, passing the translation to her brother, as this part was too vital to have any misunderstandings. She held up her hand, three fingers jutting up, and soon Constantine was speaking, his face pale.

“She says… ten million euros.” The sum was unimaginable for him, but for me… Yeah, ten million euros is around a billion yen, give or take. Even a few months ago, such would bring me to tears. But now… In addition to my own assets, I had support from Hinata’s family, and more importantly, huge investment from Barclays and Chase banks. Money is important, but power… that’s irreplaceable. Besides, Ixitt and Hinata should see our coffers refilled…

“That’s fine.” I opened up my banking app, readying a transfer, only to see that of course, there was no signal.

On hearing my reply, Theodosia raised an eyebrow, but merely continued, lowering one finger. Her next request was that her family would be looked after in an event of a disaster. Her reasoning was sound, if surprising.

“She says that if the Gods are giving gifts, the situation is worse than even we think. After all, when one thinks old Gods, the Greeks are the first ones that spring to mind, and as she said earlier, they are beings who care only for their worship and pleasures, not us mortals they often see as just toys.”

I nodded at that. Certainly, the choices that Gods were making, based on compatibility or not, weren’t exactly prudent. Although that depends on the aims. Kondou Kazuo was dangerous, and with Kiku, he could have dominated Tokyo, but unfortunately he crossed me, and was taken out of the race. “Of course, though if I’m honest, my reach doesn’t extend to Greece. But if the situation ever calls for it, they can come to Japan and I’ll shelter them. Or if a disaster engulfs your family and I’m able, I’ll do what I can. That applies to healing as well.”

It wouldn’t be too hard to get them added to the Ministry list for accepted immigration, should they need it. As Theodosia pondered my answer when it was explained to her, she smiled a little, lowering her second finger, leaving one remaining. On hearing her words, Constantine snorted, holding in laughter. Sophia wasn’t so composed, and her face was red as she laughed uproariously, tears in her eyes.

Theodosia seemed confused, exchanging words with Sophia, who pointed at me triumphantly, hands on hips. Theodosia’s black eyes, glimmering with faint lights, hardened, and she pursed her lips. Constantine waved his hands frantically, interjecting, and after a while their conversation concluded, Constantine looking at me apologetically.

“This last request is… sorry. My sister, she can be a pain.” Constantine admitted. “But… aunty wants you to cherish the will of the Goddess who bestowed her this favour. And remain loyal to your Eri. Then of course, Sophia, she had to point out…”

“I’m not lying to auntie…” Sophia crossed her arms defensively. “…and you’re quite the player, a match for Zeus himself, perhaps. Famous the world over.”

“I wouldn’t go that far.” I protested. “I’m not indiscriminate. Besides…” I looked at Theodosia seriously, trusting the siblings to convey my sincerity. “…Eri, I’ll make her happy. And the others too. Why else would I be doing this? We… may have an unusual relationship, but it’s still built on trust, and that… I’ll never betray.”

After a long contemplation, Theodosia nodded, and I let out a breath I didn’t realise I was holding. “I see. I cannot abide faithless men. My Stelios, he was a man who cherished me but also loved the skies above, the night. I had to share him… though it is rather different, competing against the stars, rather than another woman.” Theodosia’s words were translated for me, and I nodded, agreeing.

“It’s not all fun and games. Honestly, in manga it’s all so easy, keeping multiple women happy. But in reality, things are never so smooth. There are always problems, but… I do what I can, and I’m fortunate they’re all good girls.” Even when they had disagreements or made mistakes, such as Hinata and the others keeping Adamant from Eri, in the end, they could talk it out, come to a consensus, and change for the better. And even their mistakes are rooted in wishing to help, to be stronger, braver…

After a while of this mediated back and forth, Theodosia curled her last finger, lowered her hand and looked at me knowingly, before addressing the siblings and speaking her thoughts. This time it was Constantine, a serious expression on his face, who translated for her.

