Four Hundred And Ninety-OneFour Hundred And Ninety-One
“I don’t like it here, not at all.” my sis complained. We had been winding our way through the passageways made of ice, and they were a jumbled mess of branches and twisting routes that seemed to follow no discernible pattern. At least that’s what it seems…
Using Shaeula’s and my keen vision, as well as some scouting from Aiko’s golden statues, we had discovered that some passageways led to massive concentrations of the toxic, corrosive gas, formed up in strangely shaped caverns. Avoiding those, we spiralled deeper into the separate space that was the inside of the Sessho-seki, but now I could clearly see something was on Daiyu’s mind, by the expression on her face. “Nobody likes it.” I said to my sis, replying to her complaints. “It’s a place where one misstep means death. But despite that… it’s not as dangerous to me as Nebisuki implied it would be. But… Daiyu, your thoughts?”
“I am no expert. Bear in mind I am merely speculating…” She prefaced her words with that warning, and her earnestness made me smile. Patting her head gently, I waited for her to continue, while my sister whistled, my display of affection improving her gloomy mood. I never quite get why sis is so invested in my love life… “While I am more practised in Talisman-crafting, though my skills are far inferior to the Cultivators of old, I have some passing familiarity with Formations, after all, did we not secure a Formation during the Kyoto struggle?”
Hearing her, I used my excellent memory to remember the paths we had taken, as well as the ones we didn’t that I’d seen. Looking at them, and comparing them to the runes inscribed on the Yin-Yang Karmic Measure Desolation Formation… No, it likely isn’t a coincidence… “So you’re saying this is some sort of Cultivation Formation, using the layout of the space itself?” I asked her, and she nodded.
“I believe so. The unnatural order of the passageways seems to describe several parts of a runic Formation. I recognise some from the Karmic Measure Formation, as well as several I saw in the old records and legacies of our Sect. Of course, expecting me to hazard a guess at what the Formation does from that is like asking a fish to fly. I am no carp, becoming a soaring dragon.” She seemed apologetic that she didn’t know, so I intensified my hand, stroking her long black hair soothingly.
“That’s where you’re wrong. We’ll all become dragons in the end, and I’m glad you’re a girl, not a fish. I wouldn’t want to cuddle a fish.” At my words she flushed adorably, her mood lifting. “Besides…” I raised the more important point. “We can hazard a guess at what the Formation does, can’t we? And the more important question isn’t what, but…”
“Who.” Daiyu agreed. “To arrange such a Formation… it is a great work, such as from lost Kunlun. No mere Foundation, or even Accumulation or Perfection of Self Cultivator would be capable of this. Golden Core perhaps?”
“I have travelled across the lands you call China.” Nebisuki mused. “I have met Cultivators, fought them, killed them, listened to them talk, after…” She paused, deciding not to say more. After a long exhalation of breath she continued, ears down and tails waving. “…grandmother vanished long, long ago. Cultivators live long, but even one of these Golden Cores, as you call them, would have succumbed to the withering grasp of time.”
Daiyu nodded. “Indeed, Cultivation is not merely about power, but is the pursuit of true immortality. Until one reaches the legendary realm of Saint, the mortal body will eventually age and die.”
“So, you are-are a Saint then, Akio?” Shaeula giggled, and I shrugged.
“Different routes to the same result. Cultivation basically massively strengthens the spiritual body and through that the physical, right? But even an unageing Material body won’t lead to true immortality. Even spiritual beings age and die.”
Shaeula and Nebisuki both agreed. The stronger the spiritual being, and the firmer their will, the longer they could endure, millennia no bar to their existence, but eventually even the spirit wearies, and once the will to endure falters, existence will gradually come to an end. “So that means that whoever set this up is dead, right?” My sis asked. “But… Tamamo-no-Mae is supposed to be as strong as Nurarihyon, isn’t she? Or the King and Queen of the Seelie? So… just how did the Golden Core Cultivator do this in the first place? Are they that strong?”
“I do not know. From the records, I would suspect they are a match for Akio, in some respects, but not in all. It does concern me…” Daiyu admitted. After our realisations, we had more questions than answers, but there was nothing to do but push on ahead.
