Side One Hundred And Eighty-Seven – Shiratori Himeko, Shirohime

Side One Hundred And Eighty-Seven – Shiratori Himeko, Shirohime

“And that was Kill Your Love!” the lead of Blackrose called out, as the music died. “Though…” She smiled at her fellow groupmates, all of them with the glow of exhaustion and contentment that came from giving a great performance. “…I think today is all about showing love, wouldn’t you agree?”

“Yes, we’re very honoured to be here.” another woman nodded cheerfully. “Just like Kyoto, the tragedy of Choe-Museon has touched the hearts of a whole country, and we pray for the victims there as well.”

“We’re often at odds, sadly…” the third idol agreed. “I know that relationships are strained between South Korea and Japan. But we don’t like that. That’s why Blackrose is always in your area!”

Shiro nodded at that. Blackrose had indeed released an album where their songs were sung in Japanese, so despite being Korean, they were greatly popular in Japan, and having them here was quite a coup.

“Yes, and… we’re grateful to Oshiro-oppa…” the last idol declared, and at that Shiro rolled her eyes, a little irritated. I know it’s just an honorific, like we Japanese use, but seriously, calling Aki older brother, all these women…

Feeling threatened, princess? Tan’s lazy voice echoed through her mind. It seems these women are rather famous…

Me? Threatened? Oh please, I’m Shirohime, and Aki’s madly in love with me. Besides, it’s only natural women admire him. But I’m surprised, I didn’t think you had much interest in music, Tan?

I do not, it is true. My foolish, debauched sisters, they wallow in pleasures and call upon many creators of music and other entertainments to idle away their endless hours. I was far too disciplined for such. Though, I felt it was wise to listen here, after all, the truth of a world is revealed through its culture. And for now, I have little better to do…

There’s nothing wrong with appreciating music and entertainment. In fact, it’s one of the things that makes life worth living. Shiro’s face was momentarily crossed with a bitter frown. It was all that kept me going, for a long time. Escapism, enjoyment… it’s all valuable. Perhaps… that’s what your sisters were doing? It seemed to be a shock, the Buddha not falling for any of you?

There was a long silence in her thoughts, before Tan replied, and Shiro could feel her irritation. I was beautiful, charming, unspoiled, and though my father bade me turn him from his path for petty reasons, I would have been a faithful woman for him. I would consider abandoning his journey for me a small, insignificant price to pay. So yes, I was indeed shocked, as were my sisters. But I am stronger minded than they. I did not succumb to my disappointment and… cavort… as they have.

Instead you shut yourself away, until you saw a chance with me, right? I mean, being a shut-in is time honoured tradition here in Japan, so it’s not like I don’t get it. But… it’s a lonely life. Fortunately, it’s never too late to start appreciating life, as I’ve discovered. So, just how long have you been shut away?

You should know better than to enquire of the age of a maiden, princess. Suffice it to say I am as old as I appear. Besides…  As the idols of Blackrose finished their speech, pleas for unity and tolerance that made Shiro nod, Tan finished her thoughts. …time is a difficult concept for we Gods, and those, who like us have unshackled themselves from mortality. As you will likely find out. It is not the length of ages, but the moments within that define age. And I… have been on hold, you perhaps might say, princess. But now the frozen moment is moving once again. This chance…

You think we’re going to win? Of course we are… Aki’s got this. Especially with your help, Tan.

Let him prove himself worthy first. I am not a woman to surrender lightly. Though…

She tried to hide her thoughts, but Shiro was getting better at picking them out, or perhaps Tan cared less than before, and her lips quirked into a wicked smile. Yeah, screw the Buddha. When we meet one day, we can rub it in his face on what he missed out on, and how you got over him and moved on…

Get over? Do not be insolent, princess. I had no love for him, though my pride demanded I give my all should he have been Allured by me. But yes… ‘screw’ the Buddha, as you put it so succinctly. I am not old… Tan insisted. …not as we immortal beings reckon age, but… I have waited long for satisfaction. It would certainly be a great pleasure for my work here to bear fruit, this opportunity I seized the one to break my chains of isolation and allow me to be more than my father’s daughter. But for now… I grow weary of this conversation.