“We have an agreement then. Though she’s not able to receive the money here.” I nodded at that, as I wasn’t able to transfer it either, though I could do that in a moment when we were down the mountain. “Her family… she has the list, and it might grow in time. It’s a big family.” He repeated, and again I nodded. “So… she would ask you to swear to Horkos, the Greek God of Promises, that you will uphold all yours. Including your faith towards Eri.” His smile was rueful now. “That’s a very old custom, one long out of favour, but nowadays, it seems normal again.”

At that my expression hardened, and on seeing that Theodosia’s eyes narrowed. Some rapid questioning through Sophia later, and my explanation was understood.

“I don’t trust Gods who enforce oaths.” I said after explaining the issues I had saving Shiro’s life from her broken chains. “While it’s important to keep given word, even more so for me now, there’s always got to be room for fairness and justice. So I won’t swear to that God. Instead, I’ll swear on myself. After all…” My smile changed, becoming a wry one. “…I’m now half a Fae and being bound to my word is a part of me now.”

“I told her you can be trusted.” Constantine said after speaking to Theodosia again. “Aunty doesn’t know you, but we’ve explained some of your deeds. You won’t cheat her. Anyway…”

“I am ready.” Theodosia managed in English, before lapsing back into Greek. And after a brief explanation, full of technical terms the siblings struggled to explain, my Eye was shining a brilliant amber as I looked deeply into the woman in front of me, as she sat primly, waiting for my Chirurgery.

I see. The Favour… it’s like a series of strands and bright points, wrapped around the throat and third eye Chakras, with some reaching towards the crown too. Removing it… I can certainly do it, and I can fix any remaining damage… For such an elderly woman, she was in excellent physical health, even the wear and tear on her joints less than I would have expected, perhaps repaired by the higher stats she had now, though this Favour didn’t seem to be one that boosted her much, rather, it seemed more of a type to grant abilities.

Concentrating, I gently extended tendrils of aether, my Split Thoughts which weren’t controlling my Boundary body working together to utilise a number of strands, to repair damage quickly and also soothe the pain of the Chirurgery. Despite that, the operation was far from painless, and Theodosia’s dark eyes shimmered with tears and she bit her lip, clenching her fists. Sophia looked on, worried, but Constantine reassured her I knew what I was doing.

As if to answer his confidence, a few moments later, guided by my improved Skills of Chirurgery and Ether Healing, the Favour popped free from Theodosia. Immediately, as the shining strands of aether, adherence and something more were in my hands, I realised with some surprise that I was actually rather compatible with this Favour. I see, light and darkness. Makes sense…

My Eye shone more vibrantly, the orange glow intensifying, and I brought up the details of the gift for Eri. Of course I’m not going to take it myself, even if I hadn’t promised Theodosia. I have Tsukuyomi’s, and Tyr’s is still dormant. Besides… I can grow stronger on my own efforts. And when I do, that benefits Eri and the others. But despite that, I want them all to be able to make their own choices in this world, and to do so… well, power is the final word.

Nyx’s Cloak Of Night Scattered With Stars- This Divine Favour is made of concentrated Adherence, refined Ether and ????????.

The wielder of this Favour can call upon Darkness Element to empower and protect themselves, forming a cloak of night that will draw in and absorb attacks, though there are limits to what the cloak can swallow, strengthened by the darker emotions of the bearer, for with greater jealousy, lust and envy comes deeper desire.

In addition, absorbed energies can be converted to Light Element, though the further from Light the absorbed energies are, the poorer the conversion. These Lights can then give birth to stars which will be released to strike down the bearer’s enemies, and the stars are strengthened by the positive emotions of the bearer, for with greater passion, trust and compassion, comes deeper love.

Just as Nyx was the first and only existence, dark and lonely, yet gave birth to the brilliance of the cosmos, innumerable stars shining, so too will you fill your empty heart with Light, yet still be of and love the Darkness. Class: [Legendary] Type: [Law]

I see. The ????????, I can almost understand it. With my Eye upgraded, and my knowledge growing, I felt certain I’d be able to comprehend the missing component of Divine Favours soon, especially as I was having so much exposure to them. The Favour was perfect as well, just what I wanted for Eri, a defensive one, though it had the added benefit of some offensive properties, seemingly a sort of damage reflection, as well.

