Four Hundred And Ninety-Two

“Little Kitsune, you should not be so proud.” the monk declared, tone imperious. Immediately, his Qi surged, becoming almost tangible, forming a pair of giant hands several metres across. Daiyu narrowed her eyes, shocked at the display but drinking in the details, yet she didn’t halt her movement. “Amitabha, teaching the sinful the meaning of their karma weighs heavy on me.” The hands of Qi slammed together, but at the last moment I jerked Nebisuki away by her tails. She squawked indignantly, but quickly realised I had saved her as the impact rang out, striking etheric sparks that brightened the gloom momentarily.

Daiyu used that moment to launch her attack, Spirit Water bullets leaving her fingers, but the Oni, now a half-decaying corpse animated by fiery flames of toxic resentment, gave a mindless roar and swung its fists. The water bullets were blocked, but the Oni howled in pain, flames sizzling, and for a moment it faltered. My sis didn’t miss the opportunity, and her Golden Sisters charged forwards. The hands of Qi swept out, slamming down, but the hands were repelled by Chen Na’s barriers, even as they wavered from the force of impact, shards of ice and clouds of poisonous mist scattered as the statues were thrown backwards.

Shaeula too reacted, though the Tengu headed for her, supported by the three wraith-like female Yōkai. Seeing that, Shaeula laughed heartily, unintimidated. “This-this again? The dead do not-not make good warriors. They have naught to fight for. Besides…” Water element surged, the orange gleam of spirit water riven by shining indigo surrounding her. “Daiyu has-has uncovered their weaknesses.” Water surged into whips and bullets, and the Tengu staggered, flames dimming. One of the female Yōkai perished too, shrivelling up and turning to ash, but moments later it reappeared, making Shaeula frown. Her eyes gleamed, and she let out a troubled sigh.

Meanwhile, the monk was shocked, yet not afraid, merely curious. “Amitabha, how fascinating. Such Spirit Water… a treasure indeed. I fear I must squeeze every last drop from you, it is too precious allowing a mere Kamaitachi to carry such. As for you…” He looked out over the golden statues that were suddenly engaged by the two undead swordsmen, the pair of them managing to face all of the golems at once, blades meeting in a series of vicious clangs. “This wise and powerful Saint knows external power when he sees it.” He made a noise of disappointment. “Taking advantage of external power is the way of Cultivation and praiseworthy, but such power must be made your own, not merely used. Power you do not control will surely control you.”

My sis didn’t understand him, cocking her head, only to suddenly be beleaguered, as the monk gestured, Qi that he had stored within the ice-covered walls of blue stone bursting to life. “Arbuda Naraka. May your suffering cleanse your heavy karma!” Ice started shaping into grasping, searching hands, reaching out for my sis. Daiyu, seeing this, reacted, and she leapt to confront the hands. S~eaʀᴄh the novel(F~) website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“As for you…” the monk declared solemnly. “You are the same. Nirabuda Naraka!” A dozen blades of glittering ice formed and slashed at my sis and Daiyu. I reacted, Foehn flaming to life, shattering the blades, but despite that, one managed to pierce through, invisible hands guiding it, more holding back the Foehn. Daiyu shoved Aiko out of the way, and blood bloomed, one arm severed clean off at the elbow. With a groan, Daiyu bit her lips, the stump showering blood for a moment, before it froze, her skin blistering and turning blue.

“Daiyu! No!” My sis cried out with a pained roar, but Daiyu merely shook her head.

“Borrowed power. I too thought the same.” Daiyu calmly told the monk. While she distracted him, Nebisuki rushed towards Tamamo-no-Mae, only to be blocked by the three Yōkai. They dashed in, spewing poisonous smog, talons gleaming with ice and fire, but Nebisuki’s foxfire obliterated them. Moments later she was through, only to cry out in pain as the three Yōkai were back, claws cutting her flesh and fur, swarming around her, spitting venom.

