Four Hundred And Eighty-Five

It didn’t take long for the twins to arrive. Oddly enough, here they were now in full Adamant uniforms, which was a fresh look for them, though to differentiate the identical Chiaki-chan and Chiasa-chan, Chiaki-chan was in the skirt version of the uniform, while Chiasa-chan wore trousers. Chiaki-chan was holding the strange, eldritch Klein Bottle, and I could see faint sparks of deep violet energies drifting off it, only to fade and vanish, occasionally popping back into existence. Yeah, Spatial element is definitely the most mysterious of the seven primary elements…

“You called for us, Akio-sama?” “We are always happy to answer your call, Akio-sama.” The twins declared in their usual, extremely polite manner. Seeing me looking at them, they seemed a little embarrassed.

“Is our uniform…” “Is it strange?” Chiaki-chan finished Chiasa-chan’s hesitant sentence. They exchanged a meaningful glance, before Chiasa-chan spoke up. “As shrine maidens of Hikawa-Kawagoe shrine we are proud of our attire. We are grateful to be born in a family that worships the Kami.”

“However, we also serve you, Akio-sama, and we take that as a matter of pride also. And this is the uniform of those who are favoured. So sometimes we wish to wear it.”

It seemed saying that was a little tough for them, but I merely smiled gently at them. I’ve always felt protective of the twins since Kyoto. They nearly died, alongside Hotene-san and Keomi-chan. Sure, I can accept now that it mostly wasn’t my fault, though as their leader and the person supposed to protect them, I still share some blame for not seeing Yamato-san’s ambitions and carelessness, for being unable to correctly divine and prepare for the Foresight I felt. It’s the same now. Though this time, we are doing everything we can… I did think it was sometimes wrong to have people so young train and prepare, even fight, though under safe conditions and well supported, but Daiyu’s thoughts on Cultivation aligned with mine, in general. To build a firm foundation one had to start young, and in this world, only the strong could decide their own fates. Before, it was the rich. But money won’t save anyone when the world truly becomes dangerous. Of course, we still need money now, of course…

“I think they look good on you. You’re girls, so wearing the same thing all the time is a bit boring. Sometimes you should dress up. Anyway, I called you here about the Klein Bottle, and also… I know you’re close to grasping spatial element, so I wish to help.” Behind me, Shiro rolled her eyes at my comments, looking amused, but I ignored her.

“Close? Not so close.” “No, it is very difficult.” “But we persevere. It will be the way we can help most.” “We have no wish to tread the same ground as others. We want to be of service.” The twins spoke rapidly.

“Yes, I can see why. You gave up the chances to master other elements because you feared it would make it harder for you to help others… I respect that. But that’s why I want to help you. After all, other than Arisu-san, I’m the only one with experience here. Though without Haru it might be hard to communicate that properly.”

The twins exchanged glances, silent and discussing matters between themselves, before they turned to me and spoke in unison. “I believe it might be possible. We have connected to many minds, with help from Haru-sama, touched many thoughts, and shared them. Now… we can connect with Ren-sama even without her, and we believe some others are possible too. You… would be one of them, Akio-sama.”

“Me?” I asked, surprised, and the twins nodded.

“Yes, there is a connection between us.” “Our minds can touch yours.”

“Maybe it’s because we’ve linked via Haru a number of times?” I asked, and the twins said they didn’t know. Curious, I opened my mind, just like I would to Haru, and I felt clumsy brushes against my thoughts. The twins screwed up their eyes in concentration, glancing at each other with faces filled with determination, and soft touches on my mind intensified. Moments later, I felt them…

Akio-sama, can you hear us? Can you hear us Akio-sama?

Yes, I can! I thought back, surprised, although the mental voices were faint and distorted, as if coming to me from a great distance. Turning to Shiro, who was still watching along with everyone else, I asked Tan a question. Searᴄh the Nôvel(F)ire.nёt website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I know we can get better with training, and for those of us who have Favours it’s certainly far easier, but… should it be this easy? I don’t want to disparage the hard work of the twins…” At my warm thoughts they looked shy but resolute. “…and they are certainly born talented, one in a million.” The twins could also tell truth from lies on many occasions, and they felt the truth of my words, feeling even shyer. “But despite that, it seems strange they can boost their abilities so. Although…” I scratched my chin, thinking. “…is it the good environment and everyone working together?”

