Side One Hundred And Seventy-Four – Takatsukasa (Fukumoto) HinataSide One Hundred And Seventy-Four – Takatsukasa (Fukumoto) Hinata
“I’m quite excited about this. How do you feel, Hinata?” Mayumi said as she settled down into the comfortable seat on the private jet they were taking to Europe.
Happy, of course. Hinata merely smiled knowingly for a while, before answering. “I’m pleased to be going abroad with Akio. I was a little jealous of Motoko and Natsumi before.”
“Oh, and you aren’t excited to be travelling with us? I’m hurt, Hinata-chan.” Ichijou Kira-sama said, amused. Mayumi smiled at that, before agreeing.
“That’s right, grandfather! Hinata should be delighted to take a trip with me, her best friend. Besides, you can see Akio-kun whenever you want, but you’re always too busy for me, isn’t that right, Katana?” Mayumi addressed her bodyguard, who as usual was in pristine male clothing, tight trousers and a shirt with a jacket worn over it, rounded off with a tie. Her hair was cut somewhat short and bundled at the back into a ponytail. I wasn’t really able to tell before, but now I’ve been training with Motoko, Natsumi and Kazumi, as well as the others, I can see the quality of bodyguards by their attitude and how they move…
“That’s right.” Tsuchiya Ohta, who Mayumi always called Katana, agreed loyally. “Any time spent with you is precious, Mayumi-sama, and with me here, you’ll never face any danger.” She then looked at Kazumi, who was beside Hinata, also dressed in more male fashion, though that was for ease of movement in combat rather than Hinata’s preference, unlike poor Katana-san. “I will allow Kazumi-san is decently skilled.”
“Of course she is.” Hinata piped up, not offended, but actually pleased by the praise her friend was receiving. “I won’t trade her in, not even now I’m a daughter of Takatsukasa house. Besides, she’s been trained by the best.” In fact, when it comes to bodyguards in Hanafubuki, while most noble daughters have them and also attendants, when it comes to actual skills… the ninja sisters, of course, Katana-san, my Kazumi, Natsumi, definitely, though she probably shouldn’t count as a bodyguard now… and a couple of others. Most are simply from branch families or cousins, more as a way of practising for the future, or upholding family traditions. In a real fight… they’d be rather hopeless. Those were the sorts of things Hinata thought about nowadays, surprising herself. I’m more open, always watching. After all, I don’t just have to think of myself anymore…
In that vein, the two bodyguards who had accompanied Kira-sama weren’t ones she recognised, and she had made a number of trips to Mayumi’s home in the past. While her combat senses were woefully lacking compared to Motoko’s or Natsumi’s, Hinata had a quick brain and sharp eyes, and it had only been strengthened by Chirurgery and training. They’re likely some of Ichijou House’s Chosen. They don’t look too impressive at first glance, but who knows what Skills they are hiding?
“Yes, it’s refreshing having real combat experience. That’s not something we can usually expect.” Kazumi agreed politely, mindful of who she was speaking to.
“That aside…” Hinata changed the subject. “…you are my friend now Mayumi, and I like you, but… compared to Akio, I’m sorry, but you lose.” Her impish smile robbed that of its sting. “Besides, while it’s hardly as glamourous as meeting the Queen of Great Britain and the Princes and Princess, for my engagement debut, this isn’t so bad.”
“True.” Mayumi allowed. “It’s a very important stage in any of our lives. Making the right impression is vital. Even more so for you now, Hinata. You’re not one of the Three-Hundred any more. No, you have to uphold the honour of the Takatsukasa house.”
“The Oshiro house too.” Hinata giggled, and Mayumi agreed, which surprised her a little.
“That’s true as well. Which is why you should be grateful to me.” Mayumi straightened her back proudly, looking very pleased with herself. “After all, we graciously allowed you to join with Ichijou House on this venture, and even gave a substantial stake in Ichijou Heavy Industries!”
“I remember it differently.” Hinata wasn’t willing to let that pass unchallenged. “And it’s most definitely you who is getting the better deal, Mayumi! Working with Akio will bring immense profits. In fact, I feel we were almost cheated!”