Theodosia was having her sweaty brow mopped by Sophia, she couldn’t do it as her own hands were still trembling from the Chirurgery. I took a moment to consider how the Favour worked, intrigued. It seemed that the cloak would likely be a mixture of spatial and darkness elements, spatial to absorb, and darkness to convert. I wasn’t sure of the mechanisms, but as it was a Law-Type Favour, it must have been fundamental. Studying it will likely prove fruitful. A shame I really don’t have time right now…

Sophia was saying something, and I looked up, snapping free of my reveries, while I extended my mental connection to Eri, calling her to the Boundary. “Sorry, I missed that.” I said, and Sophia grunted sourly.

“Aunty, she says you were quite rough with her. A man should be gentle with women, except in the…” her face flushed, and she coughed. “I’m not saying that, auntie!” She lapsed back into Greek, and Theodosia gave a tired chuckle, before replying.

“Anyway, she is alive, and is freed of the will of the Gods, able to watch over her family in peace again. But… oh, I can’t explain this. Brother, you do it!” Sophia’s English once more failed her, and Constantine took over.

“She says she would like to know when Eri will receive this, and… that you should know the stories of Nyx, to understand her better. Nyx… she was the Night, born from Chaos. Lonely, empty yet flawless. But she longed to be filled, and so she became one with the Darkness, Erebus, and gave birth to Light and Day. Thus she was filled with stars.” He paused to listen to Theodosia again. “Men and women are the same. There is beauty in darkness, but also loneliness. Yet finding someone to understand you, to fill that void…” Constantine looks sympathetic. “She misses her husband, even now. She says if uncle Stelios was still with her, perhaps she would have been able to carry the will of Goddess Nyx. But she is old and tired. Now… now she just wants her stars, her children, to shine brightly for as long as they can. And… she envies you. You are still young and have your passions ahead of you. Though it seems you’ll be tested like never before.”

“The Gods…” Theodosia said in broken English. “Indifferent. Yes? Cold. Demanding? But…” Theodosia reached out and tapped my chest, above my heart. “People. Care. Passion? Light!”

“I think I understand.” I nodded gently. “The Gods want results, but… to us how we live is equally meaningful. Don’t worry…” I assured her, my words as always translated for her. “I won’t lose. Not again. I’ve tasted the sting of loss, and I hate it. But I’ll also not toss aside my principles, or the happiness of those I care about, to win.” I may not strictly be human now, but… I’m still a person!

“As for Eri…” I continued. “Actually, she’ll be receiving the Favour now.” As Theodosia looked surprised at my words, in the Boundary Eri had arrived, a mixture of anticipation and shyness on her beautiful face.

“Are you sure about this?” Eri asked me, showing a maturity she had only gained recently. “After all, I feel sorry for Motoko, Natsumi and Hinata. They need one more than I do. After all, with my Lovers’ Link so strong…”

I cut off her words with a kiss. She reciprocated, hugging me tightly, and for a long moment only our impassioned embrace matters. When we parted, I ruffled her hair like I used to, and she flushed, her onyx eyes moist. “It’s good that you’re thinking of the others, but… don’t worry, their time will come. For now though…” I chose my words carefully. Eri once said that before, she’d even have accepted being together if it was simply out of pity, not love, just because she desired it so. But she’s matured. What we’ve been through would change anyone. Now she wants a genuine connection. Perhaps that’s one reason she was able to push Lovers’ Link so high. After all… she’s loved me for so long. And… while before, I felt unworthy of that, now I know… it has to be me. I want it to be me. Nobody else will ever be able to love Eri like I can. But… to love someone, you have to let them grow, not stifle them…

“Eri, this isn’t just a gift, it’s a responsibility. I… feal uneasy.” My Foresight was still blaring in the back of my mind, and worse, I would be away from home. Yes, I could get back instantly now by dismissing my Material body in Greece, but that wasn’t an option that would last. It’s inevitable I’ll need to enter the Astral at some point on this trip… “And so… I want you to protect everyone. Can you do that?”