Shiro shrugged, and her hair turned crimson, flames licking over her long locks, her eyes ruby as well, Tan waking up from her half-slumber. “This world is on the far fringes, long starved of ether, and so talents have withered and died. Worlds within the higher Astral, within the Pantheons, they have a great preponderance of special abilities beings of all kinds are born with. Not every mortal or spiritual being or monster or any of the myriad dwellers above that outnumber the creatures on your world many million times over is born with talents. No, not even close. But merely looking at humans and similar kinds of mortals, perhaps ten percent have bloodline talents. So yes… many strive to upgrade their gifts, and many will succeed. But it is a hard process, requiring great Fortune and talent. It does happen by chance on rare occasions, but I agree. The speed of progress here continues to impress me. I believe I understand the answer, but… once more I am not at liberty to speak of it.” With that she vanished, though as always what she didn’t say was indicative, as with her final motion her eyes shifted, staring at my right wrist as Shiro returned to control of her body.

“Tan hid her thoughts even from me, Aki, but…” Shiro rubbed at her eye, the right eye.

“It’s okay. I get it.” Honestly everything all fits into place. Just like everything is… connected. I think… My gaze strayed to Asha, who was watching calmly, idly rubbing her belly every so often. Seeing that made me feel simultaneously warm and a little afraid. I can still hardly believe I’m going to be a father. But like every parent, I want my kids to grow up in a safe world, to be happy and healthy and follow their dreams. Though it’s definitely going to be harder for Asha’s daughters, I’m sure… I was in a hurry to implement all the plans we had made, hence why we were pushing Asha’s Tree to its limits to flood us with insane amounts of ether for the level Earth was at, as well as taking all the little hints I’d obtained from Tan, my Eye, Yasaka-san’s Book of Providence and even Daiyu’s Cultivation and knowledge from Yōkai and Fae, putting it all together for my master plan. But we don’t have time for patience. Even setting aside the ominous Foresight and Tsukiko’s vision of the White Dragon attacking, the main body of that damn golden toad will be recovering, and I don’t think we can face it yet, not its full strength. So…

“Can you keep sharing your thoughts?” I asked the twins, who nodded. They started passing along images of their insights into the spatial element, though the pictures were faded and covered with faint static, something like what I’d imagine an old-fashioned TV might look like with a bad signal. Focusing on their mental connections, I felt once again the sadness that I’d put them through such trauma in Kyoto.

It is not something to be sorry about. Yes, we followed Uchida-sama of our own will. We regret it. Not because we got hurt. No, because we had assured you we would not venture into the world of the Kami recklessly. But our respected father and Ren-sama wanted us to honour the prior commitments of Hikawa-Kawagoe shrine. That is why… yes, that is why… we will try hard. And not betray your trust again. Akio-sama take heart. Do not despair, Akio-sama.

The twins’ overlapping thoughts came at me in a tide, and I felt both their sadness and trust in me. I see. Obviously I’m not the only person that regrets that whole mess. Honestly, girls… I can’t blame you. You just followed your superiors, and even then, you did your best. I tried to grasp their thoughts and the images, clearing out the static, bringing it closer somehow.

We respect you like we respect Ren-sama, our brother. Yes, our brother. You… you are our brother too, who guides and protects us. We feel ashamed we made you worry. Ren-sama strove for our sake. As did you, Akio-sama. Neither of you failed us. Because we both still live.

I see. It won’t happen again though. I promise.

You cannot promise that Akio-sama! No, there is no way you can manage every risk! But if you do your utmost to protect us… and we do what we can do to aid you… if everyone does everything they can, we can… then any sadness, any losses are inevitable. But we believe you will guide us all through the best path you can. Yes, events have proved that!

They were right. The twin sisters, their thoughts continuing to overlap, either expressing the same thought in their slightly different ways, or finishing each other’s ideas, had come to the correct conclusion, even at their young age. Despite, no, perhaps because of their traumatic experience, they understood the risks and the inevitabilities more than anyone. Despite our efforts, there were threats out there which outmatched anything we could imagine. All we could do was prepare the best we could, minimise dangers and maximise advantages.

