Four Hundred And Ninety-Six / Side One Hundred And Seventy-Three – Zhao DaiyuFour Hundred And Ninety-Six / Side One Hundred And Seventy-Three – Zhao Daiyu
“Step aside…” The Oni gnashed his fangs, his wild eyes staring. “I will crush the bitch myself. I know she has to die, but first…” He licked his lips lasciviously, the watching me looking on with revulsion. “…but first, she has to take the place of the wives she slew.”
Tamamo-no-Mae looked at the Oni as if he was trash. Which he certainly is. “Bold words, Oni. But you are not to my taste. I fear I will have to decline. I would rather sleep with a pig than you. I enjoy intelligence and elegance in my lovers, and in both cases a pig wallowing in filth surpasses you immeasurably.”
As the Oni roared in rage at her insult, he rushed at Tamamo-no-Mae. I was curious about the legendary battle that happened nigh-on fifteen hundred years ago, but my attention was focussed on the Saint of Swallowing Sorrows, and the Tiānyì that were surrounding him. Unlike Hisui, who came for me and seemed to have bullied the others away from me, he was being harassed by a number of the translucent female spirts. Above all was the Chaotic Winds, and they were what I was most interested in, so my Eye blazed, brining it into focus. Pain stabbed into my brain, matching that which was searing my bodies, but I refused to back down. If I’m going to get through this, I need information…
“I shall break your legs and arms and use you as a doll!” the Oni roared, the strike from him incredibly powerful, surging with earth and also lightning element. It was a stronger strike than anything I could deliver, but with a smile, despite her chains, Tamamo-no-Mae still blocked it, blazing foxfires catching the descending mace. Sweat beaded on her brow, but her green eyes merely held contempt.
“Oh really? If Ōtakemaru said that I would at least be concerned, but you? I think not…”
The Winds… they are blowing into the monk, into Tamamo-no-Mae, and … into me. I looked down, curious. The Chaotic Winds were penetrating me, but I had never noticed before. Narrowing my focus, I tried to feel what was happening inside me, while paying attention to the monk. The Oni was raging, but blood was dripping down his face where it had been burned, and one of his legs was pierced through, and ropey lines of stinking guts were tumbling through a ragged gouge in his stomach, the smell of cooked meat disgusting.
“I still have my arms and legs… unlike you.” Tamamo-no-Mae smiled cruelly, and her unchained tails slashed out, and the Oni’s hands flew off, leaving him dumbfounded as blood spurted everywhere. “You overestimate yourself. Ōtakemaru is someone who I respect, at least for his power. But his children… all so disappointing.” Then foxfire surged, and the Oni’s head exploded. As he fell, ether scattered, and a large amount of it was absorbed into one of the Formations below, starting to be refined into Qi.
Oh, how cruel. You used the poor Oni, led him to his death, just to fuel your own revenge. Doesn’t your heart ache for him, little monk?
Yes, so cold. The Buddha would be so disappointed in you.
I think so too, sister. This sinful man wishes to become Immortal? He is not even worthy of being a Saint.
Yes, the burden of karma weighs heavy. Best lay it down and come with us. Why experience pain and sorrow striving to deflect death, when you can live in a moment of fleeting bliss that will seem eternal?
Unlike Hisui, who was nearly corporeal now, these wraith-like Tiānyì flitted around the monk, whispering to him, condemning him, and offering him relief. Though such relief is merely death…
“No… I…” the monk said, almost in a trance. “Amitabha, the son of Ōtakemaru is a monster. I may have tricked him, but I paid what he wanted, a chance to kill Tamamo-no-Mae! I did the world a grand favour, this humble monk bears no karma for this!”
I see, I see. A fair point.
But that means… no, we shall wait and see…
I look forward to it, sister.
As do I, sister. We must keep watching…
What also interested me was Tamamo-no-Mae, of course. She was limp and insensible in my arms, but it seemed that this vision was also part of her trial, as a Tiānyì appeared beside her, almost tangible, like Hisui. This one was younger, and rather cute-looking, with brilliant orange hair and silver-black eyes, and despite being short, she had an impressive chest. On seeing me looking, she raised an eyebrow. “You are intriguing, but elder sister has claimed you. I will content myself with the empty shell here.” She tapped Tamamo-no-Mae on the shoulder. The scene had frozen, leaving the headless Oni, though it seemed present and conscious, if not alive. Well, I guess this is a vision, so it doesn’t have to be real.
“You wronged him. You killed his wives. Yes, you feel he was abusing them, so perhaps you felt justified. But who are you to come between a man and his wives? Such hubris. You always do as you please. Yet such hypocrisy.” The Tiānyì traced her hand along Tamamo-no-Mae’s expressionless, unresponsive face. “When beings you cherish were endangered, you cried vengeance. Do you not feel shame?”
“Yes…” the Oni’s head reformed. “You did it out of spite, not mercy, bitch! Otherwise why not save them, rather than kill them?”
