Side One Hundred And Seventy-Nine – Oshiro Sapphire AikoSide One Hundred And Seventy-Nine – Oshiro Sapphire Aiko
“I can’t get over how nice this mansion is.” Rika-chan was saying, as she helped herself to rice balls from the steaming pile in the centre of the table. Several maids were cooking, a mixture of human staff and weaselkin sent over to the Material by Nie Ling, and it was quite the surreal sight for my guests from Nishimorioka. Of course, I’ve got used to it now! It makes me feel superior, but I guess that’s not fair.
“That building over by the shrine is nice too, but this… this is just awesome. If I’d have known you were going to get so rich, Ai-chan, I’d have been your friend earlier!” Rika-chan finished.
“Not saying you should have made a play for Aki?” Yae-chan snorted. Aki. She still calls him by that nickname, despite Eri telling her to stop. It’s kind of cute, and also really pitiful. Now I’ve got to know Rika-chan and Yae-chan better, despite their flashy exteriors, they’re friendly girls. But… it’ll take far more than just being somewhat cute and nice to attract my bro now. Honestly though… if Eri didn’t exist, and my bro was just an ordinary guy, I wouldn’t be so upset if he had a girlfriend like Yae-chan. He was always so reserved and self-effacing. A more outgoing girl like her would have been perfect. Of course… life hasn’t worked out that way.
“Now Ai-chan’s smiling at me!” Rika-chan pouted. “You’re the one who can’t get him out of your head. I know my limits! I’m not prepared to fight a losing battle. Though I’ll admit… my standard for guys has gone up a lot these past few months…”
“Oh, I’m not smiling at you.” I teased. “And you’re smarter than you look, Rika-chan! The battle for my bro is like a circle of tigers and dragons, as Daiyu might say. Best to stay clear of it. You’re a woman who’s got potential. With Chirurgery and the training I’ve given you, you’re ahead of the game in this new world.”
“That doesn’t sound convincing coming from you.” Yae-chan sighed. “You’re a second generation Chosen, so you can look down on us.”
Second generation? Seeing my puzzlement, Yae-chan smirked triumphantly, idly winding a finger in her messy bleached blonde hair. “Well, you didn’t get it to start with, like the first generation, you were gifted it, hence second generation. I just thought it made sense.” As I nodded, thoughtful, she continued. “Besides, you should be nicer to me, Ai-chan! After all, it was me who had the first real date with your brother! I could sell my story for a fortune, the first girl to date the Hero of Britain, Saviour of South Korea! I won’t though, I’m not a girl who would kiss and tell!”
“I know there were no kisses to tell on, though you did try.” I narrowed my eyes, equal parts amused and exasperated. “Besides, considering you’d be admitting to being the one girl my bro’s been on a date with who didn’t end up winning his heart, not sure I’d be bragging about that!”
Yae-chan shrugged, before clutching her chest theatrically. “You wound me to the quick, Ai-chan! That’s a low blow. I can’t disagree though, it kind of stings…”
Feeling a little sorry at her genuine discomfort, I offered an olive branch. “It’s all right. Like I discussed when I picked you up from Nishimorioka, if you have the genuine drive to make an effort, there’s a way to at least give you a shot. Not sure if it’ll work out, but… speak to Shiro later, okay? Assuming she’s not hungover, she’ll help. But that’s for after the concert. Are you both as hyped as I am?”
“Of course!” Rika-chan laughed. “Not only do we get to see AKB0048, Red and White, and more… we actually have full VIP backstage treatment! I’d have to be dead not to be excited, and if I was, I’d rise from the grave to go!”
“That’s right!” Yae-chan also nodded fiercely. “It’s just a shame Aki isn’t here too.”
“I know.” I agreed. “Bro wanted to be, but he’s always so busy. Even with two of him he’s always working full-tilt. But at least Eri says things are in hand.”
