Four Hundred And Eighty-FourFour Hundred And Eighty-Four
We spent a brief time with the manager of the AKB48 trio, a woman perhaps Karen-chan’s age, though despite that she gave off a rather intense, youthful vibe. Maybe that’s needed to work in the idol industry, even as a manager? My sis was painfully disappointed nobody else from AKB48 was there, but she soon perked up when she was asked by the manager if she had any interest in becoming an idol herself, though her reply had amused and exasperated me. What does she mean ‘she can’t, as I’ll be jealous?’ Sometimes I worry about her head. The woman had asked Daiyu as well, who had also declined, but had skipped over Asha and Shiro, which made Shiro a little irritated, though the reason was obvious. If Shiro was an idol, the rest of the group would be suicidal, trying to measure up. A good manager has to think of the bigger picture. It’s not unlike what I have to consider, just on a far smaller scale.
We had been thanked profusely for our assistance in resolving the matter of the insane fan, which was further exacerbated when I said that I’d put in a word with the investigating officers, so that the venue could reopen soon and the incident be downplayed as much as possible. It was getting a little embarrassing, the older woman thanking me so earnestly, and Keiko-chan and the others clearly felt the same, as they were flushed and nervous. It became more awkward when the trio confessed to having had Chirurgery. The manager was stunned for a moment, but fortunately she had some understanding of the issues, having been made aware of the recovery of the idol Matsui-chan. It seems like Shaeula’s been doing things while I’ve been absent. Not that I mind. We’re all working towards the same goal, and I know she’s very invested in the success of this concert too. She’s taking inspiration and planning to bring such events to the Fae realms as well.
Understandably, their manager was worried about possible side-effects, but we reassured them there were only positives, and the three of them promised to really show off and excel in both practice and performance, so the matter was dropped, but I knew that my sis was pleased, as it was clear if the trio really did improve noticeably, then the other members and even other idol groups would take note. Though I think maybe I should get Hinata to round me up another set of patients to help, I just have a feeling…
Once we departed, Shiro and the others headed home, though Shiro and Asha were heading back to Shirohebizumi, rather than our estate, leaving me to go to the Ministry facilities to relieve Eri. My Astral body instead travelled back towards the shrine at a rather more leisurely pace than with which I arrived here, and on entering the room, which was a polite way of saying well-decorated and comfortable cell, within which Christina Bakker was spending her time here, when she was not being questioned by members of the Ministry, Eri jumped up, relieved.
“Thank the Gods you’re here, Akio!” She said, throwing herself in my arms in a bold display of affection. “I’ve been going mad having to deal with her!”
“How very rude.” Christina declared. “I think we have had a wonderful conversation about the merits of knowledge and how it can shape progress. After all, aren’t we both living proof of that? We should be good friends. We’ve so much in common. But you won’t succeed in making me jealous!”
“Nobody is trying to!” Eri snapped, and I had to snort derisively.
“You really do have a high opinion of your charms, Miss Bakker.” I deliberately didn’t call her Christina this time. “You think you can compare to Eri or anyone else? Dream on.”
“How hurtful! I’ve got a big chest, I’m told I’m not unattractive, and quite frankly, I’m a genius. What’s not to like? Do you understand it, Titan?” She asked her ever-present bodyguard, who had the grace to look embarrassed, turning his head away.
“I wish you’d leave me out of it, ya know?” he said, not answering, which made Christina flounce peevishly, crossing her arms under her chest.
“Nobody is on my side, it’s heart-breaking.” She complained teasingly. “But I am glad you are here, Akio. I have a question, and neither of these two would answer me properly!”
“I’m going to regret this…” I muttered, and Eri, still in my arms, nodded emphatically, her limited patience spent. I’ll have to make it up to her. While I can trust the Chosen soldiers of the JSDF, I’d still rather keep Christina under our eyes too. Who knows what shit she’ll get up to when we aren’t watching? “…but you can ask. I can’t promise I’ll answer though.”
“That’s wonderful.” Christina’s eyes sparkled eagerly. “Now, I’ve noticed this girl here is far from ordinary, but she insists she’s not a Chosen, as you are calling them.”
“I’m not.” Eri insisted.