“Quite. If death is a mercy… you should enjoy your surrender to me. Oh… you do not respond. Your guilt is plain. Allow me to take you away on the Chaotic Winds…”
My Eye observed the Winds strengthening, surging into Tamamo-no-Mae in my arms, and Hisui, having entered this part of the Tribulation now, whispered in my ear, her breath hot and tone sultry, sending shivers through me, but I held to my willpower, resisting. I already have women I like better than you, and when it comes to allure, Tan has you beat hands down.
“Rude. You are most frustrating. But it seems the Winds themselves are not eroding your spirit as they should. Strange. And your body resists the Purification, though that is but a temporary respite. Where your inner strength comes from, it will surely run dry, little Qi Refiner. Though…” Her hand moved to stroke my cheek under my shining Eye, and I smacked her hand away, making her hiss.
“I will see your secrets. You will offer them willingly to me. If not…” She smiled then, showing her teeth, looking somewhat menacing. “…even if you survive somehow, then she will surely not. Her fate is with my little sister now.”
That’s what worries me. Surviving here is of course essential, we can’t achieve anything if I’m dead, but if Tamamo-no-Mae dies here, it’s all for nothing, and worse… Uranai’s prophecy warns the seeds I seek will be plundered and destroyed. I don’t want it to end this way…
“What you want and what you get are two differing matters.” Hisui interjected. “Your time is running out. Hers…” She looked down at Tamamo-no-Mae. “…hers ran out a long time ago. Besides, she is a sinful being indeed. You have seen only the merest acts of cruelty from her, you know this.”
I nodded, despite not wishing to. I’ll not lie. Even from what I’ve seen and heard here, she’s cruel and capricious. But she also knows positive emotions. Yin and Yang, right? Everything has its place.
“Would you say that if it was your loved ones she slew in a fit of pique, or your country she ruined because she was bored?” Hisui asked pointedly, and I knew the answer.
“So sue me.” I snorted sourly. “Once more I’m a hypocrite. It’s no different to Chen Na and Nie Ling, or even Duke Formor and Grulgor, if you think about it. I’ll use what I can, what I must. Besides…” My eyes shone with not just amber light then. “…I think she’s suffered plenty for her sins. Execution would have been far kinder.” The vision, the battle restarted as we talked, and once more I was giving it some of my attention while I watched the Winds carefully.
“We must all fight together!” one of the Samurai declared, clutching his katana. His face was noble, patrician in style, and he reminded me of the classic image of a heroic warrior from the past. The other warriors with him agreed.
“Yes, the chaos she brought when she beguiled our Lord led to the deaths of thousands, and many more uncounted died as famine swept the land!”
“She left with my sister…” another declared, furious. “I never saw her again!”
One of the Kitsune nodded, stepping forward towards Tamamo-no-Mae. He smiled, his handsome face reminding me of the Kitsune I slew. Tamamo-no-Mae looked similarly displeased, and she snorted coldly. “You, I see.”
“You? What a way to greet your son, mother.” The fox spread four tails out behind himself, radiating power. “This reunion has been long in the making.”
“I somehow understand Ōtakemaru now.” Tamamo-no-Mae said bitterly. “Having disappointing children is a curse indeed.”
“Mother, you wound me!” The fox declared insincerely. “If we grew up wrong, surely it is you to blame? Most of us you never spared any thought or affection for. Many of us you killed yourself. Is it any wonder we Kitsune are warped and twisted?”
“Always excuses. I see you have not changed.” Tamamo-no-Mae took no responsibility. Several other Kitsune she recognised were hanging back, but the Tengu was urging the six strange women to attack as well. “I was ill-suited to motherhood, I do admit. We cannot be perfect at everything, now can we?” She shrugged, ignoring his protests, and the Kitsune laughed, a barking, hacking noise full of resentment.
“Oh, you are excellent at being selfish, and above all, angering me!” He declared. “Humans, if you wish to strike her down, now is your only chan…” His words were cut off as Tamamo-no-Mae’s foxfire fell from the skies, piercing her son through and burning him from the inside out. As he combusted, he looked at her with accusing eyes which were quickly lost, blue and yellow flames spilling out from his charred sockets. “…ce. Mother…. I… hate…. you…”
“I hardly hated you. But…” Tamamo-no-Mae said, a trace of melancholy in her tone, as she watched her son burn to ashes. “…we all chose our paths. Blaming me for the crimes you committed is cowardly. I own my sins. And I clean up after myself. Besides… matricide is against the will of the Gods.” Tamamo-no-Mae smirked, and the vision froze, Winds blowing cold and harsh, and the flames formed a fiery version of the slain fox.
“How wicked you are, to speak of the Gods, you who spit on them.” The Tiānyì who wished to claim her said, her youthful face now cold. “And you killed your own son, and he was not alone, many are your children and grandchildren who have fallen to your wrath. Kinslayer! Let the Winds be your judge!”
She speaks true. Such is the most heinous of crimes.
