Side One Hundred And Eighty-One – Suzanne Castor / Adam White, Director Of The NSA, Paranormal Branch

Side One Hundred And Eighty-One – Suzanne Castor / Adam White, Director Of The NSA, Paranormal Branch

“And I am your host, Arisugawa Arisu. So, Aoki-san, Konno-san, you know why we are here, I presume?” Arisu-chan’s clipped, elegant voice didn’t disguise the steel within it. Suzu couldn’t help but shiver a little as she heard it. I love Arisu-chan, she’s awesome, and she’s always looked out for me, but… she’s definitely enough to give anyone nightmares. The boss is scary too, sometimes, especially when she’s in her persona that Arisu-chan calls Red, but there’s something a little chilling about Arisu-chan that shines through. But… I get it.

“Because you’re trying to forget about your deadbeat ex?” the comedian Aoki-san quipped, and Suzu held her breath for a moment, half-expecting Arisu-chan to open up her Room and squish him like a bug. No, she wouldn’t do that. Arisu-chan has a short temper, but… she’s also a professional. Acting and being an idol is very similar, and image is everything!

“Now Ken-kun, you shouldn’t tease Arisu-chan like that.” Konno-chan giggled charmingly. “Who hasn’t made bad romantic choices in their lives?”

“Should you be admitting to that, Fumie-chan? Back in the day, you were on posters in a lot of boys’ bedrooms. If they heard you were in a romantic relationship…”

“I admit to nothing!” she laughed, and beside Suzu, Tamami-chan, the centre from the idol group Red and White, spoke up in concern.

“You have a strange look on your face. Nervous?”

Suzu noticed her face was cramping and smoothed it into a calm mask. “Me? Nervous? Of performing? No way!” She struck a pose, her idol outfit worn perfectly, as if she was born to it. Which I am. I always was. That’s why Ebisu chose me. It just confirms what I’ve always known! I’m Japanese, I always have been!

While Ebisu seemed a strange God for her, and also for her Karakuri puppets, Suzu hadn’t been idle during her overnight stays sleeping in manga and internet cafes. Apparently, the some of the first true puppeteers were called the Ebisukaki, using their puppet shows to increase respect and veneration for their God. More to the point, Ebisu was also a God of luck and fortune. And I’ve always been lucky. My family didn’t care about me, which is far better than what some kids have to endure. And even here in Japan, the boss, Arisu-chan, now Akio-kun… people look after me. So… I want to repay them and follow my dreams. I have the good fortune to do that now…

“Everyone’s ready.” She glanced at her backup dancers. They were strong, and fearless, and more than capable of handling the rather ugly creatures in the Boundary. But they were more than just puppets to her, they were her forces, her dancers. I’m ready!”

“We are not here to debate my poor choices.” Arisu-chan replied to the jokes of her co-hosts. “It is hardly unusual to adopt a useless pet that bites and makes a mess of the home. The only mercy is to have it put down.”

“Ouch!” Aoki-san whistled between his teeth. “Comparing Ryusei-kun to a biting dog. His legion of fans… oh. Well, his fanbase blew up quicker than the Nasu volcanoes, didn’t it? Mei-chan’s posters and merchandise can all be auctioned off to buy a cup of coffee for one of the homeless, that’s all it’s worth nowadays.”

“I can’t say I ever warmed to Mei-chan.” Konno-chan teased. “She always came across as false to me. Guess I was right!”

“You’re just jealous her poster was on more walls than yours, Fumie-chan!” Aoki-san retorted, and Arisu-chan sighed, going along with their skit, but also trying to get back on topic.