“That’s both an enviable and terrible gift.” Yae-chan mused. “Sure, being able to talk mind-to-mind with the person you love any time you want would certainly make you less lonely, but… it’s also a little scary too. What if they break up? Oh, what am I saying, Ri-Ri would never leave Aki. If times were normal and he was a cheating husband who got caught out, Ri-Ri would forgive him. Though I’d also worry she’d say something like ‘we should die together!’ and go for a murder-suicide!”
“She’s not that bad.” I laughed. “Though I guess when you see her in her YandEri mode, you might think it.”
“Oh, maybe I should get my axe and show you just how scary I can be?” The familiar voice of Eri echoed behind us, and we turned to see Eri had come in, followed by Daiyu. “Good morning, Rika-san, Yae-san. Don’t mind me, I’m just the sort of girl who lets her beloved cheat on her, then cooks dinner with a smile.” Her grin was a little dangerous, but I knew she was teasing. I think, anyway. Eri’s far more expressive than in the past. More stable as well. Except when she snaps…
“I greet you all.” Daiyu bowed in martial arts fashion. She was neatly dressed in a white Chinese-style robe as usual, but in deference to the day, she was also wearing a pair of green leggings underneath, more fashionable shoes rather than her usual workmanlike flat ones, and she was also wearing a green shawl, and rather nice jade earrings, hairpins and a pendant.
“Oh, she’s so cute!” Rika-chan gushed, seeing Daiyu. “Like a perfect doll! Akio-kun’s a sinful man!”
“I think Ri-Ri’s changed too.” Yae-chan remarked. “I think this every time I see you, but you’ve grown prettier. Now… there’s an air about you. Dark and mysterious. It’s kind of cool.”
Eri nodded, helping herself to some breakfast. “It makes sense. After all, I’m a… second generation, you said, yes?”
“You heard all that?” Yae-chan flushed. “I… uh, meant it in a positive way, I promise!”
“Sure you did. But you’re right. I wasn’t very well adjusted. If Akio married me and we lived a normal life, he probably would have cheated on me, and my forgiveness would have been equally heavy and just pushed him away further. Now… I know that love isn’t just one sided. Anyway, enough of that. It’s a boring topic.”
“So, are you looking forward to the concert?” Rika-chan was asking Daiyu, and she shook her head.
“I have little interest, though… I shall be there as Matriarch to my new disciples, and to scout further suitable candidates. To become a Cultivator requires rigorous discipline both mentally and physically, and much hard, repetitive practise. I had thought those who could accept such were rare, but it seems that these idols, as they are called, have the dedication, if properly harnessed.”
“Oh yeah, you talked about that, didn’t you Ai-chan?” Rika-chan gushed, before looking at Eri with a greatly amused expression. “Speaking of cheating… It must be a bit of a worry when Kanzaki-chan declared on national television that Akio-kun was her ideal man, then he saved her in a daring rescue, and now… she’s hanging around here, being trained. I mean, she’s not the most famous of AKB0048, but her popularity is soaring, especially with girls. I mean, she’s an idol! Every guy dreams of being the one to tame an idol, right?”
“I think you’re focusing on the wrong thing, Rika-san.” Eri rolled her eyes. She was also neatly dressed, ready to go out despite the early hour, wearing jeans and a fluffy jumper, though she’d made the effort to wear a little jewellery my bro had bought her, which was unusual for Eri, she never really cared much for finery. “You think that Shaeula or Shiro aren’t famous? In fact, soon we’ll all be in the public eye. I… wasn’t confident before, but now I truly have the strength to stand beside Akio, protect him, my family, all of us… so… I’ve nothing to hide. Idols? They’ll wish they were as popular as us!”
I snickered at Eri’s bold declaration, but it was just like her now. No hesitation. She knows where waiting and wishing gets her. Nowhere, that’s where. “True, but Keiko-chan is very nice. The others too. I like them. And if they work hard with Daiyu, that’s a good thing for us and them.”
