Chapter 2412: 1/3

Suddenly, the rocks around the shadow mouse moved and enveloped it.

The mouse reacted fast enough and escaped. The land abomination didn't fall for the same trick again. Sam clicked his tongue and this time, three mice appeared around the

abomination. He once again, tried to increase the gravity first.

But the mice just blended into his shadow, while leaving the cards out.


Before Sam could attack through them, the abomination shifted location and he used an elemental energy attack to try and capture the shadow mice in his shadow. But they already left without him noticing.

Sam took that opportunity and shot a laser beam.


The abomination felt a burning sensation as if a hole is boring through him from the back.

He kicked the ground and tried to move away, but Sam's movements matched him and the laser beam continued. The abomination couldn't get away from it, however he did manage to avoid getting hit on a single spot.

A small gash appeared over his rocky body and it is spreading long. The laser barely nicked his surface. Still, he realized he could really get some serious damage if it continued for long.


With a clap of his hand, an earthen wall appeared in between them. Sam's laser is finally blocked. However, the abomination was stunned when he saw the wall. There are ten cards stuck to it.


Death elemental energy beams were shot from all ten cards aimed at him, at the same time. *CRASH*

He crashed into the ground and when he stood up, a rock on his shoulder fell off. A gap appeared in his body and he could almost see his bone, which is shining like a graphite rock.

He looked at it in a daze, when a laser beam came out of nowhere and landed on that exact part.


He groaned in pain and fell to the ground. His arm fell off. Like a stone arm would fall off of a statue. He clearly got weakened and Sam decided to take advantage of it.


Void hopper appeared, spatial energy rose in the surroundings and spatial tears appeared around the abomination. Connecting all of them, there is one tear appeared in front of Sam and he shot out a set of cards through it.

All cards appeared out of the tears from all directions.

Just when the abomination was about to leave.


Sam yelled out.

Dia appeared and controlled the gravity. All the cards immediately got stuck to the abomination. At that moment, Sam took out two cards. One is the same as the cards that got stuck to the abomination and the other one is a special black colored card with red colored runes on it.

He held two of them together and activated them.

The spiritual energy bound the two cards.

The black card glowed brightly. The same patterns on that black card appeared on the cards that are stuck to the abomination. All of them reacted at the same time.

Abomination who was about to brute force out of the gravitational field, felt powerless all of a sudden.

All of his vitality was being sucked out of it. The runes on the card became brighter and brighter as the vitality poured of the abomination's body.

In the next two minutes, the body of the abomination collapsed. One rock after another collapsed off of its body and its skeleton was shown.

Soon, even the skeleton cracked and it died.

The abomination that people feared so much died just like that.

Even Sam is a bit surprised.

The fight didn't even feel like a fight.

The opponent wasn't even able to catch up with him. Much less land a proper attack. He didn't show any skill in battle. His strength was indeed higher, but not much better than a general.

The abomination certainly didn't match the threat that was described by Triala and Naila. He even doubted if what he really killed is a an abomination.

Sam landed and went on to check the skeleton and immediately he realized what is happening.

The organs. Even though the flesh and the bone have changed, the internal organs didn't mutate properly. They are struck with the function of nourishing a human body, but a human body is not what they are equipped in.

And it seemed like the body even with its mutation has not fully evolved. Usually, with a proper mutation, the energy intake mechanism should also change. But the current body is still stuck with a regular digestive system for fueling the body.

How can that system provide any nutrition for the body to sustain.

Even if that can be overcome from spiritual energy, the other problem couldn't be overcome that simply.

The organs partially turned rock. Including the brain. Many nerve centers already solidified. He understood the weird behavior and lack of much cognitive skill and thinking. Sam believed that even if he didn't intervene, the land general would have died sooner or later. What Sam didn't know is that even before the meeting he has already intervened.

He left behind the trap in the space gate back at Naila's old territory, just for the heck of it. He just wanted to kill some lackeys if they came and fell into the trap and he did keep a big power source, which increases the output of explosion.

The land general was trying his best to keep his brain from mutation using his cultivation. When he exploded and went into a comatose state, the suppression stopped and most of his brain transformed like this.

So, the land abomination is dead with all these factors added up.

Triala who has been secretly witnessing the battle from the safety of the settlement was stunned. She has been shocked way too many times in the short time she spent with Sam. However, this shock of another level.

The abomination, that dreaded creature is killed just like that.

Of course, she still didn't believe that she could defeat one, but she never expected it to be

this easy.

And it wasn't just her who thought that. A humanoid bird creature is standing far away from that spot and witnessed the whole battle. The sky abomination has come out from its

mountain cave and witnessed one of the fellow abominations fall.

Aspirant also witnessed the scene and is now biting his nails.

Both of these secret audience immediately left with plans of their own.

Meanwhile, Sam consumed medicine and wine for his recovery as he went back into the settlement. The shadow mice got into action as they started clearing out the battlefield. The vines around the territory are thicker than ever and they are still spreading, capturing the now scattered land abomination army.

Sam's first big victory in this planet happened. Almost one third of his mission is complete.

He met with Triala and said.

"Find a water abomination lackey group nearby. It would be better if it is an isolated one. A

stream or a lake deeper into the forest.

I am sure all the nearby ones are dead. I need to check something."

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