Side One Hundred And Eighty-Six – Emily Jade Oshiro

Side One Hundred And Eighty-Six – Emily Jade Oshiro

“Cheers!” Emily giggled, clinking her glass against Hana’s, before swinging it around and bumping it against the one held gingerly by Tsukiko-chan’s mother, Kaoru-san. Taking a swig of the sweet drink, Emily leaned back in her chair, content. This is the life! Surrounded by family, and beautiful daughters-in-law! And having a drink or five in the afternoon!

“You should be careful, dear.” Taichi spoke up, frowning, his greyish eyes with just a hint of brown so like their son’s, making her giggle again.

“Careful? Why?” Emily asked, taking another deep sip of the cocktail. “I’m fine, I’m fine!”

“Yeah, leave her alone, man.” They were conversing in English for the benefit of their two Korean guests, one of which, the punk, aggressive and totally cool Violet, was chugging a beer across the table from her, heedless of the looks she had received on the way in, her arms bare in a black tank top, despite the December chill. Tattoos are cool! I know the Japanese hate them, and think they are only for yakuza or women of ill-repute, but I like them! And her attitude’s really fun too!

“Let unni drink, she’s a big girl.” Violet let out an unconcerned belch, making Emily giggle yet again.

“I know.” Taichi rubbed at his temples. “But Emily is a notoriously poor drinker. A lightweight, as the British would say. While getting Chirurgery has improved that somewhat…” he gestured to Emily with one hand. “You see?”

“So she’s a bit red-faced. Shows she’s enjoying herself.” Violet defended her.

“So be it. Then you can look after her, Kang-san.” Taichi conceded.

“I told you, call me Violet. I haven’t got time for that shit… err… sorry, my bad. Akio-oppa tells me you’re not fond of profanities.” She scratched her cheek, a bit disconcerted. “But… I have a bit of a foul mouth. And now I’m a Hunter, well… soldiers swear like troopers, right? Most men that come out of compulsory military service have fouler mouths than when they went in. And we… we fight scarier things than night drills and trench crawling. Right, right?” She looked around for support.

“I… have some experience.” Tsukiko-chan admitted, and Emily was once more lost in admiration. She’s so utterly beautiful, I can hardly believe my Aki has bagged such a woman! Although Shiro’s the same. None of the girls are plain at all, even dear Eri-chan is a beauty, but… something about Tsukiko-chan catches the eye. It’s… she seems so otherworldly, refined and noble. Although also rather sad…

“However I can hardly say it has coarsened my language. Although… when I died, I did feel the urge to swear bitterly, curse the Gods, but… fortunately in my last moments I had something else to distract me.” The elegant girl’s skin flushed nearly as deep a red as her eyes, and Emily covered her mouth with her hand to hide a smile.

That’s my boy, always making the right moves! He must have got his charm from me! Taichi’s rather too fond of projecting a stern front, rather than being romantic. Honestly, it seems a miracle we got together, looking back on it. I guess… I just like hard workers?

Kaoru-san and her elderly husband Taro-san both looked ashamed and troubled, but Tsukiko-chan, good girl that she was, saw and consoled them, despite the rather difficult relationship between them. “Do not worry, mother, father. My faith remains undimmed. How could it not? I am the Diviner, and also Matsumuro Tsukiko. But even the Gods are prisoners of this vast universe, and I know they are not omnipotent. After all, not only noble Tsukuyomi, but if I wished, I could speak to any number of Kami and Gods. Prince Shōtoku for one, and also Taṇhā, though she is not one of ours, and find out they are limited, not as we are, but by their own troubles. And… it is the end of things that matters. If the path is thorny and bitter, so long as the fruit at the end is wonderful, then all is well.”

“And was the fruit sweet?” their other Korean companion, Yu-mi-chan asked, seeming genuinely curious. “Honestly, I think I kind of get it.”

Tsukiko-chan nodded elegantly, though the still-fading blush made her already youthful appearance seem more innocent, as in a way she was. It’s like a classic fairy tale. The princess all alone in her tower. Tsukiko-chan wasn’t exactly alone, but she was isolated from connecting with others. “I have hardly tasted all the fruit has to offer, but I have plucked it from the branch of thorns, and am delighted, though also… it is somewhat intimidating.” Tsukiko-chan glanced at Asha and Hyacinth, who had also accompanied the group out. I wanted Mae and Nebisuki to come too, but Mae insisted she had to protect the shrine while we were all absent, and Nebisuki seems to be feeling sorry for herself today… oh well.

“There is nooo cause for concern, mistress Tsukiko.” Hyacinth assured her. “Hyacinth was scared tooooo at first. Kindness is nooot something I was used to, or considered a choooice for me. But happiness is something we must wooork on, all of us together.”

