The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 167 - Prelude To The Academy Choosing Ceremony


While Apollo continued inside the training pavilion, the matters back at the site of the selection trial went on. However, things took an odd turn. Now that a sizable amount of the talents were ejected from the mix, the balance on the path of Apollo's team was disrupted.


They traversed the path much slower than expected. As a result, it conjoined with a path it wasn't meant to. But, it served as their saving grace. They ran into the magnanimous Ragnvald. Due to him sensing Nadida and Apollo's aura on them, he offered to help them reach the end.

For days, the people sat in the stands as they watched the contestants survive and tap into strengths they didn't know they possessed. When one desperately clung to life, every ounce of power hidden in their being would be released simultaneously.

In this way, the Selection Trial proceeded without any other unforeseen matters. As expected, the Scions were the first to exit. This wasn't anything out of the ordinary so their administrators made no mention of it.

However, when they saw a cold individual exiting alongside them, they were shocked. Despite restraining his aura, they were sure they felt a pure Ice Intent emanating from his body. This meant his body mixed Water and Wind into the Ice Variant.

Naturally, the cold individual was Adeon. However, there was also a girl next to him. Her chestnut hair flowed past her shoulder as her cerulean eyes hid an unknown power. As she turned toward Adeon, she frowned.

"I haven't seen Nadida or Ragnvald yet. And, there isn't any sign of Rhett either. I thought we had an agreement to come in first," Socorra questioned while looking around. Unsurprisingly, the end of the labyrinth was the entrance to the natural space.

In other words, they arrived back outside. Inside the grand walls of the stadium, Socorra continued to examine her surroundings. After the commotion caused in the first round, there was no sign of Apollo, nor was there a sign of Nadida.

"I don't know the answer. I thought he was weak, but according to his results everyone keeps mentioning, it appears he is a worthy rival. That trivial trial shouldn't be enough to stop him from reaching a good placement. Then again, it's not like the end result really matters," Adeon answered.

Afterward, he lifted his head to look at Irauk. He raised his hand and performed a hand signal to which Irauk nodded. 

At the same time, Socorra nodded and shifted her attention to the portal behind them. In a steady stream, numerous people exited the trial. Some had bloodied bodies and tattered clothes, others had vacant eyes but one thing remained constant. Everyone who entered seemed to have gone through some tough experiences. At least, this was true for those among the lower ring of talent.

Those who existed in the top percentile had much better states in comparison. Although there were signs of exhaustion, their attire wasn't in tatters and their appearance wasn't disheveled.

Ragnvald and about 10 other people exited in tow. Besides his party, there were the stragglers of Apollo's party. However, if one looked closely, they'd see Klaus and Leone's countenances didn't look so good.

"T-thank you Ragnvald. It's thanks to you that we made it out of there alive. Who would have thought they put a Peak Stage Rank 4 beast inside there. Isn't that too far beyond our capabilities? What were they thinking!" Leone exclaimed as he gasped for breath.

Upon seeing Ragnvald, Socorra jumped into his embrace, "Ah! You made it. But, where's Sister Nadida?"

"Mm, I'm not sure. These people said she rushed ahead with Apollo, but there was no sign of them no matter how much we advanced. I even spread out my Soul Conscience to make sure. There were no signs of them," Ragnvald shook his head.

"Hm, I know they're safe. I have faith in them, but still, we had a promise," Socorra said with a pout. To placate her, Ragnvald rubbed her head while falling into thought.

'According to these people, something happened that made their two strongest members rush ahead. However, after that, they were never heard from again. While I know Socorra has faith, Nadida is only a Rank 1 Zul Knight. Even though she is special, it took all of us to subdue that beast.'

As he continued mulling over this matter, a resounding clap was heard. A message soon followed that appalled all of the participants in this trial.

"All of those who remain alive now stand before you. From the initial 300,000, there are only 60,000 of you left. As you see, this is why we don't disclose information on the trial. Every year, there are numerous losses and as you know, they stem from your inadequacies," Sirius spoke.

With slow steps, he walked across the air as he gazed down at the sea of youths. When directly above them, he continued, "Be that as it may, don't fret over this matter. What you will learn in the academies is how to operate together. How to become a unit. Not only does this increase survivability, but it promotes a lethal power in numbers. Learn from the mistakes you have committed today and grow far stronger than you've ever been."

Upon hearing these words, some of the youth's expressions turned colorful. In truth, when it became too dangerous, they abandoned their comrades. While they understood it was something to be frowned upon, when push came to shove, it was always them over others.

Even if the other party was more talented, why would one sacrifice themselves? To serve as a scapegoat for someone else wouldn't make one be remembered as a hero. Especially so, if it was some nameless fool. The answer was simple, they would be forgotten.

Meanwhile, once again, Odessa disappeared from the stands. After all, she had a promise to deliver on. The Academy Choosing Ceremony was about to commence and there was a certain headstrong lad she needed to fetch.


With haste, she arrived before the training pavilion. By using both her identity and charms, she was given the ability to stroll upstairs with the master key to the rooms. After all, who would want to offend a Paragon? While they weren't stronger than everyone now, with unhindered growth, they would soon become the top of this world!

Fortunately, when she opened the room, she did so carefully. She slipped inside and closed the door. However, when she looked around she was surprised.

'This kid is using a Supreme Grade Lesser Cultivation room at its max settings? He's quite the overachiever. Although it isn't comparable to special rooms, it is still 50 times the state of outside. It'll allow him to compress his Essence much faster. On the other hand, the strain it places on the body is immense. Just look at sweat on his...body,' Odessa blanked as she looked at Apollo.

Her eyes fell on a deep gash on his body with several small scars connecting to it. When she saw this accompanied by the tattoo over his heart, she was shocked. 'Just what type of cultivation method does he cultivate? I think it's safe to call him a little beast.'

She moved forward silently, reaching out to touch the scar. Yet, before she could, Apollo grabbed her wrist and awoke from cultivation. As his eyes opened, a crimson light danced within his amethyst eyes, "Is it time?"

"Yes," Odessa answered. With a slow nod, her attention fell back on his chest, "That scar and those markings, where did you get them?"

"In battle and cultivation," Apollo responded while letting go of his wrist. Compared to two weeks ago when the incident happened, his body was in a much better state. Additionally, he felt he was close to achieving one of the first objectives of the mission. 

Every time he focused on his Tainted Temple, it felt like his mind was trying to form a connection with somewhere else! According to Azridan, this meant his soul would soon be ready to seek out his first demonic servant. However, he was also warned that this process might not be identical to the way this world established contracts with their Spirits.

"I can heal you if you like. While I'm not on the level of my mother, I can still deal with scars such as these," Odessa offered. By any means necessary, she would ensure that their relationship was cemented. She couldn't risk the chance of Apollo defecting to Alistair's side.

"No need, this tells of the mistakes I've made. That way, I'll be reminded to use all of my abilities in battle. Thanks for the offer," Apollo rejected. Soon after, he rose to his feet and wore his top. Through the use of Demonic Anima, he evaporated the sweat on his body.

"Understandable. I won't pry into your matters. We have all lived our life. Then, we should leave. The ceremony should take place shortly. I'm curious to know what Academy you choose. After all, from what I hear, Irauk doesn't require his students to join the academy he is affiliated with."

Apollo glanced at Odessa after hearing this. From his expression, she could tell he was unaware of his identity or how strong she was. Thus, two returned to the ceremony together.

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