Chapter 1467: Gathering Materials And Hunting Monsters

After jumping into the lake and finding the precious corals we wanted, my presence ended bringing the attention of one of the largest fishes around here, a huge Blind Fish King, who looked like a catfish but without eyes, and an enormous body of maybe like four meters of height, really huge critter.

I immediately, and naturally, swam away as quickly as I could as I didn’t want to get swallowed, jumping into ground and running as the giant thing chased after me.



Yes, it even chased after me when I jumped into land, and it started crawling with its claws into the “beach” side of the lake.

“Uwaah! She found a Blind Fish King already?!” Ruby panicked.

This damn thing was clearly amphibious, moving with its huge claw-like fins around land like nothing. The bastard was even well experienced with the motion and everything.

I could probably finish it off quickly though, it wasn’t past Tier 4 I think.

However, there’s the fun at tha?

“Alright Ruby it’s all yours!” I said, running past her.

“All mine?!”

She looked at me in disbelief as I ran, her eyes quickly glancing at the huge fish jumping towards her to eat her whole.


As the monster started trying to suck her into its jaws, Ruby activated her Aura again out of desperation, swinging her hammer against the monster’s head.


An explosion of flames erupted from the hammer strike alone, covering most of the fish and turning it ablaze. The slime covering didn’t work at all and the entire thing started burning alive.


The creature gave a loud and funny scream before perishing, Ruby ended killing it with a single blow! Wow she’s strong.

“E-Eh? It’s dead already?! No way!” she gasped. “I-I thought it was… eh?”

“Hahaha! Well done Ruby! You’re pretty strong aren’t you?” laughed Celeste.

“Nice!” said Celica. “With this we got some roasted fish! But that’s not enough though, we need more for the cores.”

“Yep, let’s quickly bring nine more to slay… Should I go again? I think I can gather more coral crystals,” I said.

“Well if you insist on going we are nobody to stop you,” said Celeste with a cocky smile. “Yeah! Go ahead Sylphy!” Celica nodded.

I knew they didn’t want to go take a swim, so I went myself. With the help of my familiars being small and cute, I was able to easily lure eight more blind fishes in the span of ten minutes.

We did the same thing over and over again, asking Ruby to slam them with her hammer so she could gain the most EXP.

Eventually, we were done.



The tenth fish gave a loud growl of pain, as if it was letting go of all the oxygen on its gills or something. It was a bit saddening seeing such big creatures being hunted down I guess but at least they’ll not be wasted.

“And so we’re done with this!” said Celica. “Now to the Goo Farm right?”

“Yep, let’s go there!” I nodded. “We secured the coral gems after all.”

“Phew… why do you girls show yourselves so casually? It wasn’t something even easy to avoid yet you left it all to me!” Ruby said.

“What do you mean with “show”?” wondered Celeste. “I mean if you’re wondering why we are so relaxed? It’s because we could knock out those monsters with just a thought, so they don’t compute in our heads as threats… I hope that explanation works.”

“O-Oh… okay I get it better now but still, that’s insane, what are your tiers anyways?” she asked.

“Both? Like combined?” I asked. “Well I’m Tier 7 but I can easily fight things beyond that…” “We are around that if not a tier or two behind most of the time,” said Celeste.

“Yeah we’re pretty strong you know? Hehehe!” Celica giggled mischievously. “Now let’s go to the Goo Farm already! I want to learn why it’s called “farm” to begin with!”

“I mean yeah that had be curious too,” I nodded. “Let’s go then!”

“But Sylphy, you’re all wet!” said Ruby. “Aren’t you going to get sick like that? Doesn’t it stink? I wouldn’t be able to resist running back home to take a bath after getting like that in a nasty underground lake…”

“Oh this? Hahahaha!” I laughed a bit. “Ruby! You’re too much, it doesn’t really matter to me…”

“Really? But your hair is so pretty, you’ll ruin it like that…” she sighed.

“I’m fine! I don’t really mind getting a bit nasty or wet sometimes,” I shrugged. “It is what it is! The world is full of dirt and water everywhere, mud and also smelly creatures. I remember since I was a kid that I ran barefoot over the forest or my dad’s farm and got my feet full of mud and dirt, hahah.”

“Hahh… I would die if that happened to me,” Ruby sighed. “You’re sure lucky no matter what happens you remain cute… If the same happened to me my makeup would come undone then my hair would look terrible…”

“Aw, come on now,” I patted her shoulders. “It’s alright. Well, we all got our own ways of… uh, living? Don’t worry I can clean myself quickly.”

“How so?”

“Like this! {Heat}! {Wind}! {Wave}!”

I conjured three Advanced Runes and combined them into a simple yet Advanced Spell.

“{Warm Wind Wave}”


A wave of warm winds covered my body, quickly drying my hair and clothes in mere seconds,

and so my entire body.

I felt comfy right away.

“Phew! See? All new and all fine! Now let’s go to that farm! I wonder if they plant the Goos inside the dirt or something?”

“Woah that spell looked really amazing! Please teach it to me Sylphy!” Ruby begged me.

“Oh! Sure!” I smiled.

Like that, we moved through many corridors and small caves, walking downstairs and then

landing in front of a dark cave where there was a huge door.

“The door that leads to the Goo Farm Dungeon… let’s go.”

I pulled the door open, as something within was revealed.


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