Asha agreed. She was drinking juice, rather than alcohol, which was a good thing. While we hardly had any cluse of how Fae physiology worked, and weren’t sure just how our daughters would turn out… daughters, and plural. Apparently Dryads can only give birth to girls, and Asha is sure she is carrying more than one child… Emily and Taichi weren’t comfortable with her drinking, in case it was detrimental to their grandchildren. Fortunately Asha was happy to acquiesce, being terribly easy-going, as well as calm, mature and beautiful. We’re going to be grandparents. I wasn’t sure this day would ever come, honestly, what with Aki being so standoffish, and Ai being… well, Ai, I guess?

“As most of you know, I too was the same. Dying day by day, rotting away, poisoned in body, heart and spirit. But now…” She touched her belly tenderly, and Emily found herself getting excited, thinking about the children, and not just Asha’s, but all of Aki’s yet to come. “…I have the chance to spread my seeds on fertile ground, to fruit and bear new life. I enjoyed your metaphor, Tsukiko. It is apt. The greater the sorrow, the more brilliant the joy when such is banished.”

“I feel a little left out…” Yu-mi-chan confided to Violet. “Honestly, I didn’t want to marry a man I’d never met, even to help save my cousin. I know that’s selfish, but…”

“No way, it’s not at all. I’d never do that shit… uh, I’d never do that, even for my little bro. Sure, if he was in debt I’d raise the money for him, or if he was in trouble I’d fight for him. But I’m a woman, there’s some lines you just don’t cross. So, don’t feel bad over it, Yu-mi. Your dad was a bit of a bastard making that choice for you, to be honest. I’d have slugged him, guilt-tripping you like that.”

“No, it wasn’t dad’s fault. He was desperate. And he didn’t think there was another way.” Yu-mi-chan smiled then, and Emily felt a brief twinge of regret. She’s another good candidate for a daughter-in-law. Well-educated, pretty, good family background, and sure, she’s Korean, but I don’t care about that. Taichi’s not a racist either… oh, calling it racism isn’t a good thing. I guess… the Japanese just have a very insular nature? Anyway… she’s sticking around, so maybe there’s still hope? Making sure not to look at her best friends Hana and Junpei, feeling a little guilty, she listened, draining her drink.

“Anyway, Akio isn’t a bad man, not at all, so fortunately I was spared. I won’t go into detail on the complicated way that makes me feel, but… my cousin is safe and recovering well, and I’ve found something really interesting to do. And you’re on board with it, aren’t you Violet?”

“Sure am! I wasn’t much of a leader, too hot-tempered, I reckon. I’ll let Akio-oppa take the lead on that, and just hit who needs hitting and reap the rewards.”

“I think you’ll have to do more than just that.” Yu-mi-chan giggled. Yes, she’s definitely a -chan now I get to know her. She may not be Japanese, but she’s got that young woman energy! “I want to be a part of this, and I have grand plans. In fact, the first steps are happening today.” She gestured at the screen displaying the concert. They had booked a private room, but outside Emily could hear the ordinary patrons watching too.

“That’s AKB0048, isn’t it?” Emily asked, curious. “I know Ai has some of their stuff. Though I remember when I was younger, it was all about buying the CDs. Now it’s streaming…”

“Yes, three of them are fellow disciples to Eui. You know… I think I need to make time for that training myself.” Yu-mi-chan mused. “I thought only Chirurgery would be enough, but I’m reconsidering after the events here.”

“Yes.” Tsukiko-chan agreed. “Danger comes unbidden, and can spring from anywhere. In fact… Akio and I share a great deal of foreboding recently. It is why Tamamo-no-Mae is wise. Asha’s Tree cannot lie unprotected.”

“Anyway, subject change.” Emily pressed the bell on the table, summoning the waiting staff to bring more drinks. With a glass in hand, Emily waved it cheerfully. “Much as I just love talking about Aki and his love life, we’re here to bond, as a family. Oh, and keep our lovely Korean friends entertained.” Emily didn’t forget Yu-mi-chan and Violet, as they weren’t family. Not yet anyway, who knows what the future holds? That’s why it’s so exciting…

“Are you sure we should be included? We could have stayed back with your parents…” Taro-san nodded at Emily and Hana timidly. “We… are rather old, and our Tsukiko…” he stumbled over her name, unused to saying it. “…we forfeited our rights…”

“No, you did not.” Tsukiko disagreed. “We have been over this too. Though I suppose it is too much to expect a relationship of thirty years to be reset in just a week or two. I hold no grudges, and compared to some, you are hardly terrible parents. I suppose this is why times like these are important. To help us all adjust.”

