Side One Hundred And Eighty – Arisugawa Arisu

“Everything’s looking good, Arisugawa-san!” Her personal assistant for the concert, a somewhat older, steady woman in her late thirties, Ehara-san, advised. She was bright-eyed and eager, being a relatively unimportant member of the staff at TBS. She was a little plain, with mousy brown hair in a bun, and a slender figure, though Arisu found that no issue. Too often in this business, the beautiful have large egos, and a temper to match. Though I daresay White would tease me and say I am no different…

“Sound check seems good, the cameras are in position, and the international partners and local affiliates… oh… sorry.” Her face suddenly fell. “I know you have had issues with FujiTV recently, and that… you don’t exactly love us here at TBS… uh… sorry, I’m babbling. Do forgive me.”

Holding in a pointed sigh, Arisu nodded. “Of course. The coverage of my scandal here was unkind, salacious and wholly untrue. But unfortunately, business is business. There is little room for sentiment. Although… rest assured, I have not forgotten any slight or betrayal.” At her cold, dark gaze Ehara-san shivered, and Arisu made an effort to soften her expression. “That had nothing to do with you, Ehara-san. So I will not blame you for it. This concert, it is important for a number of reasons, and I can set aside my pride for now to make it a success.”

“Professional as ever!” Ehara-san perked up. “It’s an honour to work with you on your comeback, Arisugawa-san, it really is. You’re looking utterly captivating! We should give our support staff a raise, your makeup and dress are gorgeous. No, I suppose it’s all down to your beauty. I mean, you were the one actor hotly tipped to break into Hollywood, before the…” She trailed off again. “Oh. Sorry.”

“Again, that is the past. I have not forgotten, and those who accused me falsely will suffer, just as my foolish ex-fiancé and his whore paramour are now. But I am a pragmatist. In fact, only those who can be rational will survive.” Objectively yes, I know I am beautiful, and this dress is elegant, rather than sensual, but far from prudish. I am a woman who is pure yet powerful, that is the image I wish to project, to overwrite the allegations of my infidelity, bullying and more. Laughable. As if I needed to lie, cheat and steal to get ahead. But perhaps…

Arisu wasn’t one for dwelling on the past beyond her need for vengeance. Done was done, and nothing could rewrite the past. But it was impossible not to think that without the cruel experience, driving her into isolation and her hobbies, studying the sciences and reading many, many books, the Favour she received may have passed her by and ended elsewhere. And then… money and fame is no guarantee of further safety. Any powerful Chosen who desires a woman… or indeed a man… can take them, and who could stop them? Sometimes I feel a little pity for the idols and stars of today. Fame makes one a target at the best of times, and this is far from the best world right now.It has already happened, and if not for Akio-san’s intervention…

“You’ve had it tough.” Ehara-san commiserated, but she was still excited. Being a lowly staffer who had few prospects, to be scouted by Arisu was a dream for her, especially as it was allowing her to make her mark in an event that not only was going to be watched by a huge viewership in Japan, but also internationally. Even though she’d likely not get much airtime, if any, just having her name prominently in the credits, and getting a shoutout from Arisu, would boost her status. Of course, she’s also intuitive. She’s aware I picked her because she had no influence, and thus no involvement in any of the coverage of my past.

“Maybe so, but I shall grin and bear it. TBS won the bid so that is that. And they at least chose co-hosts for me who did not publicly comment on my affairs. Now…” Arisu glanced at her watch. “…we should check on the early performers, to make sure nothing has gone awry.”

“Oh, yes, that’s a good idea. The first one is…” Ehara-san consulted her clipboard. “Suzumebachi. Uh… I’ve never heard of her and her group, but apparently… she’s a friend of yours?”

At the troubled look on her face, Arisu shook her head, a cold smile tugging at her lips. “She is more of…  someone I am looking out for, though fortunately I have passed on a great deal of that responsibility to Akio-san. If you are concerned about nepotism, especially with my past reputation… I admit, there is a degree of favouritism here. Though it is not my doing. She appealed to Akio-san, who is very well connected. But there are reasons she should be included, so my conscience is clear. Though I confess to some small trepidation. Suzanne-san is rather… exuberant.