As Kira-sama chuckled happily, watching his granddaughter and Hinata banter, Mayumi shook her head. “Hardly. At least say that when the profits come rolling in. But my point is that there will be a significant number of important people at Miss Lindiwe’s banquet and gala. Heads of companies as large globally as Nichibotsu, and powerful politicians from all over the African continent. Perhaps even some royalty. So rest assured, things will go well for you.”
Hinata blushed a little, seeing the genuine concern in Mayumi’s expressions. Before, she would have expressed it, yes, but… she would have seen it as a shame, that someone she enjoyed the company of was having a hard time. But now… we can finally stand as equals. And Mayumi can only see those equal to her as real. Even poor Katana-san, who Mayumi is clearly deeply fond of, isn’t on her level. And I have Akio to thank for this…
Akio would deny it, of course, saying it was through Hinata’s own efforts, her own charms, that finally won Mayumi over. And to an extent that was true. Hinata wasn’t one to downplay her own hard work and value. After all, she had long striven to be accepted, her mother’s bloodline as noble as any. But I’m also never going to deny the contribution of others. Akio’s least of all. It was Akio who helped her stand on this stage, to make her shine. And he’s also captured Mayumi’s interest. After all, as a daughter of nobility, and more so as the prized granddaughter of Ichijou house, she was kept away from men. In fact, Akio’s surely the man she’s interacted most with outside of her immediate family, pitiful though that is…
Saying nothing of what she was thinking, Hinata nodded. “I do hope so. After all, I don’t often get these opportunities.”
“It’s important for us as well, Mayumi.” Kira-sama began, but then the door to the private jet opened, and their other passengers embarked. First was a powerful, well-muscled dark-skinned man with a strange hairstyle. Dreadlocks, are they? He was tall enough to have to stoop a little to enter the plane, and he was in a suit, looking uncomfortable. Immediately, Katana-san and Kazumi tensed, sensing his threatening presence, but Hinata placed her hand on Kazumi’s, calming her down.
“It’s not like he’ll cause any trouble.” she said, but that didn’t mollify Kazumi. I suppose I should be proud of her resolve and professionalism. In comparison… Kira-sama’s guards didn’t react, showing that indeed they weren’t ordinary bodyguards, but almost certainly Chosen.
Behind the man, who went by the codename of Titan, was a woman. She was a strange one, the scientist Christina Bakker, someone who would cheerfully commit unthinkable acts in the name of experimentation, yet seemingly had no care for her own safety or welfare either. She was certainly rather pretty and had a body that Japanese women seldom could match, with fuller waist and chest, though she wore tired, ill-fitting clothes, and her hair was messy and uncared for. She looks… quite dreadful.
Indeed, it seemed the woman wasn’t well, as her blue eyes were somewhat listless, and her face was pale as paper. She saw Hinata and the others looking over, and she gave a small nod, before sitting down on one of the vacant seats, looking lost in thought. Before anyone else could speak, a harsh voice barked out some words in English.
“Stop blocking the aisle, you big ass.” Hinata saw that it was Aliyah, followed by her equally as imposing brother Treyvon. They were smaller than Titan, but still towered over Hinata and the others, and the pair of them were smartly dressed in tight combat clothing, and a number of weapons, both visible and hidden, were on their person.
“Calm down woman, this be a private plane, ya know. No rush to board.” Titan huffed, but he did sit down quickly, beside Christina Bakker.
“Sure, but the sooner you shut your mouth and take a seat, the quicker we can be going.” Aliyah continued, ill-humour plain. “And don’t try any shit… I mean… cause trouble…” She amended her language, which made Hinata have to hold in a giggle, being aware of how furiously the big woman usually swore. I guess Akio’s told her to be on her best behaviour, since Mayumi is present. He knows I don’t care about bad language. After all, Shiro swears regularly.
“Why would I do that? I be just here to protect Miss Bakker. And nobody wants to hurt her, ya?”
“Just don’t get any ideas.” Treyvon said, clapping his sister on her shoulder. With a grimace she sat down in one of the remaining seats, and as the personal attendant who was looking after the private flight went to close the doors, he also sat. “We’re well-equipped to handle any trouble.”
At that, Titan snorted, a great sound like ripping cloth. “Ya think? Don’t get cocky, man. I may not be a match for ya boss, but I’m Titan! That be no mere nickname, ya?”
“Sure, you’re right. We’ve already taken a beating from Akio.” Treyvon agreed ruefully.