“That’s even more fascinating. Just from the way she moves, the balance of her steps, her reaction times when I make a sudden move… clearly she’s far above ordinary. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if she surpasses a number of the cats we have seen.”
Eri and I exchanged a wry glance at her words. Calling them black cats is offensive, but for Eri it’s incredibly apt…
“So my question is… who would be stronger, Titan here, or her?” Christina inquired. “I had expected Titan to shout loudly he would crush her, but he seems rather less boastful since London and he wouldn’t comment.”
“Ya man, I’m no fool. I’m strong, no question, but there be many powerhouses out there. And nowadays, there be no reason a girl can’t be stronger than a grown man.” Titan nodded sagely at Eri, who gave him a slight smile.
“I don’t know if I would win when it comes to pure strength, in fact, likely not, my Might isn’t incredible. But there’s much more to strength than simply how hard one can punch.” Eri pointed out. “All I can say is, if you tried to ask him to attack me, I’d fight back and it wouldn’t be easy!”
“See? Neither of them are giving me an answer.” Christina pouted. “I understand they don’t know each other’s strengths fully, but…”
“Eri and Titan here are both right.” I settled the question. “In a straight physical fight, it’d be hard to call, but if Eri or Titan had a few trump cards…” I knew Eri did, she was likely able to use light element as a laser, at least strong enough to temporarily blind Titan, and with her shapeshifting she could gain other advantages. “…I’ve beaten a number of stronger foes due to having a few aces in hand, and I never underestimate my opponents.” It’s why I quickly blinded Sora-san, even though his Eyes didn’t affect me much. If I was cocky and he had stronger abilities, it wouldn’t just be me who paid the price.
“I see. But it’s so… painfully wishy-washy.” Christina complained. “Running tests, comparing numbers, it’s easy with physical strength or speed, or even some powers. There should be ways to quantify power…” Christina paused as Eri started snickering, amused. “…what’s so funny?”
“Akio’s already way ahead of you on that too. For a scientist with the might and backing of America, you sure are useless.” Ouch, Eri really doesn’t like her. Not that I blame her.
“That stings, but… it’s sadly true, as you proved by altering my body somehow. Yours too, if I’m not mistaken, girl.” He shrugged. “But if you trusted me a bit more, I could certainly help advance your knowledge? I am a genius…” she boasted anew. “…and I don’t mind paying with more than just my mind…”
“No way!” Eri shot her a glare. “If Akio wants to indulge himself, he has us! And if he finds someone to love I’ll accept her. But you’re the wrong sort!”
“It seems I’m rather hated, Titan?” Christina giggled. “Either that or it’s that tsundere I’ve heard about?”
“Nah, I think she proper hates you, boss lady.” He answered.
“Fine. I see how it is. But my offer still stands. After all, love me…” she winked. “…or hate me, I am still a genius. My research into the other world has progressed at a rapid pace since your largesse, but I hear your Territory is unique and powerful? If I could explore it, I have no doubt…”
Shutting down her proposal with a rapid and emphatic no, I groaned. This is a real headache, she’s mercurial in both the sense that she moves from one topic to another like lightning, and secondly, she’s as poisonous as she is pretty to look at. The only mercy of the situation in the Material was I had a reply to my message. Motoko’s grandfather said that he had passed the weapons down to Motoko, and while they were family treasures of the highest order, as Motoko’s husband-to-be, they would certainly be considered mine, until that day they were passed down to our children.
In any case, while I continued my discussion with Christina in the Material, in the Boundary, I had returned to the shrine, and collected the three weapons that Motoko and Natsumi cherished, Ginneka having sent them to the Boundary for us. Hebihikoukiba, the large bow, the body dark green with crimson highlights, the ends where the string was fastened shaped like serpent heads, was there. I had wondered why for a moment, since the competition clearly favoured archery, but then I realised that only one of them could wield the bow, so Motoko and Natsumi would naturally not compete over it. Their relationship really is great. They care for each other too much to remain as mistress and servant. If any good came from my arranged marriages, this is certainly one of the biggest positives.
The other two heirloom weapons, the crimson spear Gurenyari, and the elegant yet well-worn katana Utsuroihebi, were waiting for me, and I gathered the three of them up, feeling a little nervous, but excited as well. Taking them to the forge of Bjarki, I found large piles of metals, woods and monster parts laid out for me, along with several of Bjarki’s fellow dwarves who had been attracted to the Territory, and a number of Mortal Engineers. “An audience, huh?” I joked, and they nodded shamelessly.