“I am not here to talk about my bad choices. If we were, perhaps I would have learned something, but… now I am presenting for TBS, it seems I am quite the fool. No, we are here to talk about fundraising…”

Fifty-five thousand people around the Tokyo Dome were waving their glowsticks, a muted buzz passing around, as Arisu-chan began her impassioned speech, her talents on full display. You go girl, knock them dead! The best thing about the way the world has changed is that those of us who were wronged get the chance to strike back. I never believed in God, in fact I found dad’s lectures on it so tedious… I’d much rather listen to some j-pop or read manga, but… turns out he was right. Or was he? Suzu tilted her head cutely, considering. He claimed there was only one God, and that foreign stories like manga were blasphemous and would lead me to Hell. If so… at least it’ll be warm! I don’t like the cold… winter is going to suck. At least I don’t have to spend it sleeping in cafes…

“…the tragedy of Kyoto was an unprovoked act of violence. Yes, it was not an official act of war, but it is undeniable that our shores were invaded, and a thousand innocents perished. But the effect is not just that.” Arisu-chan’s every word and pose were calculated to draw attention to her message. “…for each person killed, a dozen more suffer. Family, friends, and those around them. Businesses fold, communities are sundered. Worse, it spread unrest and fear throughout Japan. As have the recent eruptions. I hear tell people say that it is the work of the legendary Tamamo-no-Mae. I can assure you it was not.” Arisu-chan pronounced dryly, and Suzu smiled as Arisu-chan continued, her two co-hosts respectfully silent.

“…well, it’s a full house. Of course it is.” Tamami-chan giggled. She was already in her outfit, a shrine-maiden style mini-dress in red and white. “You’ve got a difficult task, Suzu-chan. Warm the crowd up good for us, okay?” Her two companions laughed too, and Suzu nodded happily.

“I’ve got this! I’m sure it won’t turn out like the first Kyoto disaster, where we met, your encore ruined. I’ll get the crowd going, Suzumebachi is going to sting them through their hearts!”

“I think you might need a different metaphor.” Tamami-chan teased. “But yes, I’m definitely hoping for a smoother performance.” Her smile was wry. “We’re not in the same league as AKB0048 or some of the other acts, though we do have a dedicated and loyal fanbase. So… we can’t disappoint them. And the world is watching. Everyone here knows it’s a battle!” As her fellow idols nodded their agreement, Arisu-chan was still talking, but Suzu knew she would be onstage shortly.

“…so in conclusion, everyone who bought a ticket for this event today is contributing greatly to offering succour for the victims of Kyoto and the Nasu eruptions, as well as establishing a fund for such future catastrophes.”

“You think there will be more?” Aoki-san asked. “I had hoped the only catastrophe today was discovering that Fumie-chan is jealous of your dress, Arisu-chan!”

“Me? Jealous?” Konno-chan laughed. “I am a bit. Arisu-chan’s back in the spotlight at last! Though I do wonder… just what’s your relationship with Oshiro-kun? Spill, spill!”

“Best stick to the script, Fumie-chan!” Aoki-san chortled. “As it looks to me that the only spilling will be your blood, Arisu-chan looks positively murderous! Honestly though, I’m desperate to know myself. If I was twenty years younger, I’d make a play for you, Arisu-chan!”

“You would need to be rather more than just twenty years younger. I have high standards, very high standards. And I am in no mood to rush into another relationship. Once burned, one fears the flames. And now… I do not believe I could hold back my anger at betrayal again, and I fear I now have the power to crush my enemies. Were Ryusei to frame and defame me now… all that awaits him would be his destruction.”

“Scary words!” Aoki-san shivered. “It seems you’d need a man with strength like his to handle you!”

“But he’s a notorious playboy. Though… I get it!” Konno-chan pointed out. “His life’s like a story, some manga. It’s hard not to be excited to be a part of it. If you’re watching, Akio-kun, ask Arisu-chan for my number, I won’t block your call!”

Suzu burst out laughing at that. Seeing the strange looks from the idols of Red and White, she shrugged. “I was just thinking that Konno-chan has a rather overinflated sense of ego if she thinks she can compete with Shaeula and the others. I know she’s joking, but… Arisu-chan isn’t amused.”

“Are you sure there’s nothing going on?” Kanako-chan asked, and Tsubame-chan echoed her.

“Hey, I ship them, no question.” Suzu giggled. “Arisu-chan actually likes him quite a lot, as a person. But since the boss is his girl, that’s a hard hurdle to cross. But Akio-kun is a fundamentally honest man.” She quirked her lips into a smile. “I know everyone says I’m an idiot, and honestly, I’m not that smart. I hated school, never saw the point.” Best case dad would marry me off to the son of one of his friends in business. It’s not like I’d ever need to work… “He would never push Arisu-chan if she wasn’t comfortable, but I know he likes her too. He likes smart beauties. Eri-chan’s a lot like that, and the noble girls are all quite intelligent and refined. But… right now there’s a lot going on, and Akio-kun has more issues to settle. Like those foxes.”