“They-they are not three beings, but two-two!” Shaeula called out. “I do not-not understand how it works, but they return when slain.” The Tengu wasn’t so lucky, and now Shaeula was dealing with the Oni, wind laden with Spirit Water disintegrating it cruelly.

“More barriers…” I ordered Chen Na, who started calling them up on everyone, even as Daiyu calmly bent down and picked up her severed arm, it also turning blue and freezing over. I just need an opening. But can it be that simple? My death is supposed to be almost certain here… what can I do to change that?

“But now I realise, borrowing power is not so bad, as long as the one lending is someone you trust or love. And even if not…” She pushed the stump of her arm against the severed limb. She gritted her teeth, and Spirit Water surged, scattering her blood, before the ice melted and her Divine Favour acted, the flesh knitting together. She groaned, wiggling her fingers weakly. Even with Chang’e’s rapid healing that has only grown stronger as Daiyu has, that arm won’t be useable any time soon… I focussed my spatial energy as subtly as I could, ready to use Void Motion and behead the so-called Saint of Swallowed Sorrows and finish this.

“…power I need now is better than power I do not have. A starving man does not turn down a bowl of rice, even if it comes with bad intentions!” She gestured insultingly, and the face of the monk twitched, his calm façade cracking. Now!

Space shivered, and I moved. I felt a sudden searing pain, cold blistering my body, and as I reappeared, I swung Storming Moonlight, lightning wreathing the blade, aiming at the monk’s neck. His head had turned, meeting my gaze, a slight smile on his face, as he caught the tip of my sword. Lightning flashed, but he didn’t seem to feel it, instead, looking at me as if I was something pitiful. “Such bad manners. This wise old senior was lecturing a junior in the proper path, and you interrupted. Futile. And now you shall die.” He waved his free hand in a gesture of prayer. “Amitabha, my perception covers all this sealed space, and the space itself is a place of suffering, ice to cleanse the suffering and balance the fire outside, and the karma that cannot be expelled lingers. You will now suffer all the torments a sinner such as Tamamo-no-Mae bears.”

Indeed, I was covered in a layer of frost, despite my strength my skin was blue and full of chilled blisters. The venomous, burning poison was also tormenting me, but I merely ground my teeth together and forced a smile. “You say that…” I gasped, as blisters burst painfully, spewing silver and red blood. “But you aren’t that quick.” The Monk looked down in realisation at the blood running down his neck, staining his pristine robes of rainbow silk. The cut wasn’t deep, but it proved one thing. I have the edge in speed, perhaps…

“It proves you are insolent.” The monk declared, surprised. “But your best chance is gone, and I still have my head.” Giant hands of Qi tried to slam me, but I leapt backwards, wrenching my sword free from his grip. Moving was hard, my flesh painfully frozen, but Ether Healing was fighting back. It couldn’t erase the chill yet, but it prevented it penetrating much more than skin deep. As for the venom, it still burned, but Ether Healing has acclimatised to it, rendering it largely harmless. That confused me, though. He’s strong, sure, but… I don’t think he’s unbeatable? So where’s the catch?

The Golden Sisters were overpowering the two swordsmen. They were far less skilled, but the blades of the undead couldn’t penetrate the barriers around them, so using their bodies to block strikes, they flailed and struck, bones shattering. My sis, tears in her eyes, was now fending off the arms of ice rippling from the walls and ceiling with her bow, blazing arrows shattering them, while Daiyu, continuing to distract the monk, bought time for her arm to recover fully. “This… this is not your power. You lecture me, when you are a parasite, leeching strength off others? If you wish to gain strength from others, there are ways that respect the heart.” Daiyu’s tone was scornful, and that seemed to provoke the monk.

“Junior student, do not mistake this proud monk’s kindness for weakness. I am no soft persimmon, to be ridiculed so by a mere stripling who has not even started her Accumulation.” He rubbed at his neck, the wound my blade having caused already closed up. “You speak of Dual Cultivation? A crutch for the weak who cannot face their Dao alone. This wise monk has no use for the pleasures of the flesh!”