“First name basis… that’s awesome. Do you think they’ll be friends with us too?” Rika-chan asked, and Yae-chan rolled her eyes.
“Who knows? But it’s not just us going, is it?”
“That’s right.” I agreed. “Kana-chan and her friends, as well as some trainees from the school are coming too. Then there’s Shiro and my bro’s uni friends. I think…”
Daiyu nodded at my inquisitive look. “Yes, I shall be bringing Eui. It will do her good not to dwell on her sorrows. Though I have few complaints. She is an extremely hard worker, for she understands that power is the only guarantee of safety in this world.”
“Ouch. Heavy topic. Well, let’s change the subject…” Yeah, this is a light-hearted, happy day. Bro may be off doing some scary stuff, but… Eri would know if he was truly in trouble, and he wouldn’t want to ruin our enjoyment…
“Morning!” Suzu-chan greeted us brightly, as she entered the dining area. She lived in the smaller home on the estate, but I thought she was kind of a mess, when it came to cooking and ordinary housework she was lazy and hopeless, though apparently she was amazing at sewing and making cute accessories. Yeah, she’s a bit of a classic airhead, I guess. It’s not like she’s stupid, I mean, she learned Japanese just fine, but… uh, how best to say it… she’s only interested in what she wants to be, and everything else just doesn’t register with her?
It certainly wasn’t unusual for her to come mooch breakfast here, or even in my bro’s home, but today things were different. For one, she was in a brilliant idol costume. She was wearing a golden skirt with red highlights, a white shirt, and a crimson waistcoat with golden sequins. Her drill-tailed hair was artfully done up with golden and scarlet ribbons, and she had put on her makeup well, giving her a slightly more Japanese look, while not obscuring her Western beauty. Yeah, she’s an airhead, but she sure is pretty.
More importantly, behind her were six other idols, though I did shiver a bit when I saw them. Despite the six being pretty girls and women, and wearing similar outfits to Suzu-chan, though some were in shorts rather than skirts, or weren’t wearing the waistcoats. I knew they were actually all puppets, some entirely constructed from ordinary materials, though I also knew at least one was made from a corpse, though with her skills it would never rot, apparently. Eri knew as well, and didn’t approve, pursing her lips, but as Suzu-chan was a Vassal to my bro, Eri let it slide.
“Wow!” Yae-chan gasped, imitating me, which made me roll my eyes. “So cool! So, are you… an idol?”
“Sure am!” Suzu-chan agreed brightly, heading to where food was still being served. She eyed the rice balls, miso soup and other treats, before sighing. “Can’t load up too much today. After all, I’m first on the bill, got to make a good impression for the boss, or she’ll kill me. For both bosses, can’t let Akio-kun down either, right Eri-chan, Aiko-chan?”
I only shook my head as she helped herself to some grilled lean fish and fresh fruit, munching away, careful not to stain her outfit. Seeing us looking, she grinned. “I have an advantage, I’ve more energy than most. But I still have to eat right, it’s the duty of an idol to take care of her body. Oh… my bad, I didn’t answer you properly!” She twirled back to in front of Yae-chan and Rika-chan, and I caught a glimpse of red spats under her skirt, to prevent flashes when dancing.
“I’m Suzu, the centre for Suzumebachi, the hornet that stings your heart!” She struck a pose, hands held in a heart shape. “These are my backup dancers and fellow idols.” They nodded, not speaking, and it seemed that our friends didn’t notice the oddities, like how they barely blinked, and the facial expressions were rather… wooden. Damn, what a tasteless pun…
“Awesome! So, like… you’re performing? At the Tokyo Dome? In front of the world?” Yae-chan pressed, and Suzu-chan nodded.
“Sure am! It’s my big break. I’m going to be the greatest idol in Japan! And you’ll be there to see my glorious performance! We can hang out backstage, it’ll be awesome. Tamami-chan and Keiko-chan will be there, the others too!”