“…anyway, enough about me. It is inevitable that I am going to draw attention, but not every one of you watching at home is doing it just for me. Perhaps just ninety percent.” Arisu-chan’s lips quirked into a smile, and Suzu was happy that she could make jokes now, even if it was part of her role here as host. We’ve all changed a lot. Even Bunta-kun, now he has a strong backing, someone to shield him. I guess Daizen-kun and Master Raven were the ones that couldn’t change. And if you can’t change, then… you get crushed by the world. Only the flexible survive.

“…so, our first act is an unknown to me.” Konno-chan was saying. “But somehow that’s exciting, isn’t it?”

“Suzumebachi? It’s an odd name, who wants to be named after a hornet?” Aoki-san chuckled. “Will they come out in yellow and black stripes? I’d like to see that!”

“No, you most certainly would not.” Arisu-chan sighed, remembering. “The concept is quite hideous, and at odds with the idea of hornets. Their colouration is to warn off, whereas idols are entertainers, supposed to attract. Fortunately, she listened to me, and her costume is now more… orthodox.”

“I see.” Aoki-san smirked. “So, she’s an acquaintance of yours, is she? She must be something special then. Perhaps a protégé of the great actor Arisu-chan?”

“Padding the bill with your friends, huh?” Konno-chan also was smirking. “I suppose I can’t blame you, showbusiness is all about who you know… oh, bad choice of words there. I know you certainly didn’t do any backroom deals or casting couches! Seeing how you’ve taken your time to let Ryusei-kun and Mei-chan grow bold and complacent, only to stick the knife in with lethal precision, ruining them, who’d dare force you, Arisu-chan?”

“You’d be surprised. A lot of men would probably risk their life and reputation for Arisu-chan! If I was twenty years younger…” Aoki-san repeated, bringing a light laugh from the watching crowd, though clear impatience was starting to spread through them.

“Which you are not. Even Chirurgery cannot reduce your age.” Arisu-chan sniffed, playing along professionally, though Suzu knew that these jokes, while amusing for the crowd, who loved scandals and comeback stories, were not sitting well with Arisu-chan. Don’t worry, I’ll soon have the crowd distracted!

“…as for being my protégé, she is more an unruly younger sister, I suppose. But if you go so far as to make that implication… I feel sorry for her. As now what she does will reflect on me. And I never tolerate failure. You hear that Suzanne-san? Akio-san and I made efforts to help you grasp your dream. But I have no pity for those who fumble when the stage is set. No stage-fright, you hear?”

“Now I’m no longer sure you did her a favour.” Aoki-san shuddered theatrically. “Talk about pressure! And just before she’s due to come on. Suzanne-chan, was it? That’s… an unusual name. Don’t mind Arisu-chan, you just do your best!”

As Konno-chan also offered her support, and the crowd started to get curious, Tamami-chan patted Suzu on the back reassuringly. “Looks like you’re up.” Her two comrades Kanako-chan and Tsubame-chan were offering words of support to her backup dancers, which had rather limited automatic responses, so their replies were terse and lacking emotion, but fortunately the idols took it for nerves. It’s all right, they’re ideal for being idols, as performing a regimented routine is exactly what they are good for! That and battle, but I doubt very much we’re going to be attacked on stage, and if we are, Arisu-chan is there! Come to think of it, the boss will be watching too, Shaeula and Kana-chan and all the others are here too. Anyone who tries to attack the Tokyo Dome today is screwed!

Realising she was starting to lose her composure, Suzu took a deep breath, and as Tamami-chan and the others said their final well-wishes, and Arisu-chan was calling her to the stage, Suzu pumped her fist, a little aether leaving her, activating her dancers. Striding out of the waiting room, she stepped out into the Tokyo Dome, onto the stage that had been set up for the performances. The roof was out, and it had been draped with light-blocking cloth, so the inside of the venue was dark, except for the sea of fifty-five thousand glowsticks, and the brilliant spotlights that suddenly shone down upon her and her puppets.