“Alone we are weak. Together, strong.” Daiyu insisted, shrugging. “I too thought as you did, and disdained the thought of opening my heart to another. But I was wrong.” As Daiyu spoke, Shaeula was supporting Nebisuki in trying to defeat the last of the reanimated dead, the trio. They were constantly killed, yet immediately reappeared, until Shaeula had had enough, pouting in frustration. Raising her hands, she let out a brilliant surge of lightning, and all three were struck. This time only one sprang back into existence once the brilliant afterimages died down, and Nebisuki threw herself at it, foxfire flashing, tearing it apart.

“So long-long as the strike was not-not at the exact same time to kill, the third, false-false one perished and returned.” Shaeula pointed out. “But lightning moves fast-fast indeed.”

“I share my heart and my Cultivation, and grow stronger together. You… you steal and pervert. This… whatever this is, is not the work of a Cultivator, but of a demon!” Daiyu finished, and the monk’s expression was no longer calm, but had twisted into one of hatred. I was preparing, readying Prominence Dusk, as I felt his Qi surge, as well as his League, the space itself shaking, violet sparks flickering to life around us.

“A demon? This monk, a demon? You go too far, junior student. This kind monk has been generous, sharing wisdom, even offering his tutelage, but you throw back it in his face.” He growled, before addressing Shaeula. “You are right, these dead things fuelled only by residue of karma cannot compare to them when they were alive. Those who sought vengeance, those who bore hatred, those who wanted to fight… many had reason to hunt Tamamo-no-Mae. I gave them purpose, led them… and fed them to her. She was strong, magnificent.” He paused then, glaring at me. “Another surprise attack? How … insolent. Amitabha!” His Qi hands turned into a formless mass, spreading out over the frozen inner space, vanishing in a spray of purple. Tamamo-no-Mae shuddered slightly, though made no sound, and suddenly the Prominence Dusk I was building collapsed, the elements rebelling against my grasp, my aether scattering. “Much better.” It wasn’t just me, the Golden Sisters failed, as did Chen Na’s barriers. I wasn’t sure what had happened, but the monk seemed unperturbed, calm again, his slight smile gloating.

“She slew them one by one. At first she toyed with them, then fought earnestly, then desperately… finally I triggered my Formation. Even now, this Saint would struggle to match her in battle. This pious monk is merely a pursuer of the arts, not a warrior. I abhor violence.” He touched his prayer beads, and seemed to mean it. There was another vivid flash of purple light, the veins in the rocky walls, barely visible under the ice, pulsed like a heart, shining brilliantly, and space trembled, as if we were still outside, feeling the trembling of the volcanos.

Daiyu spoke up, suddenly pained, her rapid healing having ceased. “This… you sealed the space from the outside.” She stumbled to her knees, coughing up blood, while my sis collapsed like a puppet whose strings had been cut.

“I was telling a story, junior. My wisdom, the first and last Saint of this benighted world since Kunlun betrayed us, should be listened to with open ears and open heart.” He scoffed. “I was telling you how I trapped the greatest of foxes. Even then, she nearly overpowered me, but eventually, she weakened. Oh, you likely cannot hear me. A shame.”

I see. He’s been alone too long, he feels the need to talk. It’s… All connections were indeed isolated from outside, and that worried me. The Silver Cords… if they are cut… Shaeula would survive, as she was a Spiritual Being, and Nebisuki didn’t possess one. Chen Na would also live, but Daiyu and my sis would die… This is it… the monk is powerful, sure, but I don’t think we can’t beat him, especially not together. So, what changes between now and after the Quest?

Outside in the Material, I panicked as the connection between my other self was cut. No, I could still feel it, but it was disjointed, disorientating. After all, I’m one person, with one set of thoughts. It’s like… a massive burst of disorientating static, though. Dedicating my Split Thoughts to making sense of everything, my combat power dropped significantly, but at least I resynced.