“But you ain’t him.” Aliyah butted in, her smile almost feral. “No kidding, even with our training, we can’t match you for strength or speed, but we’re professionals, and we know what the f… what the hell we’re up against now.” Aliyah glanced over at Hinata. “For now, we’re here to protect her. So don’t force our damn hands.”
“No way. I’m no fool.” Titan snorted. “It be a brave and stupid man who provokes him.” Crossing his arms, Titan nodded firmly.
“They raise a good point though.” Kira-sama said, breaking the awkward mood. As now everyone was boarded, the plane was taxiing for take-off, and the attendant was asking who wanted drinks or food. “You’d be a very tempting target for blackmailing Akio-kun.” At his words, Hinata nodded, having considered that herself.
“I’ll protect her!” Kazumi declared, and Kira-sama nodded.
“I know you will do your best. Kazumi-chan. Just like any bodyguard. But against this man here, for example…”
“Leave me out of it…” Titan grumbled, but the point was made.
“…could you win? I know you’d lay down your life to buy Hinata-chan time to escape, but… the world isn’t so kind. Especially now.”
Kazumi had to concede the point. She’s trained to her limits. Without a Favour or some other means, Kazumi’s peaked. “I understand, but… if I aim to die with them, I could take them by surprise…”
“It might still not work. But that aside…” Kira-sama was serious now, and Mayumi looked on, also pondering it, as it was an ever-present danger as a daughter of such a prestigious family. “…if you were taken, Hinata-chan, how would you manage the situation?”
“That’s easy.” Hinata answered without hesitation, having considered it already. In fact, everyone’s worried about it at some point. Akio’s… no, nobody’s invincible, but we have faith there are few that match him. So we can be his weakness. And that… none of us can abide. “I’ll simply bite my tongue and die. I’ll not be a tool to hinder Akio, and more importantly…” She paused, everyone’s eyes on her as she answered the question. “…we’re women, and daughters of the nobility. You understand, don’t you Mayumi? I’ll never let someone else have their way with my body. That’s for my husband, for Akio, and nobody else!”
Mayumi nodded slowly. “If I was defiled, my ancestors would cry in shame. Death would be better than living in disgrace, to be sure, but…”
As Kira-sama looked on, troubled, Aliyah spoke up, her tone oddly gentle.
“You sure? Much as I hate the guy, I think he’d rather have you back safe and sound, even if you were… abused… than lose you. Even now, you’re thinking of him, the other cuties do too. Those smiles can’t be faked, I know. Besides…” Her words were solemn. “Take it from somebody who knows. Dying that way won’t be gentle. Choking on your own blood and severed flesh isn’t a nice way to go. It’s not certain either. If they’re quick, they can do field first aid and clear your throat…”
She must have seen a lot, being a mercenary. “I see. I’ll bear that in mind. Maybe I should have a poison capsule or something similar with me… I need to be certain.”
“Don’t… don’t you fear death? Or is it that you think it won’t happen?” Treyvon asked, equally gentle.
“I believe in Akio. But I also know the dark side of the world. Poor Haru-san can attest to that fate.” Hinata replied seriously. “I believe it won’t come to that. After all, even now, we have Kazumi, Katana-san and you two here to protect us.” Her smile was warm. “But I must never be naïve. And if it comes down to it, I’ll die rather than let Akio down, or myself. Maybe Akio would be happy to see me return, despite enduring cruelty, but… I couldn’t accept that. I have my pride. Besides…” She glanced at the two Chosen she didn’t know, as well as at Titan and Christina Bakker. “…you know of Tsukiko, don’t you Kira-sama? I hardly think Akio loves me any less.”
“I see.” Kira-sama scratched at his chin. “It’s still… rather a lot to risk, Hinata-chan.”
“But that’s my resolve. If you want to stand beside Akio, that’s the resolve you need.”