This is it. The moment my whole life has been a preparation for. I don’t care about saving the world, or anything like that. I mean, I’ll help out the boss, Akio-kun and Arisu-chan, of course I will. They’re my friends, but… this is the life I wanted, that I ran away from home for. Her brilliant gold and crimson skirt fluttered, and her waistcoat, the colours reversed, crimson with golden sparkling sequins, was glowing under the lights, her pristine white shirt seeming almost luminous as well. Her dancers shimmered too, and as Suzu blinked at the crowd, who were waiting to see just what she could do, what sort of an idol group Suzumebachi was, Arisu-chan’s commentary echoed through the stadium, and to the watching Japan and the world.

Oh yeah, there’s cameras everywhere. Glancing over she could see the sides of the stage thronged with camera crews.

“Our opening act, Suzumebachi, is as you have heard, led by a friend of mine. My… little sister, you could say. So… it is fair to have expectations for them, though… her understanding of our culture is a little skewed, so please do excuse any oddities.”

She admitted it. She sees me as her sister. I’m touched. Arisu-chan’s actually soft-hearted, despite her quick to anger nature and cold detachment when threatened or betrayed. It’s their fault she’s ended up this way, so icy and unwilling to open her heart to others easily. That Ryusei prick… and that Mei bitch… and everyone who wronged her. I’d love to find them and turn them into Karakuri. Akio-kun’s not keen on acts of cruelty, but… he’s kind to those he likes. Maybe he’d help… if not, the boss, or the Devil inside her, they definitely would… oh, no, no, focus! Focus!

“…in any case.” Arisu-chan was continuing, as Suzu got her head back in the game, cursing herself for being easily distracted. “…I would hope that if you appreciate her performance, you can donate generously. You can do it by mobile app, or via bank transfer. We also take international donations, of course, and… there are a number of prizes donated generously by our participating idols, as well as myself. And there are also some special rewards. But we’ll talk about them later. Every donation gets a chance to win… for Suzanne-san, we have her first ever merchandise run. It is small, but if she makes it big, as she dreams of, having such limited-edition merchandise should be something to brag of, as an idol fan, and also… well, that is for later. There are also limited quantities in the gift shop, so after her act, in the intermission before the next group, feel free to browse. And without further ado, I present, Suzanne-san, and her idol group. Suzumebachi!”

As the audience applauded, waved their glowsticks and let out a cheer, which was quieter than Suzu would have liked, but that was understandable, as she was an unknown, the colours of the spotlights changed, becoming a golden yellow. Grinning, she waved cheerfully, before speaking to the crowd. “Yeah, there’s posters, cd’s, and there’s even a gacha figure of me in the special idol gacha set up in the stadium’s merchandise area. I’m a super rare pull!” She winked then, excitement bubbling. “Of course, the two ultra rare pulls are Arisu-chan, and also someone who couldn’t be here today, but… I’ve got a song about him! Anyway, sorry but my posters and figure aren’t lewd, I’m an idol, we’re pure and untouchable! Oh… I got distracted!” She stuck her tongue out cheerfully.

“I’m Suzu-chan, and these are my fellow members of Suzumebachi! It’s a real honour to be here, but… less talking, more… singing! This is our debut song, and it’s called Love Stings!”



With that, the music started, a poppy, upbeat tune, and her Karakuri puppets, the routine flawlessly memorised, moved into position. Making them sing wasn’t overly hard, so long as the correct materials were incorporated into the construction, so they were perfect for backing vocals.

“I watched you all alone… listening to sad songs in my room at home…” Suzu’s voice was crystal clear, and her accent vanished when singing, so the audience, despite not knowing the song, were soon waving their glowsticks frantically, encouraging her. Searᴄh the novёlF~ire.net website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“…my heart, feels tingly, feels like it’s gone numb… I don’t know what to do, can’t even look at you… but I can’t look away…”

Yes, this is… all I dreamed of. But I can’t get complacent! Arisu-chan would scold me if I screw up now!

“…every day without you it feels like something stabs me deep inside. I held my pillow to my face and cried… but I’m a girl, I’ll never be denied!” All right, time for the chorus, I’ve worked a lot on this, it’s catchy as hell, and should grab the crowd!