What happened? Eri’s voice rang in my mind. Aiko’s started convulsing, and Daiyu is bleeding badly too. Is everything all right?

No it’s not! The space has been isolated, their Silver Cords aren’t connecting properly. Get Selensha to the Material, call on Nie Ling and make it happen. I want their bodies healed constantly…

Eri quickly sent back an affirmative, while I dedicated myself to finding a solution. I had the advantage, that for some reason my connection was still functioning. It did feel like it was momentarily severed, but no, it just seemed more distant. There’s no way that it can be entirely isolated, as despite being two bodies, both are me, and one mind exists across both. I imagine if it was severed, one body would simply dissipate.

Inside the Sessho-seki, the situation was bad. Shaeula was suffering some damage from the connection to her Material body being lost, though it was minor, a little blood trickling from her mouth, nose, ears and eyes. She was more concerned about my sis and Daiyu, rushing over to them. That left me struggling to control my elements and aether, though unlike my sis and Daiyu, I wasn’t relying on Divine Favours, so I should have been able to use my Prominence Dusk, yet it was hard to manipulate my energies, every time I tried they seemed distorted, foreign.

“Breaking the great Nine-tailed Fox, a being feared and envied even in Kunlun… it proved that brains, craft and ingenuity can defeat power. A demon, she called me… her eyes could not see Mount Tai, it seems. I am that which swallows the sorrows of demons. And I shall soon swallow the strengths of all your sins, your karma. Enough games… here in this space I created, I am the sole deity!” He waved his hands, and the poison surged, impregnating the ice all over the walls, and now it wasn’t just grasping hands, but screaming faces, the walls, ceiling and even floor sprouting with them. “Atata Naraka!” The temperature was dropping. Fortunately, my Ether Healing was functioning despite the disruption. It seemed like internal elemental essence and aether could still be used. As my skin flaked off and froze in alternate moments, I ignored the pain, rapidly searching for a solution.

“This is bad-bad, Akio!” Shaeula called. Chen Na, without the protection of her bubbles, was beginning to freeze painfully, and the hands were dragging at her legs, trying to pull her down into their dreadful embrace. Nebisuki was torn, wanting to rush at the monk in a rage or to run to Tamamo-no-Mae, but instead she charged over, tails slashing out like knives, severing the icy hands. Poison touched one of her tails, and she screamed, before in an act of supreme sacrifice, lashed out, severing the tainted tail from her body before the poison could spread and kill her. Blood scattered, and she grabbed Chen Na over her shoulder. Shaeula had retrieved my sis and Daiyu likewise, but she was being beleaguered by the attacking frozen hands, a face lurching on a sudden long neck of ice and biting her, poison seeping in. Shaeula screamed, but her Ether Healing was strong, keeping her from instantly dying.

“My precious tail. I am mutilated, a shameful, fallen Kitsune.” Nebisuki sobbed. “But…” Her eyes showed her fierce anger. “I would give all my tails to see this scum perish.” She growled at the Saint of Swallowed Sorrows, only for him to laugh heartily.

“How droll. A fox with nine tails fell into my clutches, what can you… a mere four… no, three tailed fox do to me?”

At his scorn, I shot back an insult, buying me time to think. It was hard, most of my Split Thoughts used to keep the Silver Connection synchronised. I did notice my spatial element was draining from me, perhaps all that was preventing the connection being fully severed. Despite those pressures, I still had very high stats, so my thoughts were mercurial and quick. I still think I can win, but… death is near certain. If this space is sealed… no, I’m also outside… unless… I glanced at Shaeula, who was suffering gravely, her brigandine being clawed to shreds by the grasping icy arms, her legs visible and covered in deep scratches, discolouring from the dreadful poison. If Shaeula dies… Pledged One… will it kill my Material self too?