Eri’s answer was another kiss. On parting, she wiped at her lips, face flushed, before nodding firmly. “I can. No, I want to. Not just Aiko, and our family. But everyone. I’m proud… proud that I was the first girl you loved.” She paused then, pouting, a rich expression she usually only showed in front of me, or the other girls she trusted. “And I know, maybe Shaeula or Shiro were girls you loved romantically before me… but love is love. I was there long before them. I don’t care what you tell me, I know it in my heart. But that’s not the point.”

“Do you even know what your point is?” I teased, and her pout intensified, and she balled her fist, striking me gently. seaʀᴄh thё NôvelFire.nёt website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Don’t be annoying. Not when we’re having a serious talk. I… I like my life now. And those in it. Be that the other girls, or the trainees like Chiaki-chan and Chiasa-chan, or the Fae… I finally understand what it is to care about people, not just you and Aiko. So yes, I want to be able to protect them. Not just because I want you to praise me…”

“But you do, right?” I teased her more, and she flushed a deeper red.

“Of course. But that’s not just me. Even Bellaera and Soliteare are the same. Not just them… I must have been born under an unlucky star, to fall for such a popular man. But then… above that unlucky star must be a whole constellation of lucky ones, because I fell for you. And you loved me back!” Another round of kissing followed, before Eri finished her point. “So yes, even without the Favour, I’ll fight with all my strength, and the strength your love provides me. But… extra power never hurts, does it? You’ll rest easier away from home, and I… I can do more.”

“Just… be careful. We’ve made detailed plans and contingencies for any disaster we can think of, but we still don’t know exactly what will happen.”

“You’ve brought back Tamamo-no-Mae. According to the prophecy, doesn’t that mean we’ll win?” Eri shrugged, and I shook my head.

Maybe. But just like Tsukiko proved, it’s far from absolute. And even if we win… we could still lose those precious to us.”

“I know. But… I’ll do my best to prevent that happening.” Eri promised again, and I then brought out the shining Favour, once more slightly confused over how it moved over the distance. Does that mean if I had Daiyu’s Spatial Ring, I could transport supplies that way too? It’s something to think about.

Seeing the sparkling energies in my hands as I channelled my adherence, ready to implant it, Eri’s eyes were drawn to them. “So, which… which God is suited for me?” she asked, both curious and fearful of the answer.

“Seems like it’s Nyx.” I said, sitting Eri down, ready to work.

“Nyx? I don’t know that one…” Eri frowned, and I explained what details I had heard from Theodosia. Eri brightened up, and her eyes seemed to match the night itself. “I see. Of the night sky and stars, and the first Goddess, who brought forth the light with her love. I think… I like that! I was worried it would be some horrible Goddess of jealousy.”

“Well, jealousy is just love taken too far.” I reassured her. “I still don’t know the details of Nyx’s love, so… feel free to look it up online.”

“I’ll buy some books. It’s not like I don’t have money now, and I like to read.” Eri promised, wincing a little as I performed Chirurgery to optimise her subtle bodies ready for acceptance. “Now… don’t worry, I can take a little pain. I’ve had worse.” At that her tail reappeared, waving in memory of her dismemberment.

“I know, but I’ll still be as gentle as I can be.” I promised, and as scalpels of aether prepared her Chakras, I gently transported the Favour inside Eri. She shuddered, and it began to drink in adherence, of which Eri was lacking, so I had to supplement it with my own, energies rushing out of me. I watched with my strengthened Eye, eager to gather further information on how Favours were integrated. As I suspected, the hidden component which I almost understood wasn’t visible directly, but could be tracked by its effect on the adherence and ether around it. So, it seems to bind with Eri on a deeper level. The adherence and ether are also merging with her Astral body, wrapping around the key Chakras, but… wait, I see it…

For a brief moment I was sure I saw a beautiful light, perhaps like a flame, burning in a colour that was impossible to describe, white, yet not, the colours around it seemingly to lose their lustre, almost becoming monochrome while still retaining their shades. It was as if there was another Eri, not her Material or Astral form, but a further, deeper one, more fundamental, perhaps. And the tendrils of invisible flames were drawn to it, perhaps by some sort of similarity. Sadly, then it was gone, my Eye’s insight fleeting. Was that… the secret to compatibility?

