Four Hundred And Ninety-Five / Side One Hundred And Seventy-Two – Zhao DaiyuFour Hundred And Ninety-Five / Side One Hundred And Seventy-Two – Zhao Daiyu
I tried to remain calm as Shaeula swept the fallen four-tailed fox Nebisuki out of the pouring lightning of gold, the very Tribulation of the Heavens that all Cultivators feared, yet also yearned for. For only through defeating the censure of the Heavens and the Earth can one truly rise to the peak of Cultivation. Though there are always higher peaks beyond, which can only be seen by standing on a higher plateau. I have learned this from my time here in Japan, with Akio and everyone else…
Pushing those intrusive thoughts aside, I rushed over to Shaeula, who was looking down at the fainted Kitsune, who was pitiful with two missing tails and a leg shorn clean off. Seeing that, Shaeula tutted loudly. “How-how vexing. You forced me to save you, foolish fox, when I did so-so desperately wish to leave you to your fate…”
I looked at the body of Akio, still clutching the famous Tamamo-no-Mae, who was a legend even in China. She called herself Daji then, no? Or did she slay and impersonate the real Daji? I never studied her legends, preferring to work on my Cultivation. Now that seems rather an oversight.
Again, I couldn’t stop my thoughts from running wild, but I desperately called out to Shaeula. “Stop, you cannot get closer to Akio! He has been caught in the Heavenly Tribulation of this distasteful fake Saint! One has to face the Heavens alone, anyone that intervenes faces their own destruction!”
Shaeula paused, eyeing Akio with yearning, and I clearly understood how she felt. Behind me, Aiko, his sister, had frozen up, her blue eyes fixed on Akio, her face full of fear. The shining golden lightning, the Heavenly Purifying Lightning the false Saint spoke of, was blazing brilliantly around Akio and the Kitsune in his arms, as well as burning into the false Saint who was injured severely by Akio’s blazing light of radiance. A feat that makes me proud. To injure so a Saint, even a flawed one such as this one, is no trivial act.
“So what-what can we do?” Shaeula whispered, pouring her healing into the ragged fox in her arms. Nebisuki stirred fitfully, letting out a small groan. “Akio, he suffers so… can-can he hold on?” Indeed, Akio’s eyes were starting to lose their focus, and his body was turning to ash. Worse, the strange sounds, almost like singing or poetry, that we could hear at the edges of our consciousness, were like nothing I had ever heard of. The Tribulation of Lightning I know, but this?
Overhead, the golden lightning had torn through the space within the Sessho-Seki, and moments later it shattered, violet sparks of spatial energy cascading everywhere. The sky above, usually silver with strange dark flashes of reversed colour, was now writhing with golden arcs of energy, seeming to have even cracked the skies themselves. The volcanos and flaming lava of the Boundary were suddenly thrust around us, and the oppressive heat started to burn our skins.
That snapped Aiko out of her shock. “What’s going on, Shaeula, Daiyu? My bro… he, he…” Her blue eyes were starting to tear up, and I felt the same way, frustration and sorrow hurting me. But for now, I knew more about the situation here than anyone, not that I knew much, so I had to take charge. “First, we must secure our own safety. If… no, when Akio defeats this Tribulation he faces unearned, if he finds us dead his heart will break. Chen Na… can your bubbles block the heat?”
She nodded. “Not perfectly, but I will do what I can…” She was exhausted, having been worked hard, but she managed to squeeze out a few more bubble shields, and I bit down on a sigh of relief as the searing heat was reduced to merely feeling like a scalding bath.
“My bro… I can still feel him through whatever the hell he did…” Aiko patted her lower body, her eyes glued to Akio as he continued to burn, the golden lightning intensifying. “…but it’s like he’s empty. He’s there, but there’s no answer!”
Shaeula, torn, shot one more bitter look at Akio and retreated, still carrying Nebisuki. The singing and strange voices were intensifying, and I felt a prickling in my Dantian, a primal sense of fear. I fancied I could see faint, almost translucent figures, mere shadows, with smiling, laughing faces and cold eyes, drifting on the strange breeze that accompanied the Lightning, which was now visible as it blew the falling ash and flames away from us, an unusual sight in the windless Boundary.
“Just what-what are you talking about? I felt great-great pain when that old fool sealed the space within the Sessho-seki, but you and Daiyu did collapse…” Shaeula hurried out her words, not willing to waste time when Akio’s life hung in the balance. I understand, but honestly, there is nothing we can do except protect ourselves…
“Our Silver Cords were cut.” I murmured. “No, not cut, else we would surely have died, but the passage of our spiritual information was certainly locked. It was the Formations…” I looked around mournfully. Many of the grand arrays of runes and plates were destroyed as the space shattered, and more were burning to ash now, or turning to molten slag. Priceless knowledge was being lost, but I would abandon it all, if Akio was to return safely. Knowledge can always be learned anew, but one’s true companion of the heart, once gone, is gone forever. I refuse to countenance that! Ignoring the pain in my own body, as Chang’e’s blessing was knitting together my flesh, I flexed my arm gingerly. In battle, the arm is useless. It is barely held together, and will take further time for the stumps to bind truly…
“Akio acted desperately to prevent the fatal damage that would have inflicted upon us in time, and somehow managed to seize our Silver Cords, integrating them within himself, allowing us access to our Material selves once again.”