“In that case we shouldn’t linger. The only way we’ll find out the answer is if we see it ourselves.” There’s definitely more to this than we know…
“At last…” my sis breathed a sigh of relief. We had been trudging through the dark space for hours, and it was starting to affect our moods. Having to constantly be alert for the dreadful poison which could inflict pain and death with a moment of carelessness, as well as navigate through the seemingly meaningless passages, many of which curved back in on themselves, forming descriptive runes, was certainly a trial, made worse by the darkness kept at bay by Nebisuki’s foxfire. It was worse for Shaeula and me, as our wind element was used to keep us safe. Chen Na, fortunately, was in a better spot, as when her barriers were cast they didn’t take much maintenance. Only Nebisuki, and to a lesser extent, Daiyu, seemed fine. Nebisuki was wagging her tails eagerly, while Daiyu had been studying the passageways, trying to discern any of the functions of the grand Formation.
“This should be the nexus, the centre.” Daiyu agreed, having mapped out the pathways in her mind. “If my speculation is correct. I think… I wish I had some writing implements to make sketches…”
I felt her birthday present, the Spatial Ring, sitting in my pocket. A little regretfully, she hadn’t received it yet, as her birthday wasn’t until tomorrow, but if she had it, perhaps she would have filled it with useful items such as those. Fortunately I remember, and have a better image of everything through my Eye. I’ll put together a three-dimensional representation on the computer for her. In fact… The supercomputer Hayato-kun and the gang was putting together would likely have applications in studying Cultivation Talismans and Formations. If we could build enough of a knowledge base to simulate outcomes, surely we could achieve tremendous results.
“Want me to send in some Sisters?” my own sis asked, and I shook my head.
“No, I think scouting is a mistake.” My glowing Eye pierced the gloom, and I could see a figure within, immobile. There was something else, too, unseen but the distortions of space gave it away, but I let my consciousness glide over it, pretending I hadn’t noticed. “We’ll go in bravely, but… stay alert. She looks bound, but… this is Tamamo-no-Mae we are dealing with.”
“So it is her?” Nebisuki breathed, and I nodded.
“If not her, then I have no idea who it is.” We blew aside the rest of the poison, it hanging thick and heavy, and entered the spacious heart of the Sessho-seki. Daiyu gasped, seeing the incredibly intricate Formations laid out around the room, tens of thousands, perhaps even hundreds of thousands of runes carved into the floor and walls in repeating, complimentary patterns. She glanced up, seeing even the ceiling was so inscribed.
Nebisuki, however, cared not for that, her eyes on the figure at the centre of the room. She was hanging there, green eyes open, though their lustre was dull and faded, staring at nothing. Stunning reddish-blonde hair cascaded down her back, reaching below her feet, even touching the floor, and nine magnificent, bushy tails were bound behind her. Her figure was ripe and voluptuous, with the largest breasts I had ever seen on a woman, yet they suited her frame perfectly, and the kimono she wore being little more than rags I could see everything. She appeared a woman in her late twenties or early thirties, yet somehow still looked youthful. Though that was offset by her blank, dead face, her wolfen ears flat against her skull. “It is true then. You were trapped here…” she said sorrowfully. “…many have no love for you, grandmother, but… this is cruel indeed.”
“She’s not dead, right?” my sis asked, seeing the tangled chains of red, blue and purple that held her in place like a fly in a spiderweb.
“I do not-not think so.” Shaeula answered for me. Her mystic eyes glowed, and she paused for a mere fraction of a second, glancing at me, but seeing my slight smile, she continued, pretending she was hesitating for thought. Good girl. You know me well. “If you look closely, you can see-see the poison being created from her body, drawn out by the chains. Though the fires of her life are mere-mere embers. A breath would blow it out.”
Daiyu was on her hands and knees, investigating the Formation array. “I recognise this rune… it has to do with karma. This one is… I see. Fascinating. So then perhaps this is an array dealing with Yin energies? But no…”
“Hey, bro…” My keen-eyed sister spotted something else strange. “Over there. There’s some bodies.”
I nodded, having spotted them myself. There were a pair of skeletons in ancient, broken armour, as well as ten corpses of what looked like an assortment of Yōkai. At first glance they looked haphazardly piled there, but the runes around the bodies in the Formation seemed different to the others, my enhanced Intellect and Alacrity allowing me to at least compare, even if I didn’t understand them.
“So I see. The poison… it is a by-product, not the intention. This… this is not merely Formation, but also Refining. How… incredible. Is it… Refining this creature?” Daiyu exclaimed, dark eyes filled with wonder and envy.