With that, Tan was silent once more, and Blackrose had said their final words, more fireworks and pyrotechnics blasting out into the arena. They’re kind of awesome. Anyway… yeah, why should I care about idols that fancy Aki? There’s already Keiko. Besides, compared to me, most idols are plain and uninteresting. Yeah, no problems here at all…

Arisu was back speaking, and Shiro grinned. You go girl! You’re doing great, your comeback starts now!

Yasu seemed equally excited. His sloppy smile always amused Shiro. Her friends were all so… full of life, something Shiro used to envy. Fortunately now my own life is full. Too full, sometimes…

“Awesome, you think we’ll get to meet Blackrose if we go backstage? I mean, AKB0048 is great and all, but we’ve been to the café in Akiba enough times and met a few of the members, it’s… it’s not the same!”

“Should you be getting so excited over meeting some cute idols?” Aimi teased him. She had seemed a little down, perhaps because her boyfriend wasn’t able to make it, but she had soon perked up, seeing the acts. Aimi’s always so relentlessly cheerful, no way a little loneliness will keep her down.

“Yes!” Yasu insisted. “Karen-chan would totally understand. I mean… you’re happy too, right Shugo-kun, Hayato-kun? Don’t deny it in front of everyone, I know you are! Even you’re stoked, right Aimi-chan?”

“Guilty as charged.” she laughed. “Hina-chan understands…” Indeed, Hina knew that it was impossible for Hayato to remain unmoved by a great idol performance, but she also knew he wasn’t the sort of guy to hold thoughts of unfaithfulness. It was like admiring famous actors, it was harmless enough. Not that I ever had any celebrity crushes. Although you could argue Aki’s a celebrity now…

“…Akiko-chan might not get it, so be careful, Shugo-kun! She looks a keeper, so don’t blow it and end up like Yasu-kun!”

“Hey, I’m not a loser! Karen-chan thinks I’m great!” Yasu insisted to Aimi’s warning, to some laughter. “Besides, I’m not the only one here without my partner!”

“Low blow, Yasu-kun!” Aimi sniffed, before taking a moment, and then glancing over at Shiro. “After all, Akio-kun isn’t here either, so Shiro’s all alone too!”

“I’m never alone.” Shiro insisted, grinning. I’ve always got Tan. Honestly though… the day we part will come. Though before that there’s a long way to go. And by then… if Eri can do it, I most certainly can. Okay, she can be a bit frustrating, but she was kind to me when I first came into her life, and she’s the only relationship to Aki that comes close to mine, as a childhood friend. Well, if you don’t count Aiko of course. Since Aki’s such a relentless siscon…

Pulling out her phone, Shiro opened one of her group chats. For a phone that only had her gang of uni friends she was here with and Aki before, now it was stuffed with various contacts and groups, but the most important one was the one she teasingly called ‘Aki’s harem’. “See? I can get real-time updates on how Aki is. Eri’s always listening. Aiko is right, she’s definitely got yandere tendances…”

“Yeah, and you don’t?” Yasu shot back with a rare display of bravery.

Oho, bold, bold. Shit, Yasu, you forgot I’m Shirohime. Anyway… yes, I’m a bit annoyed Aki can’t be here, he’d love it, he may not be as much of an idol fan as his sister, but he certainly does like cute girls who can sing and dance. Sadly…” she glanced down at the messages from Eri, ignoring the replies from the other girls. “…looks like Aki’s been busy enough. Seems Hinata’s demanding he take some bitch for all she’s worth… so knowing Aki, it’s probably some hot woman…”

“Are things always this… lively?” Akiko asked, still holding a large bag, full of the small figures they had won from the merchandise gacha during the interval. Of course they had to participate, it being only natural. Oddly enough… Shiro glanced at Yasu, who had been the most fortunate of them, and had pulled the ultra-rare figure of Arisu. Maybe your luck is changing?