“Amitabha. You should surrender to the weight of your sins. Tamamo-no-Mae will last barely a handful more years, it would be good to have an injection of fresh karma.” He clasped his hands. “And I can be merciful… but who should I deal with first?” His Qi formed the hands again, and a massive blade of ice, some ten metres long, was wrenched free from the walls. Seeing that, I made ready to strike, but Shaeula shook hear head, amber eyes filled with pain. My Eye glowed, and I could see she was pouring all her aether, which was not insignificant, into strengthening her Ether Healing, adapting to the poison even as it was killing her. Her Skill Ranked up, even as I watched, and only someone who knew her as well as I could tell she was suddenly relieved of a burden. Throwing Daiyu, who was somehow retaining consciousness, her face twisted with incredible pain, and my unconscious sis to Nebisuki who caught them with her tails, she turned to face the monk.

“This is my-my battle. You need to come up with the solution, Akio. Else Daiyu and Aiko will perish, and even if we win, that will not-not be a triumph. Though not-not the end either.” She nodded at me, and the thought reassured me. There’s always Kin Restoration. Although… The poison was dreadful, made from wicked karma, and I worried it would destroy the spirits of its victims, preventing restoration. Wait, Kin Bonding… a bond?

I suddenly had an audacious, terrible idea. As Shaeula let out a cry, the monk swung the great icy blade towards her, powered by his hands of Qi. She spun her pinwheels, the turbulent disruption of our efforts not seeming to hamper the elemental wind and lightning contained within the bluesteel. The wires struck the blade, and ice shattered, wires slicing it. The Qi hands struck, sending the pinwheels flying, but lightning discharged, and icy arms and faces exploded into powder in a radius around Shaeula.

More arms reached for me, but I crushed them with fists and feet, the poison scattering from me. My Silver Connection worked, and Daiyu and my sis both shared Kin Bonding with me. That meant… I connect to the Material. So… Rushing to Nebisuki, my eyes widened as another pair of Qi hands appeared, holding spears of ice. The long lances thrust towards Nebisuki and her cargo, but I blocked them. One shattered, my fists smashing them, while the second pierced me clean through spreading the deadly frost to my insides, my blood freezing ruby red and pink. I flexed, and the ice lance shattered. Flame element flared internally, just a barest whisper to cauterise me, and I coughed, as Nebisuki looked at me, eyes wide.

“Don’t get the wrong idea… you’re protecting my sis and Daiyu.” I snorted. “Now…” Daiyu was trying to mutter something, forcing the words out of a desperately unresponsive mouth. Unfortunately I couldn’t understand her, but I had hopes I soon would. If this works, of course. It’s insane…

My Eye shone, and I reached out. I grabbed something, two somethings, and as Qi hands surged towards me once more, I threw out aether in a faltering surge, slamming them aside. The monk was being distracted by Shaeula, who was now stained with blood, a number of icy spikes pierced into her, her skin turning blue, so he was unable to give me his full attention. Evading the second strike of the Qi palms, I was now carrying Nebisuki over my shoulder, who was in turn carrying three women, a comical sight. All of my senses were attuned to the Silver Cords of Daiyu and my sis. They hadn’t been severed, I could tell, but the flow of information was blocked, unable to exit the space we were in. It was the same as my Silver Connection, but the two of them had no way to reinforce the communication. That meant I had to give them a way.

“Whatever you are doing, do-do it quickly!” Shaeula coughed, even her blood now sluggish and starting to freeze, as well as smoking with the venom.

“It is all useless. Flies struggling within the web of a spider.” The monk said, his tone kind. “To think you can face against a Saint in this domain, even for a moment, is praiseworthy indeed. But I grow weary. Hahava Naraka!” The arms that were reaching from the icy walls broke down into chains and started coiling towards Shaeula like whips, coming from all angles. I threw out flame element, it dispersed, but the torrent I conjured lasted long enough to shatter some of the chains, leaving Shaeula enough space to evade. Then time seemed to slow down for me, as the amount of information that was passing through my Silver Connection vastly increased. My brain started burning, freezing blood leaking out from my ravaged body.

My sis convulsed, puking out a mixture of blood, vomit and silvery mist over Nebisuki. Daiyu, eyes wide, nodded with deepest respect to me, suddenly able to move again, though she was in terrible condition.