It was then loud claps could be heard, and I gave a hand gesture which put everyone on their guard. “It’s about time you showed yourself.” I declared, and suddenly the distortion Shaeula and I had noticed but couldn’t pierce collapsed, revealing a wizened yet still vigorous old man. He was bald and clean-shaven, his wrinkled face with massive, dropping white eyebrows expressive, his brown eyes full of wisdom. Around his neck were a set of japamala, traditional Buddhist prayer beads, made from shining blue stone seeming to be the same material as the Sessho-seki, and his robe was of iridescent, shimmering silk, inlaid with what looked like Talismans, also inscribed on the silk, which fluttered as he moved.
“Amitabha, Amitabha.” He said, clasping his hands together, before saying a long stream of unintelligible words that seemed like Chinese but was quite different. Daiyu frowned, muttering that it must be Kunlun dialect, and the monk paused. His Qi surged, and for a moment I feared an attack, only for a gentle wave to wash over Daiyu. Moments later, the monk frowned in understanding, repeating his words, and this time they were in largely modern Chinese, though his turn of phrase was a little odd.
“I say again, Amitabha, my good new friends. I must say I never did expect visitors to this blighted place, less still ones who could perceive me.” He squinted knowingly. “Most wise, one should never reveal their true hand carelessly.” He looked over at Daiyu, who was gazing at him with a mixture of wonder and terror, and Daiyu opened her mouth, speaking urgently.
“He is… a Cultivator, definitely. His Qi was far beyond mine, able to glean from my mind despite my will and defences. His Realm… it is at least Golden Core, I am sure, perhaps even higher, but… that should not be possible. Kunlun withdrew from the world, and the Earthly Qi that remains is not sufficient to support such an existence!”
The monk let her speak, a compassionate expression on his face, but Shaeula was pinching my hand, painfully reminding me not to let my guard down. I squeezed her hand reassuringly, before glancing at Nebisuki, worried about what she would do. Before anyone moved though, the monk shook his head. “This humble monk is indeed from Kunlun, though… not for a long time. And your senses are refined, young junior. Hmm, less than twenty years old, Peak Foundation stage… not terrible, but not spectacular, although…” He clasped his hands together. “Eye that sees through all falsehood. Perceive!” He pulled a Talisman from his robe, and it discharged a surge of Qi. One of his eyes shimmered in a prismatic rainbow, and he grinned. “…a very solid Foundation. Spiritually Pure Foundation, from Spirit Water, of exceptional purity no less.” Nodding approvingly, he clasped his hands together and bowed, praising her. “Only the Great Sects would have their disciples use such treasures to build their Foundations. I had no idea such treasures remained in this benighted, stunted desert of a world. No, I do you a disservice, young junior. This old monk has lived a long time, and he forgets it is no longer Kunlun’s era. To reach such heights at your age is commendable indeed.”
Daiyu was elated at the praise by a Cultivator of the sort she had never dreamed of meeting, but her natural wariness kicked in, and she merely nodded, glancing at me for advice. Seeing that, I spoke up in Chinese as well. “Do forgive Daiyu any disrespect she has caused. She was shocked to see you here. As was I. After all… Tamamo-no-Mae was sealed many centuries ago. So for you to be here…”
“You are here too, are you not? Perhaps this humble monk simply wandered in as you did?” he countered, knowing nobody would believe him.
“Perhaps. But judging by the phenomenal work done here on this Formation…” I tapped the floor with my foot. “I would think you’ve been working on it a long time.”
“You have caught me.” The monk said cheerfully. “I indeed did construct this grand Formation. Not even those cowards from Kunlun could have done a better job. Alas, now this humble monk is also a destitute monk, all my spirit stones used up, my many treasures reduced to little more than manuals and resources from realms below mine.”
“Just what are you doing here? Why are you torturing grandmother?” Nebisuki barked, finally having had enough. I could have stopped her with my grip on her invisible tail, but instead I allowed it, as I wanted to know the answer too, yet didn’t want to provoke the monk.
“Me? I am simply… enacting justice. This fox was responsible for many crimes, even in the time of Kunlun. Although they do say that many Cultivators carry her blood, including the beautiful maidens of the Dawn Golden Fountain Sect. Alas, this humble monk has dedicated himself to the Dao, so such young women were simply distractions, pleasing for the eyes, though very enjoyable ones. Since then she has enacted many schemes, ensnared and ruined many men and women, even destroyed dynasties and countries. Karma catches up with everyone.” He touched his beads, and once more I felt Qi surge. “I must say, friend, unlike the young junior here…” he nodded again at Daiyu. “I do not much care for the company you keep. Two Yōkai, powerful ones. A Kitsune and a Kamaitachi. Amitabha, I fear they must remain here, and cannot be allowed to further sully the barren world.”