“Sorry, Akiko-chan.” Shugo put his arm around her shoulder smoothly. “I can carry the bag, you know?”

She shook her head. “It’s fine. I know you all want to wave your glowsticks. It’s surprising, but a little amusing.” Akiko denied his kindness. “They’re not heavy, just little plastic figures. Though with the big heads, they look kind of cute.” Akiko had actually pulled a good figure as well, Tamami from Red and White. The rest of them had scored ordinary idols, such as from AKB, and Shiro hadn’t forgotten how Yasu had teased her over not getting the Akio figure that like Arisu, was ultra-rare. Don’t think I’ll let you get away with that! This Shirohime’s wrath is subtle, and strikes when you least expect it!

“Yeah, the style is very popular in gacha capsule machines. Of course, if you want to buy the real thing, the one to eight and one to six scale figures… that’s going to set you back a lot of money. Even more here, as it’s for charity.” Shugo explained patiently, a little flushed as Shiro, Aimi and Hina smiled warmly at the two of them. Yeah, they look good together. I approve.

“That one of Arisugawa-san was incredible…” Akiko mentioned the star of the collection, available in very limited qualities. Shiro couldn’t help but stand taller, proud of her friend.

“I was tempted to buy it, but…” Yasu shot Shiro a wary look, and she snorted.

“Yeah, Karen might find it odd. Arisu certainly would. Anyway… it’s nothing unusual for us.” Shiro grinned. “In fact, Aki’s room has plenty of figures, manga, anime and other things. Plus he’ll be getting a copy of all the prize figures, I’m sure. Shit, not sure how to feel about that…” Yeah, it’s only Arisu’s that weirds me out a bit… oh well, no point worrying about it.

“It’s very strange.” Akiko laughed, a cute giggle that made her seem a little younger than she was. “At first, hearing about Oshiro-san, he seemed an ordinary guy, a good friend, but then I discovered he was the Hero of Britain, and superhuman! Then… chatting like this about him, and his silly hobbies… I’ve come full circle. It makes him seem more like us, more real…”

“No kidding.” Hayato agreed. “Though honestly, Akio-kun’s always had a bit of a strange life.” He looked at everyone, and they all, except for Akiko, intoned the same phrase together.

“The dog, right?”

As everyone smirked, Hayato nodded. “Yeah, the dog. Saving his sister and childhood friend… fiancée now, I guess, from a dangerous wild dog, even getting injured doing it… it’s quite the story.”

“It’s reassuring…” Hina spoke up. She was still wearing glasses with a fashionable frame, though her eyes were fine now, but without them, she felt rather nervous, she complained. Despite Hina having grown bolder now she was engaged to Hayato, she was still rather shy at heart. Change is good, but sometimes lack of change is comforting. I think Hina and the others feel the same…

“…that Akio-kun hasn’t changed too much. Of course, he’s more confident and outgoing now, and far more charming…”

“Watch out, Hayato-kun, or Akio-kun will steal Hina-chan away from you…” Yasu teased, and Shiro rolled her eyes, before disagreeing.

“He’s not into NTR, Yasu. But if anyone should watch out, it’s you. Little Hisano definitely looks up to him, doesn’t she?”

As Yasu grimaced surlily at that, spluttering, Hina continued. “…don’t say that, even as a joke. I love Hayato. But… as I was saying, Akio-kun… he’s still himself. Which makes me reassured. I know he won’t go on the wrong path.” She smiled then. “If he does, you’ll stop him, won’t you Shiro?”

“Damn right.” Shiro agreed, standing tall, chest puffed out proudly. “Shit, I’d knock some sense into him. But honestly, I’d have to queue up. Eri’s the same way, and the others… but, subject change. Yasu, stop pouting like a girl. You don’t have to stay with us, you could have followed Hisano backstage, you know?”

Yasu sighed. “No, she’s right. She is. It’s just… hard to adjust, you know? Shy little Hisano-chan seems to have vanished, and I miss it, you know? But… I’m not such a petty man.”