I’m your brother, huh? Seems I’m collecting sisters recently, what with Haanōbō. Honestly, Kin Bonding And Restoration frustrated me as a Skill. I was endlessly grateful to it, as without it, Tsukiko would have died irreversibly. But unlike Shaeula, who could see anyone she was close to as her Kin, I struggled, having it limited to my family and the family of my lovers, leading me to need mental gymnastics to convince myself enough for the skill to work. But then… you don’t need blood relations to be a family, to be Kin… you just need a strong bond and emotions…

As I pulled the thoughts the twins were sharing into focus, I felt a change in me. Those under my protection were certainly my Kin, my family. With that certainty now in my mind, I felt a change, and suddenly additional weights were connected to my spirit. The sensation was heavy, almost burdensome, but it was a feeling I welcomed.

Your Skill, Kin Bonding and Restoration, has advanced from Rank 6 to Rank 7, as you understand the depth and fragility of bonds at an ever-deeper level. Any Skill or ability that involves a bond with another you share together will be significantly strengthened, and the breadth of those you can be bonded with increases, though the pressure on your spirit and ???????? will be greater. All those bonded to you who are not otherwise blessed with deeper emotions gain the benefits of a single Rank of the subsumed skill Lovers’ Link.

It wasn’t just me who felt the change. The twins telepathy was brought into sharper focus, and I could also feel Shaeula through our shared Skill, her amusement and pride plain. In addition, Eri, who was still with me on the Material, dealing with the exasperating Christina Bakker, sent me her thoughts, only to be surprised by the outcome.

Akio, I felt a change… I didn’t want that woman to overhear… huh? Wait, I can hear the twins? Is Haru-san there… no, she isn’t?

The twins replied back, and the three of them had a conversation in my head, and I found myself smiling, imagining what Haru must have felt when she was the control tower for our group Telepathy. On the Material, Christina was making a call to her boss, Adam White, but wasn’t hiding what she was asking about, which was my demands for the return of the bodies of and living Chosen of Norse and Japanese Pantheons.

I see, well, that’s great. Though I’m not sure what I think of you granting Lovers’ Link to such young girls. Eri’s thoughts were chill, but as I made to explain, suddenly I felt warmth, like sunlight melting through the ice of winter. Oh, I’m merely teasing you, Akio. I don’t think you’d do anything untoward, no more than I expect you to pounce on my mother, or heaven forbid, my father, just because you are close enough to them and me to grant them the Skill. It really should be renamed though… the multiverse is rather teasing… She paused, thinking at the twins. Anyway, congratulations. Even one Rank is what… fourteen or fifteen levels you can gain now? That’s the sort of strength that can change a life.

The twins agreed, and it wasn’t just them. Sure, there were many people under me, both Fae and mortal, who weren’t yet bonded to me, but I felt it was possible, now, though I was concerned about the effect on my spirit of so many weighty bonds. Though if the longer-term plan works as I suspect it will… that aside, I can experience your thoughts clearly. Are you ready?

The twins nodded and added their affirmative thoughts, and we dived in together, sharing my experiences as I mastered spatial element. The Klein Bottle shimmered, and though its output was insufficient, I supplied it with my own slowly recovering spatial element, somehow crossing the outer boundary that had no entrance nor exit, and the purple shimmer intensified. The twins watched, absorbing everything I felt and thought, as well as all the insights I had gleaned from study and the knowledgeable Arisu-san. Time passed, and the twins looked at each other in wonder, expressions bright.

Chiasa, I can feel it! So can I, Chiaki! It is like my mind has expanded to encompass you! I can feel you as if you were me! The twins talked back and forth with their minds, as I watched with my Eye. Spatial element from the bottle was drawn into their crown Chakras, and while they each comprehended a slightly different amount of knowledge, their Chakras absorbing it in different ways, with their shared thoughts they were able to combine their insights, where one succeeded, the other did too, and where one made mistakes, the other could head them off. That’s not all though.

Akio-sama… we have heard each other, felt the bonds between each other, from childhood. Yes, that is correct. I have always heard my sister. And I have heard you too. But now we can hear you as well, and we felt the bond between us. But we are experienced with bonds. So we can use it…

“That’s surprising, but… very, very clever.” I said out loud, surprised. Shiro and the others asked what was happening, but I waved them to silence, promising to answer questions later. The twins had somehow incorporated the invisible, intangible strands of my Kin Bonding into a way to share more than just their thoughts. That begged the question of just where the Bonds themselves were, as by that it seemed like they had some sort of physical form, but as my Eye shone, I investigated the new Skill, taking insights from it myself. Is it the Silver Cord? That was my first guess, but since I don’t have one now, and neither do some Fae I suddenly find myself bonded with… that can’t be right, can it? I don’t know enough yet…

Twin Bound Lunar Chakra Networks is a Skill that binds together identical Chakra networks, using an existing bond of spirit and ????????, as well as Spatial Element. The progress on one will be reflected in the other, and insights can be shared freely. Aether, Adherence, ???????? and Elements can be shared freely between both Networks.

