The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 203 - Going Against A Seat (II)


As Apollo and the others stood before the Seats, they looked at them with focused expressions. Furthermore, each of them silently built up their aura in preparation for the beginning of the battle. 


Still, when Sylvester began the battle, each of their aurae was eclipsed by their respective opponent. However, this didn't deter their fighting spirit. This was especially true for Apollo. Due to what happened during the selection trial, he was unable to test himself against his peers to find out where his combat power stood.

Although potential was vital, that wasn't his current power. To capitalize on one's potential, they needed to possess the means to survive until it blossomed into its mature state. And, to do so, one would need overwhelming combat ability and wits to face all obstacles that may present themselves.

Shortly after initiating the fights, Sylvester retreated next to Rezar who then spoke, "Tell me old friend, who do you believe will win amongst these three battles? Do you think the positions will remain the same or will it change?"

In light of his question, Sylvester fell silent as he pondered all the possibilities. At the same time, he examined their aurae as well. Even with his experience, he found this situation hard to judge; there were too many contributing factors that he wasn't aware of, "If I'm being honest, then Adeon and Ragnvald should each have a chance approaching the 50th percentile. As for Apollo, well he's going up against a Spirit Warrior so how am I to judge this?"

"I feel the same way, I just wanted a second opinion. Let's just witness how this scenario plays out," Rezar agreed while watching the approaching two females from the sideline. Unlike them, Minerva had a solemn expression on her face while looking at Apollo's dark aura.

"Death, countless deaths will happen. He is the cause. Do not let him lead everyone to death," Minerva muttered. However, the tongue she spoke made it impossible for the others to understand. In fact, if Apollo were closer to hear, he would realize it sounded exactly like the language Fuhrer and Saehtyn spoke. It was the ancient language of the demons!

While she muttered this to herself over and over again, the battles between the six youths finally began. Different from his last two fights, Apollo took the initiative and dashed towards Ephraim. Additionally, he conjured a scythe with the Hellfire Manifestation ability as soon as he could. 

Thus, his quick slash was met by Ephraim's own forceful strikes of his two short swords. Even though Apollo lost in the exchange by retreating one step, he only lost 2% of his Health. More importantly, he got a general feel for Ephraim's unaugmented strength.

'If I'm not mistaken, his raw strength should fall somewhere between 500 and 515. It should be manageable to beat him if I overwhelm him with strikes. But, that may be easier said than done,' Apollo thought to himself while abruptly dodging to the side.

Without hesitation, Ephraim merged one of his dark abilities with his weapons. Instead of using his hands, two tentacle-like attachments of dark energy attached to his weapon hilts. This allowed him to use his hands for other purposes. 

While watching Apollo's movements, he formed a few seals that caused a thin layer of dark fog to surround Apollo. As it appeared, Apollo heightened his guard. According to what he knew, the dark attribute possessed the best disorienting and stealth abilities. 

Coupled with his dagger attack style, Apollo was sure that this youth specialized in such tactics. Not to mention, he sensed subtle fluctuation of Spirirutal Essence emanating from Ephraim. Hence, he also prepared himself against any surprise attacks.

Unfortunately, he experienced something similar to when he fought against Fuhrer. Although he was the strike, he could barely defend against it. As Ephraim struck forth with both his short swords, Apollo raised his scythe to block.

Still, he was pushed back over 20 steps. Not to mention, there was a budding numb sensation in his arms. He shook off the pain but when he looked into Ephraim's eyes, he was surprised by what he saw. His eyes were just black and nothing else.

"I don't know what enmity you have towards me, but because I am of the dark attribute, I can sense it well. Have I done something to offend you, or has my family done so? Seeing as they're a Great Family, the number of enemies they have accrued is innumerable. However, should this be the case, I will warn you now; I don't take lightly to those who seek to placate their anger through me," Ephraim voiced. 

