Side One Hundred And Eighty-Two – Shiratori Himeko, ShirohimeSide One Hundred And Eighty-Two – Shiratori Himeko, Shirohime
“I don’t like it, Hisano-chan! I don’t like it at all. It… just doesn’t seem you, you know?” Yasu was talking to his younger cousin, Hisano, and his face was twisted into an expression of frustration. It was a very Yasu expression, to be sure, but not usually in this context, and it was starting to piss me off a bit.
It seemed it wasn’t just me, either, as Shugo spoke up. “Come on, Yasu-kun, leave the poor girl alone. It’s a day out, of course a girl is going to dress up for it, especially when she’s out with her friends.”
“I know, but…” Yasu ran a hand through his hair in frustration, while looking at Hisano, who met his gaze boldly. Not wearing glasses, I see. Contacts, or… no, that’s not it. “…it’s… where did little Hisano-chan go?”
“I’m right here.” she replied huffily. “I’m still me. I don’t understand why you’re having so much trouble understanding that I’ve just changed a little. I’m growing up. Besides, do you really want me to be shy and miserable for ever, Yasu-kun?”
“She’s got you there!” Aimi was next to speak. “All right, Yasu-kun, this is getting tiresome! Hisano-chan’s come out of her shell, and she’s cute! Women have to be cute, you agree?” Crossing her arms, in the rather daring dress she was wearing, drew Yasu-kun’s attention, and I held in a snicker as Shugo tried very hard not to openly peek, since his lovely partner Akiko had joined us. The teacher was a little older than Shugo, a couple of years or so, but she had a youthful enough attitude.
“Yes, but…” he stammered, only for me to cut him off, as this was getting tiresome.
“Look, shut it, Yasu. You’re just embarrassing yourself. It’s even worse than you think too. Even Aki’s not so overprotective of Aiko. I saw her earlier, and she’s all dressed up. But does Aki go all ‘oh no, you can’t dress so cute, all the boys will hit on you?’ and tell her to wear a shapeless jumper and jeans? Nope. If he did, we’d give him a damn good beating. I mean…” I rolled my onyx eyes, irritated. “…it’s sure funny to bully Aki for being a total siscon, and honestly, if he wasn’t protective of Aiko we’d kick his ass anyway, but… despite all the jokes, his care is so that she can live her happiest life. And that means being free to do what she wants. Of course, if she does get a boyfriend, he better pray he’s a good man, else he’ll probably end up finding out what Foehn feels like first-hand, but…”
I paused, took a breath, and looked at Hisano, who was wearing an attractive red and white dress. It wasn’t even that revealing, through the skirt was a little short and her arms were bare. In addition, her hair was styled differently, and she wore light makeup. “…I doubt you’re fishing for a man anyway, are you Hisano?”
She shook her head, exasperated. Behind her, the quiet Maiko from Hisuikomushi shrine actually smiled wryly.
“No. Not that it’s a problem if I do. Nobody complains about Kana-chan dating Akio-kun. But me… I just want to like myself. And… I actually have talent, you know? See?” She tapped her eyes. “I didn’t even need any further Chirurgery or Healing. Now that I’ve pledged to Shirohebi as a worshipper… oh, sorry Maiko-chan, but I hate beetles…. Not the Jade Beetle, of course, but… uh, there’s big benefits if you worship at the White Snake Earth Altar… uh… sorry, I’m rambling.” She flushed, embarrassed. “But yes, I’ve got my Levels, and my stats are enough to correct my vision. I still wear glasses sometimes though… my face feels a bit bare without them.”
“She has a number of fashionable pairs.” Maiko confided, teasing her. “She spends a lot of her earnings on them. I think… it’s nice.”
“Maiko-chan! That’s embarrassing! Anyway, Yasu-kun, we should go! If we miss any of the concert I’ll never forgive you, and the others will lynch you!”
“Yeah, into the bus.” I chivvied everyone. “Hayato and Hina will meet us there, and we still have a few others to pick up on the way. Make yourself useful and drive, Yasu.”