“Aye, I can hardly wait t’see yer skills.” One bearded dwarf said happily.
“No pressure then. I’m handling the prized treasures of my fiancées, and this is the first time I’ve tried this, but then… I’m confident.” I had been planning an update of our equipment for quite some time, and soon I’d be distracted by the pain of resonating and suppressing the damage from Shiro’s buffs again, so it was the ideal time to start.
“You brought them?” I asked, and I was handed a Howa Type 89 assault rifle. Thinking about it, didn’t Hinata say Ichijou Heavy Industries were cranking out a new version of an assault rifle soon? My Eye flared, and at what I could see, I nodded in satisfaction. This particular weapon wasn’t kept in the Boundary by Ginneka’s power, but instead existed in its own right. Of course, what I want to do is harder, but not impossible… glancing at my boots, I gathered my thoughts. “All right then, the Ship of Theseus it is!” Ixitt had quoted the paradox to me during his early experiments, and it was part of the reason why our factory that Kana, Grulgor and the others were building so swiftly would work.
Taking Utsoroihebi, I carefully detached the blade, feeling it in my hands. “Hmm, the weight and the balance, both are perfect. This was definitely made by a master craftsman, but even being maintained so carefully by Tsumura house, over the years the blade has chipped beyond repair, and there are some hairline cracks. But…”
Flame element surged, and I melted the blade, feeling a touch of regret. No, it’s got to be forged anew, if I’m to make it truly a weapon for them. Better still… there’s two girls, so… Despite the metal being meticulously made from some of the best iron available back then, some impurities still came free. Separating out the pure iron, I made it into two equal halves. Taking out some kobold bluesteel from the pile, as well as some other metals from our Mines, I melted them too, mixing them into the iron. Of course, this isn’t enough. Aether surged, pouring into the metals, but even that seemed insufficient.
“Etherites as well…” Breaking down some into powder I added it to the mixture, as well as pouring out wind element, impregnating the bluesteel within. Bubbles rose in the molten metal, and green and yellow energies flashed. Not enough. Shaping the metal into two identical blades, I used my rich water element to quench the blades, and steam hissed. Despite them still being scorching hot, I picked them up in my hands, only feeling a slight heat. “No, the balance is correct but the weight is different. I need it to match.” Flame surged again, and I shifted some of the composition, and the second time, I was satisfied.
“Right, but…” Compared to Storming Moonlight, it was far too weak. I wanted to transform the precious weapons of Tsumura house into paired weapons that Motoko and Natsumi could use in both the Material and Boundary. And they would also be the test for the further weapons and armour I was going to make. Using my knowledge of Dvergr Techniques, having watched how Bjarki made the original blade for me, I also drew on adherence, using my new Skill as well. Having absorbed a significant amount of adherence from Mary Stuart and Sarah McLaughlan, which was rather thickly aspected, I started to utilise that. A lot of the aspect seems to be… connection? I can use this I think. In fact, I wonder…
Ether Crafting used aether, which was a transformation of ether, so logically, Adherence Crafting functioned in the same way. I tried to craft the adherence itself, purifying it, and was rewarded by letters flaring across my vision. Fascinating. I’m not wrong. In fact… The blades momentarily forgotten, other than the Split Thoughts I was using to carry on my argument with Christina Bakker, I focused everything else on the adherence, purifying it and attempting to compress it. My efforts seemed futile, as it sprang out of my grasp, fighting me, but pulling out a single, precious blue Etherite, one of the few Ixitt had left for me, as most of our trade goods and loot was now being recycled into endless Artificial Buildings… wait, that’s it… Buildings… Heading over to the Materia Tree, which had grown slightly larger yet again, I quickly harvested a few leaves and shining crystalline fruits, as well as a few branches. The materials responded to my will, flowing together, mixing with the Adherence, and as my vision once more flared with amber letters, I admired my handiwork.