“Yes.” Taichi agreed. “Like it or not, approve or not, but my son has accepted you, Tsukiko-san… as well as the others.”

“The way you say that makes it sound like you don’t approve, Taichi.” Junpei chipped in, and he shrugged.

“I of course find no fault in Tsukiko-san. Were my son to have brought her home as a bride in simpler times, I would have said he was marrying up without any doubt. Please forgive my blunt speech…”

“It is another benefit of this.” Tsukiko-chan merely smiled soothingly. “Yes, I also need time to adjust, and form new relationships with the other fiancées, as well as with family and friends. Your words, so honest and without preamble, can surprise, but it does not offend, I assure you. As a father, you must be proud to see that Akio has taken on much responsibility and risen to the will of the Gods, Tsukuyomi included.”

“It seems he has taken on far too much responsibility. But when a man decides, he should stick with it until the bitter end, no complaining. So if he whines…” Taichi made a rare joke, making those who knew him here smile. “…do tell me.” He addressed Tsukiko-chan, Asha and Hyacinth. “…I shall show him he is not too old or too strong to avoid a lecture from his father! After all, he will have to learn himself, lest his daughters run wild.”

“Ai would laugh at that.” Emily giggled. “Anyway, you can talk to me too. I’ll set my boy straight if he upsets you, Tsukiko-chan! No way I’m letting you get away now!”

“Speaking of family…” Violet asked, curious. “Just how big is it going to be?”

“Huge.” Emily laughed. Before she could elaborate, the end of the performance caught her eye. “Oh, Arisu-chan’s on TV again!”

“I am not sure you should address Arisugawa-san so informally…” Taichi shook his head, and Emily puffed out hr cheeks in a pout.

“Don’t be like that! Arisu-chan is near-enough one of the family! Aki likes her a lot, and she’s like family to Shiro, which is a good thing. Suzu-chan too.” I know I shouldn’t hate people I’ve never met, and I don’t understand the circumstances fully, but her parents are simply the worst. We’ve never had much money, but if Ai was sick, we’d do whatever it took to get her help, even if we had to go into debt, work ourselves to death or Aki had to do a reversed Yu-mi-chan and marry for money. He’d do it too, for Ai…

“The intermission announcement should be soon.” Yu-mi-chan was eager, so we fell into a quiet silence, watching the interplay between Arisu-chan and her fellow hosts, before it was time for Arisu-chan to speak seriously.

“First, again, a warm thank you to all the acts who have donated their time and image rights to this endeavour. And to everyone who bought tickets to be here, or is donating or purchasing merchandise. It will all help, I assure you. But… I promised an interesting announcement, so here it is. As suspected, the eruption of the Nasu volcanoes was not merely ill-timed natural tragedy.”

“I knew it!” Konno-san cried. “Your denials were weak. It surely was Tamamo-no-Mae who was responsible then, right? After all, the mythical Sessho-Seki is there!”

“Ordinarily I’d disagree with Fumie-chan here, but… nowadays, everything seems possible.” Aoki-san broke in. “So, share your secrets, Arisu-chan, here, live on TV! If I was twenty years younger, I’d be thrilled…”

“If I shared my secrets, I would have to kill you.” Arisu-chan made a joke that didn’t sound particularly humorous. “And I did not lie. Tamamo-no-Mae was not the cause of this disaster. Merely… a sad victim, I would say.”

“I see, sticking to the story… huh?” Aoki-san paused, blinking. “Am I hearing things, Fumie-chan, or did Arisu-chan say that Tamamo-no-Mae is real?”

“I heard the same!” Konno-san was shocked. “But then… it’s surely a joke.”

“I do not see why it is so hard to believe. Nobody questions that Shaeula is a princess of the Faerie folk. She is, so there is no question, but… Tamamo-no-Mae indisputably exists, as does Nurarihyon, and likely many other legends. But the world is aware of spiritual beings. No… my announcement is as follows. And it is part of the value of this concert. After all, everyone in Japan is watching, or if not, will hear this news.” She took a deep breath to steady her nerves, before continuing. “It is sadly likely that such disasters will become more prevalent worldwide. Volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, dreadful storms… perhaps even things we can hardly imagine. The thought is quite a chilling one, I know. But there is no cause for despair. The government, and indeed, governments worldwide, are working on a solution, and we already have leads.”

She paused to let that sink in, and her co-hosts were silent, obviously not fully aware of the gravity of Arisu-chan’s speech.