“I can hardly wait!” Yae-chan squealed, and I rolled my eyes. Maybe I’m just used to this sort of thing. Oh well…
“Before that, we need to get changed.” I pointed out. “There’ll be cameras backstage, so you’d hate to show up in front of the world looking anything less that awesome, I bet.”
“Of course!” Yae-chan declared boldly. “We’re gals, right Rika? We have a reputation to uphold, of always looking hot!”
As Rika-chan laughed at that, I looked at Eri, who shrugged. “Sometimes their stupidity is actually a little endearing, I admit…”
Hearing that, Rika-chan and Yae-chan both tried to hug Eri, who effortlessly fought them off. As Suzu-chan was still eating, Daiyu keeping to herself with a faintly wry expression on her face, I shook my head. Yeah, chaos like this is way more fun that being back in Nishimorioka, where there’s nothing to do…
“Looking good.” I approved. They weren’t called the fashionable idiot due at school for nothing. They are definitely cute. Rika-chan was wearing a denim skirt, a bit on the short side, alongside patterned stockings, and a cute white t-shirt and little blue jacket pairing, while Yae-chan was in tight-fit jeans and a racier see-through top, though underneath it she wore a black tank-top, so it wasn’t too immodest. Their bleached hair was now immaculately coloured with highlights and styled, and of course they were wearing the earrings we brought them back from Las Vegas.
“You too, Ai-chan! A trail of heartbroken boys will be following in your wake like always.” Rika-chan teased, looking me up and down. Suzu-chan had already left, as she needed to be there for final rehearsals, setting her stage lights and some other issues. Eri and Daiyu had gone too, to give some moral support to Daiyu’s disciples. It’d be cool to get backstage early, but… it might ruin the fun if we’re there for a boring reason… this is the dream of all young women, I’m not going to squander it!
“Hardly. I think most boys are smart enough to know I’m out of their league.” I gloated. I had made an effort, and it wasn’t exactly my usual look. I was wearing cute stockings similar to Rika-chan’s, and over those I wore a pair of black shorts. I was wearing a white blouse with a black waistcoat, and my hair was done into proper twin tails, though they were on the shorter side, even though I’d been growing out my hair a bit recently. Sports clubs require shorter hair, even on girls, but now I have more flexibility…
“That’s a little boyish though, despite it being achingly cute.” Yae-chan observed. “But if you were a boy, I’d eat you up!”
“Oh, abandoning big bro?” I teased, and she snorted, giggling.
“Hardly, just getting a two for the price of one. But alas, you’re still Ai-chan, even if you are dressed to kill!”
“Oh, whatever.” I waved it off, though I was certainly rather pleased at the compliments. No girl hates being told she looks cute or pretty. Bro please take note! Although, to be fair, from what I gather, he’s quite good at giving out compliments nowadays. How my big bro moonstone has matured! “You’ve got everything? Glowsticks, water, money?”
Yae-chan nodded, patting the cute bag at her side, and Rika-chan did the same. “We’ve got everything we need.” they agreed together.
“Oh, except how are we getting there?” Rika-chan asked, and I shrugged.
“Someone will drive us in. It’s all been organised, all we need to do is bring our beautiful selves.”
“Awesome.” Rika-chan smiled happily. “I could get used to this!”
I checked my phone, noting the time. It was still early yet, but since we were ready, I decided to go see if anyone else was about. Heading back to the main house, Rika-chan and Yae-chan making suitable noises of approval at the scale and grandeur of it, I couldn’t help but act superior. “Just wait until you see the private artificial hot springs we have! It’s awesome, you can look up at the night sky, out over the bay or at central Tokyo.”
“That sounds great, but I’d be too worried…” Rika-chan muttered.
“Don’t panic, it’s not mixed bathing. There’s a separate smaller one for the guys. Well, expect my bro, of course, he gets to go in whenever he wants. But he’s not here.” I winked.
“Cool, maybe tonight then.” Yae-chan agreed. “Though if Aki does come back… I’ll live with it.”