“Why are you looking at me, Hinata?” Mayumi said, tilting her head. “I do suppose as a business partner, when it takes off, there might be similar risks that I’ll be a target…”
Keep thinking like that… As the attendant pushed a drink into her hands, Hinata leant back in her chair, the topic turning away from such a grim one. At least nothing should happen before I meet with Akio. Titan has no need to cause trouble, and if he did so, that would set us against America for certain. As for the two accompanying Kira-sama… Hinata observed them subtly. They don’t seem particularly nervous or wary. I doubt Kira-sama would allow potential troublemakers to guard him and Mayumi… no, the greatest danger will be in America, which is why I can’t accompany Akio there, much as I wish to. Which is why we have to make the most of this trip while we’re together… Taking a sip of her juice, Hinata found herself smiling again, looking forward to what was to come…
“…the timing is perfect.” Mayumi was saying happily, their conversation back to Japanese now that their guests and guards were settled. “The factory site is progressing far faster than anticipated, so soon we’ll need to take advantage of our sweetheart deal with Kumba-Stillwater. Our connections with Miss Lindiwe and her father, the company President, will start bearing fruit! And that’s all thanks to me!”
Mayumi’s excitement was infectious and was one of the reasons Hinata was so drawn to her in the past. Most of the nobility is quiet, calm, unruffled. But Mayumi’s like the Queen of Hanafubuki, her status unchallenged. Miyu was too quiet, Honoka-san too young, and Sakura… well, Takatsukasa house is on the decline, and then there’s… Not wanting to think of that, Hinata nodded. “And it’s for that reason that you disappointed me, Mayumi. You were too greedy! Anyway, yes, Kana’s done a fine job working on the site. The others as well. We’ve moved onto the underground transit systems now, well ahead of schedule. So the upper factory is in the process of being fitted for production.”
“Yes, we have our own plants churning out machine parts, ready for onsite assembly. Though the plans are… rather problematic, in some respects, so our foremen tell us.” Ichijou-sama said, a glass of fine brandy in hand, though he had been drinking sparingly, keeping a clear head.
“Of course. Those machines aren’t purely science and engineering, but Mortal Engineering, as Ixitt would no doubt put it. But it certainly helps for all the ordinary components to be fabricated, as our Mortal Engineers are still deeply involved in the other tunnels and underground spaces. So only having to prepare the… specialist… parts is a great help to us.” Hinata’s smile turned cheeky. “Which is the least you can do, Mayumi. After all, you’re our partner, but you need us far more than we need you! And you’ve already benefitted greatly from Akio’s Healing services, despite doing little yourself.”
“Nonsense! I know that you are delighted to work with me. And Akio-kun is too! He would hardly begrudge me my referral fees.” Mayumi chuckled. She was drinking champagne, and despite having had Chirurgery, boosting her stats, she was still a little tipsy, her face flushed, which certainly suited her beautiful features. I don’t lose though! I may not be as elegant as Mayumi, but I’m certainly cute!
“Don’t forget we have a lot of projects you’re not a part of.” Hinata couldn’t resist teasing her. “When our new ventures exceed the value of Nichibotsu, or even Ichijou Heavy Industries, maybe I’ll take pity on you and let you be my secretary.”
“Cheeky girl!” Mayumi snorted. “I doubt that’ll happen. Ichijou Heavy Industries is only matched by Fujiwara House’s assets in Japan!”
“Oh, it’ll happen.” Hinata promised, the revolutionary battery and recycling technologies on her mind. “But our joint projects will be up and running first.”
Christina Bakker, who had been listening listlessly, a half-drunk glass of wine in her hand, suddenly spoke up, flickers of curiosity in her eyes again. “I would very much love to see this facility. We’ve been experimenting on such ourselves, but… well, we had reports on Kyoto, of course…” She seemed back to her usual self as she enthusiastically spewed out words, seemingly having understood enough Japanese to at least get the gist of their talk. “…and the method of transporting people and materials between the two worlds was sadly not one we could replicate. But despite that, American science is cutting edge, so…”
“Are ya sure ya want to be spilling out ya guts here?” Titan said, frowning. “Ya supposed to be a diplomat, leaking secrets is bad.” Now the conversation was back in English Titan was able to follow it again.
Christina’s eyes lost their focus for a moment, before she swallowed. “Too late for that. I’ve made my choice. I’m relying on Akio to protect me now. Even…” She looked at Hinata, and actually seemed contrite. “…I’m not a woman who understands others. I know that or thought I did. Now… I angered Akio, but honestly… I wasn’t lying. Nobody makes me feel like he does… I didn’t think I could feel that way.”