Yeah, that’s something that can definitely only be used by identical twins. Well, twins aren’t truly identical, but since Chiaki-chan and Chiasa-chan also share their thoughts constantly they are as close as it’s possible to be, I’d say… While I certainly couldn’t make use of that Skill, it did remind me of Eri’s Rank 11 Lovers’ Link and the benefits it had. Perhaps I can make improvements… the inability to transfer elements limits the usefulness a lot…

“Are you pleased, Akio-sama?” “We succeeded, thanks to your aid, Akio-sama.” The twins said, exhausted, so I patted them both on the head with a smile.

“Yes, I’m pleased for you. But the hard work begins now.” I took the Klein bottle from them. “Now you need to learn as many elements as you can. You have the tools. You’ll be our best resource, just like a library of knowledge that you can share with everyone. But before that…” My smile was wry. “…it’d be insane not to maximise your Levels. Can someone take the twins down to the ocean to hunt some monsters?”

Several Fae members of Adamant agreed to that, and the twins were led off, tired but proud. “So, they mastered it then?” Shiro asked, and I nodded.

“Yes, and in a rather strange but poetic way. But now I have other priorities. But first I need a rest.” I looked down at the Klein Bottle, slowly producing a trickle of spatial element, and sighed. “I really want to make Daiyu’s birthday present, Time’s ticking.”

“Want a back rub, Aki?” Shiro teased, smirking. “By the way, my next birthday I’m expecting a wonderful gift. I should really get two, as Tan’s birthday should get me a gift as well.” She massaged my shoulders, which was embarrassing, as a lot of crafters and artisans were still waiting eagerly for my next work.

“A gift for you? Sure. And Tan… she’s been a great help so I suspect I can give her a gift. But… we’ll see if I can get you both what I want to.” Though of course I’m only resting here. On the Material…


“All right.” Christina declared boldly. “Adam’s certainly agreed in principle to release the body of Egil Andersen, assuming that America’s reputation can be protected.”

“Protected? That’s surely a joke.” Eri scoffed. “You kidnapped him from a foreign country and experimented on him until he died. If you think you can push the blame on an accident or Akio…”

“It was an accident, technically.” Christina pouted. “And technicalities are everything in this world. But you know we can’t agree otherwise. It’s not just a matter for the NSA Paranormal Branch anymore. This goes all the way up, even to the President. While I certainly promised to help you so long as it doesn’t get me executed for treason, and I’d do nearly anything to find out more about how everything really works… sadly it’s not me you have to convince.”

“While I certainly agree with Eri that I’m not interested in helping America evade justice for its crimes…” I sighed, exhausted both physically and mentally from dealing with the mercurial woman, as well as my efforts crafting and aiding the twins in their breakthroughs. The gains have been worth my struggles though. “…I also have to be pragmatic. So, what do you want?” I asked bluntly, and Christina giggled in a flirty manner, making Eri’s expression thunderous.

“Me? I can ask for things? How delightful. Oh, you mean America? Such a shame…” she teased, sensing she had the upper hand, though since I had underplayed how much I needed his body back, I still actually held the advantage. “Originally, we wanted to poach you. Well, I doubt Adam has changed his mind. It might seem impossible, but Adam’s a pragmatist, and when he decides something is necessary, he won’t stop until he achieves his goal. Past disputes can be forgiven, and yesterday’s enemy can be today’s ally, and tomorrow’s firm friend. So it’s simple. All we ask is you collect the body yourself from us, as well as any others who meet the criteria you set out.” Eri was fuming as she spoke, and I was rather incredulous myself at the sheer boldness of the Americans. “Adam wants to meet you, and so do several other people of rather high status. We don’t think that’s too much to ask for our cooperation.”

“You don’t think?” Eri exploded, struggling to keep from transforming into her half-Bakeneko form and growing talons to slice her. “You tried to abduct Akio and now you want him to willingly go to America? Are you insane?”