It is a Formation. It must be. Spatial-based, to seal of the inside of the Sessho-seki. It does make me wonder… for a Saint, this monk is rather… weak. Even for a practitioner of the Noble Pursuits, he should be able to crush us in a heartbeat. Yet here we stand… If it is a Formation, then… from inside and without…

Daiyu hopped down, unsteady on her feet. My sis was next to open her eyes, and her thoughts were wry. Wow bro, I… can feel you? Everything about you? And… you can feel me, right? I… I can’t get married anymore. You’ve stripped me bare to the very soul, right? Penetrated every part of me…

I knuckled her head gently, despite the rampaging pain in my mind. Split Thoughts fortunately Ranked up, alleviating a lot of the agony, as further instances were suddenly available to me. Don’t be stupid. Even if it was as perverted as you made it sound, which it most certainly isn’t, what does that have to do with getting married? This isn’t the past, you know. It’s not like… I tried to stop my thoughts, but it was too late. This wasn’t Telepathy, this was me functioning as a transmitter for their Silver Cords, merging them along my Silver Connection and connecting to the Material through my other body, but the side-effect was that the Silver Cord transmitted so much of the spiritual of a person, thoughts, feelings, emotions, senses… it was all a bit bewildering, but it worked.

So you admit it then! You’ve finally gone and done… ouch! I rapped her head gently, before taking her from Nebisuki and setting her down. “Enough. Help Shaeula. Buy me some time…”

“You got it, bro.” My sis said, suddenly all serious, seeing Shaeula having been beaten brutally by the chains, one arm snared, the chains trying to haul her up into the air. She unslung her bow, pulled an arrow free, and it flamed into life, confirming my earlier speculation. The burning arrow severed the chain, and Shaeula rolled to her feet, my sis, despite her own poor condition, injured by the period when her Silver Cord was constricted, holding her body up with sheer determination, reaching for another arrow.

“Now I am curious.” The monk proclaimed, for a moment his icy attacks flowing to a halt. “You Yōkai, I understand. But humans should be cut off from the mortal realm, and death should quickly follow. Yet somehow you can resist. Do enlighten this seeker of truth.”

A chance. His loneliness and curiosity gives us a respite… “It’s simple. I’m not merely a mortal or a Fae, but both at once. In both realms at once.”

The monk nodded. “I see. Cloning Arts… no, if it was a clone, they would be separated. Split Body Arts. A wonderful diversion. Annoying, but wonderful. Though that does mean… you have to perish here! The Kitsune and the Kamaitachi will be Cultivation enough. Best to remove unexpected obstacles…”

His Qi hands withdrew, suddenly forming dozens of small, round orbs of Qi. Utpala Naraka! Bloom!”

Back on the Material, I realised it was strange. Why have a Sessho-seki here too? Fortunately, I could still manipulate my elements without troubles here, so I called on earth element, quickly twisting and breaking into the stone, the blue cracking. It took an immense amount of strength, but fortunately the Bezoar was supplying me. Poisonous fog surged out, and the ground around me trembled, unleashing more plumes of sulphur, but wind swirled around me, keeping it at bay, except for what I needed to fuel the Bezoar. Within, I found the answer, a series of what would look like inclusions of ore to the untrained eye, but they were clearly inscribed with intricate, tiny runes. Daiyu, sharing my senses intimately, able to see and feel what I did, recognised a handful of the runes. That one… it seems to be spatial in nature. I cannot comprehend it, I am too unlearned, but… destroy it! Earth element in brilliant crimson surged from me, and the plate resisted, but then I unleashed Foehn, and the plate quivered. No, that’s not enough. The Formation Plates protect themselves. It was ingenious, the Saint could truly be called a genius. If Kunlun had many more like him, then if they returned we would definitely struggle. My Eye shone, and back in the Boundary, my sis threw up again, overwhelmed by the shared information, clutching her head. Daiyu held on, though her nose bled copiously.