“I see. Well, you’d know best, Arisugawa-san, and honestly, with some of the groups performing here, nobody is going to mind some filler to warm the crowds up. I hear tickets have been changing hands on the black market for ludicrous prices.”

“I hope those who tout have a conscience and at least donate to the fundraiser.” Arisu’s expression was cold. “I understand wishing to be here, as either fans of the groups involved, or simply as it is an historic event… but this also serves a purpose. While the government has implemented disaster relief funds and compensation, Kyoto, and now the villages destroyed by the Nasu eruptions, are certainly worthy of public support. We always care more about causes we have aided ourselves.”

“A bad business that.” Ehara-san agreed. “Do you believe the stories, that the killing stone was responsible for it, and that Tamamo-no-Mae, the legendary Yōkai was escaping?”

“That is not exactly accurate.” Arisu couldn’t help but shake her head. “Though you would most likely be amazed were you to know the truth.”

“You can’t leave me in the dark after saying that, Arisugawa-san!” Ehara-san pleaded. “I really want to… oh, excuse me.” Her phone had started to ring, and on answering it she had a quick conversation, before hanging up. “It seems some VIP backstage guests are here. Mori-san, Kim-san and Zhao-san. Quite the international mix of names. But I’m more excited to meet the fabled Shaeula-san! You would bar-bar my way?” Ehara-san giggled like a younger girl.

“Be sure to show them adequate respect when we greet them.” Arisu-san warned. “Mori-san and the Chinese girl are also fiancées of Akio-san, and Kim Eui is one of the survivors of the atrocities at Choe-Museon. They are to be afforded all due courtesy.”

“Oh, yes, of course.” She giggled again, and Arisu spoke up, exasperated.

“What is that look for? If you have something to say, do say it. I prefer honesty.”

“I was just wondering… you seem quite close to him. I know you denied it during the talk show, but… are you sure there’s nothing going on? I’m not trying to spread gossip, but…”

“This again?” Arisu sighed. “I do assure you, we are simply comrades. No, I can go so far as to call us friends. He is engaged to my other friend, White, and I also have no interest in romance at the moment. A working relationship of trust suits me better.”

“At the moment? Okay. Sorry to have asked.”

“I do not mind. Again, I prefer an honest question than a fool that spreads gossip, now… there they are.” On seeing the newcomers, Arisu gestured for them to approach, and as always, Shaeula bounded over without any care for her royal dignity, wearing a very luxurious yukata, and her hair was bundled up into side buns with ornate hairpins filled with diamonds and moonstones. That looks a custom set.

“Arisu, we have-have come to see Daiyu’s disciples. But-but before that, who is this? And why are you staring?” Shaeula addressed Ehara-san, who hastily apologised.

“Sorry, I’m just happy to meet a celebrity, and not of the usual sort. Working at a TV station, I’m used to idols, actors, singers… but you, you’re a hero!”

“I am indeed-indeed, you are shrewd!” Shaeula puffed out her chest, delighted by the praise. “Now, we are here to see-see our friends. We have these VIP passes…” She tapped the badge pinned to her yukata. “…so we can go-go as we please.”

“Yes, though you need an escort, to prevent any issues occurring with the performances.” Arisu explained patiently. “For now, I am going to see Suzanne-san. Would you care to accompany me?”

“That’s fine.” Mori-san spoke for them, and after taking a good look at the group, Ehara-san nodded happily.

“Oh my, you’re all so adorable. The two of you could be idols, if you can sing and dance! You’d be very popular.” She then paused, realising she had overlooked the Korean girl, who was still rather too thin. “Oh, sorry, you’re… pretty too. It’s just…” Sёarch* The Nôvelƒ website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“She doesn’t speak much Japanese.” Mori-san explained, before translating. In English, Kim Eui managed to agree that she understood, and wasn’t cute anyway.