“Yeah, I am, I am.” he grumbled, leading everyone onto the borrowed minibus. “What is this? Everyone pick on Yasu day?”
“Isn’t that every day?” I sneered meanly, though there was no malice in it. After all, Yasu’s a bit like Aki, they both like being bullied by cute girls, I think. “You’re just salty, since Karen has to work today. She’s not exactly keen on an idol date anyway.” I then cast my gaze over Aimi. “Is your boyfriend the same? I was sure you said he was coming. Maybe you’re just worried he’ll fall for me when he sees me? Don’t worry, I’ll never cheat on Aki, and even if I would, I wouldn’t do you dirty, girl!” I puffed out my chest proudly, and Aimi giggled, though…
You see that Tan, am I imagining it?
You woke me for that? How irksome. No, you are correct, princess, she is rather nervous. Though you mortals and your relationships are a complicated matter. Perhaps it is not going well? She bragged to you before that ‘he was a keeper’, no? It must be embarrassing to boldly declare something wrong.
Well, considering you steeled your heart to seduce the Buddha, and he walked on by, not giving you a second glace, and after that you shut yourself away from men, I get that. But… seems like you’ll be learning soon enough.
Do not get ahead of yourself. Nothing is decided yet. Now, leave me be. I am not here to solve your dramas.
Sure, sure. Well, come out later and listen to the music, okay? It’s some top-tier groups playing.
“I know. I trust you, Shiro.” Aimi agreed. “As for my boyfriend, sadly he’s got to work. It’s a bit of a rush job, but apparently something big is happening soon, in regard to some old hotel or something…”
“Ah, bummer.” I agreed. “Bad luck for him. Though… Aki’s missing out too. Though Eri says he’s okay. I’m a little jealous…”
“I don’t know.” Hisano piped up, surprising us. “I’d be a little scared of someone I liked being able to hear my thoughts, hear theirs. Sometimes… there’s things better left unknown. But Eri-chan’s a very bold woman. She’s also been really kind to me, and helped me in the Boundary.”
“Is there someone you’re interested in then?” I asked, and she shook her head.
“Not really. But… there’s a lot of romance going on at the shrine. It’s impossible not to think about. Asami-chan and Ren-kun are dating, and several other shrine maidens have found love. Honestly…” she giggled, looking at Maiko. “…that one from Akaiwashi shrine’s even fallen for a Faerie, right? Though at least it’s an Elf. I’m not sure I’d be able to fall for one of those weasels… oh, never tell Shaeula I said that, okay?”
“My lips are sealed. Though…” Maiko smiled mysteriously. “I think that if any true interspecies romances did happen, there’d be ways around it. Throne slots are precious, but… I know my dad would sell some for money.” She paused, embarrassed. “Not that we’re struggling anymore. Akio-san has paid off our debts and kept the yakuza clear of Hisuikomushi… but really, dad’s fairly useless. We’re just happy to be under Akio-san’s protection and we’ll generate him ether tithes and fight to defend his Territory, but… expanding and growing like he does… no way. Honestly… I’m deeply grateful. Rather than being a slave of a monster, dad’s much happier just being a supporting nobody.”
“Harsh.” I proclaimed. “Though…” A twinge of guilt flashed through me. Tan’s Territory was now being managed entirely by Arisu, and I hadn’t laid down my own. I then shook that off. Hey, I’m the buffbot that keeps the aether flowing. Asha and I are probably the two that contribute the most to Aki’s expansion and growth right now! Though Asha… I wasn’t sure I wanted kids, and I definitely didn’t right now, but Asha was enviable in a way, nonetheless. Aki’s first children would always be special to him.
“…it’s not like I don’t see the appeal. Managing a Territory is hard, risky stuff. Though at some point I’ll have to bite the bullet.” Tan had been reticent on precisely what the benefits of owning high-Ranking Territories were, but as Aki always said, what she didn’t tell us was almost always more important than what she did, so I knew at some point, to grow stronger, we’d need to go down that route. But Aki first. He’s the one that will make Earth his own Territory…
“Should I be listening to this?” Akiko smiled, a touch embarrassed. “I know Shugo-kun has important friends… I never thought that the quiet guy and the stunningly beautiful woman he claimed to know were two of the Heroes of Britain, but… you are, and… I’m flattered you think I’m good enough for your friend…”
“Hah, he should be lucky we think he’s good enough for you…” I snorted, and she giggled.