“It was totally uncanny.” Aiko followed up on my explanation, hand rubbing her lower body, where her Silver Cord trailed out of her. “I could feel everything about my bro, and he about me. It wasn’t like when we do Telepathy with Haru-chan and the twins.” Aiko’s face was flushed red, though it was hard to tell under the crimson glow of the burning flames around us. Seeing that, Shaeula called upon earth element, and the ground shuddered, rocky domes pulling free and forming a roof over us, as well As Akio and Tamamo-no-Mae, though Shaeula was careful not to touch them, heeding my warning. With the worst of the falling ash and fire blocked, we breathed relieved sighs.
“It was… it’s impossible to explain.” Aiko finished, shaking her head. “Can you, Daiyu?”
I nodded. “It was as if all we were and all Akio was were mixed, intertwined, together yet separate. It was… unique.” I too could hardly explain it.
“Yeah, it’s far more intimate than being seen naked, or even having your thoughts read. It was… impossible to hide anything, everything of my bro’s was also mine, and everything of mine was his… now I really can’t get married anymore…”
“You did not-not wish to anyway. I know you told Eri you would be a mean-mean sister-in-law, living off Akio for life. Not-not that he or we mind at all.” Shaeula managed a joke, though her eyes showed her pain, straying as they were to glance at Akio again and again. “But if that is what you feel, when Akio recovers…” She swallowed, but showed no hesitation in believing in him, something I wished to emulate. “…I shall-shall speak to him on your behalf…”
“No way!” Aiko flushed deeply, rushing over. She was going to knuckle Shaeula’s head, only to stop when she remembered the gravely wounded fox in her arms. “Look… I’m just joking. Mostly. It helps me cope. It was absurdly intimate though, trust me. I think… I know you and Eri and some of the others have shared lunar Chakras, right? Well, I imagine it’s like that, just ten times more intense. And now bro did it with me. He really is a siscon… but…”
“He did not-not wish you to die.” Shaeula agreed, frustration in her voice. “But why-why was I left out?”
“He surely trusted you to be able to endure. You are not like us, your Material body is a granted one, is it not?” I pointed out. “It caused you some discomfort and injury, but you are strong. You can fight through it.”
Shaeula nodded slowly. “I do suppose that is true-true. But…” She shook her head, still frustrated, gnawing at her lip in helpless rage. “What-what can we do? You are the expert here Daiyu, there is definitely naught-naught we can do to aid him?”
I frowned, wracking my brains for a solution, but in the end, shook my head. “The Tribulation Akio is facing is not something we can interfere in. Normally, one would either evade or block the Purifying Lightning, to pass the Tribulation. But…”
“But bro’s totally out of it right now.” My sis confirmed, pacing restlessly in our makeshift stone shelter, the bubble of force she was shielded with rippling, seeming to mirror her uncertain mood. “Can he even fight back against it? He’s… not in good shape, right? Is he really going to die, leave us all behind… just to save a bad old fox?”
“That is rather… ugh… rather cold of you…” A weary voice muttered. Shaeula looked down to see Nebisuki stirring in her arms, shifting fitfully, and Aiko jumped, surprised.
“So you are alive then?” she said, and Nebisuki coughed, blood splattering Shaeula’s ragged armour.
“I am. So, we go… from the cold… to this infernal heat.” She sighed, leaking more blood. “Grandmother, Akio, are they…”
I pointed, and Shaeula turned her body, moving Nebisuki so she could see the golden carnage. Lightning was flashing in arcing bolts from Akio’s and Tamamo-no-Mae’s bodies, penetrating them deeply, burning them away inch by inch, though the surging aether of Akio was trying to stem the tide, Ether Healing replacing dissolved, ashen flesh, though it was fighting a slowly losing battle. Beside him, despite her seeming lack of consciousness, Tamamo-no-Mae was in better shape, perhaps her legendary strength serving her in good stead, but even she was starting to corrode away, purified by the violence of the Heavens.
“I see.” Nebisuki groaned. “This does… not seem good. Uranai did warn us… that matters… were grave. I see she… understated the risks. If I… survive… then I shall be sure to withhold… the tasty booze… from her as punishment.”
“You shall survive.” Shaeula insisted. “The monk, he-he is suffering too. If Akio fails, he shall surely not-not succeed. Whatever happens…” Her amber eyes were hot and hard. “We shall-shall leave here. No… you-you shall leave here.” She addressed the fox, glancing at Aiko and I. Yes, I have heard. Pledged One. A double-edged sword, but… I have heard tell true Dao Companions who reach the higher realms can twine together their very selves, their Dao, and then they become two halves of the same spirit, perishing together as they lived together. How… enviable. Yet… if Akio falls, so too do Shaeula and Hyacinth. It will devastate the chances of humanity surviving. But then… My eyes felt hot, and I shook my head. I would never stop striving to challenge the Heavens, and I would spend my remaining time protecting Akio’s family, friends and my other heartbroken sisters. No, it… will not happen. Akio is strong, a fighter…
Aiko seemed to feel the same way. “No, my bro… he won’t die. Not if it’ll kill you too, Shaeula!” she insisted. “So we need to think! Bro brought us because he could trust us, didn’t he? We aren’t just dead weight, or here to cheerlead for him! We know this was super dangerous, right? But it gets less dangerous after he visits the Fae lands next year. So what could change then? It can’t just be a little more strength, can it?”
