Chapter 809 - 809: Circle of Kings II

Mark shrugged.

“That’s the thing about evolution. When two natural predators exist in the same space, there is nothing that can stop them from fighting for the territory. You anima have taken too much from humans, and we have taken too much from you in return. There is no alternative but to fight.”

The King of anima seemed surprised by Mark’s answer. It stared at him for a while, its intelligent gaze piercing through Mark as it seemed to understand what truly made Mark the man that he was, and after some time, the anima king spoke only two words.

“I see.”

And then the creature’s body slumped on the ground as the anima king left it. Mark waited for a few seconds to see if there would be any change, and when he didn’t see any movement from the anima, he knew the conversation was over.




The sound of more explosions and fights happening all around Kyoto drew Mark’s attention away from the slumped corpse, and Mark decided that he had wasted enough time there. Mark blasted off the ground and headed straight for the area where he heard the explosions coming from while thinking.

Mark was surprised that the anima king would go out of his way to meet him like this. Mark already knew that the king was on earth, but he didn’t know that the king was strong enough to see through the eyes and even communicate using the bodies of his fallen subjects.

‘It could be anywhere.’

Mark frowned as this thought crossed his mind. The anima king could be any of the creatures around him, and he wouldn’t know it. Mark shook his head and decided not to pay attention to that. It didn’t seem like the anima king could control any of the creatures.

The anima king only shared the consciousness of a creature after it was dead, so it was likely that it couldn’t even do anything with anima when they were alive. It was just a theory that Mark came up with on the spot because of the way things went, and he wouldn’t be able to confirm the theory unless he had another conversation.

And surprisingly, the next conversation that Mark had with the king of anima happened less than four hours later.

Mark finished off fighting against one of the smaller Calamity class anima that had been destroying a residential area in downtown Tokyo when he heard the sound of the anima king’s voice coming from the anima lying on the ground beside him. The anima had been dead for hours already, but its mouth and eyes came to life as it spoke up.

“What would you give in order to see your people survive?”

Mark sighed tiredly as he heard the voice of the anima king again. Mark put his hands in his pockets and walked closer to the dead body lying on the ground.

Mark had just come from the hospital where he was visiting Arit to make sure that everything was going well, so he was too tired to deal with all this. Thankfully, when Mark called Luna earlier, Luna said that she and the Alphas had already cleared out the anima that was causing problems in America.

Mark was right about there not being as many anima in America as there were in Japan, and Mark knew that if he hadn’t stayed here for this battle, then the country would have found it much harder to get rid of all the syndicate members.

Mark looked at the face of the dead anima. The anima was not moving, and Mark added another possibility to the theory he had about the anima king. The anima king could only talk through the bodies of dead anima, and he couldn’t control the bodies either. It was only possible for him to see through and talk through their corpse.

Mark answered the question that the anima king asked him with one of his own.

“What do you mean by give up?”

The anima king turned its dead eyes towards Mark.

“It is exactly what I mean. What are you willing to give up? You’ll have to forgive me, but I am very young, and I have only seen little of humanity. But the little that I have seen has been eye-opening. There are many different types of humans existing in this world, but it is as though all of you possess the same values down to your core. You claim to be good, but you are more than capable of doing to others the evil that has been done to you. You hold values above all else, but you also understand that letting go of those values is the only way to truly live. Humans fascinate me, and in a way, I have come to enjoy the process of observing you.

“I wish to give humanity a chance for survival. There is a plan already prepared that would see humanity fall in less than a week, but I decided that it would be more reasonable to come and meet with you first and tell you what is coming for your people. So tell me, what is it that you are willing to give up in order to see your people survive?”

Mark glared down at the corpse, and he had to close his eyes and take a deep breath to calm himself. Hearing an anima talk about humans like they were the lesser species made Mark a little angry, especially since he knew that there was some truth to what the anima was saying. But that did not mean that Mark agreed with it.

“You anima and your ego. It always surprises me. Even when I fought against the more intelligent anima, I heard them speak about you like you were the saint coming to save them from the devils. Acting like what you are doing was right and what we were doing was wrong. We are both creatures that strive for survival. We are both murderers that have taken the lives of millions. That is all that matters. Whether our principles are different or the same, and whether or not you like humanity doesn’t fucking matter. At the end of the day, only one of us is going to be alive. So don’t talk like you’re some saint who is giving humanity a chance to repent for their sins. What am I willing to sacrifice? I won’t have to sacrifice anything.”

The anima king only stared at Mark for a few seconds after Mark’s declaration, and when it spoke, there was a small undertone of respect in its voice.

The anima king had never thought about things in the way Mark just put them. To the anima king, humans had always been a bane on the earth that caused great damage no matter what they did. They were the devils, and the anima were the heroes that were here to erase them and bring in a new age for Earth. But from Mark’s perspective, there were no heroes or villains, there were just two races fighting for their own survival.

“Yes, I suppose you are right about what we are. Humans, anima, at the end of the day, are nothing but murderers. Whatever our base principles are doesn’t matter. You intrigue me, human king. I truly wish there was a way for me to keep you alive in what’s coming for your people. But your death has already been written about years ago. Are you prepared to die in order to save your people?”

Mark felt anger rising from inside him, and he stomped his boot on the head of the anima, crushing it into paste and blood as the anima king finally left.

“Stop asking stupid questions.”

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