“Shugo-kun’s an earnest man, he treats me right. And now I find out he’s well-connected too. But… honestly, I think I shouldn’t know too much. So… I’m shutting my ears.”
“Smart girl.” I agreed. “I mean, if you’re sure you’ll be with Shugo forever, that’s different, but… and I sound mean saying this… relationships do break down.”
“Yours, Shiro?” Hisano asked cheekily, surprising me. I narrowed my eyes, amused.
“You know me and Aki were meant to be. So no. But aren’t you the cheeky one? If you’ve time to run your mouth, I’ll have to insist you train harder.”
“Don’t worry, I’m almost there with water element. Chiaki-chan and Chiasa-chan have been helping me. I’m not slacking off! I want to be one of those who’ve mastered two elements!”
“She even talks differently now. -chan this, -kun that.” Yasu complained, and I rolled my eyes.
“Of course I do, Yasu-kun. Because… I actually feel like I matter, now. That I’ve got a dream. I was right, to follow Maiko-chan to Shirohebizumi shrine that day. Not because Kana-chan and the others were going to prank or bully her, like I feared, but because it opened up a new world to me. A world where I don’t feel ashamed to stand out. If you put in the work, you get your reward.” Hisano shrugged. “But this isn’t fun! We get to see so many groups, and we get to go backstage. Signed merchandise, photos, the works! I know you’re excited too, Yasu-kun, so don’t ruin it by being gloomy over me!”
“She’s right.” I agreed. “And we have to watch Suzu, if we don’t she’ll probably cry. Besides, Arisu is the host, and I want to see her kicking ass!”
Talk in the minibus turned to Arisu, whose story was one of riches to rags and back to riches, which inspired those who heard it. Though to me it’s more personal. Aki too. Suzu as well. No, this concert, while it seems at its heart just a fundraiser and a way to calm the populace, distract them from the troubles the advent of us Chosen brings, is actually serving a greater purpose…
“Hey, get the lights on my boss!” Suzu declared, interrupting the speech she had been giving after some of her songs. A spotlight shone into the front of the standing crowd, where one of the VIP areas, specially set aside for our group, was located. “Yeah, her, there!” Suzu proclaimed, her voice echoing out over all the speakers. She looked good, happy, and I felt a little guilty all over again. Sure, I had left a great deal to Tan, but…
This again? How tiresome. We used who we could find. Yes, we would even have used monsters like that Kondou Kazuo. Though we would never have trusted him, the Binding Chains Of Sancus would have sufficed… how ironic. But… this one… without our supervision, only death or the path of bloodshed awaited her. So feel no guilt, princess. I know you feel she is unsuited to the path of wielding a Divine Favour, but… for her dream, she will fight. As must we all…
“Hey boss! Glad you could make it! Not that you’d stand me up!” Suzu looked rather fabulous in her idol outfit, and was achingly cute. The drill tails were the perfect touch, though having known Suzu a while now, I knew just what a huge time sink and massive pain it was preparing those every day. “Arisu-chan’s doing great, isn’t she? And my songs were awesome. It’s a shame we don’t have any merchandise of you, it’d sell like hotcakes, but… Akio-kun would be jealous, right?” She giggled charmingly, and continued her ramble, while I felt the eyes of the crowd on me.
Yeah, this isn’t uncomfortable at all, is it? Oh well… I’m Shirohime, I should be used to this. Nobody, man or woman, can walk past me without taking a second look… I gave the crowd a wave, hearing Shaeula chuckle beside me. Her group was here too, as well as Kana and her friends from school. Hisano and Maiko had joined them, much to Yasu’s discomfort, but he quickly forgot that, enjoying the show. And I’ll give him credit for not perving over Suzu. She’s definitely pretty, but… yeah, I’ll not allow it!