“Perhaps.” Nebisuki coughed. “A trial that is on the borders of life and death could…” She coughed more red and silver blood, despite Shaeula’s ministrations, the effort of talking hurting her. “…be swayed by just a little more strength. But… foretelling the future… is a troublesome matter.”
I nodded. “Unfortunately, Divination of the Six Noble Pursuits is esoteric and unpredictable. I know very little about it, though I do hope to learn. But it has undeniable power.” I glared at the monk, the Saint Of Swallowing Sorrows, whose hubris had started this mess. “It enabled this monk to capture Tamamo-no-Mae by predicting a chain of actions.”
“In that case, lucky you have an expert to ask.” Aiko managed a bitter laugh. “Tsukiko-chan knows better than anyone, right?”
I nodded. “So, say that the future is set, that tomorrow I shall die, for I eat a poisoned apple. Then a Divination says that tomorrow, my death is certain. Frightened by this, I stay home, and therefore do not eat the poisoned apple. A fate has been overturned. Knowing about it can change it. However, if my future was set, that tomorrow a powerful enemy of my father…” I trembled a little, remembering my father, my Patriarch, now gone, leaving me alone in the world… No, not alone. Looking around me, I have a family, a Sect again. And I will be damned if I lose it a second time. I swear it on the Heavens and the Earth. “…would come and kill me, staying home would achieve little. Though perhaps if I feared my death I might prepare some additional countermeasures, which might just be enough to save my life.”
“So yeah, I get it.” Aiko agreed. “We need to work out just what changes. Shaeula, you’re a Fae, right? Any ideas?”
Shaeula looked out of our rocky shelter, which was already starting to heat up, molten stone dripping. “I do not-not know. I know only that it is the quest for Avalon, the scabbard which grants immortality, but that would surely be for Eleanor, as Akio has said.”
“Eri’s right. There’s no way Princess Eleanor isn’t going to fall for my bro if he keeps doing her favours like that. Damn, having another sister-in-law who is world-famous is going to be so cool… but for that…” Her gaze was drawn back to Akio. “…my bro has to live. So… think!”
“I do not-not think it is merely a matter of being stronger. If it was, then… perhaps we would intervene. But there is one more-more pressing matter.” Shaeula addressed us. “This place… look.” Her eyes glowed, and she could see through the rocky dome. I sent out my Qi Perception, noticing what she meant.
“The Boundary is shattered by the Heavenly Lightning. This place…” I mused.
“Indeed. We must-must do something to secure it. It is too-too soon for the Boundary to collapse. We are not-not yet prepared. We need time. Three years, two… one at the absolute minimum.” Shaeula pointed out. “So… we need to make this a Territory, but…”
“I shall do it.” I declared, at the same time as Aiko spoke up.
“I get it. I’ll do it.”
On seeing my startled expression, Aiko shrugged. “Don’t even say it. You’re going to tell me it’s dangerous, right? I know what happens if a Territory is destroyed by another Chosen. How could I not? I know where my Golden Sisters came from. And even when bro’s Territory upgrades, we’re too far from Tokyo for me to be incorporated.”
“If you already know that, why are you volunteering?” I asked. “If you are wounded or killed, Akio will grieve.”
“I know.” Aiko did not back down. “Trust me, I know what a siscon my bro is. It’s only natural, when he has a sister as great as me.” She struck a prideful pose, though her expression was rueful. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding. I know my bro just cherishes me as a sister. But… I am proud to be his sis. I mean, who else has a brother who holds the fate of the world in his hands? So let me be an older sister, because I’m your sister too, Daiyu. My bro is slow on the uptake, even now, and sure, you haven’t been together long… but with what you’ve shared, my bro is head over heels for you. If you were to die, he’d be devastated. I have my pride too, you know!”
“Are you sure?” I asked, unwilling to trample on her resolve. As a Cultivator, one who was called a prodigy and trained from a young age, taking on the efforts and responsibilities of an adult at the age most children were still playing with toys, I understood that one’s self, one’s pride, was vital to their identity.
“I am.” Aiko acknowledged. “I didn’t accept these powers, gained from one of bro’s biggest traumas, just to watch you take on all the risks.”
“In that-that case, I have a gift for you.” Shaeula, who had been listening, produced a pair of shining blue Etherites, tossing them over to Aiko. On seeing our looks, she shrugged, without a trace of shame on her features. “I know-know, Ixitt and his Mortal Engineers are always seeking more and more-more Etherites rapaciously. But I do always keep a few-few for emergencies. After all, it was I who secured a great deal through trade-trade.”
“Did they come from the Hyakki Yagyō? If so… I should be thanked as well.” Nebisuki coughed, and Shaeula shrugged.