Adherent Quicksilversteel is a metal made from concentrated Adherence and Ether, kneaded and impregnated into a suitable catalytic material. It has the property of being strong and self-repairing so long as Ether can be supplied, and the inherent Adherence within gives it the potential for manifesting powerful related properties. This Adherent metal contains Adherence of Connection and Bonds.
“Perfect. Better than perfect!” I exclaimed, excited. I checked my Skill that had increased twice in mere minutes, feeling rather proud of myself.
Your Skill, Adherence Crafting has increased from Rank 1 to Rank 2. Your ability to apply Adherence to crafts has increased, and the ??????? of the Adherence involved can be more fully drawn out and integrated into the item, and ??????? of Adherence will be more stable and less likely to degrade in general.
Your Skill, Adherence Crafting has increased from Rank 2 to Rank 3. Your ability to apply Adherence to crafts has further increased, and you have gained insight into the nature of Adherence. You can further purify ??????? Adherence, and strengthen the ??????? of Adherence slightly if you understand the ???????. Adherence can take tangible form not dissimilar to Etherites, though the effort and ????????? required is significant, and will have poor efficiency. Solidified, tangible Adherence will have a deeper ??????? and is more powerful when used to craft items.
“Connection. Perfect. Because…” The Adherent Quicksilversteel indeed melted and flowed like mercury, allowing me to mix it with the other alloy I had crafted, though it resisted being forged. A powerful flame is required. Foehn? No, Foehn can’t be controlled. But… A halo surrounded me, brilliant light fringed with inky darkness, and a searing citrine glow shone as I poured my flame element into it. Radiance retains the properties of the flame it is fed, but light can be endlessly concentrated, like a laser, the wavelengths matching. So… Forging with fiery light, I shaped two new blades, adjusting the balance. As I worked, I fed it not just the blazing light, but also my wind element. The Adherence within the Adherent metal resisted at first, but I also adjusted the Adherence slightly. The work was crude, and I was taking my first steps, but in the end I had a pair of beautiful blades that shone and rippled with green, yellow and indigo as the light touched the metal.
“Damn, I’m utterly exhausted. My plans of doing all three weapons is going to be tough.” I also needed to keep adherence for the Favours I was maintaining. While my Ether Spires did supply me some adherence, the amount was only enough to offset one Favour, and I was sure Tan wouldn’t lend me hers for this. Disassembling the work of art that was the tsuba and tsuka, the handle and protective guard for the hands which was a delicately coiled serpent, I carefully made a replica out of the metals here in the Boundary, before carefully seperating both and sharing the parts between them. “It’s not an entire Ship of Theseus, as I haven’t replaced everything with identical parts, but the principle is the same. But…”
Joining the new blades with the handles, I felt there was something missing. Even with my Skills, I hadn’t reached the heights that Bjarki had with Storming Moonlight. Honestly, I didn’t expect to, I was an amateur compared to him, but I had made some fairly decent stuff before, such as Shaeula’s pinwheels, so I felt I could get closer to my ideal. What do I have to work with? The metal is strong and unique, there’s an adherence of connection running through the swords, as well as impregnated wind and radiance… hmm, I think I need more Ether Crafting to bring out the latent strengths here…
Pouring out my aether, I studied Storming Moonlight carefully, probing it, seeing how it absorbed aether and released wind, flame or lightning. It was partially a factor of the material, but then, since Adherent Quicksilversteel was the majority component of these new swords, they were excellent at channelling aether and elements too, with little resistance. Maybe I can duplicate the internal workings? Fine scalpels of aether, and also adherence, due to the nature of the metal, formed, the work painstakingly precise, almost like creating a Chakra network inside the blades. I guess my Chirurgery skill helps a lot. It definitely helped, I could feel the vision I had for the swords being realised. As I worked, I found additional, greater insights, and moments later I was rewarded.
Your Skill, Ether Crafting has increased from Rank 5 to Rank 6, surpassing the first bottleneck. Equipment and other items you create can more easily be imbued with abilities that draw on Aether and refined versions of Aether, with significantly improved conversion and draw rate. The latent, inherent properties of materials can also be enhanced slightly. [Class: Noble] [Type: Rule]
In addition, my Precision had increased by a dozen points, and my Class Master Of Many Crafts had been going up repeatedly, and was now at Level four, with the benefits that brought. I guess Prodigy Of The Lower Worlds kicked in. That Class is now at two…
Suddenly I understood more of Bjarki’s seminal work, and I redid my efforts on the swords, and soon I was done again. Wiping silvery sweat from my brow, I realised I had quite the audience, now not just the craftsmen of my Territory, but Shiro was there with Asha, looking on wryly. Seeing my surprised gaze, she shrugged.