Oh, Eri and Daiyu aren’t here. That Korean girl Aki saved, Eui, she’s with them, I think. Still backstage, I’m guessing? Suzu finally finished her speech, as mercifully she only had a few minutes, and soon was singing again.
“I can’t say I’m really into idol music…” Akiko shouted, and I gestured for her to lower her voice, as I could still hear her even with the blaring music. She did so, smiling. “…but it’s an exciting show. But maybe even being here in this group is more exciting. You know… I teach a class who do nothing but talk about Oshiro-san, and you, and Shaeula…” She glanced over at our resident Faerie weasel, not that she looked like that here of course, being in her adorable human form, which would give me plenty of ammo to taunt Akio for being a lolicon if I so wished, though considering he was also sleeping with me, Hyacinth and Asha, and soon Tsuki too, such allegations were clearly merely amusing teasing. He just has a wide strike radius for beautiful women. How the times have changed. Although not entirely. Now I think about it, he did have a liking for Benitsubasa from Sekirei, when we used to compare favourites at Bar Sekirei.
“…it just seems unreal. Shugo-kun… it makes me worry, you know.”
“No need.” I shook my head, though I had to raise my voice, as she wasn’t blessed with my hearing. “Honestly, even now, we’re not so special you have to worry about being worthy of knowing us. Just think of Shugo as an ordinary guy with a secure, stable job. That’s important for a relationship, isn’t it?”
Akiko paused for a moment, before chuckling. “That’s very… pragmatic.”
“Of course!” I stood tall and proud. “I always have been. I said I’d never date a guy that didn’t have money. I set it a little too high…” I flushed, remembering my demands that Aki be a billionaire, when he knew he was. “…but… despite everything, I still want a guy who’ll look after me, protect me. I don’t just want that. Like Hisano, I want to have value in myself, do things, get stronger, but… I am Shirohime, a princess needs her prince, doesn’t she?”
“You really are as funny as Shugo-kun says.” Akiko nodded. “And… don’t mind me. It’s just… hard to take it, sometimes.”
“If you ever feel that it’s a bit of an issue, don’t just bottle it up.” Hayato chimed in, Hina nodding beside him. “Sure, our lives are far different than we ever thought possible only a few weeks ago, but… Shugo-kun’s a great guy and he likes you. We can work things out, together. I promise.”
“Oh, now I’m embarrassed.” Shugo flushed adorably. “But… I do like you, Akiko-chan, and… nobody knows what the future holds, I mean, Hayato-kun is right, who could have seen Akio-kun and Shiro becoming what they have, let alone getting together, but… for now, I see us lasting. And I’ll take a leaf from Akio-kun’s book, and fight for who I like. Just like he did for Shiro.”
“Hey now!” I was blushing now. “I’m worth fighting for! But… I admit, he had more to overcome than any ordinary person could handle. Though I have my fair share of obstacles too. I mean…” I gestured at the stage, where Suzu was starting her final song, one dedicated to Aki, it seemed. And it’s title was…
“You’re my harem hero! No foe do I fear, when you are here…”
“Any enemy that threatens us, you make disappear…”
“Those within your arms, feel safe when you’re near…”
“Everyone’s harem hero, both Britain’s Knight and Korea’s…”
“Envied by men, loved by women, our harem hero!”
Damn, that’s so cringe it’s giving me goosebumps. The song’s annoyingly catchy though, and I can have fun teasing Aki with it. Honestly, he doesn’t like being reminded he has a harem, the little baby. Still thinks he’s being a bastard. But… everyone chose this. Even Eri. Not at first, but… she’s a smart girl. Knows what she needs, and that nothing in life ever goes a hundred percent the way you want. Even if we don’t see eye to eye on everything. Maybe I feel a little bad over the whole Adamant thing, but we weren’t wrong. Aki needs a loyal army of minions, and they really should be women. We’d all feel more comfortable that way…
“Hey, doesn’t it sound like Suzu-chan likes Akio-kun?” Aimi, who was swaying along to the catchy tune, said to me, smirking. “I mean, she called him her harem hero! Great name by the way, we’ll tease Akio-kun mercilessly.”