“Actually, this-this pair is from Princess Ffionnan. Her wealth rivals the King and Queen themselves, and after visiting the Material and understanding the concept of shares, she is in the palm-palm of our hands. But it is an enviable place to be. After all, she surely will be well-well looked after.”
“Got it. So, I just break them down, and then… oh, it works like that. It’s like I just know.” The first Etherite shattered, and Aiko drew in the ether. A golden and crystal spire started forming, and ether surged into it, and moments later it solidified. “Time to go to Rank two…” More ether was drawn in, the pillar growing.
I remember my own realm within the spiritual plane, the Boundary. It was not so easy to make. Struggling alone is not something I wish to do again. But for now, I have no need of a Territory, Akio’s is my home. As welcome guests of Aiko, I could feel the heat around us diminish, and see the shimmering Territory barrier surrounding us, deflecting some of the falling pumice and hot ash. Heavenly Lightning would tear it to pieces though…
“I don’t suppose you’ve got another eight or nine of them?” Aiko asked Shaeula cheekily, who merely looked at her flatly, making Aiko chuckle. “Guess not, Rank two will have to do… but… the ether density here is brutal. Makes my body itch. So…” Ether Spires surged into existence, and were then upgraded. Silos appeared, upgraded and Elemental Silos were added, and finally several Defensive Emplacements appeared too. “Best not shoot that jerk, otherwise I’ll get drawn in, right?” Aiko asked me, and I nodded.
“Yes, best to not interfere. Besides…” The monk was screaming soundlessly, and I could see golden light burning within him. “…I suspect his journey ends here. A kinder fate than he deserves.” Ordinarily, I would have seen his path as bold, challenging the Heavens, but now all I could see was a petty man, unable to take the final step due to the difference between wielding and controlling power. A lesson I will take to heart, with Chang’e’s Favour. I will not be controlled by external power, I will make it truly my own. Flexing my still-healing arm, I listened to her reply.
“Got it.” Aiko agreed. “It sure would be handy if Hyacinth could work her magic and link us up.”
“That requires earth-earth or water element for the Mushrooms to grow.” Shaeula pointed out, and Aiko put her hands on her hips triumphantly. Her Golden Sisters disappeared, before five reappeared, but instead of carrying swords, spears or axes, they carried pickaxes, shovels and long sledgehammers.
“Funny you should say that. Fire element is really intense here, but down below… I can feel it. Besides…” Her grin was sly and teasing. “…looks like my bravery has been rewarded. It’s a really odd sensation, but I feel connected to my Territory. And down below… there’s earth element under the ground. So, get digging, girls…”
It was odd, watching golden versions of Natsumi, Motoko, Shiro, Eri and Kana setting to work smashing deep into the ground, but Aiko wasn’t done. “Okay Shaeula, you can do earth element, right? Time to help out. Besides… being underground will definitely protect us from the rest of the heat and falling flame.”
“Very well-well. Just let me finish stabilising this foolish fox.” Shaeula agreed.
“What of me?” I asked, and Aiko shrugged.
“You can grab something and start digging if you want, but you were hurt bad, weren’t you? Besides…” She looked back at Akio, worry on her face now. “…somebody needs to work out just what we can do to help.”
As I nodded, Aiko and the other set to work, while I wracked my brains, trying to think of any way to turn aside the Tribulation Akio was enduring…
“I expected this…” I said, looking at the bitter scene of Kyoto, where Yamato-san led the catastrophic incursion that led to the death of so many. “You really are cruel.”
“Cruel?” Hisui, the Tiānyì I had named was almost tangible now, clearly visible. Her marble-white skin was marred by small burns on her fingers and the scars on her cheeks from where the lightning had burned her, but somehow the scars didn’t detract from her cold beauty. Her hair was a brilliant reddish-pink, and her eyes were black and silver orbs that seemed to draw my attention. “How so? You have karma to bear, failures to be punished for. You mortals often say punishment must fit the crime, I know.”
“Crime?” I shook my head, troubled. “I did my best. I know… mistakes were made. But it’s not all on me, is it?”
“You believe so?” Hisui tutted, displeased. “I am disappointed. And here it will all happen again. What happens once will happen twice, no? After all…” She raised her voice in song, and dozens of voices of all ages echoed her in strange harmonies, somehow both eerie and beautiful. “…to be living is to stumble, the weight of life is heavy. To be living is to bleed, the blades of karma are sharp. To be living is to lament, the choices of one bring suffering, to be living is to surrender, for only in our embrace is the pain banished.”
Listening to the song I found my will wavering, but instead I focussed on the scene in front of me, and the weight in my arms and the soft feeling in my hand, which despite not being visible in this illusion, I could still perceive. “I don’t agree.” I shook my head. “Yes, we stumble. But if we didn’t, we’d never grow. We bleed, so we know pain and how best to avoid causing it to others. Lamenting? I’ve done my share, and I’ll do it again. But only through the grief can we do justice to those beyond us. Surrender? That I disagree on.” I clenched my fist, not shying away from the pain I felt. “And you know I won’t. After all, you’re reading my thoughts, no?”