“What the hell is he saying, bro?” my sis snapped, not liking the way the monk was looking at Shaeula. The monk too was puzzled at her language, so he let out his Qi, but this time I drew aether and clashed it together with his radiating energies. The impact shook me, and I held my mouth shut to prevent myself from showing weakness and coughing blood. The monk flinched a little, before wiping his brow, silvery sweat scattering.
“That was rather rude, young man. I was simply trying to understand her foreign words.”
“I can translate. That’s my sister there, and not a Cultivator. So keep your prying out. Show some manners.” I spoke haughtily. Daiyu had taught me one thing about Cultivators that definitely tracked with the few novels I had read about them, which was never to show weakness, else it would be exploited. “She just wondered why you were looking at my companions that way. And let me tell you, we all walked in here, and we’ll all walk out.”
“Will you now? How admirable. Back in my day, the young were so… selfish. The old too, of course. Otherwise the Patriarchs of Kunlun would never have activated the Sealed Paths Encircled Heavens Formation, robbing the world of so much, to form their little paradise.” The monk sneered, and seemed genuinely full of disdain. “Of course, even a paradise cannot support many, so those of us such as your ancestors, young junior…” Daiyu’s interest at his words increased. “…and of course this humble monk… were cast out. Only those fortunate enough to hold one of the fulcrum Seals were able to enter, but alas… this fox here beguiled and killed my good brother, and took his Seal, bringing it to this land.”
I willed Daiyu not to react, and fortunately she didn’t, keeping her usual poker face. “Really? So you wanted to go back to Kunlun?” I asked, not entirely believing his story. Perhaps the monk had been alone too long, as he couldn’t stop all the small twitches and tells his body was giving off, expressing his malice.
“Oh I shall certainly return. This old monk has much to discuss with many of the Patriarchs. Back then, they would not have looked upon this humble monk if I was dying at their feet, but… times have changed. The world too, it seems.” He narrowed his eyes. “You seem like a Cultivator, but your strength does not match your realm. Qi Refining at best, yet…”
“Yes, I’ve only just taken my first steps down the path of Cultivation.” I admitted. “So… that still doesn’t explain everything. In fact… Daiyu said this was a Refining formation. And if I’m not mistaken…” My Eye blazed, and I could see intricate runes carved inside his japamala.
Yang-Drinking Yin-Expelling Karmic Theft Formation Control Beads [Item Class: Imperious] [Item Type: Artifice]
The control key to a monstrously complicated Formation, designed to create a ready source of Earthly Qi of various Elemental flavours by Refining the spirit of a being who has committed great Karmic sins, and converting that into the Yang of power and the Yin of terrible poison. This will inflict unimaginable torment upon the being within the Formation, even scarring their very ????????, but the greater the suffering, the greater the release of potent Earthly Qi and the easier it is for the controller of the Formation to use it to break through their limits.
“…you’re just a parasite, leeching off her suffering.” Sure, the weight of her sins is her own to bear, but this… this is just wicked. “Is that how you survived for so long, waiting in here?”
As the glow of my Eye died down, the monk took a deep breath, before laughing heartily. “This humble one survived because I must. It is true, she would not speak where she left the Seal she stole. She claimed to have lost it, left it behind in some rundown shrine. Do you have any idea how many shrines there are in your wretched land?” He let out a great belly laugh. “Of course, even if she had handed it over, I was simply a mere Golden Core, I could be squashed like an ant if I returned by those old wretches…”
“A mere?” Daiyu marvelled, Golden Core being a dream far beyond her reach until now.