Great minds think alike, but… you’re wrong on this one. “Nope, Suzu would be the first to tell you she’s an idol, so can’t fall in love. She sees him like a brother, nothing more. And before you make any jokes about that being catnip to Aki’s siscon habits, I’ve already made all the jokes. No, it’s not Suzu I have to worry about, it’s…”
As Suzu finished her last song, finishing with a leap and pirouette impossible for an ordinary human to perform, her backup dancers, her Karakuri, catching her artfully, a series of massive booms ringing out as the confetti cannons triggered, showering the crowd in waves of golden and black, she thanked the audience, extolling the merits of her merchandise and imploring them to check out her next live performance, whenever that would be. It was then that the stage lights dimmed, and the host’s stage was illuminated, revealing Arisu and her co-hosts.
“It’s Arisu I worry about.” I muttered.
“And that was our first act, Suzumebachi.” Arisu declared in her silken yet cold voice. “And fortunately for Suzanne-san, she did not let me down. Some of her dancing was… interesting… but overall, a credible performance.”
“That’s a little harsh, Arisu-chan!” her female co-host Fumie chided cheerfully. “I actually found her quite fresh. It’s interesting, seeing a foreign perspective on Japanese music. That last song though…”
“Yes.” Arisu bowed her head, clearly a little exasperated. “I do not really wish to talk about it. Perhaps I am too close to the subject matter.”
“Too close to Akio-kun, huh? Is that an admission? That would really spice up this concert!” Ken teased, and Arisu shook her head.
“You clearly know I meant close by proximity, not depth of feelings. Now… her dancing style is clearly enhanced by her strengths, and it could certainly use more elegance, rather than relying on exuberance, but then… perhaps that is what was needed to excite the crowd.” At that, glowsticks were waved by the audience, and I felt a spark of satisfaction, that they appreciated Suzu. There’s still hope that she can live the life she wants.
“I do have a question though…” Fumie asked. “So I get that Suzumebachi is the group name, but only Suzu-chan has spoken or been introduced. The other members of Suzumebachi…”
“There was something odd about them.” Ken agreed. “They were all elegant and very well practised, but… I don’t know. There was something a little off. They were… mechanical, almost? Wooden in their performance? Not that I’m slandering them, they were all very pretty! Why, if I were twenty years younger, and Arisu-chan had rejected me…”
“Very amusing.” Arisu sighed, as a brief wave of laughter passed around the arena. “Actually… it seems age… brings you wisdom.” As Ken made an expression like he had been shot in the heart, Arisu continued. “Actually, you are correct. Wooden is apt. Suzanne-san’s backing dancers are actually puppets controlled by her will and power, hence why they are not introduced. For Suzumebachi is Suzanne-san in its entirety. Although…” She lowered her voice, though the microphone obviously amplified it. “…from what I understand of idol fans, the fact that the puppets are not truly sapient should be no bar to them having fans. So… check out the concert website, and there are profiles and names. And they are also present in Suzumebachi’s merchandise stall, and as prizes in the idol gacha.”
“Wooden, huh? I don’t know much about Suzu-chan…” Hina pointed out, as sharp as ever. Just because Hina is shy, doesn’t mean she isn’t observant. In fact, the shyer the girl, the sharper she has to be. A lesson Yasu could do with learning about Hisano. Eri’s the same.
“…but not all of them seemed made of wood. In fact, several of them looked very human.”
“They’re definitely puppets.” I promised. “Though sadly your eyes are sharp, Hina. Some of them were… repurposed. But don’t mind that. Suzu’s… well, do you think Aki would let her do anything bad?” I finished lamely, and Hayato shrugged, reassuring his fiancée.
“No, and neither would you. You pretend to be cold and aloof, but… you’re a good one at heart, Shiro.”