“Nonsense.” Zhao Daiyu insisted. “No disciple of the Incorruptible Jade is so self-effacing. Be proud. You are still recovering. Your body is fine, but even Ether Healing cannot restore the effects months of malnutrition and stress have caused. But a thousand-year-old ginseng still matures but a day at a time. You work hard. That is praiseworthy. And while I hardly believe looks are integral to Cultivation, I allow none to speak ill of my disciples, not even themselves!”

“So fiery!” Ehara-san was rather taken aback by her passion. Soon they had arrived at Suzanne-san’s dressing room, and with a brisk knock, Arisu waited for a response. When bidden to come in, she opened the door, to reveal Suzanne-san and her dancers. A member of staff was touching up the makeup of her backup dancers, though she looked uncomfortable, as if something was wrong she couldn’t quite understand. Of course. Those dancers are not alive in the conventional sense, merely Suzanne-san’s war puppets. Karakuri, she called them.

“Arisu-chan, here to check up on me? As you can see, I’m raring to go!” She pirouetted, bending her arms as if to show off her muscles. “Oh, hi Eri-chan, Daiyu-chan, Eui-chan! Here to wish me luck? I don’t need it, I’m Suzu, the up-and-coming superstar idol, but I sure do appreciate your support! I’d offer you some autographs, but… you can come and get them any time you want, I do live with you all.” She giggled, and Ehara-san seemed a little overwhelmed by the force of Suzanne-san’s unique personality.

“I only wish the boss was here, but… she’ll be in the audience, right?”

“I should say so.” Arisu nodded. “So, how were the stage checks?”

“Fine. The stage lights are good, and the confetti cannons are loaded properly. It’s really cool you and Akio-kun pulled some strings. Ordinarily, first up wouldn’t get many stage props.”

Ehara-san smiled knowingly, but Arisu ignored her. “Thank Akio-san, not me. He is rather a soft touch, and he feels a sense of responsibility for you. Now…” Arisu’s eyes narrowed, and she was suddenly serious. Everyone held their breaths, only Shaeula unmoved by the aura of pressure she was giving off. “…your set time is strict, and there can be no overruns, else it affects the smooth running of everyone else’s performances.”

“You can count on me, Arisu-chan! Say what you like about me, but I know how to be professional! A great idol makes every moment count and leaves the fans wanting more!”

“In that case… you should be aware you have a short window to address the crowd and say something about Kyoto and the volcanic eruptions. Or you can speak on London and Kyoto. But I trust you have had what you wish to say vetted?”

“I may be young, gorgeous and talented, but I’m not green as grass!” Suzanne-san promised. “Yep, it’s been looked over by the staffers.”

Arisu glanced at Ehara-san, who flipped a few pages on her clipboard, before nodding. “Yes, seems it’s been cleared. Though there’s a note saying that ‘some of it’s a little… hard to understand.’?”

On hearing that, Shaeula snickered, while Mori-san shook her head, exasperated. As Arisu narrowed her eyes dangerously, Suzanne-san jumped, waving her hands.

“It’s fine, I promise I wouldn’t cause trouble for you and the boss or Akio-kun! You know me, Arisu-chan! I’m not a troublemaker like Daizen-kun was. No need to squash me! I’m too beautiful and talented to die. It’s just… the staff here aren’t Chosen, are they? They don’t understand anything. Look…” Arisu listened carefully as Suzanne-san explained what she was going to say to the crowd and watching viewers.

I see. “It passes. But… there is one issue. Suzanne-san, have you considered what will happen if your parents are watching?”