“Spatial element to protect itself from all attacks, huh? Shifting them into the Dungeon? But… I can do that too. Void Motion!” Foehn flickered into existence, before vanishing, and suddenly the plate cracked, flames streaming from the gap. It wasn’t enough, but in moments I had found another couple of plates with matching runes, and with a cracking noise, violent purple energies threw me back as the plates melted.

Frozen lotus flowers burst into life within the Sessho-seki, and for a second the monk thought he had won, only for him to look up in surprise, as the ceiling cracked, jagged fragments falling, ruby energies surging, twisting the surrounding space. Shaeula suddenly crashed through, lightning flashing, her pinwheels surging for the monk’s neck, and he jumped back, though not before taking a second wound there, blood scattering. Daiyu then unleashed her Spirit Water, bullets streaking towards him, while my sis shot arrow after arrow, as well as bolts of light.

I still can’t call on my Golden Sisters, bro. Do something about it! Daiyu doesn’t look so good…

“Working on it.” I grimaced. “Prominence Dusk!” At the second time of asking, I was able to call upon the umbral ring of darkness, fringed in radiant light. The nearby lotus flowers were drawn in, shielding Nebisuki and Chen Na, and not just that too, the nearby karmic poison was absorbed. Darkness permeated them, and the combination within was… interesting. The effect compounded, forming a crystal of darkly shimmering concentrated venom, corroding the space around it.

“Here, you wanted the karma… take it.” I waved a hand, and the chunk of ice flew out. The monk drew in his Qi hands, but with another flash of spatial element, I had it bypass his defences. He pulled a Talisman from his robes, and called out “Mirror Refle….” But the crystal of ice, venom and darkness burst apart, and the monk screamed.

There has to be more to it than this… My thoughts raced. I now understood why one would need earth and wind, and to be in both realms at once. Interfering with the rock took a great deal of earth element, and breaking the Formations from within seemed unlikely. The weak points were the Plates buried in the Sessho-seki in the Material. The monk was strong, but even as I dug deeper into the rocks, cracking more plates, feeling relief as Daiyu suddenly accelerated, her connection to her Divine Favour restored, her ravaged body healing again, I thought the danger too… manageable… to be in line with Uranai’s prophecy.

There was a shattering sound, and several of the chains holding Tamamo-no-Mae disintegrated, sending her crashing to the ground. As she hit it, Nebisuki rushed over, freed from defending the others. “Grandmother!” she called out, eyes wide, only for the monk’s cold voice to curse and spit out some harsh words, and the space around us quaked. “Padma Naraka!” Blood scattered, and Nebisuki tumbled backwards, one more tail and her left leg severed, ice and poison rapidly corroding her.

“Now this monk is truly at the limits of his patience.” His robe was mostly gone, his flesh melting away, yet Qi was radiating from him, keeping the deadly exhalation of Prominence Dusk from inflicting fatal damage. “If you do not cease damaging my Formation, it is not simply this monk who will regret it. The karma will be heavier than you can bear. Your death will be certain and final!”

At his words, I frowned. Certain, final death? A coincidence, or a desperate attempt to regain the advantage? There was no way I could stop the assault now, or the murderous monk would finish us off, and Nebisuki needed urgent aid, or she would die in mere seconds. Daiyu, thinking hard, suddenly sent me a thought. I had believed I relinquished her Silver Cord, now that the spatial blockage preventing the connection from transmitting was destroyed, but our connection still lingered. Akio, I think I understand. Such cleverness, such recklessness. It did not make sense, how one could go to Sainthood from Golden Core, even plundering from such a power as Tamamo-no-Mae. And he seems too weak. Yes, he is a Saint, but…


Obviously none since the days of Kunlun have ever seen one, our Realms can never reach so high, but… the Tribulation! The space is built to hide him, and why he will not leave, despite Tamamo-no-Mae likely being useless to him. He fears the Tribulation he has unjustly avoided!

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