As Shiro crossed her arms in an x-shape to doubt him, he snorted. “Honestly, I’m not, come on guys?” At their nods, he smiled, relieved. “See, I’m happy for her growth, but… to me, she’ll always be shy, quiet and needy Hisano-chan. It’s hard to change the way I see her.”

“I think she was never as shy as you think.” Aimi disagreed. “I’ve talked to Kana-chan and the others, Hisano-chan only got involved in this as she stood up for a classmate who she thought was being bullied. That takes guts. She’ll go far. Honestly, she’s already been asking us a lot about what we do. She’s serious about getting a job with Akio-kun’s faction after graduating.”

“Yeah, she’s a clever kid too.” Hayato agreed. “Opportunities like this shouldn’t be passed up. It’s why we all quit to work for Akio-kun, isn’t it? Well, that and our friendship and wanting to help, of course.”

“Yeah…” Yasu conceded with a sigh, rubbing a hand through his messy hair. “I get it. It’s just… like… an instinctive reaction when I see her. Karen-chan’s told me it’s stupid too. She’s right, Hisano-chan’s old enough to look after herself, and… damn it, it still annoys me though!”

“It’s always uncomfortable to see people growing up.” Akiko agreed. “I have a younger cousin too, she always used to cling to me when I visited, now she barely talks to me when I’m there. But life goes on. Listen to teacher, Yasu-san…”

“You can be less formal.” Yasu shrugged, grateful for her understanding. “We’re all friends here, Shugo-kun’s good buddies, so… we’ll be close for a long time, Akiko-chan!”

“He’s right!” Aimi agreed, before she frowned. “I have a message, excuse me…” Glancing at her phone, her expression brightened. On seeing that, Hina giggled softly.

“Oh, that must be from your boyfriend. You were so down earlier.”

Aimi nodded, holding in a sigh. “I shouldn’t be mad, he’s got to work. We’re not all free to come and go as we please. Akio-kun’s a very relaxed boss. But it seems like his overtime paid off, the project he was on was a success.”

“So, will we be meeting him after all?” Hina asked, and Aimi shook her head.

“Not today I’m afraid, last minute loose ends, but soon, I promise. It’s not like I’m hiding him from you, I know you’ll like him just as much as Akiko-chan.”

“Why so happy then?” Shiro asked, and Aimi shrugged.

“Apparently as part of the reward for his hard work, he’s a guest at the big event at this luxury hotel on Tuesday, and he can bring a partner. It’s a super exclusive hotel, one you normally can’t even get a reservation at, and there’s a meal laid on, an open bar…”

Hotel, huh? Makes me wonder… Firing off a message on the Adamant group chat on her phone, Shiro listened to the others talk, smiling and nodding along where appropriate…


“The donations have been extremely generous, Arisu-chan!” Fumie was saying, and beside her, Ken nodded.

“Yes, especially from our overseas viewers, and those from Korea. Don’t worry, we’ll repay the favour. I’m sure our Japanese stars would be only too happy to donate their time and performances to any fundraisers for the families and surviving students of Choe-Museon Academy.”

“Yes, we appreciate every donation, from the meagre to the generous. For what it represents is not just money, but the wishes and hopes of the donator.” Arisu agreed.

Yeah, there’s been a lot of good that’s come out of your appearance, Tan. Meeting you, of course, and finally getting with Aki. Suzu too, obviously, and even Bunta. But… meeting Arisu was a miracle. She’s amazing. Shit, I’m the perfect princess Shirohime, but I sometimes wish I had Arisu’s poise, drive and determination.

Your own determination is hardly so weak. After all, were you not prepared to allow your world to fall into my clutches? Yes, you believed me to not be a tyrant or a devil, partly due to my Allure, but… even so, it was bold.

Nah, I’m just selfish. Still am, if I’m being honest. It’s… still hard for me at times. Not to share, no, I don’t care about that. I knew Aki had others. It’s just… I have a bad habit of deciding things on my own without talking them through.