The Heavens hate those who slay their kin!
She feels no remorse, no guilt!
The intangible tail in my hand twitched. It was already faint, barely there, but as the Wind roared, it grew fainter, but… Hmm, if I imagine how I felt when I took Shinkume-no-Hana’s tail, then… What could have changed in just a few months? If anything… Tamamo-no-Mae was nearing her end, so she would be even weaker, more a hollow shell. Does that make a difference to my chance of survival? If so… how?
“Unlike you, she bears heavy, heavy karma.” Hisui observed, even as the Tiānyì read the Winds and berated the monk, calling him out on leading another to his death.
“No, Tamamo-no-Mae was right!” The monk sweated, his flesh becoming translucent, like thin parchment, veins and arteries clearly visible beneath. “That fox was a fiend who enjoyed murdering virgins after disgracing them, girls and boys both! He was one of the most wanted Yōkai in this land! I should be praised for leading him to his death!”
True, he was a monster.
Is that your answer?
We will accept it. For now.
But such a firm statement… perhaps it might…
…come back to bite you!
“You bear the responsibility for turning him down this path.” Tamamo-no-Mae didn’t respond to the cold accusations of the Tiānyì trying to take her. “If you had treated him with love and kindness, rather than abandoning him to his father, who grew cold and distant and abused him, seeing your reflection in him that he longed for, turning him to an abuser in turn… perhaps…”
“That’s bullshit.” I intervened, having heard enough. The Tiānyì looked at me, surprised.
“This is not your concern, stay with elder sister and keep silent. Your life ebbs away, why waste it in defence of evil?”
“I’m not defending evil. I’m just saying, we are all responsible for our own lives. Tamamo-no-Mae did many wrong things, and not looking after her children until they were adults, able to stand on their own… I can’t even fathom it. My children… I’ll be the best father to them all, no matter how many there are, I swear it to the Heavens and the Earth!” I mimicked Daiyu’s earlier oath, and Hisui drew in a sharp breath, as the Winds surged, and another bolt of Lightning flashed across the skies, intensifying the burning agony I felt.
“Elder sister, is this Cultivator mad? To invoke the Heavens during a Tribulation will only intensify it and make said Oath far more binding!”
“I may be mad, but I mean I’m pissed off!” I don’t need an Oath to bind me on this. Asha’s child, my child… it’ll just be the first of many. And as a father, I need to make sure they and their mothers have a world that is safe to live in. To that end… “People suffer every day. I hate it, but I can’t change it. Even the Gods, the so-called Heavens can’t, or else there’d be no need for us Chosen.” I scoffed at it all. “Most people so abused just want to live a happy life and prevent others suffering what they did. Yes, I have sympathy for him, but not his choices!”
“Hypocrisy.” The Tiānyì sneered. “Elder sister, tell him!”
“I agree.” Hisui muttered. “Not everyone is strong. Even the strong can be cracked by the dripping cruelty of torment, eroded by the endless wind of suffering. His karmic weight is heavy, but Tamamo-no-Mae bears the sin of neglect and abandonment! Not just that one, but many, many more.”
“So, what of her? Do we know if she’s suffered?” I clutched the tail and felt for my Silver Connection. As I did so, I realised Daiyu was doing something, as she was once more strongly integrated within me. I felt fear rise up at the thought of her being caught in this Tribulation, but her warm voice came to me.
Akio, hold on. I… no, we have an idea. Eri showed us… this Tribulation, it is abnormal. The Heavens were cheated by the Saint of Swallowing Sorrows, but it could only happen because… the Boundary! The Heavens are far distant! And so…
And so…?
And so, hold on! We think we have the answer as to what could change! Do not let the Heavens take you from me, from us! This is our world, we fight for it, and the Heavens do not get to criticise us!
“I’ve got this.” Aiko held out the token given to her by Shiro before we left, and I nodded.
“Do it. It should be safe here, now you have secured this Territory.” We had dug down into a small underground cellar-type location, and even now, Shaeula was widening it rapidly, the golden statues digging away and moving rubble.
“Here goes.” Aiko grinned, and a faint, imperceptible tone could be heard, space shaking around us, vibrating gently. Moments later a slash in space opened, and it revolved into the entrance to a room, full of people I recognised. First out was the cold yet beautiful Arisugawa Arisu, wearing a rich red gown, highlighting her queenly poise. I wonder… I could not help but glance down at my figure. I was not small in the chest, but I was also not large, like her or Shiro. No, Akio does not care, so long as he likes me for me, I am content with my figure. Besides, this is no time for jealousy.
“I see. So you are well again.” Arisu declared, looking over us. “That is good. It would not do to repeat past mistakes. It is safe. Though rather gloomy.” Arisu called back to those within, and Eri was next out, followed by a number of others, though many more were waiting inside. I saw Motoko and Natsumi, and seeing my expression, Motoko shrugged. Her face was damp with silvery sweat, and she looked exhausted, but also proud.