At that, her face became a still mask, expressionless. “Why would they? They don’t care about me. Sure, I tried my hardest to evade their notice when I came to Japan, but… dad’s wealthy. If he wanted to track me down, he could. Making me go back’s a different matter, but… finding me shouldn’t be impossible. Besides…” Suzanne-san’s face sprang back to her usual expressive, over-the-top charm she felt an idol should always radiate. “…Akio-kun made the arrangements. I’ve got a Ministry passport, so Japan recognises my citizenship. Hell, I am Japanese. I always have been!” she insisted, her usual antics in full force. “…and Akio-kun’s my other boss, I pledged to him. He won’t let my parents kick up a fuss. As if they would. My brother is all they care about, that and money.”

“Yes, you are not-not going anywhere, Suzu.” Shaeula agreed. “Akio does not-not turn his back on those he has chosen.”

Mori-san nodded too. “That’s right. Though… maybe your parents have changed? People can. I did, after all. They might be missing you. If you want to see them…”

“Can we change the subject? My parents won’t be watching, my brother neither. They hate anything that isn’t good old-fashioned American, be it cars, entertainment, sport or money.”

“Fine. In that case…” Arisu checked her watch again. “I need to visit the other performers before I take my own position. Take care, Suzanne-san.”

“You too, Arisu-chan! Knock them dead, okay? Just a shame you can’t co-host with Akio-kun and the boss. That’d drive the ratings through the roof…”


After visiting several other acts who were early on the bill, it was time to check in on one of the most famous idol groups in Japan, the ever-popular AKB0048. On entering, they were greeted by the exuberant Keiko-san, who Arisu was now somewhat familiar with.

“Arisu-chan! Good to see you!” she gushed, and Ehara-san was a little shocked at the familiarity. Behind her came Ema-san and Asuka-san, the other two that Akio-san had saved from the crazed Chosen fan that day, and they were followed by another member.

“Greetings, Matriarch!” The three of them bowed to Daiyu, earing giggles and curious stares from the other AKB0048 idols and the staffers doing makeup checks, touch-ups on costumes and so forth. The three of them then turned to Mori-san and Kim Eui. “And greetings to you, fellow Daoists!”

“You’ve been looking things up, I see.” Mori-san remarked dryly. “I don’t know if we should be called Daoists, we’re barely even Cultivators. I don’t mind being fellow students or disciples though.”

Before anyone else could speak, the other woman there, somewhat older but still tall and pretty, bowed before Shaeula, tears in her eyes. “You came. I… wanted to thank you again. For saving my career, giving me the chance to finally perform my song!”

“It is of no-no moment, Juria.” Shaeula waved a hand dismissively, though her face was pink from the praise, and she seemed well satisfied. “I do most-most enjoy Japanese music, and I admire females who know what they want. Besides, it was no-no great effort for me.” She puffed out her chest pridefully. “I do hope you can support Daiyu and her ambitions, though. She has much-much to teach.” Shaeula addressed the other idols.

“Juu-chan has been so overwhelmed recently.” Keiko-san confided loudly, earning laughs from around her. “But she’s finally back on the biggest stage.”

“Yeah, Matsui-chan is hyped, and so are we, right girls?” Ema-san, the youngest, cried, and the other idols who weren’t undergoing makeup let out a cry of ‘fight on, fight on!’, pumping their fists.

“And our song…” Asuka-san smirked. “You’d better be watching, Shaeula, or we won’t forgive you!”

“I only wish Akio-kun could be here…” Keiko-san sighed, before blushing a ripe crimson. “Oh, sorry. I guess that’s rather rude of me in front of you three.” She bowed in apology to Mori-san and the others.

“It’s fine. I understand. We wish he was too. Although…” Mori-san smiled provocatively. “He’s always with me.”

“You look different today, Eri-san!” Ema-san observed, narrowing her eyes as she peered at Mori-san. “You look… mysterious? Cool, somehow? Prettier even? Not that you weren’t before. Say, why not come up and dance with us?”

“There shall be no changes to the plans.” Arisu shook her head firmly. “This event must go off without any hitches!”

“I know.” Ema-san stuck out her tongue, red-faced. “I was only teasing. I bet you could though. During our Cultivation training you pick things up so quickly and are so strong and graceful.”