Some would call it decisive, but yes, I can see why that would cause problems here. But you can work on it. You have time.

Shiro nodded, glancing down at her phone. Answers had come from Hinata, as well as Arisa and Nozomi. It was the Tengokusentou apparently. And was both good and bad news. Privately, Hinata had said it was annoying that it wasn’t their efforts alone that had brought it back into the nobility’s hands, but that since it was their pressure applied, it would still reflect well on Aki, even if not all the glory would be theirs. Hinata had been invited to this event too, and would try and make it, but that would depend on how their troubles in South Africa ended and when.

Hinata will do her due diligence, she’s a clever girl. All right then… Shiro half-listened to Arisu and her co-hosts, who were now joking about Arisu’s scale figure, and how despite the exorbitant price, it was selling as well, if not better, than the majority of idols. The other half of her attention was on her friends, who were speculating about the final act, the second headliner.

“I’m at a loss…” Shugo was saying. “We’ve had AKB already, and a few other big Japanese idol groups. Coupled with Blackrose… honestly, nobody else leaps to mind.”

Aimi nodded animatedly. “Totally. Honestly, I think it’ll be a curveball. Maybe a male idol group?”

“Careful Aimi-chan, your proclivities are showing!” Yasu smirked. “Keep your BL smut out of our pure idol fantasies!”

“Hey, some male idols have good songs too…” she complained. “What do you think, Hina, Shiro?”

“I’ve no idea.” Hina shook her head. “Shiro probably knows though, since she’s close to Arisugawa-san and Akio-kun?”

Shiro smirked. “Actually, she never said. She wanted to keep the surprise. I do know one thing though. Apparently it’s not strictly an idol group. So maybe a solo artist.”

“Huh. No way?” Yasu raised one eyebrow. “Then… maybe the Empress of Pop?”

“Ayumi-sama? That’d certainly be a coup, if so…” Hayato mused. Everyone’s expectations were through the roof, and as the conversation in the host’s box wound down, it was time for Arisu to announce the headliners.

“So, for our final act, we have a very surprising foursome for you all.” she began, and Yasu frowned.

“So it is a group then. Guess I was wrong.”

“Tough break…” Shugo patted his back reassuringly.

“Shush!” Aimi whispered, as the crowd had fallen near-silent, only the waving of glowsticks showing they were still alive. The anticipation was palpable, as Arisu finished her introduction.

“They need no preamble, for their fame precedes them. And gathering the four of them was an act of international cooperation that required a significant amount of string-pulling, And of course, connections.” Arisu smiled ruefully at that, looking particularly fetching. “So, I shall let them speak for themselves. Without further ado… for this collaboration is a one-off that likely will never be repeated… I announce… the Royalty of East and West!”

The stadium went pitch black, and then just like with Blackrose, four spotlights appeared, only two were a mixture of red and white, while two also contained blue. They illuminated four people, and two of them, Shiro recognised, blinking her eyes in surprise. Really? Shit, Arisu certainly knows how to get things done, her comeback is going down in legend…

“Hey, you were right after all…” Aimi teased Yasu, but Shiro wasn’t listening, as Arisu declared proudly some shocking words.

“In solidarity, showing the close ties and shared joys and sorrows between our two countries… I present to you, from Japan, Ayumi, the famed Empress of Pop, and our Imperial Princess, Mikasa!”

Yukiko, who was in her gold and red shrine maiden hakama, had her usually rather dowdy long braid decorated with bright crimson and gold ribbons, and her glasses were absent. She did seem uncomfortable without them, and from talking with her and Tsuki, Shiro knew she wasn’t exactly comfortable in the public eye, but she was still a beloved Imperial Princess. Besides, that ship has sailed. She’s a Chosen of Amaterasu, the Priestess of Ise, and more importantly, she’s our friend and comrade. Staying out of the public eye isn’t something she can aspire to now…

Ayumi was a woman of middle age, but was still radiating an aura of vitality, and while Shiro hadn’t been a particular fan, her music was everywhere in Japan. But Arisu wasn’t done, as she announced the other two.