“I hear I am rather often, though I don’t think so.” Christina shrugged. “But it’s not my demand. I still think it’s not a bad deal for you, becoming an American citizen. Everything is about price, you know. There’s no impossible demands, only unworthy rewards.” Christina was talking from the playbook of Capitalism. “Money, land, research materials… but that’s not all.” She grinned. “Honestly, you need to sell yourself better. You think Japan or Britain can pay you what you’re truly worth? Think big. If you care about Japan, you could be the glue that holds a true alliance together. I daresay Adam would even throw me in as a bonus. If you were naturalised as an American I wouldn’t be in danger, and I could bug you all I want… I mean I could aid you in your efforts.” Her smile was wicked as she confronted Eri. “I hear you went to Las Vegas. Didn’t you enjoy it, that lifestyle? You’d be a VIP too, your family as well, able to rub shoulders with celebrities, enjoy all the finest things the world’s richest country has to offer. Just think about it. Besides…” Her expression was now knowing. “If you don’t trust us and fear it’s a trap for you and your girls, you can come alone. You seem confident we can’t do anything to you. In fact, it’s Adam shouldering the risk here. If you wanted to kill him, could we stop you?”

“That’s a fair point.” I conceded, rather annoyed. “I don’t believe that America can defeat me without paying a truly ruinous price. But I’m also not a fool. I don’t know everything. It seems a risk for little benefit.”

“You think?” Christina disagreed. “We believe we’ve discovered almost every Chosen in America. We have the NSA, and the best wiretaps and listening posts in the business. I don’t believe it would be hard to get you permission to meet any of them from the Norse or Japanese Pantheons, since according to you we should pay more attention to that anyway, so we’d have to collate the data…” she paused. “Think about it, hmm? It’s just like I said, there’s no impossible demands, just… suitable prices.”

With that Eri and I left, and on the way out, Eri looked at me, troubled. “Akio, it’s probably a trap. I know you can handle yourself, but…”

“I’m not sure it is a trap.” I shook my head in denial. “They could shoot down the plane I’m flying on and I’d almost certainly survive it, unless they used a damn nuke. Even then, my Astral body would be largely fine. And if they ambushed me in the Boundary… sure, America likely has many more Chosen than we do, so I can’t say there aren’t any powerhouses… but I would imagine the ruinous cost they’d suffer if I defended myself would put them off if they aren’t idiots. Even then, they’d have to take me out in both realms at once, and they likely don’t know that or could achieve it…”

“That’s true, but… what if something bad happens while you’re away?” Eri asked. “I’m worried.”

“I am too.” I admitted. “But I can’t stay in Japan all the time.” I looked at my phone, where I had a message from an unusual source. Mayumi-san had contacted me, saying that she had arranged everything for a trip to South Africa, and that going across the border to Botswana wouldn’t be a problem. Hinata had mentioned it to her, apparently, and Miss Lindiwe was eager to see me and also Mayumi-san to thank us again for my Healing. That wasn’t the only message. Constantine and his sister had sent word that the person they had gone to speak to on my behalf was at least interested in hearing me out, and I also had to visit Germany as well to tie up a loose end that the Greek twins had mentioned. “I have to secure as much advantage as I can now, before things spiral out of control. What I don’t take, others will, or worse, it’ll be lost forever. And I do need Egil’s body. And there’s at least one more in America.” Yasaka-san might have found more locations for me as well. As for the one in Australia, that might have to wait. “The problem is twofold. I’m working on empowering everyone, and we are in a less vulnerable position now that we have Nie Ling and Ginneka. But time is the crunch.” I couldn’t make things fit. Greece, Germany, South Africa, Botswana and now America. That would take a significant time investment, even if I left out Australia.

“There’s Daiyu’s birthday on Monday, then the concert at the weekend, then not long after that it’s Shaeula’s birthday. Then we run into the Pilgrimage plans over Christmas and New Year, then there’s the trip to Britain for the Honours ceremony, and then the first full moon of next year I have to be in the Fae realms. Sure, I can split myself in two, but that leaves no leeway for error.”

“You don’t have to manage everything yourself.” Eri pointed out, hugging me close. Cat ears peeked out of her hair, and a lashing tail protruded from her clothes. They had been subtly modified so as not to expose her underwear or bare skin when she couldn’t control her transformation due to emotion. “Daiyu’s birthday… well, you can’t miss that. I won’t allow it. Shaeula’s birthday neither.” Eri insisted. “They need days as wonderful as mine was. But the concert… that doesn’t need your personal touch. I know you want it to be a success. But we can manage. Arisugawa-san knows what she’s doing, and Suzu-san is very invested. In fact, if you leave it to Aiko and Hinata, I imagine they’ll make sure it goes off without a hitch, and they’ll thank you for it. If you do it that way, won’t you have more than ten days free? Yes, you’ll lose some ether, but with the right preparation that can be minimised. I believe in you, Shiro and Asha.”

