Chapter 810 - 810: Attack on Europe

“Stop asking stupid questions.”

Mark growled and destroyed head of the anima before he turned and began walking down the deserted street. There were no more anima left in this part of the city for Mark to kill, so he headed deeper into the city.

Mark was sure that the Anima King was somewhere in Russia. With the way Russia was attacked first, Mark wouldn’t be surprised if the Anima King had been using Russia as his base all this time. Mark needed more information about what was really going on if he was going to face off against that King.

Mark got closer to the area where he could feel more fights happening in the city, but as he was heading there, he felt the comm in his ear beep before Pat’s voice came through. Mark immediately thought that Pat had found a breakthrough in the notes from Genshi, but what Pat said was something completely different.

[Mark, there’s an issue with Germany! They are under attack from a horde of anima. It’s too much for me to count, but there’s something big moving in front of them! It’s like another Armageddon! I sent them a message about it earlier and told them what was coming, but the German government refused to take any help from other countries. They said they had more than enough manpower to handle it themselves. I think it’s the Syndicate.]

Mark cursed and asked Pat how long the country had before the anima would reach them!

[It’s not long. The anima already ran through Poland and Ukraine earlier, with the way things are going, they’ll be in Germany before the hour is over. There weren’t any strong superhumans in the countries to stop them, so it’s a straight line from Russia to Germany. I think they’re trying to take over the entire continent!]


Mark blasted off the ground and headed straight through Kyoto and into Tokyo while talking to Pat.

“Send any Vanguard guild members in neighboring countries to help out in Germany… it doesn’t matter if they don’t want to let us in, just do what you need to do, I’ll handle any repercussions.”

[Mark, I don’t think you understood what I said completely. I didn’t say that Germany was being attacked from the sea, the anima are moving inland through Europe and destroying all the countries on their way to get to Germany. The superhumans in those countries are already dead.]

“Shit. This is bad. We’re thousands of miles away from there. Did you try to contact Ida and the other Germans who went home earlier? If they’ve already got to their country, then they might be able to hold out for a little longer.”

[Yeah, I contacted them with a message, but they didn’t reply so I don’t know if they got it. There are some military planes and ballistic missiles being pointed towards the anima horde and I think the government is trying to use it to form a defensive line, but I don’t think something like that would work unless they literally tear apart the continent. They’re going to need help, but by the time you get there even with the fastest plane we have, Germany would already be filled with anima. The death toll would be in the millions.]

Mark’s mind whirled as he tried to think of a plan to counter the sudden swarm across Europe. There was nothing that Mark could immediately think of because of how suddenly things were happening. Less than twenty-four hours ago, Mark was in a tournament and now he was trying to save the world from being overrun by the Syndicate. It was like the anima chose the perfect moment when Mark was furthest away from Europe to start their plan.

“Pat, keep an eye on the situation and let me know how things progress. I’ll talk to Genshi and try sending superhuman alliance agents that are close by over to Germany.”

Pat clicked off the call once Mark said this. Pat was still working on the notes that Mark had gotten from Genshi as well while also working on the MDS and keeping an eye on Germany, so he didn’t even have the time to talk.

Meanwhile, Mark continued on his journey to the Superhuman Alliance building!

Mark raced faster the speed of sound and rocketed into the supersonic region to get to the superhuman alliance building in Tokyo! There were still anima prowling the streets even as Mark passed them, but Mark didn’t bother stopping! Mark knew that the superhumans could handle the anima since they were only calamity and disaster classes!

There were hundreds of superhumans and civilians lining the entrance of the building and talking over themselves while trying to get their energy back from the fights they had just been in and Mark ignored them all as he started to go into the building.

Superhumans at the entrance were stopping people from entering the building because they didn’t know if anyone could be a member of the Syndicate or an anima-human hybrid, but once they saw Mark walking forward, they immediately moved out of the way and allowed him through without question.

Once inside the building, Mark saw Megumi talking to Genshi at the side. Megumi had finished clearing out the most dangerous parts of Tokyo recently and was just coming up with a plan of action so that she could start moving to other parts of Japan that still needed help, but there was an issue with the bunkers that Japan had used to protect most of her citizens.

The citizens that were in the most dangerous parts of Japan had been moved into bunkers to protect them from the attacks, but since there were humans transforming into anima, some of them had managed to make their way into the bunkers as well and once they were inside the bunkers, they had transformed, killing many of the civilians that were in there!

The Japanese National Superhuman Agency that was in charge of guarding the bunkers managed to take care of the issue before it could get too serious, but there were people who refused to go back into the bunkers because they were afraid that anyone could become one of the anima. Megumi was thinking of going there and showing her face to them to make them calm down. Humans were usually afraid unless they were certain that they would be protected by someone powerful, so if Megumi was there, then Genshi was sure the humans would calm down again.

Megumi saw Mark walking up to them from the side and she frowned at the hurried look on his face. Megumi immediately knew that there was something wrong if it was able to make even Mark this restless!

Mark skipped the pleasantries and went straight to business.

“Genshi. There’s an issue with Germany. The anima are moving towards it for another mass attack and there’s an Armageddon with them. You need to send a message to the Superhuman Alliance over there and tell them to allow the Vanguard guild to head in to help them out.”

Genshi didn’t seem surprised by what Mark said, so Mark realized that Genshi already knew about this! Mark asked Genshi what he was doing about it and Genshi said that there was nothing he could do!

The anima had already taken over most of Europe, so it was easy for them to move from Russia to Germany. For the superhumans in Japan or America to get there, they would have to cross over the ocean and that would take them hours! By the time they were in Germany, it would be like falling straight into a nest filled with anima.

Genshi told Mark that the only thing they could do now was prepare for an attack on any of the countries that were across the ocean.

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