Chapter 2413: Disturbance

It didn't take long for Triala to find what Sam wanted.

They immediately travelled there. They didn't approach the lake readily and kept a fair distance from it. After observing it from afar for a short while, he then directly threw the submarine puppet he made.

The puppet fell into the water and was activated automatically. The water abomination lackeys inside the water didn't react fast enough to block it and destroy it.

Once the puppet is inside the water, they approached it curiously.

It is a foreign object, but they couldn't sense and vitality from it, which is one of the deciding

factors for these creatures to attack. However, the energy fluctuations coming from the submarine attracted their attention.

The submarine on the other hand started moving around in the lake. As it did, a small compartment under it opened up letting out small metallic objects into the water. They are minute, almost as small as an ant at most.

While leaving those objects, some vibrations came out of the submarine. They acted similar to the Sonar waves, however instead of sound reflecting on the objects it is the spiritual energy that reacts to the vibrations.

The spiritual energy that is being emitted by the lackeys is reacting to those vibrations and it also resonated with a similar frequency. When that spiritual energy or the water elemental energy resonated in that frequency, the small metal objects along with the water around it moved towards the bodies of the lackeys.

The metallic objects stuck to their scales.

Once they did, they seemed to have broken down and dissolved into the lackey's flesh.

Within two minutes after that, the water abomination lackeys that were still floating around, writhed.

The scales and flesh fell off their bodies. They died just like that. Those scales and flesh reached the bed of lake and settled down there. The submarine kept on moving in the water and more and more lackeys died.

However, none of the lackeys attacked it.

They didn't perceive it as a threat at all. Meanwhile, Sam checked the live feed coming from the submarine. The plan is success. Within half an hour, the lake is devoid any lackey. It worked perfectly.

Even though it took some time to figure this out, he had to innovate and make something new, which is something he enjoyed doing.

"Now, I just need to make a shit load of them so that they can travel the Seas and end them all. This will be much faster than killing them with poison directly and also much healthier for your environment. It won't disturb the nature too much. But there is still one problem here."

Sam muttered out loud and Triala asked.

"What is it?"

"The creatures of the Sea. Except for the few that are near the island where Naila and her people now settled down, I haven't seen normal creatures. Only ones left are the venomous sea creatures. The rest of them are almost non-existent.

I was hoping I could find them out, but there is no luck until now."

Triala also sighed upon hearing this.

The same problem could be said about the beasts and birds on the land as well. However just like earth, this planet is also mostly comprised of water and the sea creatures are supposed to be higher in number.

Restoring them will take a lot more time than the land creatures.

"I guess we have to artificially inject new species here. Too bad though, some of the creatures I saw here.. I haven't encountered in the outside world. Even though there are some creatures preserved on and near that island, I am sure multiple species have gone extinct because of this."

Sam genuinely felt it was a pity.

He then let the production units in his divine dimension work at full speed. If he has enough number of these bots, they can easily clear all the water abomination lackeys.

He can use the spatial transference to send them all over the planet and they will work simultaneously.

He also didn't even wait for the batches to finish, instead he created a one way space gate and inserted a randomized mechanism. It will select random coordinates within the area that is covered with water.

Whenever production inside is complete, it is the job of the shadow mice to bring them out and place them in these formations and it would be sent to a random location

With ten to one difference in time, the production was going faster.

Finally, Sam didn't have much to do. The land abominations are taken care of completely. The abomination is done and it would only take a few days for the lackeys to die. The sky abomination lackeys are also exploding with the infected fire elemental poison.

The abomination itself is losing its mind over it. However, it didn't make a move.

As for water abomination, Sam believed that it would only be a matter of time before it came out. The death rate of its lackeys is increasing in real time.

So, Sam decided to help out with expansion. The techniques these people have are honestly not that great. He gave them a bunch of blueprints and machinery to start extracting the resources from the newly acquired mines.

Sam did spent a considerable sum to help these people.

It is only natural for him to get something back in exchange. While all these are being taken care of, the sky abomination who is getting sick and tired of its lackeys dying is losing its


"What the fuck are those red feathers. No matter what I do, they are ending up back in one of my hoards and the rest are getting infected. I already lost one third of my forces. What is


He screamed and smashed everything his cave, but of course there is no answer coming for


There is an equally frustrated guy somewhere else.

Ronx is also smashing everything in his sigh. He looked at Aspirant and wanted to smash the

crap out of his as well.

But looking at Telchines, he couldn't dare.

Even though Aspirant is not acting volatile like him he is also extremely frustrated.

After some thought he gritted his teeth and executed a new plan decisively.

"Follow all the movements of the Triala territory, bring me the details on all the spots they

are expanding to."

Ronx didn't have much choice, since he chose to join hands with Aspirant he has to see it till

the end.

Aspirant checked out the details and marked a spot.

"He is almost there." He muttered to himself and an evil smile appeared on his face.

"Go and kill everyone you see in this spot. Make sure you make it as bloody as possible."

He ordered the Telchines, the latter nodded and left the room.

And that was just the first team.

Around half an hour later, Sam who was in one of the mining sites to take a look at a metal ore

unique to this world got a message from Triala.

"The mining team on the west-side mine have all been killed. Their bodies are hung on flag

poles and were left there.

It is not the work of the abomination or its lackeys. It is definitely humans."

Sam's gaze immediately turned colder.

He used dimensional drifter to go to that mining site and as soon as he landed he got another


"Another group just died. There are a couple of survivors this time and they said the opponent

is full of people that are way too stronger than us.

They are likely people of outer world."

Triala gave him a brief. Her voice is shaking and she felt a lot conflicted. Sam took a look at the

map and understood what is happening.

The clear condition to this place is expanding the human territory at least five percent and that territory should be in the hands of Sam.

He was about to reach the condition. Even without that island, Sam now has complete control

from Triala's territory to Naila's territory. All the resource points in the middle are occupied by Triala's people establishing the area of influence.

He is just a few hours away from increasing the influence by five percent. Considering how small the area of influence the humans had before he came here. It is a relatively easy task.

And it seems like Aspirant has given up directly dealing Sam and is now focusing on impeding

his progress.

It is working well as well.

"Tell everyone to retreat. I will solve this and give you the orders. They can rest and celebrate

for today. Tomorrow they can start working again."

Sam gave those words and didn't even wait for Triala's reply. He took off on the harbinger.

He avoided all the scouts of Ronx' territory and reached a vantage point that gave him a clear

view of that place.

"You guys should have just listened.

It is already benevolent of me to not come and attack you, but to think you could come

knocking on your own.

You guys are so screwed."

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