“A challenge for a Favour. It is important to me. But… nothing is as important as Akio and all of you.”
“Well said!” Natsumi agreed cheerfully, looking equally ragged and drained. There were Elves behind her too.
Soliteare grinned ruefully. “I really believed I could win. My archery is unsurpassed, but…” She glanced at Bellaera beside her, who snorted.
“Beat me? No way. I was going to steal the victory and cement my place as one of Akio’s wives! But… for that to matter, he has to be alive.” Her eyes gazed up out of the rocky hidey-hole, seeing the lightning blazing overhead, and then glanced at Akio, who was still clutching Tamamo-no-Mae’s lifeless body, flesh mostly gone, bones starting to break apart. It must be agonisingly painful, but he still fights…
“Yes.” Motoko agreed. “There is nothing we cannot get with our own dedication and skills, so long as we are all standing together.”
“Let the British woman have it. Honestly, I think she might have won anyway.” Natsumi laughed. “She’s a smart one. Besides…”
“I can’t believe I came all this way, to see this.” It was Princess Eleanor of Britain, wearing her shining green and copper armour. She too looked fatigued and exhausted, indeed, everyone did. There were Fae too, such as the white stoatkin Selensha, and Shaeula’s youngest brother and sister. On seeing them, Shaeula brightened, but never stopped her work.
“Anna, Shaeraggo! Sister Selensha! Your appearance is most-most timely! The situation is grave, as you can see!”
“What can we do to help? Just tell me and I’ll do it!” Selensha declared, holding her crystal-topped staff at the ready.
“There is no need for haste, to hurry.” Shaeranna declared. “The chosen consort of my little Ula would not be so weak, so feeble, as to die here. Although…” She eyed Akio with a trace of trepidation. “He looks like he has seen better days, more pleasant times.”
“All right, enough chatter!” Eri organised everyone, coming over to me. “Daiyu, you must know more about this situation than anyone else? I don’t have much time, soon I’ll have to start funnelling aether to Akio again. I’m so exhausted, and I feel like I’m going to burst apart.”
Funnel aether? That should not be possible. If so, the Heavens would have poured their fury on Eri too. But… Looking closely at Eri she was in a terrible state, her face ashen, her body trembling. Seeing that I was observing her, she managed a weary smile. “I may not have been here to help, but I won’t stop trying. It’s just… it hurts so much.”
“I am sorry, but it is not something I am well-versed in. Perhaps I should learn this Chirurgery, but I believe it is very difficult without suitable eyes.” Arisu-san said. I glanced inside her Room, to see the young twins surrounded by the purple glow of aether and a number of exhausted people, students from the training school such as Keomi and Hotene, members of Adamant, as well as Akio’s Vassals Suzu and the man from Hisuikomushi shrine. Seeing me looking, Suzu raised a hand weakly and muttered that this was playing havoc with her practice regime for the concert.
“Yeah, no kidding. But you’ve done good work. Really.” Shiro was there too, and her eyes were glowing a fiery crimson, showing that the great and dangerous being inside her, Taṇhā, was observing. “Using the twins to connect everyone to Eri and pass more than just thoughts was a genius move.”
“I confess, without the guidance of Red, I would not have succeeded, White.”
Taṇhā spoke up then, her voice tinged with wonder, which puzzled me. What can a Goddess who has lived for thousands, tens of thousands of years or more, find to surprise her? “A Chaotic Wind Tribulation. It is… far, far too soon for such here. The…” She spoke some words that seemed almost to be blurry static, and I realised that the Heavens, perhaps some vow Taṇhā had made, prevented anyone from understanding her words. Even she is so bound? Fascinating. “…is clearly insufficient to make the leap to Earth Immortal and call the Winds. This is… troubling. The longer it persists, the more damage the fragile Boundary will endure. Already there is a hole, and the cracks are spreading. This world is a ripe peach, if seen, it will be irresistible.”
“Then we have to do something, right?” Shiro spoke over her. “Tan, you know about this kind of thing, what’s the situation?”
“The little girl should speak.” Tan said to me, and I nodded. Yes, this is about Cultivation. If not me, then who? I quickly explained all I knew, and about how Akio and Tamamo-no-Mae were caught in the Heavenly Purifying Lightning. Eri and Arisu were listening, but even as they did so, they had returned to the room, and more people I recognised were offering their aether, Eri groaning and trembling, the twins crying and sweating, even Arisu’s perfect, calm features twisted with discomfort, as aether and spatial element surged in great waves before vanishing.
“Doing this… Eri and those aiding her should be swept up in the Tribulation!” I warned, but it clearly had not happened yet.