However, in the dark fog, his voice bounced continuously as his body became faint. In response, Apollo exhaled and tensed his body. Concurrently, he also closed his eyes and chanted a line, 'An Iraym must flicker like a flame in all its qualities. Even if I'm not in that form, I can still utilize Hellfire. Therefore, there should at least be remnants of that will in my body.'

Nevertheless, his first attempt was faulty. As he closed his eyes, he could barely see Ephraim's silhouette. But, as his Diabolic Heart of Wrath pulsated, it cleared his mind and synchronized with his Tainted Temple.

With each passing moment, Apollo's senses grew sharper. Moreover, albeit minuscule to others, his arms and veins began to swell with power. Equally important, the scythe is hands became more complete. In fact, there were even small etchings on the side of it.

If one was to read it, they would realize this was a mantra birthed by a Hellfire infinitesimally close to reaching the Greater Demon standard. But, as Ephraim noticed Apollo was becoming harder to hit, he first chopped this up to him finally utilizing his combat techniques. However, when he failed to sense the ripples that should be present, he dismissed this idea.

'He isn't using any ability, he's adapting to me as an opponent. This means he is one of the worst types of enemies and the best type of ally. He's an individual who learns quickly through his experiences on the battlefield. Regardless, I'm not in the mood to give up my current spot,' Ephraim thought while exhaling a long, powerful breath.

Simultaneously, the Spiritual Essence both in him and around him seethed. Inside the dark fog, a small portal began to open up. From inside, a thin being dressed in tattered black robes stepped through the portal. While their appearance was concealed, their aura wasn't.

The moment this being appeared, Apollo's eyes slammed open. He felt the threat of a wild beast. Naturally, this was a feeling only a savage Spirit Beast or worthwhile Spirit could give. However, what Apollo felt wasn't apprehension but excitement. 'I can finally go against a Spirit!'

"Salem, let's make quick work of this opponent. You may damage but not kill," Ephraim ordered his Spirit.

In turn, the Spirit turned towards Ephraim with its deep profound eyes, "I know, I know. I won't overstep my boundaries, but I will tell you something worth hearing. That youth over there is hiding his power. I sensed from within your temple that he has only been letting a steady stream of power loose. Furthermore, I've never felt an energy like it."

"It's not Essence?" Ephraim inquired with a surprised expression. This was the first time he heard of energy outside of essence residing in this world. Meanwhile, Salem shook his head and confirmed it wasn't.

Under Ephraim's direction, he confronted Apollo head-on without utilizing any of his dark techniques. To confirm whether or not this opponent was abnormal, he needed to absorb a pure blow.

When their fists collided, a scene that everyone expected took place. Apollo slid back, coming to a stop a few seconds later. However, Salem merely examined his fists and made a judgment, 'Potent and corrosive is nature. Extremely dark and tyrannical, this energy seems to be beyond the energy of my Spirit World, but, he is weak. This won't be a problem to deal with.'

"I'll be finished in 30 seconds and return to my prior actions," Salem announced. All of a sudden, he disappeared and left a distortion of the air in his place. An instant later, he arrived before Apollo. Without delay, he twisted his body in the air and landed an explosive heel drop.

Upon guarding, Apollo's feet sunk into the arena floor. Furthermore, a small fracture appeared on the bone of his forearm. Unfortunately, Salem's barrage didn't stop there. He then executed a seamless aerial combo that left Apollo's forearms bruised and battered.

'I understand why they said humans should never go against a Spirit. These blows are ridiculously heavy, and without my demon form, I'm more fragile. But, I also haven't been giving it my all,' Apollo thought.

Before the next blow landed, Apollo closed his eyes and exhaled. Just before it landed on his chest, Apollo caught it. As he opened his eyes, they were crimson. But, unlike the other times, his reasoning didn't seem to be in shambles. The repeated abuse and guidance from Fuhrer had shown him the way to stimulate a small portion of his Ira. 

It was all in control. With each previous situation, he lost control and failed to manage the influx of Ira, "I've let you land blows on me far more than I should've. Now, let's do this properly."


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