My thoughts scattered as Eri’s Astral body shone brighter, her body surrounded by rippling energies. Her throat, third eye and crown Chakras had expanded, the vortex of energies around them intensifying, deeper blues, indigos and violets clashing. Eri groaned, before gritting her teeth and getting the energies under control. Silver sweat dripped from her, and I gently wiped her clean, mirroring what Sophia had done for Theodosia earlier.

“Thank you.” Eri whispered, before she frowned, eyes going unfocused, as if she was going through her memories, or perhaps new information she was receiving. “I… yes, it is perfect for me. With this…” She let darkness surge, and a cloak of blue, which quickly faded to an inky black, reminiscent of a moonless night, draped around her, obscuring her body. “…you don’t have to worry about me.”

I could hear her voice clearly, and with my Eye I could see her clearly, though it was enough to cause a headache, seeing as she was shrouded to my normal eye. Checking Eri’s stats, I could see she hadn’t gained much, perhaps because Nyx’s Favour wasn’t geared towards that, or maybe because she had rather high numbers already. What had changed was that her third eye and throat Chakras had both passed the first bottlenecks, strengthening her light and darkness generation significantly. Sadly, she hadn’t quite gained enough to have spatial element created by her crown in appreciable quantities, but it was certainly more active, and a very faint haze of violet could be seen circulating throughout her body.

When I said as much to Eri, she merely smiled confidently. “I see. In that case, I can speak to Arisugawa-san or Chiaki-chan and Chiasa-chan. I should be able to make a breakthrough in spatial element, and it should only strengthen my new powers.” Her grin was then sly. “We should test it. To set your mind at ease, if nothing else. But… go easy on me! After all, if I’m the Night, then you’re my Darkness, aren’t you? There’s no Night without you.”

With a smile, I gently stepped back, releasing a little wind, and it was sucked into Eri’s cloak of night, purple and blue sparks scattering. Watching as the wind element was surrounded by indigo motes of light, gradually turning from jade to amethyst hues, my Eye observed a shining orb of light forming, as small as a fingernail. Soon, both my eyes could see it, and with a grin, Eri let the orb fly out towards me. I batted it aside, shocked at how fast it moved, and it burst when I touched it, heat and light stinging my palm.

“I see. Yes, I can also do this…” Eri focussed her own light element, and more stars formed in her dark robe, larger and with greater luminance. “…at least it’s a beautiful attack.” Lights flashed, and a dozen stars flew out at me. I leapt aside, but unlike attacks of conventional light, these turned, following me.

“Just like shooting stars.” Eri giggled. “Come on, charge me up. Don’t you think I’d look beautiful, draped in the Milky Way?”

Raising one eyebrow, I struck down the chasing stars, before answering her wishes, light and wind flashing from my hands in carefully controlled amounts. It’s wise to test her limits while I’m here. So that she knows what she can do in an actual battle…

Back on Mount Ida, I clapped my hands together. “All right. Eri’s successfully obtained Nyx’s Favour. You’ve held up your end of the bargain, Theodosia, so now it’s time for me to do mine. We’ll take you into town so we can transfer you the money, and I’ll take all the details of your family. Constantine, arrange an engineer to come out here and get her connected to the internet. The expense doesn’t matter, it’s a pittance compared to ten million euros anyway, and she needs to be able to contact me if I’m needed so I can keep my end of the deal…”

As everyone was bemused at my sudden exuberance, I smiled, despite the pain I was in. Eri’s barrage of star-like lights was intensifying, and while I was sure her cloak wouldn’t be able to stop something like Foehn, her prowess in battle was now significantly improved. All right then, Greece is handled. Next stop… Berlin. Germany, here we come…

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