I’m not as kind as you think. Tan knows. But… Aki loves me anyway, and Shaeula, Eri, Tsuki and the others, they accept me. Aki’s family does too, so… I won’t go down a dark path again. “Sure, sure.” I felt embarrassed, but the support was welcome. “Don’t mind it anyway. They’re Karakuri puppets, so… at least if Suzu ever makes it big, she doesn’t have to share her royalties with the rest of the group.”
Fumie had made a similar joke, harking back to her own idol days, and Arisu let her drone on for a minute, before stopping her. “Now, our next act is due on stage in a moment. They are one of Tokyo’s own, though small in scale, they have a very passionate fanbase. While they may be called AKB0048’s younger, less famous sister, I have it under good authority that Akio-san himself is a fan… it is Red and White, the shrine priestess-themed group from Akihabara! Before that though…” Her expression was serious.
“It is time to thank everyone for their donations, especially our generous overseas friends. It is not easy to dig deep into your pockets to help another country, when your own could suffer as well. Rest assured, international delivery of any prizes from the donation sweepstakes is no problem. But…” She gestured, and the big screens which had gone dark again lit up, revealing a thermometer-style pledge tracker, the bulb and lower portion red. “…let it not be said that Arisugawa Arisu is a poor sport. Here…” She illuminated a spot halfway up. “…If donations reach here before the intermission of the concert, I will reveal a shocking secret, one which has only been alluded to so far. As well as then opening the special secret prize auction to take place in the intermission. You would not wish to let this chance slip by!”
Secret, huh? Yeah, I know what she’ll say. It’s interesting, but not something that concerns me, really. Though the special prize auction… some of those prizes are really something…
“What’s the secret then?” Yasu asked, curious, and Shaeula spoke up, snorting.
“It would not-not be any fun to tell you, Yasu. Have-have patience. Although… you know already. If I were you, I would pay more-more attention to the prizes in the auction. Though I do not-not know if you have enough money…”
“Sick burn…” Shugo smirked, and Akiko looked on fondly.
Hopefully this soothes her nervousness. I wonder… is that why Aimi’s boyfriend won’t meet us? I get it… we’re not exactly simple. But… if a relationship is to last, then he’ll have to accept Aimi has important friends…
“Now then… it is time. For our next act. Raise your glowsticks, change the colours…” Arisu intoned gravely. “Give generously, and welcome… Red and White!”
The stage was illuminated with a backing of crimson and white strobe lights, matching the glowsticks of the crowd, which were now seas of red and white. After twenty or so seconds, the strobes died out, and three spotlights converged, one a brilliant scarlet, two a piercing pearl, and they were focused on three women. Then the silence was broken by the three shouting out together.
“Hi, those who came out to see us, those watching at home and abroad…” “…I’m Tamami…” “…I’m Tsubame.” “…I’m Kanako…” Their voices overlapped. “And we are shrine maiden idols who serve the Gods, as well as you fans! So… fans old and new, dig deep in your hearts and support those who suffer, and clear out your ears, and listen.”
Tamami took up a pose, arms pointed to the sky, as she continued. “The Gods are kind, they don’t send us trouble without hope. But… it’s us people who have to help each other. So… for those who suffered in Kyoto, for those who lost their homes, for those who are scared, or confused, or don’t know what to do… I’ll just say… trust in Akio-kun, Suzu-chan, Arisu-chan and the others who fight against unfairness and evils that threaten us. And trust in yourselves!”
“That’s right!” Kanako agreed. “Even a hundred yen matters. Don’t give what you can’t afford, but… anything you can matters!”
“Yeah, the Gods are watching, we’re watching, but… your hearts are watching!” Tsubame agreed.
“And speaking of hearts…” the three cried, as Tamami spread her arms wide, forming what looked like a bow. “…we’re here to send our love… straight to your hearts. This is… Arrow to the Heart!”
And with that, a catchy, upbeat tune blared from the speakers, and the three began to dance and sing, the crowd sucked into the excitement.
Yeah, they’re good. Oh well… I settled in, enjoying the show. I have to go backstage and visit Suzu after this, but… I might as well enjoy myself first, with the others…
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