“Sure, and you’d try and get him to take responsibility. Good luck with that…” I sniggered at how transparent she was. “Anyway…” Stepping inside, we entered the living area, where Shiro was already up as well. She was looking rather tired, and on seeing us she swished one hand in a desultory wave.
She’s ready to go, it seems. But then, Shiro looks amazing all the time, in anything she wears. I’m so not jealous at all… “Rough night?” I commiserated, and Shiro shrugged, the white woollen jumper she wore looking elegant on her, and also failing to disguise her ample chest. I’m not small, neither is mom! I’ve got good genes, and I’m sure I’ve not reached my peak!
“Not so much rough as late. I’ve got the stamina I never used to have now, though honestly, it makes me more impressed Aki, Hayato, Aimi and the gang were able to stay up drinking until the early morning without stat boosts. We only got back a few hours ago, so I decided just to watch some TV rather than sleep. Damn, those Fae Princesses are a handful. Shit, keeping Estalian under wraps and stopping her flitting about everywhere was a real headache.” She yawned again, rubbing at her eyes. “Anyway, doesn’t matter. I’m heading off soon anyway, got to be moral support for Arisu, this is her big day. And if Suzu doesn’t see me watching her, she’ll be distraught. As her boss, I have to show willing. Then I’ll be meeting Hayato and the crew. Shugo’s girlfriend and Aimi’s boyfriend should both be coming, so we’ll finally get to properly grill the guy, check he’s right for Aimi, and not just lusting after her hot body.”
“You know, for someone so beautiful, you talk like a dirty old man.” Yae-chan laughed, and Shiro raised one silver eyebrow at that.
“I’m just myself. Shirohime doesn’t need to change for anyone, people have to change for me. Aki did.” She smirked slyly. “Though Eri would disagree, wouldn’t she Aiko?”
“Sure would. So… who else is coming? I know Kana-chan and her friends and most of the trainees are coming direct from Shirohebizumi and meeting us there.”
“Tsuki and Asha don’t have any interest. They’ll be spending the day with your parents, Aiko, as well as the others. Shopping, eating out, having fun… good luck to them. As for Motoko and Natsumi, they aren’t really interested either, but they might show up, depends how busy they are. As for Shaeula…” Shiro grinned. “Of course she wouldn’t miss it, she’s a huge otaku Faerie weasel. What a combination. She’ll be going along with you girls, added security if nothing else. Aki’s still quite worried about his Foresight, so everyone has to be guarded. It’s why Hyacinth is accompanying Tsuki and the crew, and I’ll be with the older group at the concert.”
“Makes sense. No repeats of Kyoto.” I agreed firmly.
“Great, so anyway…” Shiro stretched her legs, clad in slender white jeans like usual. In fact, she usually only wore other colours like purple and red when out with my bro. “…I suppose I best think about leaving. But before I do, I’d best wake up our sleeping princess.” As Shiro vanished upstairs, I let Rika-chan and Yae-chan watch some TV. It seemed to be a struggle for Shiro, as twenty minutes passed before she came down alone, a wry expression on her stunning face.
“She’s hitting a shower. She’ll be ready when you are, have no fear. Her friend Ichika will be meeting you there as well. She’s a bit gloomy, but don’t hold that against her, okay?”
I nodded, remembering the woman, she was doing some part-time work around the shrine for my bro. It was then the doorbell chimed, and on going to it, I saw one more of my bro’s employees there. Hashimoto-san, right? His daughter’s Sana-chan. She’s also doing some very basic part-time work after school at the shrine sometimes now… I then paused, surprised. Wait, there’s another one?