Hisui nodded softly, her eyes shining as she watched. “Yes, I am indeed, though you fight me. Far easier to just slip into my embrace, and know peace. Even now, your body disintegrates. You resist well, but… the end is coming. Besides, even if you survive, this will all happen again, and worse.” She gestured to the scene with one delicate hand. “Just imagine your suffering multiplied. Your sister dead, your little lovers, your family and friends. Your country in ashes, your world ravaged. It will happen, rest assured. After all… you will perish here, who will stop it? Even if by some miracle you survive…”
“Enough.” I declared, incensed. “If you truly believed you were doing a kindness, then you’d offer aid, rather than trying to devour me. That’s what you are doing, aren’t you?”
Hisui actually looked hurt, licking her luscious lips, adopting a contrite pose, though it didn’t fool me, though it was hard to stay vigilant and angry at her. I guess all my experience with suffering mental attacks is paying off, as is my high Determination…
“You are a small chick in front of an eagle, Akio.” The way she said me name filled me with both fear and longing. The closest I had come to this feeling before was when Tan tried to allure me that first time. But you’re not Tan. Even barely able to manifest a fraction of her power then, limited by Shiro’s fragile form, I felt the heat… from you, I just feel greed. “Power. Power comes with responsibility. Power obtained by one cannot be taken my another. The Heavens are fair. Those who walk the path of Cultivation must overcome to be worthy of what they obtain. We are called by the Chaotic Winds. One among many. At least we are beautiful, and kind. Perhaps your willingness to save others has granted you a peaceful end in our embrace. There is naught you can do, just surrender, lie down. Find bliss in dissolution. The pain from being purified by the Lightning outstrips anything you can imagine. I am saving you from that, so express some gratitude.” Her voice was hypnotic and I almost found myself nodding along, before I barked a harsh laugh.
“I’d rather go to battle against the lightning. I believe I can beat it, no matter what it takes.”
“Such arrogance. Even the offshoot that struck you, lacking the full fury that strikes that cowardly Saint, is far beyond your means to endure.”
“Oh?” I put my hand to my cheek and showed three fingers, and Hisui’s eyes changed, inky blackness overwhelming silver. “Besides…” I pressed my momentary advantage. “…I controlled it well enough here. It isn’t just mortals that know the pain of living. You do too, no? We all exist and have value. I know…” I looked back at the frozen scene of Kyoto, which was waiting for me to accept it. “…I’m going to lose things again. Even if I do all I can. But this time we’ve prepared as wide as we can. Sure, if there were ten thousand of me, I could guard everyone that matters personally, but there isn’t. I’m not able to protect all of Japan, of Britain, or Korea now either. But I’m not alone. Never alone. So… this time again I’ll do my best, and if I stumble, bleed or lament, so be it. I won’t surrender though. I’m in a hurry. Start the show.”
Hisui seemed taken aback. For a moment her anger peaked, a bleak aura around her, which I identified as mostly darkness element, but then she merely blinked, a smile on her face. “I see. I do not normally enjoy arrogance, but… in celebration of revisiting a world I saw long, long ago… impress me mortal. Otherwise I shall exert all my strength and take you by force. Trust me, surrender is far more pleasurable. To pass on in my arms is bliss, to pass on under my fury will rival the Purifying Heavenly Lightning.”
The scene sprung into motion. The first person I addressed was Mine-san, the woman I barely knew, a Chosen that despite that, was someone whose company I had enjoyed. She was being held in the arms of the Oni who was Red’s brother, and before she was torn apart, me helpless to intervene, I spoke the words I wanted to say, or tried to, because she spoke first.
“Hey, Akio-kun, I never wanted to die like this. But… it’s hardly your fault, is it?”
“To be a leader is to take responsibility. I’ve been told that often enough.” I disagreed, but Mine-san merely laughed.
“Sure, that’s true. Then what of Yamato-sama? He was my boss. Doesn’t that mean it was his responsibility to save me? Man, I thought you were cool.” Her smile was amused, yet somehow haunting. “You even helped me power up, sharing your Spirit Water with a Goddess. Didn’t have to do that, you know. Maybe… maybe things could have been different. But… I thought Yamato-sama was kind of hot, you know? He never would have gone for a punk like me, but… we were both Chosen by the Gods, weren’t we? So… I listened to him. I mean, why not? But… you think you have regrets? Seeing those young kids die… I remember thinking I was glad I’m Japanese. If I didn’t believe in the Kami, I’d definitely be ending up in Hell, after failing to dissuade Yamato-sama.”
I didn’t have an answer for that, and her smile grew. “You know it’s true in your heart. Sure, I’d have been delighted to be saved, but blaming you for not having enough power… that’s such a bitch move. I’m cool, right? The way you remember me is kind of nice. Guess I’m not so smart, I have very poor taste in men.” Her laugh was self-deprecating. “Hey… question?”
I looked at her, surprised, shocked that a scene from the past could deviate, that Mine-san seemed so lifelike, but I nodded.
“So… I’m not saying that you haven’t fucked up here, Akio-kun. Not every decision you made was right, but… who is that you’re holding?”
