Chapter 1468: Goos


As I pulled open the door what greeted us was… well, it wasn’t anything amazing. I had

imagined it might be those dimensional dungeons with open world floor or something, but I was utterly wronged.

Instead, what we found was dark caves like before, illuminated with tons of Goos moving everywhere, and also crystals stuck to the ground or ceiling.

And these “Goos” which I imagined might be cute, were super ugly. They weren’t at all like our adorable slimes!

Nope, they were ugly masses of acid and liquid, not compact like slimes but more liquid, so liquid they seemed unable to keep large shapes.

So they resembled melting poodles of acid moving around the place. They also had huge smiles made of… flesh and teeth, somehow.

To top it they had a lot of eyes covering their bodies.

So without a doubt the Goos were ugly as sin!

“So these are the Goos…” said Celica. “So ugly!”

“They aren’t like Slimes one bit…” Celeste said.

“Hey, at least we were able to secure a nice grinding spot!” I said. “There doesn’t seem to be any other adventurers in here today, weirdly enough. I would’ve assumed there would be people somewhere.”

“Oh yeah now that I look around you’re not wrong Sylphy!” said Celica. “Weird, to be honest…”

“Do you know where they might have gone to?” Celeste asked Ruby.

“No-No, I have no clue,” said Ruby. “Maybe it wasn’t a good day to hunt? Let’s hunt a few of these Goos then. The laws say that if there aren’t other adventurers you can do whatever you want and just hunt the Goos… They multiply a lot!”

“Okay!” I nodded. “Let’s hunt as many as we can!”

With that said, we didn’t waste more time as lunch was probably about to get ready and we started our hunt.

The majority of Goos aren’t even equipped with countermeasures to fight back and just remain there waiting for something to step on them.

They were easy prey honestly!

Just a fireball was enough to kill the weakest of them. BOOM!


Once they die, they often boil and evaporate, and leave behind a tiny stone, their cores.

However, there were also ways to maintain their bodies by freezing them and turning them into huge chunks of ice.

Aside from that, manual separation was dangerous, their acidic bodies would burn most people’s hands leaving ugly and terrible wounds behind!

With that said, we stared the hunt for real. The smaller ones were ignored as we aimed for the larger Goos.

The largest were yellow and red colored, and wandered around ceilings, being enormous and flat as paper, they spread through dozens of meters with their strange bodies.

“They usually hunt prey by jumping on them or letting them step on them…” said Ruby. “The big ones we’re hunting splash over prey with their mantle-like bodies and then wrap tightly and firmly, dissolving their prey easily.”

“That sounds super scary what?!” Celica gasped.

“So we’ve been lucky they don’t fall over our heads?” Celeste asked.

“Nah I mean there’s a monster repelling barrier I made for something,” I explained.

This barrier wasn’t made of anything special other than my “true power” making monsters either escape or cower in fear and hide. Even these Goos escape or become paralyzed out of fear, becoming easy prey.

“But yeah, once we’re done with some of them, we’re moving to look for the Kings! Don’t we need a couple to complete the quest?”

“Right the Kings!” nodded Celica. “How do we find those, Ruby? Show us through that one funny book you’ve got!”

“Ah, of course, let me read…” Ruby started reading. “Hm, there! I found something… it says that Goo Kings appear within very damp and dark spaces, especially when there’s… several Pink Goos, which are the Female Goos.”

“Wait so the rest were all males?” I wondered.

“I… guess so?” wondered Ruby. “I don’t even know how these critters work to be honest… But the King is an advanced form of the male that evolves after absorbing many living beings… So I guess the females gather to make a… a harem?!”

“What? These things are weird,” I said. “They’re like the evil dark version of the cute slimes.”

“Yeah but whatever, they’re just monsters, let’s get this done with,” shrugged Celeste. “Yeah!” Celica nodded. “Let’s find the pinkies! Pinkies, pinkies! Where are youuuu!”

Celica started running around looking for them, a bit too far away from us.

“Celica, wait, don’t go too far- Ah!”

However, before I could notice it, I saw a huge, red-colored giant goo appear from the ceiling, and noticing her, it jumped directly at her!




The Giant Red Goo wrapped around her body instantly upon falling over her! Beginning to use its acids and attempting to consume her right away.

I don’t know how tough her body is compared to us, Celeste and I might be able to survive just fine but Celica has never specialized don her physical strength or defenses, even as her physique evolved, it was always giving her more magic than anything!


I swung my blade against the Goo and sliced it open, revealing Celica’s body, whose clothes

had slightly been consumed by the acid.

“PWAAH! I thought I would drown! Cough… ugh!”

She however, aside from looking like her skin was irritated, was fine!

Thankfully, it seemed she was tough enough.

“Cough all the acid, I don’t know if it’ll be good for your body anyways,” I said, patting her back. “Let’s clean you up.”

I conjured a huge ball of water using the Aqua Ball Skill and washed her thoroughly. Before drying her. Her clothes had to be changed though, so I gave her a spare dress to wear, and new


“Thank you Sylphy… sorry, I got a bit too far…” she sighed. “If I wasn’t strong enough I would have surely died… The Goos are really dangerous!”

“They are! So don’t go too far away from the barrier,” I sighed, patting her head.

“Well, glad you’re ok Celica, don’t be dumb again,” Celeste sighed. “I got really scared…”

“Me too!” Ruby said. “P-Please be careful!”

“Ok, sorry… Oh!” Celica pointed at the distance. “I saw a pink one!”

“Wait, Celica! Where are you going to?!”

She ran away again…

Seriously, this girl!

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