As Mayumi laughed, Hinata clicked her tongue. Sometimes I understand how Eri feels. Akio being so wonderful is certainly something I delight in, but it can attract… problems. I… I won’t sideline Eri again, nor anyone else. I was wrong, and she’s forgiven me, so… I can’t break trust anymore. Even if I know Adamant is necessary. “I’m sorry, but I don’t think you’re his type. Although…” The treacherous thought leaked out. I’ve listened to Shiro’s tales and talked to Tan. What she was prepared to do, could certainly potentially have done more harm than this mad scientist ever did. No, it’s not the same. Akio loved Shiro long before this. He won’t…
“Although?” Christina asked, seeming slightly hopeful.
“Although Akio is hardly cold enough to disdain you for that.” Hinata dissembled. “But what does anger him is your actions in the past. But despite that, he won’t abandon you.”
“I know. I… understand better now. I’m a scientist. The best in the world…” She then tittered nervously, looking pale. “I don’t understand what can’t be measured empirically, what can’t be categorised. Human emotions, hopes, dreams… such unscientific things.”
“Just because they aren’t tangible doesn’t mean that they don’t matter.” Hinata pointed out. “Just look at the world now. All sorts of things that we thought were just stories are real.” Hinata pointed out, and Christina nodded.
“You sound just like Akio. And I… figured if I made an effort to understand, even if I didn’t, that would be enough. And if I showed I was repentant, even if I wasn’t quite sure why… isn’t it the same? Just as you can’t tell the difference between two electrons.”
“I think you’re wrong.” Hinata shook her head. “This is where your intent matters. Though I suppose first steps aren’t something I should criticise you for. But no matter your reasons, you’ve provided help to Akio and he’ll not forget that.”
“Help. I made a mistake, went further than I should. But isn’t that the story of my life? Adam is going to be furious. Poor little Christina, going to disappear.” She sounded back to her teasing self, though her eyes were still a little numb. “I can’t change the past. One thing I believe with certainty is that even in a world of magic and unscientific nonsense, time travel surely is impossible. The past is gone, as if it never existed. Else… the universe would be in constant flux. Reality itself would collapse.”
Mayumi, who was listening, eyes sparkling, perhaps enjoying the unusual conversation, offered an idea. “What about parallel realities? That could allow travel to… if not the past, a past?”
“I’ve considered that.” Christina mused. “But… even if that was possible, doesn’t it just mean I still can’t change the past, only move to an alternate one? I’ve… done what I did, and I still believe it was necessary, no matter how cruel. But… I was prepared to suffer the same. I did… I think?” She shook her head, as if to clear the cobwebs from her thoughts. “Perhaps it doesn’t matter, but… if it made him like me more…”
I hate that I actually feel sorry for her, at least a little. I remember how I felt, when I wasn’t sure whether pursuing Akio was the right thing to do. Motoko and Natsumi understood that as well. We were selfish too, pushing ourselves on him. Well, there’s no comparison between us and her, of course… and we’ll spend our lives making him happy, whereas Christina Bakker doesn’t even seem to understand what human happiness is… no, she’s no good, but… I still sympathise. A little. “I think you should give that up. At least in the short term. Don’t be in a rush. I get that you’re new to these feelings, but… to us, you’re still complicit in the kidnapping, torture and death of a lot of innocent people. No matter how good your reasons, so you see them… that’s not something we can just forgive and forget.” Seeing the half-puzzled, half-guilty look on the scientist’s face, Hinata relented a little. “Just… keep being useful, and try your best, okay? Now, maybe we should get off this subject, it’s just making everyone gloomy.”
“Yes, I agree!” the tipsy Mayumi agreed brightly. “We were talking about our future successes together, Hinata.”
“Yes, we were.” Hinata couldn’t help but smile ruefully, as they switched back to Japanese. Everyone at Hanafubuki learns English of course, and now thanks to the boost in my Intellect, I speak it near-perfectly, but… Japanese is more relaxing. And as we’ll be speaking English on a lot of our trip, I might as well make the most of this time. “Though mine will be greater than yours, I promise you that. Takatsukasa House will be rebuilt by my hands. As for who sires the next heir, I don’t care much about that. Be it me, or Sakura, or even little Minoru-kun.” Hinata paused for a second, her smile now fond. “He’s throwing everything into becoming a superhero, it’s very cute.”