Behind her, her puppets suddenly grouped up, forming a V-shape behind her, almost like a stylised stinger. The stage lights behind her began to flash in patterns of yellow and purple bands. Black’s no good, so yellow and purple are close enough, and look awesome. The music swelled, the technicians keeping everything balanced, and Suzu leapt high into the air, her stats making her able to perform impossible pirouettes and dances. The crowd gasped, before breaking out in cheers, as Suzu’s voice rang out, barely even needing the microphone.

“I’m going to show you the sweet stinger of love, pierce you through the heart…”

“Arrows are so old-fashioned, I’m not such a sheltered young miss…”

“When I make my love attack, I do it up close from the start…”

“The pain and the pleasure I’ll show you, of knowing my kiss…”

“Your whole body trembling with sweetness, the subtle pain is like art…”

“Despite love hurting, together we’ll cuddle up in bliss…”

“You didn’t know you were waiting for me, our life together is ready to start!”

The chorus finished strong, and laser light flared in purple and yellow, the lightshow impressive for an opening act. Thanks Arisu-chan, Akio-kun! As Suzu continued to sing and dance, her puppets following the routine, Suzu’s eyes sparkled with joy, and her skin with small beads of sweat, yet as she finished the chorus for the final time, adding the final, finishing line “No matter the pleasure or pain, we’ll never know the sting of breaking apart!”, she struck a pose, arms held aloft, revelling in the waving of glowsticks, and cheers of the crowd.

Yes, this… this is what I live for!

“Thank you, thank you! I’m Suzu-chan, and we are Suzumebachi, the wasps that sting your heart! But… don’t worry, my lovely fans! I may be cute, but I’ll sting any boys trying to get close to my honey! I’m an idol, for all of you! Now… for my next song…”


“You should go home, Director. It’s gone midnight.” His assistant, the ever-capable Viola suggested. She was looking exhausted herself, and despite her suit being the usual immaculate, custom tailored one, even it was looking in disarray, and her hair was escaping its usual austere styling. “Besides, what are you watching?” She glanced at the TV that was playing some sort of event, a concert, maybe. “Wait, is that Japan?”

Adam nodded, his face pale, attention split between the TV and the pile of paperwork in front of him. “You don’t have to stay, Viola. I can handle things here. The President is simply ecstatic at the thought of meeting Akio Oshiro soon, and he’s also rather irked that we kept so much information from him. Though… there are positives.”

“You mean how in times of trouble, people stick with what they have? His election campaign, which was floundering, is now looking solid again.” His African-American secretary wasn’t very keen on their President, but she was professional, so never let it affect her work. “The status quo is always preferrable when war or other catastrophes are on the horizon.”

“Exactly.” Adam agreed. “So here I am, stuck dealing with matters. The best that can be said is that Britain and Japan have received their surviving citizens back, and though they gouged us hard for benefits to ensure their silence, we’ve no further need to worry about diplomatic repercussions. With them, anyway. Though I have other headaches.”

“You mean Miss Bakker?” Viola’s usually composed expression changed for a moment, expressing her disgust and disquiet. Yes, Viola really hates her. As well she might. Christina does evoke a visceral sense of disgust in most normal people. It’s understandable. She’s abnormal, missing a number of the pieces that make up a human. It’s… the uncanny valley effect. A clear monster is less frightening than something which approximates a person but is just subtly wrong.

“Exactly. I can hardly fault her work ethic, and she’s certainly patriotic, as much as she can be anything other than research obsessed. It’s thanks to her and the other scientists on her team that we’re starting to get a firm handle on the situation here. Undesirable elements have been dealt with, and the loyal, useful Americans with these powers have been located, barring a few holdouts and are being integrated where they need to be. We seem to be behind in some areas, but that won’t continue.”

He frowned, running a hand through his sandy brown hair, hating the gritty, sweaty feeling of not having bathed in several days. When was the last time I left the office? Thirty-six… no… forty-eight hours ago? “But… Christina’s last call was troubling. She left without exactly securing my full agreement, though the results were good, so it’s hard to censure her, but… no, I couldn’t see myself falling for her, even if I wasn’t married.”