“We didn’t want to disturb you, Aki. It looked like you were giving it your all there.”
“Indeed.” Asha agreed calmly. “I am content to wait, I and my Tree are not going to disappear.” Her lips curved into a warm smile. “Besides, I do not enjoy seeing you suffer to shield my Tree, even if it is your doing in the first place, and for a good cause.”
“Nice dig there, Asha! Anyway… huh, there’s two now?” Shiro observed the twin Utsuroihebi. “So, don’t keep us in suspense.”
“Aye, there nay be a need f’that.” Bjarki said, having returned and joined the watching crowd. He was blowing smoke from a wooden pipe clenched between his teeth, his practised eye glancing over the two blades. He gestured, and I handed him one, while I inspected the other. He brought out some delicate hammers and tapped the blade gently, listening to the sound of the metal.
“Interesting.” He observed. “This’n be no metal like I ken before. Perplexin’, it’n be.”
“Yes.” Asha agreed, hand on her belly, looking interested. “As a Dryad, I have a natural distaste for mines and forges, and the delving and smelting of metals, but for some reason I feel a… yearning.”
“There’n be hope for ye yet.” Bjarki laughed, his attention still on the sword, his aether surging. I unleashed my eye, and snorted wryly, somehow both elated and rather disappointed.
Utsuroihebi Twin [Item Type: Noble] [Item Class: Artifice] A twinned blade, two created from one, made from a treasured weapon of antiquity and materials both rare and unique. The powerful Adherence of Connection ties together the disparate elements, elevating the ambitious, spirited yet clumsy craftsmanship to a level where it can display a respectable portion of the powers of the materials it is made from.
The blade is wickedly sharp, and will regenerate if provided with Aether from the wielder or the surrounding area, and excess Aether is converted to Wind and Radiance, further increasing the sharpness of the blade, and allowing bursts of Wind and Radiance to be unleashed, though this will drain Aether incredibly rapidly. The Adherence of Connection will draw on the bonds between the crafter of these twin blades and the wielders of the paired katanas, generating trace amounts of Adherence of Connection and also ???????. Due to the Rules bound by the Adherence within the crafting, this weapon is exceptional, but there are flaws within the design and implementation that a greater craftsman would not have allowed, and this prevents the true power being drawn out.
“Yeah, my Eye is dissing me again. It’s been a while.” I snorted, again the mix of happiness at the swords being a weapon worthy of Motoko and Natsumi, and the annoyance that I clearly still fell short of a truly great pair of swords mingling, until Bjarki slapped my back heartily, having finished his own inspection.
“It’n nay be bad, for a mere stripling like ye. If’n ye could match my masterpiece after mere months, then why be I slaving away and learnin’ m’craft for many long years? Though….” He slapped my back again. “It be passin’ marks. It ranks among t’best blades I forged until I came t’yer lands, laddie. Though t’materials cover many shames, and I nay be able t’see all the techniques that be employed here.” He frowned, troubled at that, and I realised Bjarki was crafting with pure skill, talent and techniques, whereas I used Adherence to shortcut it.
“Yeah. Honestly, I think I should make you some Adherent materials when I have more adherence to spare. Even if you can’t work them right now, if you can master the Skill I daresay you can go to an even higher level.”
“I’ll be holdin’ ye t’that, laddie.” Bjarki laughed, handing me back the second Utsoroihebi Twin. Examining them again, and feeling the faint bond between the swords and me as their maker, I realised I had gained something else, and now the present I wanted to make for Daiyu would have a higher chance of working as I intended.
“Right then.” I placed down the swords. “I don’t want to disturb Motoko and Natsumi when they are working so hard on trying to win the Favour. Can somebody fetch the twins if they are around? I’d also like to get the Klein Bottle. I’m going to need it…” If I can make this work… well, I also need that person too. It’s going to cost some money, but why else am I gathering wealth? You have to spend money to make money, as the saying goes…
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