“Fortunately, we who were gifted power serve another purpose. We Anchor places, protecting those within from such things. Now, I hardly claim to be perfect, and I cannot turn aside a volcano when it belches pyroclastic flows or lava. But from the smallest seeds hope can grow. Even now, we are working on protecting our population centres. Our powers are not merely tools of violence, but those of protection and hope. Indeed, just as steam power, the silicon chip and other breakthroughs that seemed magical before, have enriched our lives and are now an intrinsic part of them, so too can our powers bring hope and change. Soon, early next year, the government hopes to roll out nationwide disaster survival infrastructure. Starting with a revolution in clean, green power. How it works… is complicated. But with chaos comes opportunity. Those of you who worry about global warming… well, I suggest you find a new fear.”

At Arisu-chan’s dry tone, Aoki-san coughed, before managing a joke. “I’d rather worry about a volcano that might blow today than Japan sinking in fifty years. But… uh, so, how much will our bills go up? I’m sure that’s what the folks watching want to know?”

“I am not a comedian, but you might think me one, when I say bills should actually decrease.” Arisu-chan’s smile was a little mean. “The government has a new Ministry, that of Spiritual Matters. I remember the coverage of the new laws being seen largely as a joke, especially the polygamy ones… well, we have Akio-san to thank for those.”

That’s my boy! Emily was ecstatic, remembering when her Aki had announced in front of the bigshots of Japan that he had pressured the government into changing the law just so that all his fiancées could marry and be treated with dignity. It was then I really decided, my Aki was going to marry all the beautiful, talented and kind women in Japan, no, the world!

Not realising quite how drunk she was, Emily continued to listen, while Hyacinth surreptitiously topped up her drink with water.

“The four essentials in an emergency are safe shelter, water, food and power. A fifth, less essential one is connectivity, allowing sharing of news and more. This new network of power will render Japan independent of foreign imports of oil, coal and gas, and it should function even in a disastrous earthquake if set up properly. It is a huge undertaking, and the government will be funding a large share of the cost, and you will be paying for it in your bills from then on… but overall, the cost to you should be lower.” Arisu-chan paused meaningfully. “Of course, if you want to have laptops that can last for weeks on a single charge and smartphones with more powerful processors and longer lasting usage, you can buy those yourselves, at the premium the technology merits.”

“Whoever invented that will be a wealthy person…” Aoki-san whistled. “If it’s a woman and I was twenty years younger…”

“Moving on from Arisu-chan already?” Konno-san giggled, and he shrugged.

“Sadly, I’m not a masochist, and she keeps breaking my heart. Oh…” he mock-swooned. “…the beautiful are always the cruellest.” Sёarᴄh the novёlF~ire.net website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“In that case, you are likely the second coming of Shinohara-san, and I look forward to hearing of your many charitable endeavours, Aoki-san.” Arisu-chan countered, and he turned towards his co-host will a pained expression.

“See what I mean, Fumie-chan? She’s breaking my heart again!”

“Sorry Ken-kun, but I think you’ll have to grin and bear it!” she laughed. “Anyway, Arisu-chan, I’m amazed you know all this…”

“I am well connected, a bother that can sometimes be.” Arisu-chan sniffed. “Anyway, clean, safe water should be provided via new methods as well, and communications can be maintained if there is power. Safe shelter… we have also talked about that. So… do not despair. Rest assured that if we all come together, we can weather the storm. Do not believe in rumours, or let hysteria spread lies. I abhor that.”

“I think Ryusei-kun and Mei-chan are likely trembling in fear right now…” Aoki-kun snickered nastily. “But I agree. Honestly, there’s a great number of rumours going around about Chosen, spiritual beings, worldwide disasters… it can be unsettling, but… just like here at the concert, life goes on, and if we all work together, we can get through this!”

“Well said!” Konno-san agreed. “Anyway, great talk, Arisu-chan! Lots to unpack, but… it’s time for our next act, the first after the intermission. And it’s a big one! You may have heard of these…” she addressed the watching audience. “…but you’d never imagine them to appear here… in a show of solidarity from across the Sea of Japan, in tribute to the tragedy of Choe-Museon, and the heroics that resolved it… we bring you… Blackrose!”

The lights in the stadium blacked out, and then pink spotlights shone down, illuminating four women. Then flames and other pyrotechnics exploded throughout the arena, pink sparks cascading downwards curtaining the stage, and then a song even Emily had head began to play, the idols beginning a flashy dance routine.

