The anima in the area had all noticed how powerful Mark was, and they were trying their best to avoid him, and Mark was using his [Taunting] skill to draw them in so that they wouldn’t run away and cause damage somewhere else.
Another anima appeared from behind Mark, trying to take a bite out of him, but Mark easily smacked it out of the sky and sent it crashing into the ground in a heap! The anima dug into the ground like a missile, and Mark grabbed it by the arm and tossed it through the air towards an anima in front of him!
The anima that Mark was stalking was a humanoid-looking spider that had the upper body of a human and the lower body of a spider. It had a feminine appearance, but that was where the similarity between it and humans ended. Its skin was purple, and there were eight legs attached to the lower spider body.
This anima was the one causing the most damage in Kyoto and also the reason Mark had come out from Tokyo to deal with it. It was a high-level Eldritch class anima, and it had the ability to release explosive webs from its body. Once the web was placed anywhere, it would detonate after the spider sent its signal.
Mark sent out his senses a while ago to see if there were any humans left in this part of the city, and after seeing that there weren’t any, he chased the spider down here and began to destroy all of the anima around it using his taunting.
Mark dashed forward to the spider, and the spider entered an underground tunnel once it saw Mark getting ready to attack it! Mark activated his [Taunting] skill again to draw the anima toward him and prevent it from getting too far away, then he sent the [Fangs that Link the Heavens] out to catch the spider by its leg and drag it out from underground!
Mark grabbed the spider and tossed it into the building at the side, making the entire structure shake from the impact! The spider tried to get away from Mark, but Mark pulled it back using his fangs and then pulled his arm back!
[Critical Hit]!
The blow was so intense that the spider didn’t even have time to scream in pain before it was eviscerated! The right side of its body was completely destroyed, and the rest of its body flew back into the building behind it in a splash!
Mark walked over to the spider to make sure that it was actually dead, and once he was sure of that, he started to leave. There were still other parts of the city that needed help, so Mark was going to go there first before calling Luna to see who she was holding up in America.
‘Hopefully Pat finds something soon. The way things are going, we won’t know who is a member of the syndicate and who isn’t until everyone is dead.’
Mark had this thought as he looked out into the city. The anima attacking cities around the world were all members of the syndicate that had transformed, and it made Mark wonder just how deeply rooted the syndicate was. For them to have members in so many countries meant that they were capable of recruiting members without anyone knowing about it.
But that wasn’t what irritated Mark the most.
Mark was irritated by the fact that the people who joined the syndicate in the first place were mostly regular humans and weaker superhumans. The people who transformed into the syndicate members all seemed to be mostly regular humans from what Pat said. Pat couldn’t notice the mana signatures of most of the anima before they changed into anima because they didn’t have any mana signatures before they changed into anima. They were regular humans, and it was only when they changed that they absorbed enough mana from the atmosphere for them to show up on the MDS.
The same humans that the superhumans had been fighting and dying for all this time were turning their back on humanity and throwing their hats in with the syndicate just because they wanted power. It was so fucking stupid. Giving up your humanity for the sake of some power? Did people think that it was worth becoming an anima for that?
“Human King. It’s an honor we finally get to meet.”
Mark turned around when he heard someone talking to him, and he was surprised to see that it was the anima he had just killed. Half of the anima’s body was destroyed, but its head was still intact, and it was talking in a melancholic voice, as if it was being controlled by something else.
Mark didn’t say anything back, he just waited for the creature to speak again, and after a few seconds, it did.
“Do you know how long I have been waiting to have this conversation with you? There have been those who said that we shouldn’t meet before the appointed time, but for some reason, I felt it was necessary. Human King, tell me, what do you hope to achieve from this battle?”
Mark furrowed his brow as he finally turned around and fully regarded the creature. Mark wasn’t sure, but for some reason, he felt like he knew what this was. He knew what was talking to him.
“You’re the leader of the anima.”
“Yes, I am the anima king. I am far from you, so I cannot speak to you as kings should. But regardless, it is necessary for us to have a conversation, and I have chosen to do it this way. You haven’t answered my question, human King.”
Mark scoffed and thought about simply leaving. Talking to the enemy was not something that Mark enjoyed doing. In a situation like this, where both races were fighting for survival, the only thing that would matter at the end of the day was who lived and who died, so talking was pointless.
But for some reason, Mark didn’t walk away. Mark felt like this was a chance he wouldn’t have again to find out about the Syndicate and the true nature of the anima. Mark walked up to one of the rocks on the side of the street, and sat down on it calmly with his hands on his knees, and finally responded.
“Why don’t you tell me something first? What is the syndicate?”
The anima king was silent for a moment as it regarded Mark, and then it spoke with a small hint of curiosity in its tone.
“Oh, you are talking about the group that has pledged their allegiance to us. I do not know what they are. If anything, I should be the one asking you what sort of people this syndicate is. After all, it is from your species that they hailed. They came to me and put up a good argument about the survival of both our species by the transformation of humans into anima. It was not the most foolish idea I had ever heard, so I allowed them their experiments. Now, answer me, King. What is it you wish to gain from all this?”
Mark sighed in irritation. So even the anima don’t know who those fuckers were.
The syndicate was like mold growing in your walls that you don’t know about until they start showing themselves. It was frustrating to clean up and impossible to prevent. Mark took off one of his gauntlets and used the back of his hand to clean some blood from his face while answering.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about exactly. But if you’re asking what I hope to gain from fighting against you, then isn’t it obvious? I’m fighting for our right to exist.”
“Are what of the right of the anima? Do they not have a right to exist?”
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