The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 166 - Striking Another Deal


Both Apollo and Odessa continued to stare at each other. Neither of them took a step back. The clash of two swelled egos took place. On one hand, we had the ego birthed by their upbringing in an environment that lauded them as the cream of the crop. On another, there was a reckless one who felt no one should interfere with his path.


"So? Answer?" Odessa said as she crossed her arms. Moreover, she took a posture symbolizing her not inching from this spot. As Apollo looked at her his expression filled with disgust.

"I have nothing to say to you. I don't even know you!" Apollo answered while making odd gestures with his hand. He couldn't understand why girls were so odd. It's like they all demanded respect despite their nonexistent connection. In other words, he felt there was something wrong with their heads.

"I am Odessa Crux, one of this generations' two Paragons. You should know by my appearance who I am! Now that you know me, answer me," Odessa barked.

In response, Apollo looked at her incredulously. Immediately after, he punched the light screen and bellowed, "Release me! You damned idiot, what is wrong with you?"

Of course, this wasn't the first time he did this.

Needless to say, the integrity of the barrier she erected proved to be many times sturdier than his fist. No matter how many times he bombarded it with punches, it didn't fragment in the slightest. At the same time, Odessa had grown to ignore his remarks. She realized something, he was not an easy person to reason with.

"It doesn't matter how many times you call me out of my name, I will not listen," Odessa adamantly replied. Once again, Apollo became even more frustrated. He pulled at his hair with an exasperated expression.

"W-what is wrong with you women? First Irauk, causes me to bump into Sapphyr. Then Nadida is just as crazy as Irauk. Wait," Apollo paused and moved close to the screen with a narrowed gaze, "Did Irauk put you up to this? Damn, if that old fool did this, I promise I will get him back!"

"Nope, no one saw me come here. It was all my decision. As I said, I want you. Become my subordinate. You can even enter the Seraph Legion of the World Reclamation Task Force in the future. It doesn't matter if Irauk is your master," Odessa offered.

"Wait a minute," Apollo's expression turned peculiar. Something about her words seemed odd, "Why do you want me, and what is the true reason?"

Odessa first exhaled then revealed the reason, "I have to surpass the Braums."

"I...don't see how I fall into this equation," Apollo replied. This was all her desires and based on her earlier words, Irauk's status wasn't simple. Apollo was sure Irauk was capable of pulling some strings to get him a better position. Therefore, she wasn't running a hard bargain.

"That's just it. To be a Paragon, one must lead a huge lead. And, almost all of the Scions are under his grasp. For some reason, most of the superior Scions were birthed by the Braums this generation. And, the Dongguang are too rogue to follow anyone. Do you understand now? I need unknown talents! So I had to approach you first!" Odessa exclaimed.

"I understand your dilemma, but I'm not hearing anything that would cement a deal between us. Not to mention, this, around me, not working," Apollo shook his head.

Finally, Odessa dispelled the barrier. Surprisingly, Apollo didn't run. There was something much better in his mind. If she came from a Supreme Family, then she was destined to be a cash cow.

"How many Spirit Shards do you have on hand?" Apollo asked.

"Somewhere around 10,000."

Naturally, this amount caused Apollo to gawk. One had to know, it took Kayn decades to acquire less than ten of them. Yet, just this girl here, no older than Nadida, surpassed that amount countless times over.

"The difference is status really is ridiculous. Very well, give me half of them and consider it a deposit towards your request. However, if you want to seal the deal, I need a few things," Apollo smiled mischievously.

"I don't like that smile. It's the same one my little sister gives father before she extorts him with her adorable cheeks. What do you want? Any outlandish requests and I swear I will make your life a living hell. Don't underestimate my suitors!" Odessa smirked back.

Nevertheless, Apollo was unaffected. Shortly after, she realized this youth was capable of killing without feeling anything. If she sent people after him, there was a large chance she would get on his bad side. And, if there was one thing she loved—it was life.

"It's nothing large. I need you to either get me Natural Blessings on the Saint-level or convince a Restorer in your family of the highest grade to do you a favor. I have someone who is in need of these things," Apollo requested.

"Is it you? Based on the information going around, your state should be just as bad as the other Glories. However, it also appears you're healing far quicker than they are. I guess it pays to have an Empyrean Root. Attacks causing others to be otherwise susceptible to death, it doesn't have the same effect on you," Odessa muttered before falling into thought.

'It's true, the tablets are right. A rudimentary Empyrean Body will make the Supreme Child far less vulnerable to death. I can't by any means let him fall into the grasp of Alistair. His mind games, they almost always result in him claiming what he seeks; I hate it!'

"Ahem, so now it is your turn. Tell me your answer," Apollo said. At the same time, he snapped his fingers before Odessa.

She looked at him, after weighing the situation, "Do I have your word, that you will join my Seraph Legion in the future? If you agree, I will do my best to realize your desires."

"Sure, just don't renege on your deal," Apollo said before leaning next to her ear, "Because, I don't take lightly to someone not fulfilling their side of the deal. It'd be a shame for the world to miss a pretty face like you."

Similar to Apollo's earlier state, she was left shocked. He had the audacity to threaten a Paragon of the generation. If word got out of this, they'd believe Odessa had turned into a madwoman. There wasn't a single soul on Astarat that would disrespect a Paragon. After all, they were the world's saving grace. 

Soon enough, the deal was finalized. She gave him half the Spirit Shards in her possession and he gave his word. However, that wasn't all. She made him perform a Heaven's Oath. Unfortunately, little did she know the rites of this world had no effect on him. Let alone the heavens, not even otherworldly presences could sense him.

The actions of that voice previously present in Apollo's mind went beyond anything the people of this world could understand. He didn't just thwart Apollo's attempts to summon an otherworldly legion, he sealed his presence from the world.

Unbeknownst to him, he nearly activated a beacon to this world. But, it was far from the time for those events to take place. Until he became an Archdemon, he stood no chance against the next series of tasks he needed to fulfill.

"Don't forget! After the trials are done, I will come to seek you out again. It doesn't matter what Academy I join because my advancement plan is predetermined. I think I'll have to monitor you, if not, maybe Alistair will get him crummy hands on you," Odessa announced.

In response, Apollo shrugged. He entered the pavilion. Unlike the last time, he claimed a card to the highest grade room. Dissimilar to the other time, he put it on a continuous payment plan. Until the trial finished, he would be staying here.

He needed to explore this unfamiliar flame circulating throughout his body. To do so, this was the only quiet place he could recall. Thus, he walked up and entered the room.

After he settled himself, he sat down in a lotus position. He calmed his mind and entered the depths. However, when he saw his internal state, he grimaced. With all the damage done, he was surprised he was even walking right now.

Be that as it may, he monitored the flame. The ruptures in his meridians and tears in his viscera, all of it was melding back together albeit painfully slow.

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