“Of course. I swing my axe and fight, and Akio blesses me, even when he’s not here.” Mori-san declared proudly.

“Not just you…” Another AKB0048 idol said, this one with a wilder look, wearing long black lace gloves and stockings in addition to the usual skirt, shirt and waistcoat. “…Kanzaki-chan, Yoshino-chan and little Ema-chan have been performing like they are possessed in practice. Even our dance coaches and choreographers are wowed.”

“That’s because we’re super special, super human!” Ema-san giggled. “But hang on, why are they Kanzaki-chan and Yoshino-chan, but I’m Ema-chan?”

“It’s because you’re so cute…” Another member came and ruffled her hair, causing her to protest that she’d need to have it styled again. As the idols bantered playfully, another addressed Shaeula.

 “So… ah, we’ve seen just what a difference this Chirurgery makes. Honestly, we’re all jealous, and we can’t keep up with those three now. So… I know management has been asking, but… to be the best we can be, we need that too.” Several others echoed her, and Shaeula looked smug, before casting a glance at Daiyu.

“Our aid is not easily given. They accepted the honour and the responsibility of becoming my disciples. Of course I shall train them to the best of my abilities. Should you wish to become my disciples as well, then you will be adjusted to be better able to process Qi and aether and taught both martial arts and the skills of Cultivation. Your improvement will be like giving wings to a tiger.”

“Of course-course, there is also another option.” Shaeula grinned predatorially, and Mori-san rolled her eyes, while Kim Eui simply watched on, alert and restless. “Though the requirements are great-great loyalty, the rewards are beyond most-most can imagine.”

“The hats are cool too…” Ema-san piped up.

“But…” the wild-looking idol frowned. “We’re AKB0048, we’re idols! We have our training, our rehearsals, our performances, our dreams…”

“Yes, as do my disciples. And you shall see them shine on this stage. As members of the Incorruptible Jade now, I shall tolerate no less. For jade is perfect and beautiful, and never breaks.” Daiyu insisted. “Cultivation is a way of life, but each must follow their own Dao. But any Cultivator of worth shall find such tasks as dancing a mere trifle, compared to the rigours of the path to immortality.”

“She’s right.” Keiko-san agreed. “Honestly, we spend a fraction of the time we used to learning and memorising. We can usually get it in one or two repetitions now. As for the commitments and promises… Akio-kun saved our lives. So we understand. You don’t, Kae-chan…” she addressed her senior respectfully. “And that’s fine. But… I don’t see it as being at odds with our idol work.” She flushed faintly then, and Mori-san muttered something under her breath, about ‘Hinata and Shaeula being naive, Akio will never prey on those girls indiscriminately…’

“In fact, it is most-most opportune. This concert is an example. Akio is a firm-firm believer in winning over the masses with spectacle and joy, rather than force-force of arms and threats. Wherever possible.” she amended. “But you do not-not have to decide now. We welcome beautiful, loyal hard workers. I do hope Tamami and her friends agree as well. They were fine-fine females.”

As the talk turned to their small Akiba rival group, Arisu checked her watch again. It is nearly time. Before she could speak, Juria Matsui-san whispered something to her, face pink with embarrassment.

“When I graduate from AKB0048… I’ve always wanted to be an actress. Like you. I… I always believed you were innocent, Arisugawa-sama. Now… I’m happy the world knows it. I… just wanted to say, like you, I got a second chance. And… I’m not going to squander it. And I know you won’t either. So… look at me on stage, and… I’ll look at you too.” She giggled, embarrassed. “And… I don’t mind any harsh training or commitments, if one day I get to share a stage with you!”

Well, this is a surprise. As Matsui-san retreated, blushing, Arisu shook her head. Share a stage with me, she says? The stage I walk on now is not the backstabbing, treacherous world of acting, but the more honest, but no less bloody field of battle. But… I do suspect that White would be happy to have another idol in her clutches. What was it Suzanne-san said? Oh yes… she feels pride when he shows he is desired by other women. A strange concept, but then… this Fae that fool the Raven loathed is the same as well, it seems. She glanced at Mori-san, and almost felt relief. At least there is one person whose thoughts I can understand. Though… who am I to judge? He has given me no cause to doubt him, and I am not one to act on what might be. I take people as they are, as they have treated me and those I consider my friends.