“She is attractive, even if she lets her beauty go to waste by not taking care of herself, and dressing like some sort of tramp. It’s hard to argue that many men wouldn’t be tempted…” Viola seemed uncertain.

“Yes, but we men aren’t as desperate as you women seem to think.” Adam shook his head. “There’s that very famous saying, don’t stick your dick in crazy. Besides, she’s… it’s hard to explain. I’d imagine sleeping with Christina would be like masturbation, or a sex doll. She has no human warmth or desire, as far as I can tell. While there would be guys into that… I’m surprised that Akio would be one of them. No… something doesn’t add up. He looked rather… surprised… during the video call. I didn’t say anything at the time, there were no benefits, but… it’s probably one of her clumsy games.”

“If so… does that mean she’s trying to defect? Surely she knows you’ll never allow that. She knows too much. Although… she’s not the best at self-preservation…”

“Yes, it would be problematic, and dealing with treachery is an important task here at the NSA. But… it all comes down to benefits. Just as Japan hasn’t made a public fuss of our renditions, if what we gain from Christina’s attempts to play both sides is worth it, we can… make allowances. I also don’t want to act before I’m genuinely sure whether Christina is actually his girlfriend now. I’m not poking that bear unless forced to.”

“Speaking of…” Viola changed the subject, stifling a yawn. “Did you see the latest reports from our agents in South Africa? It seems he’s clashed with the local warlords, and one of the foreign cats has been killed. During the Kumba-Stillwater gala.”

Adam cracked a smile at that. “I’m almost warming to Akio. When it comes to the numbers, few are as effective as removing problematic cats than he is. If we’re lucky…” Adam glanced over at his display case, where his beautifully painted army, that he barely had any leisure time to enjoy using recently, sat. “…maybe he’ll run afoul of Midas. My life would be so much easier if those in the Vermillion categories would just disappear. But… there’s no rest for the wicked, is there, and wishful thinking is just that. As my mother used to say, if wishes were wings, everyone would be angels.”

Adam then checked his next report. “Nothing too unusual. It’s a shame we don’t have Scryer in the country, but she’s provided us valuable intelligence on some of the situation in Tokyo. Egil Andersen’s body has been checked by our second-string assets with visual or sensory powers, and there’s nothing they found too unusual. Giving him the body isn’t a huge issue. Nor is letting him meet with our other Norse-aligned cats and assets. But I’m very curious as to why. He’s clearly cautious of America, hence why he won’t bring any of his girlfriends with him, but…” Adam trailed off, his train of though vanishing, as his eyes were drawn to the TV, where a girl was singing.

“No way, isn’t that… the missing Suzanne Castor? What the hell is she doing on TV?”

Viola checked the concert footage. “Yes, the resemblance is definitely there. But more importantly…”

Trust Viola to see to the heart of things. It’s why I’m grooming her for greatness. “Yes, those moves aren’t normal. It’s possible she’s had this Chirurgery, as they call it, which allows an ordinary person to perform beyond their limits, but… no. It’s more than that. And those other dancers…”

“So, she’s a cat? Do you think that the Castors knew, and sent her out of the country?” Viola asked the important question. Adam pondered it, before shaking his head.

“It’s not that likely. While the timing matches up… they were almost notorious for not caring about their daughter, lavishing every and all affection on their son, expecting him to inherit their business. In fact, when she disappeared, on the surface they made efforts to find her, hiring private investigators and so forth, but… privately, high society knew they almost felt relief.”

“I can’t understand that.” Viola shook her head, unimpressed. “She was their daughter, and it’s not like she was involved in any unsavoury activities, was she?” On the screen, her song finished, and it looked like she was about to address the crowd, and the watching world.

“No, but the Castors are a strange family. They made their money in oil over the twentieth century, before pivoting into computing and microchip production. Sure, they’re not one of the top players, but they hold a significant minor market share, and their wealth is in the hundreds of millions of dollars. And yet, they are staunchly old-fashioned and hidebound. I suppose that Suzanne couldn’t conform to the rigid, quiet way they feel women should behave.”