“So I needed to reach higher. But my life would not last, especially in a starved world such as this.” He seemed to relish talking, perhaps having been alone with Tamamo-no-Mae for such endless years having made him strange. “Honestly, I am no fighter, no Cultivator of the Dao of Swords, or Martial Arts, or any Element of note. But this boastful one…” he changed his manner of self-address. “…was a skilful master of the Six Noble Pursuits, especially Divining, Refining, and Formations. I made a wonderful Formation for the daughter of the great Ten Thousand Flower Throne Sect, a brilliant Spirit Funnel, which could draw in Earthly Qi from far and wide, allowing faster Cultivation even in a world running dry of resources. It took five years to craft, and many of my hoarded treasures. Five years may seem nothing to a Golden Core Cultivator, who can live for more than two hundred years, but I was already past my prime. In exchange, I was to be taken in, offered aid to reach the Nascent Spirit Realm, giving me a lifespan of a number of centuries. Instead… betrayed, left out as Kunlun sealed itself away.” The monk’s eyes burned brilliantly. “When benefits are involved, nobody can be trusted, young junior.” He lectured Daiyu, now looking like a kindly old man again. “Even your brothers, sisters, lovers, parents, masters… they can all betray you. To say nothing of those who only see you as something they can exploit.”
“Not everyone. My Dao companion will never betray me. Our hearts became one. And he has given me much.” She looked at me fondly.
“Amitabha, Amitabha. If you must be naïve, so be it. The young never listen, and even the old can fail to be wise. I too trusted unwisely. Fortunately, I am kind. I offer you this chance. You and I, girl. We shall be master and disciple. You have talent. I wish to start a new Sect, and crush Kunlun to dust for its betrayals of us all. You must hate them too. I dare say the treachery of their retreat has never been forgotten. It was not merely I who was cheated, debts left unpaid, karma heavy and burning.”
“I must decline. I am Matriarch of my own Sect, though so far it numbers but two. Though tomorrow…” Daiyu smiled at me, showing her affection, and I patted her head again.
“Yeah, tomorrow’s your day. And you wanted to finally start accepting disciples.” I agreed. “So, how does that lead to this?”
“I Divined an answer.” The monk said proudly. “And I defeated this treacherous fox, trapping her within this painstakingly crafted formation. It took nearly sixty years to perfect, though fortunately the layers of sealing were rather swift. By this point my life was ebbing, but… with the Qi drawn from her heavy karma, I was able to break through, extending my life. Though sadly, it seems she has given up the struggle, and will soon perish. She was far livelier in the early days, cursing me to many cruel fates. Then she pleaded, offering me her body, her heart, treasures and more if I would release her. Threats, pleas, silence, guilt. All meaningless. After all… my Formation is a work of genius. Those greedy dogs in Kunlun, fighting over scraps while stealing from the rest of us… they do not know what they have done.”
“You bastard!” Nebisuki snarled, angered at his casual disregard for Tamamo-no-Mae. “Have you no compassion, so-called monk?”
As I exerted my will, forcing Nebisuki to heel, she shot me a reproachful look. Meanwhile, the monk shook his head.
“Compassion? The Buddha will forgive her sins, and may she enter the wheel of reincarnation cleaned of the wicked karma she has accumulated. I have done her a great favour, and in turn have been justly rewarded. And in doing so, I discovered a true new method of Cultivation.” He looked at Daiyu again. “It would not take you long to break through the Realms. Accumulation, Perfection, Golden Core… the formation remains, even if the fuel burns low. And…” he glanced at Nebisuki and Shaeula meaningfully. “…the poor company you keep would sustain you.”
Daiyu bowed, but shook her head. “I have chosen my path. And even before that, I wish to believe I was not so cruel as to burn the lives of others for my own gain.”
“Every action takes from others. Food you eat others cannot, to find a Dao Companion, you deny others the same chance, to Cultivate, resources must be gathered, be it by guile or might. But I digress. Amitabha, it seems your journeys end here. But I shall give you one last chance. I have little interest in the little girl there…” He nodded at my sis. “Or the woman.” And then at Chen Na, who was listening silently, face pale. “…but you I find interesting…” he said to me, eyes gleaming. “Your vision is sharp. I must know how it works, make it my own. And those two… well, Tamamo-no-Mae is providing little reward, it is time for fresh karma to be injected.”
Shaeula’s hand tightened in mine, and the monk addressed Daiyu again. “Think carefully. It is a lonely road, Cultivating, and I would appreciate some company along it. You are not from Kunlun, so we have common ground. If the name of your Sect is so meaningful to you, I can adopt it. Think carefully before you turn me down…” he repeated, but Daiyu once more denied him.
“I do not care whether you are a master of the Six Noble Pursuits, and could teach me much. Or whether you have reached the heights of Nascent Spirit, such that any modern Cultivator could only imagine. I walk my own Dao, and my Dao Heart will not countenance such. Better a dog with my own conscience, than a tiger with no self-respect.”
“I don’t know what she said, but judging by the look on his face, that was one hell of a sick burn…” My sis observed the change of expression, the monk indeed glaring, his jovial mask slipping.