“I had a hand in getting them on the bill.” Yu-mi-chan declared proudly. “Although Hinata did suggest to the Blue House that a show of solidarity would be in everyone’s interests. As for the specifics… well, those who go to Master Bear’s nightclub in Gangnam are quite well connected…”

As Yu-mi-chan talked brightly of her input, Emily leaned back, content. Kana-chan’s working very hard, and so are Ixitt and Grulgor… honestly, I was a bit scared of the big guy at first, but he’s actually quite pleasant when you talk to him, though Shaeula seems a bit bemused and rueful about that. There’s history there, I know. Anyway… Aki really needs to make Kana-chan feel special, all the work she’s putting in getting the factory ready on his behalf!

“It… how is it possible for such a grand undertaking to happen?” Taro-san asked, before his face fell. “Excuse me. I spoke out of turn, it is not my place to question…”

“Don’t be like that.” Junpei sighed. “You’re just as involved as any of us. We’ve accepted that now, haven’t we Hana?”

She agreed. “Yes, little Eri wouldn’t forgive us if we didn’t, and she’s all grown up, she can make her own choices. Your daughter is the same, why, despite hardly looking it, she’s rather older than little Eri, and has been shouldering responsibilities for a long time. Of course, we don’t get it either…”

“It is quite complicated.” Asha agreed. “I am not a Mortal Engineer, but I have listened to some of Ixitt’s lectures, as the best source of elemental energies and aether is by my Tree.” She went on to explain a little, and Yu-mi-chan filled in the rest.

“It’s not like I have much involvement, although when Japan is done, Britain and South Korea are next in line to buy the technology, for the right price. It’s good leverage.” She smiled, pleased at Aki’s cunning. Though it’s probably Hinata-chan’s doing. She’s a smooth operator, that girl!

“From what I understand, the main thing is supplying your home, obviously, important government and military facilities, and then having at least some power available for every major city, town and village. Yeah, we’re looking at years, probably, unless it can be scaled up to a national effort, which seems improbable considering the resources involved… but on the bright side, we’re all going to be rich!” Yu-mi-chan enthused.

We?” Emily asked, amused, and Yu-mi-chan blushed adorably.

“Yes, we! I’m head of his Korean operations, along with Violet here…” The tattooed woman gave a thumbs-up, watching Blackrose on TV, chugging beer. “…and…” She glanced at Hyacinth, whose smile was tender and reassuring. “…I have other ties. No backing out, the die is cast, I’m part of Akio’s group for good. Anyway…” she coughed, a little pink. “It’s a huge undertaking, but… we’re not simply planning for tomorrow, next month, or even next year, but decades ahead.”

“I see.” Taro-san managed. “Forgive my ignorance.”

“You are hardly ignorant, father.” Tsukiko-chan shook her head, denying that. “Even I am hardly aware of everything that goes on. Besides, your role… it is to rekindle our family bonds. Akio insists on it. And… I would be grateful too. I gave up much, to be the Diviner, and I would never regret it. But… now I want my repayment, and Akio insists I should claim interest.”

Talk turned to happier matters, and Emily giggled, watching in delight. Taichi laid a warning hand on her arm, but she shook it off. “It’s fine, totally fine! I’m not drunk… I promishe!”

“You promishe, do you?” Taichi had noticed her slight slurring, and sighed. “No matter, I suppose the worst that will happen is you have a rotten headache tomorrow.”

As Emily nodded, Yu-mi-chan’s phone rang. Glancing at the screen, she then told everyone she had to take the call, retreating to one corner.

“Oh, hi dad. What’s up? Watching the concert? Of course you are… so anyway… oh.” She paused, nodding. “Yes, I see. Huh, what?” Her eyes went wide with surprise for a moment. “That’s great news, Akio will be pleased… oh.” She was clearly puzzled. “Not your doing? But they’ve agreed? Tuesday, you say? Okay… yeah, sure, I can be there. Send me the details, I need to pass them on. Bye.”

Hanging up the phone, Yu-mi-chan seemed rather perplexed. Seeing that, Emily spoke up. “What’s wrong?”

Yu-mi-chan shrugged. “It seems the Tengokusentou negotiations have concluded in our favour. Though dad says it doesn’t seem down to him or those helping him. Anyway, apparently there’s to be a cash settlement, and a handover ceremony on Tuesday. Dad’s been invited since he was doing negotiations behind the scenes, so I’m going along.”

“I see. So good news then?” Emily shrugged. “In that case…” She grinned, hitting the bell to summon a server for more drinks. “Let’s watch the concert and drink more! Party, party, party!”

As Emily laughed, Taichi trying to calm her down, Hana rolling her eyes, clearly exasperated, she thought that this was simply perfect, beautiful daughters-in-law, good friends, and an ever-expanding family. Yes, this is the life! It’s amazing how everything has changed for us… long may it continue!

With one last glance at the concert, Emily let out a contented sigh, the warm glow of alcohol leaving her pleasantly numb…

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