I looked down, and I could actually see a ghostly tail in my grasp. it’s not Shinkumi-no-Hana’s. Is it Tamamo-no-Mae’s? There’s no way. I’m not strong enough to control her via name. Even Nurarihyon, the Cultivators in the last vision, they weren’t… unless… there’s truly nothing left of her? Have I failed already?
“Don’t look so grim, Akio-kun.” Mine-san sighed. “I get it. Look… biggest regret first. Let me give you some advice. What are you lacking to lead?”
“Ruthlessness.” I admitted, turning, to see Eri, or at least a fake Eri. This was before Ginneka saved her life, before she nearly died. “I was too eager to please, and it almost cost Eri everything.”
Eri shrugged. “I made the choice. I love you Akio, but I’m not a puppet. I’m an adult, I make my own choices. Sure, you know more about this world than I do, but… if you seriously want me to be a compliant slave, I can do that. I can do anything for you. But… you don’t want that. I nearly died, yes, but doing so, I revealed something about myself I didn’t know, and learned more about you I never knew. You killed that Kitsune for me, despite being blinded, deafened, silenced… it made me happy, how jealous you got for me. If I could make the same choice again, I would. Because in the end… even if I did die, I would have died knowing that you loved me so much. The only thing I could never tolerate was letting that filthy fox touch my spirit. But I know even if you were up against a Kitsune as strong as Tamamo-no-Mae herself, you’d still have won. Because that’s what you do. Nobody wins all the time. You didn’t here…” Eri looked at the dead, and the shattered Hotene-san and Keomi-chan. “…but when it truly matters, you don’t lose. Because you’re my hero. You always have been.”
Eri bent down, and hugged Hotene-san, wiping the blood from her ravaged eyes. “Hush now. Akio is here. And you’ll get your eyes back.” She then patted Keomi-chan on the head. “You too. Haru-san will help heal your hurts, and you’ll grow from this. It was scary, terrifying. I know. But…” She glanced at the twins, who were brave despite their injuries. “…help me out. Convey some emotions for me.”
As we all linked together, the twins displaying skills beyond what they had at the time, Mine-san’s voice resounded through us. “We all made our decisions. We’re not your puppets. Yes, you failed to anticipate what Yamato-sama would do. But… because of that, you’ve expanded your scope of protection for this next disaster, right? Even so… you know it won’t be perfect. Only in hindsight do I see what a jackass Yamato-sama was. All looks and surface charm, but full of raging insecurity.” She laughed then. “That is your fault.”
“Huh. You think so?” Eri crossed her arms, annoyed. “You want to blame Akio for just being better? I’m glad you’re dead!”
“Harsh!” Mine-san laughed. “And I know you don’t mean it.”
“Will… will I ever get over it?” Hotene-san spoke up weakly. “My cousin… she died, and I couldn’t do anything. I was hurt… hurt so bad…”
“You will.” I promised. “Because you survived. And I’ll see it done. Besides… you have friends, don’t you?”
“That is right.” Yes, Akio-sama speaks true.” The twins echoed. “We were under his care, but…” “…we still chose to follow honoured father’s orders…” “…to follow Yamato-sama in his selfishness….” “…for ties of honour and respect.” “But…” “Yes, but…”
The twins spoke rapidly, and then finished together. “…no more. We learned. We follow Akio-sama now, and only him. We are proud, proud to be members of Adamant, the force that will raise him to the skies. Because he cares. For us. For you. For the world.” They then turned, and Hisui seemed surprised they could see her.
“Why so surprised? We are sharing Akio-sama’s mind…” “…yes, we are the Chaotic Wind. And we called you here.” “Eri-sama…” “…you know what to do.”
“I do.” Eri nodded, sprouting black cat ears and a tail. “Regrets can go eat shit.” She swore, such language incredibly unusual for her. “Everything that happened was meant to be. I don’t believe in Tsukiko-san and her talk of Destiny and Definite, but I do believe in fate. Not Fate with a capital letter, but what was meant to be. And it’s ever changing, changed by us, but… I can only be me. Akio can only be Akio. And sadly…”
“Yeah, we were always going to follow Yamato-sama.” Mine-san agreed sadly. “Like I said, I have shitty tastes in men. But speaking of…”
“This is all very well!” Yamato-san yelled, enraged. “You never helped me! You could have saved me, instead you stole from me, took from me, pushed me down to Hell!”
Hisui, rather confused by these events, nodded. “Indeed. A heavy karma to bear. He who steals shall be stolen from, he who kills shall be slain, he who spreads sadness shall know sorrow. The Heavens and the Earth are balanced.”
“Oh? In that case…” “…you shall be stolen from.” “I am glad to see you admit it…” “…that’s very kind of you.” The twins words went on the offensive, and Hisui paused.
“That’s right.” Eri laughed. “You are trying to steal Akio’s spirit, calling it a mercy. After all, you say the Lightning is pain like no other. Nurarihyon’s torments that Yamato-san would endure would be the same. Hypocrite!”
Hisui paused, and suddenly the other Tiānyì were giggling, and Hisui raised one hand, wind roaring. “Silence, laughing at me, I will not stand for it!” As the wind scattered them, I found my mind clearing, and Eri actually winked at me. You owe the twins. You owe them a lot.