“Ehara-san, it is time for me to head for the main stage. Do escort my friends around until it is time for final preparations and be sure to find them a replacement by then. In fact, we will need several, as between acts, when I am hosting, there will be others coming. Akio-san has been quite profligate with his backstage passes.”

As Ehara-san checked if Arisu would be all right, fussing over her, all she could think about was her upcoming performance, as professional as ever, her expression becoming crisp and professional. Very well. My last public appearance was ruined by that treacherous snake Miyauchi. But this time, I shall tolerate no further meddling. Not that anyone would dare, the government wishes this to go smoothly as well…


So, here we go then. Her co-hosts were both from TBS, though in a sop to her wounded feelings, neither of them had been involved in the press coverage against her back during her scandal, scant consolation though that was. Her male co-host was a famous comedian, Aoki Ken-san, who was in his fifties and running to fat a little, his head shaved after he started going bald, though he was still rather handsome for his age. He was known for witty commentary on current affairs and was a regular on the media circuit and had admitted to being a fan of idol groups in the past. He also made no mention of my supposed scandals. He avoided the more controversial topics, it is how he retained his popularity.

He was dressed in a sharp blue suit and red shirt with a white tie, as if he was trying to look like a flag of another country. The combination was odd, certainly, but he carried it off quite charmingly, as if he was an out of touch uncle at a wedding. I suppose that he is a comedian, a little… comedy is to be expected.

The second host was a woman in her early thirties, who used to be a popular idol herself, though her group was hardly comparable to AKB0048 or the like. But she did sing centre on a single that made number one on the Japanese music charts, so she was certainly famous. She was looking a little pouty, her face set coldly, and Arisu held in a snort. Always the same. I can hardly help it if I am attractive. It is good genetics and I take care of myself. Faulting me for that is simply nonsensical. It is why science is so appealing. Unlike human emotions, it usually makes sense.

The woman, Konno Fumie-san, was wearing a daringly cut pink dress, showing off her cleavage, and her hair was dyed a light brown and pulled back into a sporty ponytail, making her look younger. On seeing Arisu’s gaze, she smiled, as if her hidden hostility was only an illusion.

“You ready, Arisugawa-chan? It’s an honour to be hosting this event with you. Right Ken-kun?”

Her voice was sweet and charming, and rather false, but so long as she did her job, Arisu wouldn’t care. Though I hardly like her using such an informal honorific with me. But… I am a professional. Such things are meaningless right now.

“That’s it, yeah.” Aoki-san agreed, straightening his tie. “This is a big deal. I’m a touch nervous. But… I always say, if you can’t laugh, what can you do? The events of Kyoto were a tragedy, but… it’s heartwarming to see Japan responding! These idols have donated their time and energy to fundraising, it’s great. As a former idol yourself, you must be proud, Fumie-chan?”

“I am!” she agreed. “It’s why I’m so happy to be here, doing my part even though I’m more of an actress now.”

True, though your roles are usually supporting ones at best. “Yes, we must do our utmost to host well.” Arisu agreed. “Though you are wrong. It is not just the Japanese.”

“Oh yes, our special guests.” Aoki-san smiled. “The crowd is going to go wild. Anyway… five minutes. We ready? Everyone have water? Talking is thirsty work.”

“You’re such an old woman, Ken-kun…” Konno-san started teasing him, but Arisu tuned it out, focused, getting in the zone. Three minutes left. All right then. Taking a deep breath, she smiled, and it was one that would stop the hearts of most men, and many women. This is certainly easier than fighting in life-or-death battles or weathering a storm of slander and invective. But… no less important, in it’s own way. So… White, Akio-san, I shall do you both proud…

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