Looking at Eri, I pondered her words, before realising she was right. “Yes, though I can’t use all of that time. But I can certainly put something together…” My thoughts churning, I considered my options, only to stop dead at Eri’s next words.

“And now we can head home. Tsukiko and her family will be waiting. Don’t forget you ditched them to rush to Tokyo in a hurry. Tsukiko won’t be angry, but… you’ll need to make it up to her.”

She’s right. I will. And her family and Yukiko-san too. Yeah, there’s just no time for everything I need to accomplish. I do need to delegate more. Right, I’ll hand off the concert security to my sis and the others…


Spatial Storage Ring [Item Class: Powerful] [Item Type: Rule]

This ring made from materials from an unusual Tree, as well as Kobold Bluesteel, elegantly crafted, contains a small pocket of space within. It is keyed to the spatial coordinates of the wearer, and while separate, is affected by the Laws of the surrounding space. Matter can be placed within freely and withdrawn equally easily, though doing so gradually depletes the Spatial Element stored within, and it will need to be replenished in time.

“I’m jealous, aren’t you, Asha?” Shiro said, looking at the small yet elegant silver-blue ring in my hand. “Though I guess Aki already got me a ring.” She touched her crude one made from cutlery the day I proposed to her. I had offered another, but she insisted she liked that one.

“I seldom wear much jewellery, nor even remember the time of my birth.” Asha shrugged. “But receiving a gift is always pleasing.”

“Well, Spatial Rings just scream Cultivator, right?” I insisted. “And girls love jewellery.” The ring I had crafted wasn’t that powerful, it couldn’t stop time for things inside and the space it could store was a sphere just over a couple of metres in diameter, but it showed what was possible. It also allows Daiyu to carry a few things for emergencies. Her ability is mostly defensive. Sure, being able regenerate from great injuries is reassuring, but it won’t win battles alone. I don’t want her to have to suffer for victory.

Bjarki snatched it from me, eyeing it carefully, while several other Mortal Engineers and blacksmiths crowded around, experimenting by putting things in and taking things out. Seeing that, Shiro snorted. “Trying to replace Arisu’s Room, huh? A bold move, Aki.”

“Hardly. Though I do admit to taking some inspiration. Honestly, the size of the interior could probably be made larger quite easily, it’s the action of shaping the space and opening it up that drains spatial element. But I don’t think it’s bad for a first effort.”

As everyone agreed, back in the Material I had returned home, while here in the Boundary several tired voices sounded behind me. “Akio, you are here.” Motoko said, and Natsumi echoed her.

“Hi Akio. What’s up?”

Seeing the two girls, both covered in sweat and clearly exhausted, my Eye glimmered, and I assessed their compatibility with Jumong’s Favour. Not enough. I can feel it’s certainly higher than before, but neither of them are able to use it to anywhere near its full potential. But that’s not important right now. What is… A little nervous, I glanced over at the wrapped bundle set aside at my makeshift workshop. Seeing that, Asha picked it up gently, and brought it over to me. I took it, before handing it over to Motoko. “Girls… I’ve got a present for you. It won’t help you win this challenge, but…”

“For us?” Natsumi said, a delighted smile brightening up her tired face. Motoko seemed equally pleased, and they gently unwrapped the bundle together, revealing the twinned swords within.

“This is…” Motoko breathed, her face expressing a mixture of joy and confusion.

“It couldn’t be…” Natsumi was equally stunned.

“It could be. I hope you aren’t too mad at me, but I got your grandfather’s permission first Motoko.” I took a deep breath. “Motoko, Natsumi…” I paused for emphasis. “Having to share your precious weapons is inconvenient, but I didn’t want to disregard your love for them and just make you new ones so… I hope you like it.” As I awaited their response, I felt terribly nervous. Utsuroihebi was as precious to the girls as their lives, and I hoped my versions made them feel the same. They should. Each contains half of the original weapon, so the spirit of the sword should still dwell in each, if such a thing exists… Waiting for their response, in the Material Eri urged me towards the door of our home, so I was doubly pensive…

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