Eri, is that you? Wait… which Eri?
There’s only one me. There always is. I’ve been trying to reach you, but it’s like you’re in a daze, not answering. But the twins helped me, amplifying my mind. Akio, I can feel your life fading, it scares me. But… you won’t give up, will you?
No, I won’t. But I’m backed up against the wall here. I still don’t know what would change from now until after the Quest. And I’m grasping at straws…
Then we’ll help. Everyone supports you. Even Arisugawa-san, Suzu-san, the others. They’ve all come, and… look, I can’t explain it, but… here. Take it, take it all…
I felt a surge of aether pour into me, refilling my dwindling reserves, Ether Healing surging back into full strength. The boost was welcome, and certainly bought me time, but I knew while Eri had certainly improved her Aether Statistic a lot, compared to mine it was a rather small puddle. But… the amount didn’t diminish, more flooding in, refilling me.
I don’t get it, but Selensha set up some sort of magical effect, and then Arisugawa-san worked with the twins, something about spatial links… anyway, it hurts a lot, so… make this quick! I’m burning from everyone’s aether. It’s not gentle like your Chirurgery, or even when Shaeula does it… maybe you are overthinking it. Maybe nothing changed with you at all. Look for something else that might have changed?
“See?” the Eri in my Tribulation patted Hotene-san on the head. “Everyone pulls together. I can feel your aether there too. Keomi-chan’s, the twins…” She looked out over the dead. “I’m sorry for them. I really am. And honestly, I wish they were still alive. But they passed on. We have to care for the living now.” With that, the dead vanished. Moments later, so too did Keomi-chan, and Hotene-san, Hotene-san giving the first smile I had seen on her face in a long time, even if she wasn’t real. It gives me hope, huh? So, maybe it’s not me that changed but the situation here. That… makes sense, I think? “Uh… Chiaki-san, Chiasa-san, shouldn’t you be vanishing too?”
“No, we will stay.” “We are needed still.”
“This is moist frustrating.” Hisui observed, the events of Kyoto not playing out as she expected. “I feel I am being made a fool out of. I do find it unpleasant. Perhaps I need to stop being polite.”
“Polite?” Eri scoffed. “You’re a thieving cat. Trying to take a man who doesn’t belong to you. And it’s my task to stop that happening. Because it’s not just me, we all love and support him. You say he’s done wrong? Well…” Eri sliced Yamato-san’s head off with her axe, cold as ice, and the man vanished. “…to me, it seems like he did a good thing. Aiko will save more lives with his powers than that worthless bastard ever did. All he did was get these people killed. And for what? All because he was jealous and wanted more power for himself.” She turned back to Mine-san. “Sorry. But all you would have got from Yamato-san is exploited. Whereas Akio tries to grow us all. Just because he thought he’d be able to keep what he grabbed, he got greedy. Akio helped make laws so those others who were worthy could keep what they had, rather than being a tyrant and taking it all.”
“Yeah, I lose.” Mine-san admitted. “But… hey, Hisui!”
“My name is not Hisui!” Dark winds flashed, scattering the laughing Tiānyì once more. I felt the winds drop imperceptibly, though the agony of the lightning as now encroaching on me again. “This is not how things should be…”
“Why not?” Mine-san laughed. “You don’t control things here, you just tempt and seduce and threaten and wear down defences until the mind breaks, don’t you? But if Akio is a fortress, Eri here, she’s his walls. And not just her… Cultivators are selfish, but Akio isn’t a Cultivator. Not truly. No, actually, he is. But he’s Cultivating bonds, and the strength of those around him. So…”
“Then the Tribulation will grow, engulf you all.” Hisui laughed darkly, waving a hand. “Begone!”
The scene wavered, plunging to darkness, but the twins, Eri and Mine-san remained.
“Awesome. You heard her!” Mine-san called to the winds, which I could now see boiling with fury, lightning crackling within it. “The will of the Heavens cannot be denied, that’s for sure. We are ants to the higher powers, even to you, Hisui. But…”
“The Saint of Swallowing Sorrows…” “…he hid for centuries…” “…so clearly there can be victories…” “…after all, above Saint comes Earth Immortal…”
“This is an Earth Immortal Tribulation, of Heavenly Purifying Lighting and Chaotic Winds… the fool confused the Heavens, yes, and now strands no chance of survival…” Hisui admitted. “For a Saint should first find his Dao. Only with a firm, unyielding Dao heart will we be turned aside. His heart is hollow and weak, filled with resentment…”
“Then this only ends one way.” Mine-san laughed, and Eri brandished her axe. The twins too adopted a fighting stance, violet energies shimmering, though through their connection with me, they were planning something else, and needed to buy time. The Yōkai vanished, and Mine-san stood beside Eri. “I’m not much of a fighter, my death proved that. But then I’m not me, am I? I’m the Chaotic Winds.”