Sana-chan had a very distinctive appearance. Unlike the gal fashion of Rika-chan and Yae-chan, which was flashy enough, and a bit wild for my tastes, Sana-chan was a gyaru, which took it further. Rather than a little hair bleach to go blonde and some makeup and accessories, as well as wearing skirts a little too short and tops a touch too low cut, gyaru fashion emphasised heavy makeup, tanned skins, loud hair and clothes that did trend towards the revealing, though also in a sexy, fashionable way. They didn’t have the best of reputations, but judging by reputation was stupid anyway. Sana-chan’s a nice enough girl, the sort you can find anywhere.
Indeed, today she was wearing a pink low-cut shirt, with sparkling sequin patterns on the sleeves and chest area, as well as a cute purple boa-style scarf, which she could use to cover herself. It was paired with a white lace skirt that puffed out, showing off her thigh socks. Her dark-blonde hair was styled neatly with bright pink highlights, and her tanned face was accentuated by rather loud eyeshadow, lipstick and other powders, making her seem older and more mature. Honestly, I’d feel a fool dressed like that, but she’s fine, if you ask me. Though Hashimoto-san might not agree. It’s a look for a university girl, maybe, rather than a highschooler.
In fact, he looked rather troubled. Despite that, I asked them to come in. I glanced at the second girl, who I didn’t know. She too was in full gyaru style, though her makeup was cracking a bit, her face screwed up as if she wanted to cry, which was odd. I mean, she’s pretty enough. Not as cute as me, or Rika-chan or Yae-chan, but… plenty of boys would be interested in her.
She had her hair tied up in a large ponytail, and it had been dyed, by the looks of it, and was now a loud pink. She was wearing a tight dress, low cut and short, with a vivid leopard print pattern, and she had paired this with fishnet tights, leaving a gap visible between those and the skirt, and her height was boosted by a pair of bright pink heels. On seeing us looking, she shivered, before biting her lip and glowering at Sana-chan, as if she hated her. Seeing that, Hashimoto-san seemed to shrink in on himself.
Noticing his worry, Sana-chan sighed. “Stop that dad, this has totes nothing to do with ya, feel me? Ikeda-san was the one who brought this on herself. She should be thankful she’s getting to go backstage and see some idols, getting the real VIP treatment, ya get it?” She paused, scratching at one cheek shyly. “Like, I’m totes getting an upswing of respect for ya, recently. Don’t blow it by being a doormat for mom. She’s over ya, move on.”
There’s a story here. Seeing the tense situation, I offered them refreshments, and Sana-san cheerfully agreed, while the girl, Ikeda-san, asked for water in a quiet voice. Hashimoto-san declined though, as he was apparently here to take Shiro to the Tokyo Dome, and then he’d be back to take us all later. Overtime for my bro, apparently. Though he seemed happy enough as his daughter was going.
“Mom won’t forgive you for this.” Ikeda-san spoke suddenly, glowering at Sana-chan. “Forcing me to dress like a whore. I hate you, you’re a bad girl!”
I frowned, not liking that language. Before I could speak, Shiro came out, ready to go, followed by Shaeula, her hair still damp, wearing her usual orange yukata, who narrowed her amber eyes at the cursing. Seeing the two new arrivals, Ikeda-san’s mouth dropped open, and even under the fake tan and makeup I could see she was flushed.
“Oh, so you-you are the one who made the promise with Sana, are you not-not?” Shaeula queried grumpily, and Ikeda-san managed a nod, her head bobbing like it was on a rusty spring.
“I did, but…” she protested, only to freeze as Shaeula’s expression hardened. Changing the subject, she managed a smile. “I’m Ikeda Aya, Sana-chan’s sister. It’s a pleasure to meet you, and an honour. I saw you both on the TV in London.”
“You’re not my sister, I’ve told ya a million times.” Sana-chan snapped. “If mom wants to get remarried, more power to her. Dad was kind of lame back in the day…” Hashimoto-san winced at that. “…but just because your dad married my idiot mom, that don’t make ya my sister, ya feel me? Especially not the way you called me a prostitute and a slut and told mom I was selling my body to old men.”