“That is true.” Taṇhā agreed. “Many cunning schemes and ruses have been employed to divert the Heavens, the…” There was another short burst of unintelligible static. “…over the long river of time. The Heavens are not often cheated. But again, with the paucity of ether present here, the sheer distance from the upper Astral, the fragile shell of the Boundary… the response of the Heavens is weak.” Taṇhā’s eyes narrowed as she listened to the singing voices. “…though not feeble.” She paused for a moment, considering, and then continued. “I believe I know the answer as to why we are not swept up by the Tribulation. Though even without that… the Chaotic Winds and those they blow in test the strength of one’s heart and one’s Dao. While those with heavier karmic sins suffer more… the Heavens do not discriminate. Transcending physical mortality is not something easily done.”
“My bro managed it, though, didn’t he?” Aiko asked, listening desperately, and looking at her weary best friend with great concern. “No fancy lightning or wind then.”
“That touches on the true heart of Cultivation and why it exists.” Taṇhā declared. “I cannot speak of this. Cultivation is a path of principles, of stages, regulated by the wider Astral. To ascend, a price always has to be paid, or a victory obtained. Your brother, he chose a different path, becoming something other than mortal. At least in body, if not spirit. But he also has no Dao. I fear this will end badly.”
“What even is a Dao?” Aiko asked, and Taṇhā once more looked to me to answer. Shaeula was fiercely interrogating her brother about a Lady Nimuë and her intentions, but I had no time to consider that as I pondered. How to describe the Dao? Obviously, such is far above my realm, but… everyone Cultivates their Dao heart in their own way.
“It is the way one chooses, the path they follow, the concept they embody, the dream they pursue, the power they crave… the heart they fill.” I said at last. “Some strive to master the sword, to become a sword, be it to kill, or to save. Others seek the mystery of the elements, flame, wood, water, earth, metal. The impossible to understand concepts of time or space. Others seek healing, or love, or charity, intangible desires. Following one Dao is difficult, to follow multiple will break all but the most centred, defiant of spirits. My Dao… I once thought I would pursue excellence above all things, then my thoughts turned to vengeance, but now…” I felt a little lost. I was happy now, though of course I had unfulfilled dreams of vengeance and reaching the peaks of Cultivation. “…all roads are Dao, and all roads lead to the Dao.” What is my Dao now? I have time to find it, but… “Without a path to follow, one can never reach the peaks.”
“Well said, girl.” Taṇhā said, and I felt warm at her praise. “To be precise, a skilled artist may create great works of art, but an artist who only has skills will never produce true masterpieces. However, a heart that loves art, a heart that seeks to know all of art, to be art itself, is incomparable, and will go far. Akio…” Taṇhā said his name, which I noticed, as she so seldom addressed anyone by their names, perhaps an affectation. “…his trial here is too great. a Nascent Spirit strengthens the Astral body enough to endure the heavy burden of physical longevity that a Saint forges, but to go further, to reach functional immortality, at least to the ravages of time… without a Dao to hold and shape the body and spirit, it is futile. And the Chaotic Winds blow within, search every fragment of body, spirit, memory and dreams, wearing it away. Only the diamond of the start of a path towards a Dao can endure. All else is merely soft stone, eroded by time.”
“I’ve read a bit of Cultivation stuff.” Shiro took over. “And from what I’ve talked about with you, Daiyu, while it varies, obviously, the core is the same. Cultivation is step by step, and the foundation has to be solid, else the road ends prematurely, unable to ever break through.”
I nodded. That was why I had not yet pushed through to my Accumulation, as I wanted to see if I could integrate together my two Foundation Techniques first. I have time now. I do not have to always be the best, be the prodigy, face the expectations. I have people who will stand by me, give me time to grow. “And Akio is merely a Qi Refiner, though ironically he has a true Foundation. This is… manifestly unfair. The Heavens are…” I suddenly looked up as the skies boomed with golden thunder, and the Lightning burning Akio increased in intensity. Eri let out a cry, her throat hoarse, and Shiro shrugged.
“Looks like I’m getting squeezed dry again. But what’s going on, Tan?”
As Shiro headed back to Eri, offering her aether, Taṇhā spoke. “An Oath. Some fool during the Tribulation has poked at the Heavens.”
“That’ll be Aki then. I love him, but he’s got a bad habit of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. Or maybe the wrong thing at the right time?”
At that moment, Shaeula hurried over, grinning. “Daiyu, do you remember what you received from the Tower of London?”
The exhausted princess Eleanor, who had been drained earlier, opened her eyes, grimacing. “Please don’t remind me. I gave away so much…”
“With more-more to come, I assure you. But… Akio does not-not deny his allies. After all… this contest is clearly void, the Elves, Motoko and Natsumi throwing their chance aside to aid Akio, yet he will not-not begrudge Aditi her victory.”
“I know that. He is fair, I will grant him that.” Eleanor agreed. “Though if he survives this, I shall be having words.” She glanced at Eri. “He promised me he would not let you all suffer…”
“This isn’t… suffering!” Eri grated, having heard, her cat ears flickering. “This is my joy, helping out in a dangerous situation. When I first entered the desert in Las Vegas, beat that scorpion… I hoped one day he’d count on me! If he wanted a meek, compliant girlfriend, I could do that, I can do anything, but… he wants people he can stand beside, who have his back. Who he loves. So this is no hardship. This is nothing!” She ground her teeth together, black eyes sparkling with determination, and I admitted to being impressed. I need to do my part too. Think, think… there must be something I can do.