“From Great Britain, I present the best-selling artist whose new album is surely going to destroy all records, Adelaide, and… her Royal Highness, the granddaughter of the Queen of Great Britain, and Chosen who has fought alongside our very own Oshiro Akio, Princess Eleanor Windsor!”

The crowd went wild, glowsticks waving frantically. Adelaide seemed calm, obviously used to such crowds, but Eleanor exchanged a wry, nervous glance with Yukiko, and Shiro had to smile. Eleanor was wearing a deep green gown with golden highlights, bringing to mind the Armour of the Green Man. Yeah, she’s another rather shy Princess, isn’t she? I’ve no doubt she and Yukiko will be firm friends. Probably more. Eri’s not wrong, they’ve more flags than a military parade…

“Uh… shall I go first?” Eleanor asked, and with a gentle, relieved smile, Yukiko nodded.

“Please do. I am finding this immensely unnerving.”

“As am I. Oh well, grandmother said I would have to make more public appearances, especially now.” A brief ripple of nervous laughter passed through the watching audience, before Eleanor coughed, clearing her throat, and then spoke. “It’s… an honour to be here. An honour I could certainly have passed over, I’m not much of a public speaker, less… less a singer. But don’t get too excited. Princess Mikasa and I only have one chorus on two songs. Even that… let me tell you, my hands are shaking as much as if I was facing terrible monsters. Oh… perhaps not the most terrible though.” she confided. “Anyway…” She glanced at Yukiko, who gestured for her to continue. Eleanor coughed once more, and then got to the point.

“Honestly, we know your pain, citizens of Japan. While the deaths in London were scant in comparison… it was only thanks to aid from your shores, and some of our own brave warriors, that we didn’t suffer a worse calamity. And… Britain will not, I will not forget that. So here I am. It’s a little embarrassing, and not something I considered a Princess should do… but then grandmother reminded me of when she was part of the Olympic opening ceremony, and not to be a wet blanket, and how much I owed Akio, so… oh, I’m babbling. Just… let it be known we stand together!”

“Well said!” Yukiko stifled a smile at her fellow Princess’ struggle. “I grieved when your brother was wounded, Miss Eleanor, and am glad that Akio-san was able to help him and you.” She then addressed the crowd and the watching worldwide audience. “I too am Chosen. Amaterasu has blessed me. I find it amusing, as we have long said we were descended from such a Goddess. Not that we can nowadays. Although… if we have proof, I would think it should be allowed.” She winked, covering her nervousness. “Kyoto, the volcanic eruptions, London, Choe-Museon Academy, many other disasters worldwide big and small… if we stand as one, united, we can weather them. Hence why Miss Eleanor and I are here, when we would rather shirk the spotlight.”

Eleanor nodded firmly at that, and Yukiko continued. “It’s certainly a pleasure to see the outpourings of support, and I especially thank our international guests, such as Blackrose. I rather enjoyed your songs. As for those donating… or buying gacha prizes… sadly, there is no version of myself or Miss Eleanor… but… online donators have a chance to receive an Adelaide, or an Ayumi-san, though unlike Blackrose, who were in the gacha here on site, to keep the surprise, just in case, these two weren’t. So anyone who bought a gacha can present their receipt to the merchandise area for a free draw to win one. Though the chance is ultra-rare, I’m told.” She looked embarrassed, faintly red under the spotlights. “Really, I feel a little disappointed in our country, that this is a thing, but…”

“I think it’s cute…” Adelaide said in English, someone obviously translating for her via her earpiece. “Maybe I’ll steal the idea for merchandise on my upcoming tour. Especially for the Japanese dates!” S~eaʀᴄh the ηovelFire.ηet website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I’m not part of the usual idol scene.” Ayumi chimed in. “I’m more a singer than an idol, but… it’s interesting being treated more as such for once. And a chance to duet with honoured royalty, and an artist I respect… it fills me with happiness!”

