Chapter115,Part1: 1 - Exciting Vacation ④

Chapter 115 Exciting Vacation ④

Part 1

As expected of the town specialty product, there were clearly many buildings that looked like patisserie shops or cafe shops in the streets of? Gula. Some of them had an exciting signboard that said chocolate specialty store.

I like sweets. I like fresh cream and I also like Anko. And chocolate is also one of my favorites. I like chocolate so much that I always have a stock of chocolate bars as my nutritional ration. Rather than eating three times a day, I prefer chocolate.

If I had the time, I would take my time going around, but unfortunately, this time I didn’t have the time to stay for a long time.

The town was somewhat buzzing because the flag was up, but as it was an usual occurrence, it didn’t really bother me. If it was at the time when I just became a Hunter, then I would have been worried about it and wouldn’t care about chocolate, but this is a great example of how even someone with no abilities could get used to something if they accumulate a lot of those useless encounters.

On the other hand, Tino, who was dressed in a more modest cloth than usual, looked somewhat shrivel up.

She is as much of a sweet tooth as I (Although I am hiding the fact that I am one). Usually, when we go out for a sweet treat, she will look as happy as I am, but maybe she didn’t have much experience walking in a town with an alert flag raised.

“Everything is fine, Tino. Tino hasn’t been away from the Imperial Capital that often, so it might be unusual, but when you are traveling, this isn’t that unusual. Hahaha…… I have seen so many of them that I have already forgotten how many times I have seen one.”

“…… Eh!? Is, is that so……”

And most of the time, Luke and the others would dash into it and end up in a terrible state. But even if I said that, I was most of the time unscathed because I was always in the back and had my Barrier Rings on, but it was a hard sight to see my childhood friends full of injuries.

Tino doesn’t have a personality that puts herself into danger, so that relieved me.

Still, she couldn’t help but think about the flag as it was her first time. Tino anxiously throwing her gaze left and right at the people who were scrambling around was a strange sight for me as I know her as someone who always knows how to be composed.

Even if I am like this, I am a Hunter who has more experience than her. It is now time to quickly and smoothly show her my best side.

“Even if you are still worried about it…… Right. It is at times like this that you close your eyes and cover your ears. Take a deep breath and think about happy things.”


And when someone calls out to you, you cross your arms and pretend to think hard and nod your head. That’s the trick to escaping reality.

There’s only so much one person can do. There are a lot of competent hunters out there, so let those people take care of the things that aren’t within your responsibility.

A little bit full of myself, I continued to talk to Tino, who had fallen silent.

Right. It has always been on my mind. Tino thinks too much ―― She is too serious. It is true that she is a brilliant Hunter with a lot of potential, but right now, there are plenty of better Hunters out there. If she takes on too much responsibility and gets crushed by it, everything will be for naught.

“Tino is doing her best, but you are still young, so I don’t think that it is a good idea to carry such a heavy burden. In the worst case, Liz and Sytry are here, you should take it easy. Since yesterday, you look terrible, I am worried about you.”

“!! Un-understood…… Thank you very much……”

The dark circles under her eyes had disappeared but her fatigue couldn’t be hidden.

At my point, Tino’s eyes looked down while being embarrassed.


I strolled around town with Tino, who had regained a little bit of her energy.

The shop was located in a corner of a large street. It was a cafe shop with a stylish storefront. There were a lot of people on the street but there were no customers, probably because the flag was raised. This was convenient.

The purpose this time wasn’t just a parfait. It also serves as Tino’s mental care.

Initially, Tino following Liz’s whimsical orders had been on my mind for many years. Because of Liz’s personality, I don’t think that she had been treated terribly but ―― She would be a little bit easier to talk to if we were eating something sweet.

…… Yare yare, I am not a big fan of sweets, but it can’t be helped if it was for my Kouhai.

The seat we were guided to was a good seat in the sun, overlooking the street.

Like the front, the interior was very fancy. It was clearly a place where Hunters wouldn’t go.

Even though I have been to every single confectionery and cafe shop in the Imperial Capital, from my point of view this one was quite promising.

Tino’s expression was completely back to her usual one and is fidgetingly looking around the shop with her eyes shining. If I can make her that happy, then it was worth it to bring her here.

As I was mildly amused by Tino’s smiling expression, she said to me with an upward glance.

“Master…… Well…… Sytry Onee-sama entrusted me some money for you, Master. She said, you can spend it as you like.


What’s this? Is Sytry my guardian or what? …… I wish they will at least let me show off.

I was a little disheartened by Sytry’s meddlesomeness, but my expectation for my first chocolate parfait was still high.

I ordered the parfait I was looking forward to while being careful to not show too much of my tension. The sweet scent of the shop fills me with the thought that I was glad that I went outside of the Imperial Capital.

It started out as the bad reason to escape the Gathering, but I hope that everyone, Liz and Sytry included, would enjoy their vacation. …… We will think about the troubles that will occur after we get back home.

“Master…… Thank you very much. Well, you know, for worrying about me……”

“Don’t mind about it. I don’t think that you bothered me and in the first place I am the one who is always bothering you, Tino.”

“That’s…… Not, the case.”

There’s no one better than me to rely on someone else, but it is sometimes nice to be relied on.

In particular, for Tino as the reason she became a Hunter was half because of us. I don’t understand why you are unwilling to rely on me…… I would rather you rely on me a little more. I’m not sure if I can answer your expectations though.

I waited for my parfait with Tino, who was starting to smile a little bit more. Most of the conversations were, as expected, Hunter-related.

The topic wasn’t very appropriate for a date, but I wasn’t going to point that out. Tino was very earnest. Seriously, she was aiming to be a First-Class Hunter.

And since I have stacked up a lot of experience, I can talk about it, regardless if I have any knowledge or not.

TL notes:

Thanks for reading.

Haha Sytry handing pocket money to Cry through Tino like a small child XD

Who know what will happen if Tino rely on you, maybe there will be an earthquake or a dragon show up just so you can “train” her XD

And I am quite shocked that Cry will eat his first chocolate parfait. I thought he was a true sweet sommelier XD

Tchao à plus!

Danmachi Episode 10 Review Corner:

We start the episode with Eina raging, I knew she was writing report but the sound she does when she is writing made me imagine her binge eating XD

We got Aiz crouching to look more closely at Bell and her saying “Is Bell a jerk?” but what I liked the most was Bell’s face after Ryuu attacked Aisha. And Bell yelling in the background when they switched to Haruhime and Hestia XD

I don’t want to say but Harry Potter Marauder’s Map looks more stylish and well having to say “I solemnly swear…” is more cool!

Lili running as Aruru was funny but too bad they didn’t make Finn realize that it was Lili who ordered Raul to move from his post by being disguised as him.

The battle between Ryuu and Aiz isn’t in the Main Series but in Sword Oratoria, but man I wished it was animated!

And the retease of the remix of Heroic Desire at the end of the episode! Oh man, when the rest of the music comes out it’s gonna be so epic!

And I noticed that Tiona is posing everytime she show up on screen XD

This episode was a good episode to set up what happens next! We are now in the last dash! Episodes 11 and 12 are the episodes everyone are hoping for!?


Anko: Red Bean Paste or Red Bean Jam.Yare yare: It is something like “Good grief”, you know like in Jojo (Yare yare daze)! XD

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