“Yes, it was water blessed by the Lady of the Lake, which enabled me to perfect my Spiritually Pure Foundation…” My eyes widened as I understood. “The Lightning purifies the body, but… if a body is pure enough…”
“You would receive Avalon, Eleanor. Akio is no-no thief, and besides… he believes you will need-need it.” Shaeula nodded proudly. “I simply hope you remember his good-good intentions and respond fairly.”
“I get it. Though we have a saying about counting chickens, before eggs hatch.” Eleanor said with a sigh, her cheeks a little red. “But I have given my word. I don’t jump to conclusions anymore, and I look with eyes wide open.” We heard a snort, and an exhausted David Reckless, lying in the room, winked cheekily, leading to Natsumi giggling.
“So, what-what would Akio receive? Lady Nimuë would surely not-not leave him with nothing?” Shaeula pressed.
“You think his Spirit Water being stronger is the key?” Aiko said, eyes wide. “If so, what can we do right now?”
“I know.” I said, looking at Eri. “Even should I be caught in the Tribulation…” I flexed my barely-healed arm. “I am like you, Princess Eleanor.”
“Call me Eleanor. We’re all friends here.” I am glad I also learned some English while I was learning Japanese. Not being able to communicate is hard. “Yes, you are one who heals, aren’t you? Maybe Avalon should go to you then…” she finished slyly, and I shook my head.
“Akio is not a thief, and nor am I. Shaeula speaks for us all. But my point is, even should the Lightning try and purify me, I shall resist it long enough to pass over my Spirit Water.” I eyed Akio, my heart warm. “I shall embrace him and pour all my Water into him. One final kiss.”
“Nope. Not happening.” My sis shook her head. “If you die to save my bro, nobody is happy. Think! Eri’s fine, and so is everyone else, so there must be a way.”
“I cannot pass Spirit Water through Eri, when she boasted about her Lovers’ Link, she clearly said it was only aether and adherence.” I shook my head, before my eyes widened. “No, we have a link!”
Aiko flushed. “Yeah, that one. It’s…”
Shaeula was cackling, leaving everyone else confused. Chen Na, standing to the side, looking out of place, had been hauled into the room to donate strength. As I glanced over at the maimed Nebisuki, she merely smiled weakly at me. “Even if you save him this way… what of Tamamo-no-Mae?”
“That is not my concern.” I shook my head, sliding shut my eyes, inwardly grasping towards the point of connection we still shared. It had faded somewhat, but still burned within me, and even with my eyes shut I could sense Aiko felt the same way. “All we have to do is do our part, and trust Akio to do the rest.” The shining pathway in front of my blinded eyes that led to Akio looked a little like a road, a Dao, and I put one illusory foot on it, and then my other, taking small steps, bringing me closer to him, closer to us. There were other strands too, shining beams of light that connected him to countless others, forming a spiderweb of radiance. Aiko was there, still tied to Akio after the efforts to save our lives. Eri’s was a shining beam, surging with rainbow energies, and the others, though fainter, were a tangled weave.
Akio. Hold on. My thoughts reached towards him. I… no, we have an idea. This is not how our path ends. I refuse to allow it! I have lost everything once, never again! Eri showed us…
The battle was fierce. Tamamo-no-Mae unleashed her flames, though with her body bound by chains, another tail ensnared, her aether, elements and more were being drawn out of her into the Formations trapping her. She’s weakening… well, I know how this ends, anyway.
“Die, monster!” one of the long-clawed women screamed as three of her sisters burned to ash, though one seemed to phase back into existence, seemingly reborn, only for tails to lash out, bisecting the remaining four in one set of vicious strikes.
You let them perish too, feeding your formation.
They had existence, hopes, dreams…
Everything you rendered down to mere Qi for your own ends.
For shame. Can you not hear their screams?
As the Tiānyì surrounded the monk, hounding him, he covered his ears, his body now so translucent I could even see his inner workings. The Golden Core, condensed in his lower Dantian, was clearly visible, and I grabbed what details I could, knowing it would help Daiyu later. Speaking of Daiyu…
Take it, take it all, drain my dry, leave me a husk. But you need it! Her thoughts surged into me. She was refining her Spirit Water into Qi and transferring it to me, not unlike how we Dual Cultivated. The effort was clearly doing her some injury, but her body refused to quit, Chang’e’s Favour restoring her as fast as she suffered damage to her Chakra network. This is what we believe changes after the Quest. Your Spirit Water reaches new heights of perfection!