At that, I frowned. That’s a really nasty thing to say…
“But you dress like a tramp, Sana-chan…” Ikeda-san tried to defend herself. “…and you skip school a lot, and stay out late…”
“Hey, I don’t like this.” Rika-chan and Yae-chan exchanged glances. “In fact…” Yae-chan continued. “…it’s stereotypes like that which can really hurt, you know? We get that sometimes, don’t we Rika?”
Rika-chan nodded. “Yeah, guys think we’re easy, or girls think we’re bitches, just because we like to dress a bit cute and flashy. Sure, gyaru style is a little more than we like, but… I think you look cool, Sana-chan!”
“Thanks!” she blushed. “You girls are cute as hell too, ya feel me?”
“I do not-not approve.” Shaeula fixed her gaze on Ikeda-san, who was torn between asking for an autograph and being ashamed. “But that is no-no matter. What does matter is, you made a wager. I have been told of this. And given word and gambles are sacrosanct. You will not-not be allowed to shirk it. So… today, you must go around proud-proud of your looks, without hiding. Are we clear-clear?” Her tone brooked no disagreement, and Ikeda-san nodded weakly.
“It’s not so bad.” Sana-chan snickered. “You’re showing off a little, but you ain’t that slutty. If I was the bitch you say I am, I’d have wagered you had to do what you accused me of, not just dressing up. But I’m not that cruel, to you or the poor guys looking for action.”
I had to stifle a giggle at her catty meanness. It was quite funny.
“Anyway…” Sana-chan continued. “I just want ya to leave me alone to get on with my own life. Is that so wrong? I’m no slut, I have a part-time job, which is more than you do. Walk a mile in my shoes, and maybe ya will get it. I don’t want an apology, ya wouldn’t mean it anyway. Just… face up to it. Ya hurt my feelings, and it wasn’t cool.”
“Sorry.” Hashimoto-san apologised. “I know that she’ll be angry, but I’ll speak to your mother.” He promised the girls.
“I’d leave it.” Shiro spoke up, having understood the situation from their interactions and also from hearing about the wager before. “It’s just two girls having a fight. No big deal. Now…” Shiro looked at Ikeda-san with her mysterious, dark eyes, leaving her in awe. “…I hate nothing more than girls who lie and slander other girls. You think I haven’t had my share?” She looked mournful for a moment. “So, today you’ll be nice, and fun, and make sure everyone has a good time. Besides…” Shiro smirked, and I was reminded she was rather boyish in some of her humour. “…maybe you’ll enjoy dressing that way? I bet you’ll get more guys calling out to you.”
“I… okay.” Ikeda-san nodded, defeated, before steeling herself. “But… can I have your autograph? Yours too, Dannan-san.”
Shaeula grunted. “Very well-well, but I echo what Shiro advised you. Do not-not merely embody the words you spoke, but also the spirit in which they were offered. Even if you keep-keep the letter of your promises, if you cheat the spirit, you only-only hurt yourself. I learned this lesson the hard-hard way.”
“It’s decided then.” Sana-chan agreed, though she was clearly amused by the desperation her stepsister had in trying to get autographs from the girls. “Anyway, I totes told ya I knew them. I’m not smart, but I ain’t a liar, I wish ya would learn that. Anyway, if ya want the maid’s autograph…”
“I do, I do!” Ikeda-san nodded rapidly, and Sana-chan giggled.
“Fine. I won, so I’m not a graceless bitch. Can ya sort that out?” Sana-chan asked me, and I shrugged.
“Sure, why not?” As I went to find Hyacinth, I couldn’t help but chuckle to myself. This is going to be one hell of a day. We’ve not even left for the concert yet and we’ve had this fun rivalry kick off. It’s just a shame Hinata-chan and bro can’t be here to share it with us. Oh well… It wouldn’t be long now, and honestly, much as I was really looking forward to seeing the performance from Tamami-chan and the rest of Red and White, I had a deep curiosity about just what sort of performance Suzu-chan would be putting on…
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