“I see. The young, they seldom understand. Amitabha. Karma is indeed heavy in this place. Once picked up, it cannot simply be put down. Foolish. But this wise old man understands. So be it. Regrets are too late now. I am not merely who you believe me to be. Let me introduce myself. I am in fact the Saint of Swallowed Sorrows. Nascent Spirit? Foolish. Were that my only breakthrough, I would have withered away long since. No, I passed the Tribulation, and shed my mortal body, becoming a true Saint! How else can I live to face Kunlun and extract repayment on my betrayers and their descendants?”
We all exchanged glances. A Saint? That’s bad, right? Daiyu certainly seemed to think so, sweating profusely. Even so, she showed no signs of backing down or grovelling, which angered the Saint. “I commend your bravery, at least, young one. Now… you will all never leave this place!” Suddenly his Qi and League surged, and we felt a great oppression blanketing us. My sis staggered, face pale, and Shaeula frowned, her eyes blazing amber as she fought back.
“This is bad.” Nebisuki hissed. “If he can defeat grandmother, and is stronger now, we are not his match…”
“You say that, but there’s hope…” I didn’t have time to elaborate, but while near-certain death seemingly awaited me if I came here now, Uranai prophesised that should I wait until just after the Quest in the Fae lands, the danger would have dropped. Just how much stronger would I be then? Which means that we must be on some sort of border in terms of the difference in our strengths. And… there’s one more thing… “Old monk, just how did you defeat Tamamo-no-Mae? Her power should have been well above yours.”
The monk grinned, raising one hand high, ready to attack. As if proud, he confessed. “Indeed, the sinful wretch was doubtless powerful, the greatest Kitsune that has ever lived. But she was too careless. And had accumulated too much karma. Many hated her, so…” His hand pulled one Talisman from his robes. I immediately cast water bullets, and the Talisman was torn to shreds before he could act. That provoked him, and his anger intensified, the thick aura of Qi around him palpable. Narrowing his eyes, he cursed me.
“You have no manners. If you wish enlightenment, let this wise old monk speak!”
“I would, if you were just speaking.” I countered, bringing snorted laughter from Shaeula and a smile from Daiyu.
“Amitabha. Let this monk enlighten you then…” He frowned, and this time he rapidly unleashed a Talisman, before I could stop him. Qi shone through the Formation, and the still, staring Tamamo-no-Mae shuddered imperceptibly. The chains started drawing the venom from her, and it was transmitted into a number of the corpses. “…those who wished to seek vengeance, I led them here, and let them battle. The site I chose was well prepared… and with their own hatred, they fuelled this prison. So pitiful.”
“Says the man who wants revenge on Kunlun…” I scoffed. The dead rose, flames formed from the deadly mist that the Sessho-seki exuded, revealing a pair of skeletal samurai, clutching blades that shone with the venom, as well as a number of Yōkai, an Oni, a Tengu, and three haggard women wearing frayed rags of cloth, with sharp fangs, pale skin and long talons like knives, all animated by the karmic poison. Six corpses remained still, however, and the monk spoke, his tone wry.
“The Six Paths Six Revivals Talisman, you destroyed the other. How vexing. But…” The monk clasped his hands in prayer. “…the prideful fox fell before us, and I am far greater than ever I was. Your karma is to end your days beside her. Perhaps she will once more smile, seeing one of her kinsfolk strung up by her side…”
As he gloated, my sis summoned her full array of Golden Sisters and five of them sprang into existence, and were immediately protected by Chen Na’s bubbles. Daiyu leapt backwards, ready for combat, and Shaeula too prepared her best moves. Nebisuki looked lost for a second, before she yelped, my hold on her tail tightening.
“Pull it together!” I warned. “You wanted this, so… time to fight for it!”
At my words, she shook herself, coming out of her confusion. “You are quite correct. This was what I chose. So…” she glowered at the monk. “The Saint of Swallowed Sorrows, you say? How fortunate.” Her tails lashed, and her power surged, revealing the true majesty of one of the powerhouses of the Hyakki Yagyō, foxfire dancing around us in tens and hundreds. “Because I came well prepared, with those who can fill you with sorrow until you can swallow no more and burst from it!”
At her words I nodded, drawing Storming Moonlight. There’s more to this story, I can tell. But… the only way to get the answers is to fight, and the only way to get out of this alive… is to win!
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