“The false Saint is finished.” Hisui observed, though her beautiful face, cheek marred with the three burns, was grim. “It is not so much the weight of his sins, though those who have karmic burdens to bear certainly find passing Tribulations more challenging. But who among Cultivators has not cheated, stolen, killed? No, it is that he has these burdens, yet has never developed a firm, pure heart.” She licked her lips. “While I am very hungry, my sisters can have him. His spirit may be Sainted, but it is a false, flawed construction. I would rather not eat rancid meat.” She grinned, pointing to the samurai, as he managed to cut a deep wound in Tamamo-no-Mae, but in return she impaled him with one hand smashing through armour, flesh and bone alike, clutching his still-beating heart, only to crush it with a single squeeze, a strange, melancholy expression on her face. “This will end it. For him, and for her too. As for you…” She paused, smiling knowingly.
Oh, he was a good, noble man.
Yes, a hero. Fighting to right wrongs.
And yet, you led him here, always planning to kill him.
Just a tool. But you said…
Yes, you said…
The evil deserve to die, so it was no karmic sin leading the Yōkai here.
But what of this? Oh look… a man seeking to merely avenge his deluded sister…
And another… his kingdom burned, and he seeks restitution…
Tamamo-no-Mae was desperate now, and she fought, heedless of the injuries accumulating, more chains binding her. The mortal warriors died, and then her other Kitsune offspring and rivals. “I… I never harmed your sister…” She looked down on the man she had just beheaded, as his blood mingled with one of her grandchildren, a feral-looking, twisted Kitsune with blood-red eyes. “…I found her witty and charming, so I took her to see the world. But the world is not kind. She fell in love with one other than I, a noble abroad. Only to eventually be poisoned when she was no longer beautiful. But you, down in Yomi, know that I had that noble flayed, his house burned, all that turned a blind eye impaled, and his country ruined.”
“You think that justice?” Hisui asked, as the monk screamed, finally broken. “No matter. His heart is hollow. Even revenge was second to his fear of his life ending. The Dao of Revenge, the Dao of Hatred, the Dao of Sin. There are many paths one would consider of Yin, but the Heavens and the Earth, just as they are a pair, so too is good and evil, right and wrong, karma. Neither is right, nor are they wrong, and to be true, darkness must contain some light, and the opposite is true. But he…” She snorted, as the translucent monk was torn apart, his body disintegrating. “…no hollow heart of fear can form a Dao worth following.”
Ugh… so disgusting. I do not like the taste, sisters
Maybe we should let the Winds have him?
No, I shall eat! You always only leave me scarps, sisters!
Yes, bad food is still food. But the elder sisters always take the choicest meals.
“Not this time. The meal is bad all around.” The orange-haired Tiānyì complained. “Such a strong being, easily on par with a Saint, with so much karmic weight… empty, wasted. I found a few dregs, but…”
“I too lose out, it seems.” Hisui looked at me sorrowfully. “I cannot persuade you to accept a peaceful end, rather than being ground down by the Tribulation to nothingness?”
“Peaceful?” I snorted. “I was here to witness the end of the Saint of Swallowing Sorrows. Having my spirit, my mind, everything about me, torn apart and used as sustenance doesn’t strike me as better.” I wasn’t certain why I ended up being drawn into his Tribulation, seeing his fate, but while I was linked thusly with him, I did drag up a few clues. Besides, everyone is fighting for me. Eri’s sending through endless amounts of aether. Such a task is agonising, but everyone is helping. And Daiyu is doing the same with Spirit Water. Though she doesn’t have enough to make a difference, unless…
Yes, Shaeula is offering her aid, her all. She is condensing every drop she can and feeding it to me. We will endure, we will not falter. So you must fight with every speck of will you have too!
That’s right! Eri chimed in too. It’s only some damn wind and lightning. We used to get thunderstorms in the mountains all the time! I was scared of them as a child, until one day we were caught in it together with Aiko, and you made it fun for us! Though you got scolded by father-in-law when we got home, all covered in mud and laughing.
Wow, so embarrassing! Even my sis was there. Sorry I can’t be much help bro, but I’ll cheerlead for you. Uh… don’t get the wrong idea, I’m not putting on a short skirt and skimpy top for you though! I’ll just… oh, you know what I mean. I could tell this time she really was joking about the cheerleader outfit, but deciding to turn the tables, I sent her a thought back of her, Eri and Daiyu wearing such outfits, jumping and waving pompoms energetically. Come on, bro, is this the time for jokes, be serious… but… hey, if you survive this, and come back to us safely, I’ll do it. You would too, right girls?
I don’t need a reason to dress up for Akio. Do you Daiyu?
Such clothes are strange, I have much to learn. But… come back to me and I will do anything. Win! My Dao Companion can do no less!