“I’m still me.” This Eri insisted. “Whether I’m real, or made of Chaotic Winds, or someone else masquerading as me… I‘m always myself. Now… Akio, I definitely won’t allow this woman to touch you. If I can share, then this selfish bitch is no good! But… just winning here means nothing, right?” She looked at the tail in my hand. “There’s three things you have to do, right? Crush this Tribulation of Chaotic Winds and send this whore packing…”
“Find a way to save Tamamo-no-Mae. Oh man, she’s pretty much screwed, you know. There’s a Tiānyì in there, and her body is also burning away. It should have been impossible for her to get caught in this, but… damn, that Prominence Twilight of yours rules. Wish I could have seen it, you know…”
“Lastly, you have to find your Dao.” “You will not understand it…” “…or even comprehend it.” “But you need to start a seed. As the Wind tests your Dao heart.” “We can help…” “But there is someone else to ask…” “But for now…” “…let us show you…” Spatial energy surged, and I found myself connecting to someone unexpected.
“No, no…” Hisui blasted down dark energies, and Eri and Mine-san suffered the bombardment. Eri started to disintegrate, only to reform.
“I’m the Wind itself. Perhaps Heaven forgives him? I certainly do. No, he’s not wrong at all!” Eri roared, attacking anew, while Mine-san shook her head.
“Whoa, I can’t keep up with that sort of intensity, I’m just an idiot who didn’t make the cut. But it’s kind of nice to get a send-off, you know. Hey, maybe one day I’ll be reborn, and I’ll do things differently.” She winked at me, tugging at one ear full of piercings in embarrassment. “After all… oh… whoa.” She laughed then, suddenly amused. “…yeah, okay. You do have a chance. I know you can still hear me despite being… busy about now.”
I am indeed. This… it’s a bitter scene here. That bastard, but… Having left some Split Thoughts running I could indeed hear her, and as the weight of my karma collapsed, the scene dissolving, I heard her final words. “…what is empty can be filled. But not just with anything. So look carefully, and… grasp the Winds!”
Look carefully and grasp the Winds? Easier said than done. But… everyone’s fighting for me. Even those who are only shadows of themselves remained themselves, so… Keeping a little of my attention on the battle against Hisui, and more on the true Eri and her constant funnelling of aether to me to fend off the lightning, slowing my rate of destruction, I looked at the scene in front of me, the Chaotic Wind Tribulation of the Saint of Swallowing Sorrows, the scene one unfamiliar to me, but the participants so very familiar.
“So you came, Tamamo-no-Mae.” The monk said, standing on a mountainside I recognised well. “Have you the payment you promised?”
“No, I am afraid not. This poor Kitsune is poverty-stricken, you know? Ever since I was driven from Kunlun, just like you. If you want revenge, I am more than happy to assist you with that, just as you helped me with my sorrows.” Her tails stood up straight, and I could feel the rage and hatred she felt. I remember. Su Caihong, and Su Liena. You remember them too, don’t you? I thought I felt the faintest twitch from the tail in my hand, before the monk spoke.
“Amitabha. I expected you to cheat me. I am not a fool. However… you shall pay me still, and indeed aid my vengeance.” The ground shook, and light flared, the array drawing on underground veins of energy, a vanishing rarity as the Earth grew ever-more starved of ether and elemental energies. It was converted to Qi, and Tamamo-no-Mae was surrounded.
“A pretty trick. But it will not hold me… huh?”
“It does not need too. Amitabha, my fellow seekers of revenge. This fox has wrong you, now it is time to make her pay for her sins.”
Stepping out of the shadows, hidden behind boulders by careful Formations, were a great group of warriors. Samurai, bandits and monks on the human side, while there were other Kitsune, an Oni, a Tengu and a group of six strange women with cruel talons and pale, fang-filled faces on the spiritual side.
“What a treat…” the Oni rumbled, brandishing a colossal stone and iron club. “Remember me, bitch? You killed all my wives! So it is only fair you join them in death.”
Tamamo-no-Mae raised an eyebrow. “I remember you, son of Ōtakemaru. Wives?” Tamamo-no-Mae spat. As she tried to raise her strength the Formation unleashed chains which snared a number of her tails. She rolled her eyes, remaining calm, though I noted her eyes looked perturbed, and the tail in my hand shook. “You kidnapped and abused them for many years. They were quite mad. I killed them? I released them. As for you others…” Her head dipped. “Some of you I wronged, took things from on a whim. I know how that feels now. It is likely too late to say I am sorry. But… if you want vengeance, fight me for it! I am Tamamo-no-Mae, greatest of Kitsune! I have lived a thousand lives in a thousand guises, I have ruled kingdoms and caused their downfall, I have fought the followers of the Gods, both winning and losing, I have been cruel, and I have been kind, I have acted on my whims always, yet some moved my heart. I have known love, hatred, envy, charity, compassion, wrath, every emotion known to mortal or spirit. My legend will live on forever, and if you wish to end it here…” Foxfire flamed, diminished significantly from when she threatened Patriarch Zixin in my prior visions. “…come.” She beckoned with one hand and one unchained tail. “…if I must go to Yomi, I shall not go alone.”
And with that I watched in awe as a battle beyond my imagination began, the Winds boiling all around me, Tiānyì singing on the breeze, crowding around the true body of the monk, who was watching in a daze as his duplicate fought a battle from his past anew…
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