“I should think not! This is the twenty-first century, women aren’t just for popping out babies and keeping the home clean!” Viola was incensed, but her arguments were cut off as Suzanne spoke.

“I hope everyone’s enjoying our songs so far! The CD’s are for sale at the merch stands, and a number of signed ones are in the donation raffle. Don’t worry, we’ve got a few more songs left for you, including a real stinger I’ve written about the man of the hour, Akio-kun! Yeah, I know him, quite well, you know. My boss and Arisu-chan do too!” She made a cute heart-shaped gesture with her hands, winking.

“Anyway, got to keep this short, you’re here for idols, not to hear boring talk. All I’ll say is… I was at Kyoto, for both disasters. Yeah, there’s been two, you know? The first one, I was watching Red and White… oh, they’re up next, and they’re totally awesome, I promised to warm the crowd up for them, so you better get warm, or else!” There was laughter at such a cute, ditzy girl making threats, but Adam wasn’t laughing, as he narrowed his eyes, thinking.

“…anyway, I’m what we call a Chosen, just like Akio-kun and Arisu-chan! And during the first Kyoto disaster, a number died. It ended up interfering with Red and White’s encore. A real shame. Fortunately, some lives were saved. The second disaster, I was there too, doing my part. Though Arisu-chan and the boss scolded me for not giving my all… hey, I’m an idol, not a fighter…”

As Suzanne rambled on, Adam shook his head. “Now this is an issue. Even with all our spies and surveillance, we had no idea Suzanne Castor was a cat. And it’s far too late to do much now, since she’s under Akio’s protection. Another one slips the net. If I had to say…”

“She’s created or controlling those dancers?” Viola had experience of various abilities now, from working for the Paranormal Branch of the NSA and project Star Mirror. “Depending on which it is…”

“Yes, mind control would make her double Vermillion and proscribed. If they are merely creations, then that’s a different matter.” Adam agreed. “But that’s not the issue at hand…”

“Do you think the Castors will be watching?” Viola asked, and Adam scoffed scornfully.

“No, they loathe the East. Many of their competitors in business are from Japan, China and Korea. Worse, they find the cultures there abhorrent and irreligious. Seeing Suzanne embracing it in the way she has… it’s no wonder they despaired with her. But they will hardly need to be watching. Her disappearance was news for a while, so… there will be follow-up articles and reports. They’ll find out, someone will notify them.”

“So, what will they do? For the sake of their reputation, they’ll have to make efforts to reclaim her. After all, by both American and Japanese law, Suzanne Castor is a minor. Their reputation took a hit when she disappeared, but it was a forgotten story. Now though… if it turns out that she’s an abnormal human with strange powers… she holds great value, and also great dangers. Do you think we can pressure Japan to return her?” Viola asked, watching the screen intently.

“It’s not Japan, but Akio Oshiro that matters here. You heard her. She’s close with him. He’ll prioritise her feelings, especially if she’s useful. I’d do the same in his position. After all, Suzanne seems to be there willingly. Yes, she has no legal standing to make that decision, but…”

“It’s a mess.” Viola agreed. “But does she not think at all? Surely if she was aiming to live a quiet life in another country, appearing on such a high-profile broadcast is the height of foolishness?”

“I remember the rumours were that unlike her brilliant brother, she was quite the idiot. Some even said she had learning difficulties, though perhaps that was just a way to rationalise behaviour the Castors didn’t approve of, or a reason why she will receive none of the family business. Though… either she’s very confident in her connections, and that they’ll shield her, or she is indeed rather dumb.”

“Whatever the case, it’s not what we need now. If she wasn’t a potential asset, this wouldn’t be our problem, but since she’s openly confessed it to the world…” Viola shook her head, exasperated.

“Yes, I can see I am going to have to contact Mr Castor.” Adam sighed. “Though I get the feeling he’s hardly going to be delighted to have news of his runaway daughter after all these months…” Just marvellous, the last thing I want is to cause unnecessary friction with Akio Oshiro, not when the President is breathing down my neck, and he’s clearly beyond where I can easily or safety dispose of him… Watching as Suzanne Castor finished her speech, launching into another song, Adam gave up on his ever-increasing paperwork, deciding to cut his losses and worry about the ramifications later…

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