“It’s not exactly proper for a son of such a noble house to effectively do the same work as a bodyguard…” Kira-sama began, but Hinata interrupted him.
“Mind what you say. Motoko and Natsumi might take offense to that. In fact, it’s old-fashioned traditions that restrict women which has led to Akio scooping us all up. Minoru-kun is young. Getting stronger now will help him in the future, whatever his path is. Don’t worry, he’s always watched, and his training is very gentle compared to ours.”
“Yes, it makes me wonder, just how far will Akio-kun go? Miyu-chan is rather close to him, no? I doubt Shige would refuse a marriage between them at this stage. While Honoka-chan’s prospective husband will surely inherit, having such a strong tie and a share of the Fujiwara fortunes would be a large benefit… and then there’s talk of… well, never mind that one.” Kira-sama coughed theatrically. “Even your cousin Sakura-chan… there’s merits to it. But if Akio-kun takes too many daughters, then the bloodlines of the nobility will get rather tangled…”
You’re forgetting one name. Though that makes sense, Kira-sama. After all, you think of your granddaughter as special. And she is. But no more than Miyu is. No, less than her now. After all, Miyu is Chosen as well as a daughter of Fujiwara house. Keeping her thoughts to herself, Hinata merely brushed that question off. “I can’t say I’m entirely opposed to the idea, but… there has to be limits. There are better prospects for Akio’s future wives than more noble daughters. Not that we’d refuse if Akio was charmed by one. So long as she obeyed the rules we all agreed to.”
“Better prospects, huh? I think I understand.” Kira-sama agreed.
“Well, I don’t. Grandfather, Hinata, don’t keep me in the dark, I hate that!” Mayumi pouted.
“There’s no mystery to it.” Hinata enjoyed Mayumi’s annoyance. “It’s blatantly obvious that a political marriage between Akio and our allies is the way to ensure strong relations.”
“Oh, I see.” Mayumi realised who Hinata meant. “That would be… interesting.”
“It definitely would. Eri’s sure it’ll happen, and I don’t see why she’d be wrong. But we’ve wandered off the topic again.” Hinata brought the subject back to the factory. “Unless you have a burning desire to express your own interest?” Unable to resist that teasing, Hinata waited for a moment, as Mayumi looked away, face pink. “No? Anyway… without talking specifics…” There are too many people I don’t entirely trust here, and it’s sad, but… I think that Christina Bakker is probably less worrisome than Kira-sama’s new bodyguards, being as she’s not a native speaker. The risk of information leakage is small, but I still don’t like taking needless chances.
“…yes, we’re at the cutting edge of cross-Boundary research and production. We’ll capture the initial market. Sure, it’s naïve to think that no-one else will manage similar technological breakthroughs, maybe other countries are working on them now…” Hinata glanced at Christina knowingly, as if her words were accurate, the US was still far behind. “…but I’m confident we’ll get ours out first. At the least, our technologies will help make Japan self-sufficient, which is vital as the world grows ever more uncertain, and we can certainly make significant profits selling the excess overseas and to our allies…”
“The American dream.” Aliyah snorted, the first words she’d said for a while. She was nursing a glass of juice like Hinata, and at her inquisitive gaze, Aliyah snorted sourly, tossing her head, beads jingling. “I’m on duty, despite what you might believe, I’m a professional. Work hard, play harder, right Trey?”
“Leave me out if it.” Her brother shrugged, a can of American cola in his hands. “Besides, I can’t follow everything they said.” Since Hinata was speaking in Japanese, they were following along as best as they could.
“Your Japanese is as shaky as your Russian. Shit… uh… damn. Anyway, you need to put more effort in. I can’t say I followed everything, but I understood enough. At least we won’t need to worry about the Company’s paychecks bouncing…”
As the two siblings argued, Hinata leaned back in her chair, amused by the distraction. Looking out of the window at the clouds below, Hinata wished the flight would hurry up and reach its destination. While she enjoyed spending time with Mayumi, and talking about her plans… That’s nothing compared to spending time with Akio, and, more importantly… Her smile reflected in the glass of the window, unaware of how her expression was charming those around her, Hinata finished her juice, thoughts racing. If everything goes as we plan, then Akio will be able to reach new heights of power, and with him, all of us. I can’t wait! Every day is better than the last, and tomorrow… it’s going to be just wonderful!
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