“Me too!” Adelaide agreed a few moments later, having caught up. “I’ve never considered it before. But… I never thought I’d be appearing with a Princess, let alone two! When I was approached for this, I couldn’t turn it down. Just like everyone, I watched with bated breath the chaos in London, seeing Prince Henry so grievously wounded. I cheered when the Princess was safe, and was awestruck by Akio and Shaeula, and the others who were involved.”

Shiro smiled with pride, listening. The others teased her about her involvement, and she simply shrugged. Yeah, the press conference was wild. I sometimes forget I’m famous…

“Anyway…” Ayumi finished. “Our songs, they’re meant to bring us together. Just like our two countries are joined as one, to weather this storm. So… if you could say some final words.” She nodded to the two Princesses, who exchanged looks.

“In that case.” Eleanor, who had been speaking in English, translations being piped over the stadium speakers, switched to passable Japanese. Makes sense she’d be learning. Sure, Aki and most of the rest of us speak English just fine, but she’s a fairly responsible woman, even if her views on relationships are a little… old-fashioned. She’s making an effort though…

“…do enjoy the show. And please, don’t criticise my singing voice.”

“For me…” Yukiko smiled shyly. “Also please don’t complain too much that I can’t match up to Miss Adelaide or Ayumi-san. And yes, as Miss Eleanor said, please enjoy the show, and more importantly, the message, that we are not lone beings adrift in the dark, but all holding our torches together, banishing the night!”

“As expected from a priestess, very profound.” Eleanor chuckled. “Anyway… Miss Adelaide, Ayumi-san, if you would…”

The two famous singers from West and East nodded, and the first song began, one of Adelaide’s famous hits, her unique voice joined by Ayumi’s, and when the chorus hit, the crowd waving their glowsticks frantically, strobe lights flashing on the stage, the two Princesses began to sing, faces pink with embarrassment. “We could have had it all…”

Shiro smirked, thinking that Aki certainly was unfortunate missing this, and looking around at her enthralled friends, and Akiko, who seemed surprised but excited to see the British artist Adelaide here, she asked Tan if she was enjoying the show.

I am more interested in the two Princesses. Especially the one who smells of an old, powerful flame. Her power would be delectable, and a fine match for me, but alas…

Yeah, if you try and eat Yukiko, Aki will be your enemy for sure. That’s for… no, I won’t crack that joke now. Honestly though, if you’re a good, patient girl, you’ll get your reward anyway, won’t you? Aki’s got this.

Do not talk down to me as if I am younger than you, princess.

I thought you said that you weren’t old at all, that frozen time doesn’t count? Shiro grinned triumphantly, having scored a victory in their banter.

I am not. But I am still your senior, your ‘senpai’, as you would say. You have a great deal of faith… it is almost blinding…

Of course I do. And I’m hardly alone in that, am I? We all believe. And… I know you do too Tan, I know you do too. So stop being all tsundere and just admit you’re eager to see if he can really do it, no, when he does it.

There was a long silence, long enough for the song to finish, and this time a Japanese tune began, Ayumi’s hit Fairyland, and as Shiro watched the two Princesses again raise their voices in song, Tan finally responded.

I would indeed like to see it. And have I not invested much in him, in you? Adherence, knowledge and more. I believe I should see my reward.

And you will. Though… then you’ll have to pay up too.

A loud snort rang through her mind, rather unladylike. If I must pay up, it shall be you that suffers most, princess. For how else can I…?

Shiro blinked, before bursting out in laughter. Don’t worry about it. After all… I still owe you a great deal, Tan, even if you were using me. Because… you still cared enough about me to try and make me happy. So… I want you to be happy too.

Her only answer was a comfortable silence, so Shiro merely shrugged, and went back to enjoying the spectacle that would maybe never be seen again, two Princesses singing together. Although to be fair, throw in Shaeula, hit some karaoke and we could go for the triple. Hell, Aki could definitely make that happen. If we filmed it and put it on a streaming site, we could make a fortune…

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