As the girls did their best to keep my spirits up, I grinned at Hisui, tapping my Eye. “I think I can survive, you know. Now the monk has failed, and it was his Tribulation, the fury is dying down.” My Eye wasn’t much use, looking at either the Lightning or the Wind merely gave me a few broken sentences, long strings of question marks, and the fact they were Divine-Class Fate-Type effects, the most powerful I had ever seen. “And as for my Dao… I may not walk a path yet, or have solidified it into a tangible idea, but… I know.” The thing I believe in, want to nurture, want to empower, want to make my strength. It’s easy. “Connections. The bonds we share. Not just with each other, but with the world itself. This is my world, Hisui. I sometimes get cold feet, it’s hard carrying that weight. The fate of billions on my shoulders, not just humans, but Fae, Yōkai, countless other types of sapient beings I’ve yet to meet… I was just an ordinary guy a few short months ago. Maybe less than ordinary. A coward who ran from connections, from attachments, never feeling worthy or good enough. But I look at the lives I’ve changed, and saved…” Space collapsed the vision fading, and I was back with Hisui in my own Tribulation. Mine-san was the only one remaining there, and she smiled at me.
“I’ve got to go now. Almost done. You grasped it.” She nodded, proud of me. “The emptiness is filled. Nothing hollow can ever resist the Winds.”
As she started to vanish, I shook my head sadly. “Sorry. It’s all I can say. Whoever’s fault it was you died, the fact is you’re dead, and the world’s poorer without you.”
“Thanks a lot.” Mine-san laughed, looking embarrassed, even as she turned transparent. “I’m not her, though there are traces of her in me. I’m the intangible that the Winds gathered to test you. Not real. But what’s not real can be real, affect reality, right? Damn, yeah, I really backed the wrong horse in life. Sucks to be me. Maybe if things could have been different…” She vanished then, and I finished what I had to say to Hisui.
“…they outweigh the times I’ve stumbled, the lives I couldn’t save. And so long as I continue to stride forwards, working together…” I grinned. “You wanted to devour me? No thanks. I’ll fight until my last breath. I owe it to the trainees, to Mine-san, to the innocents who died in Kyoto… to the beings in the Boundary I’ve killed, for reasons good and not so good… but why not take a little look?”
I lowered my mental defences, and the Tiānyì buzzed around, though if any of them closed in and weren’t shoed off by Hisui, I let off small sparks of the golden Lightning, sending them scurrying away. Hisui looked at me warily, touching her burned cheek. “Trying to kill me? That would be petty vengeance and doomed to failure. Though how can you channel the Lightning?”
“I can’t. I’m just diverting it a little. Hurts like hell.” I grimaced, Prominence Dusk drawing in tiny sparks, all I could manage now. “Besides, I have something to show you. Why I can’t lose here.”
With one last suspicious look, Hisui vanished, appearing inside my mind. Looking around, she gasped at the shining spiderweb of lights. No, not a spiderweb. Branches.
“Is this… a tree?” Hisui asked.
“Yeah. You wonder why I came here? This is your answer. A Tree. Of Connections, of Bonds.” Towering within me, my body the trunk, was a series of branches of varying sizes. Some were huge, Eri’s, Shaeula’s, Hyacinth’s, while others were smaller. Those who I held with Lovers’ Link had larger branches than those who were tied to me by being Enthroned, Vassalage, or Kin Bonding in general, and there were others connected too, where our spirits had touched. There’s even Shinkume-no-Hana now. Having taken hold of her, she has her own branch. And…
“Very impressive.” Hisui laughed. “A Dao of Connection. And the Wind…” It was surging into me, trying to erode everything about me, and also reading me, and my memories, my shame, my guilt, my triumphs and losses, happiness and sorrow. And through me… everyone Connected to me. Eri was there, trying to transfer all she had to me, all everyone had to me. And the Winds touched them too. Faint, and weak breaths but… through her, the twins, Hotene-san, Mariko-chan… Mine-san was the only oddity, but perhaps I would understand it in time. Sorry Tribulation, but despite my failures, they all knew I tried. You can’t bully me with their sadness. It’s too late for the dead, but for the living… I shall shelter them all under the shade of my Tree, all our branches woven together…
“…it has little purchase here. Yes, now if only you could survive the Heavenly Purifying Lightning…”
He will! Everyone will squeeze out their strength to the last drop topping Akio up! If I get any dissent, I’ll… I’ll force them!
My bro has this! If only to see Eri, Daiyu and me in lewd outfits. Never doubt my bro being a huge siscon, and a stupidly attentive boyfriend to the others!
I shall Purify him first with Water, so that the Lightning finds him flawless. If there is naught left to Purify, it is merely the fading sparks of an impotent storm.
As the voices of Eri, my sis and Daiyu echoed within me, reaching Hisui, she froze, eyes going wide in stunned shock, and she choked out a thought that I could hear. “How… this is not correct. The Tribulation should have… no, wait…” Hisui felt the Winds blowing. “At this distance from the source of the Chaotic Winds… perhaps… it cannot tell the difference between your bonds and yourself? How… how do such strong bonds form on a backwater world such as this?” Hisui clutched her head, trying to make sense of it all, and I knew I was smiling wryly.
You think I know the answer? I get it, I’m shocked too, but… I don’t hate it. Not at all…
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