The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 204 - An Unnamed Strike


In light of Apollo's actions, not just Rezar but even Sylvester's eyes widened in shock. A crimson metal alloy encased both of Apollo's arms as he pushed back Salem. While the things around his arms were shocking, they were more surprised by the fact he could even push back a Spirit in the first place. 


Compared to  a human's physique, a Spirit of the same tier would have a body at least twice as strong as a human. In other words, they should never lose out in a battle of strength with a human. This was true even for those spirits who didn't specialize in the strength category.

Yet, Apollo did such a thing. However, this was all due to him chancing upon an opportunity to experience a faint similarity to the time back in the Dark Ruin Labyrinth. Albeit the other incomplete part, Apollo was able to summon his Sin Armament, except this one was more direct than the rest.

As Apollo exhaled, his Diabolic Heart of Wrath throbbed, 'It seems this technique—the Infernal Arms of Damnation—is more demanding than any other I've used before. It's draining my anima like a gluttonous freak. I'll have to move as quickly as possible,' Apollo thought.

On the other hand, Salem's countenance turned grim as his hand slipped from Apollo's grasp. Now that Apollo's arms underwent this change, there was a looming sense of death surrounding his body. And, it was increasing with each passing moment.

"If we let him use this technique any longer, there's a chance his power will continue to grow," Salem stated through the mental channel. At the same time, Ephraim pondered the situation as well. Soon enough, he came to his decision. Since Salem felt it as well, there had to be an imminent threat.

However, like he stated before, he didn't have any desire to give up his current seat. In fact, he was training to achieve a higher rank. But, this wasn't a matter that was up to him. It depended on how far Apollo was willing to go to enact vengeance as well as claim what he sought.

"I permit you to unleash your power, you may access your Spirit Warrior base. By any means necessary, you must win. That means, even if this boy ends up in the Spiritual Infirmary, you must claim victory. Do you understand, Salem?" Ephraim replied with a hint of command in his tone.

In response, Salem nodded, "Roger, consider it done. It is a disgrace for us Spirit's to utilize our entire cultivation and fail to overwhelm our targets."

Immediately after, Salem's aura swelled as the area around him felt suppressed. A thin yet expansive zone of darkness appeared as Apollo gazed at him. However, Salem made a miscalculation, the small environment he created wasn't just to his benefit.

Whatever world he originated from, it seemed to share similarities with the Baleful Steps in Apollo's grasp. Once he started to stimulate the required pathways, Apollo found that his body was absorbing part of Salem's energy of its own accord. Moreover, as he became aware of his, he hastened the process marginally. 

"Hoh? Your Dark Element is irregular. Almost as if it doesn't originate from this plane. Interesting, this will be a worthwhile battle. Perhaps the saying that a human can't combat a Spirit unless they break free of their chains remains uncontested," Salem commented before dashing toward Apollo.

Without hesitation, Apollo didn't the same. But, when he tried to instill Hellfire into his palm, Apollo found that most of it flowed toward his shoulder. There, a small demonic character lit up partially. Be that as it may, information about it still flowed into his mind.

'Boundless Destruction. That's right, the mantra said that Ira was boundless. Azridan also said it was destructive. This volatile Sin, it is the one capable of the most explosive power in the shortest period of time,' Apollo internalized. 

After this rune lit up, the punch he threw towards Salem became three times more explosive. Thus, Salem changed his course of acting. He didn't combat the blow, he tapped his hand against Apollo's fist and used the rebound to launch an aerial counter.

But, in this state, Apollo's Tainted Temple was becoming sensitive and focused on Salem. So, his movements were countered by Apollo throwing an elbow behind himself to block Salem's strike.

Then, before Salem could respond, Apollo fired a Demonic Massacre Wave as a diversion. As Salem shattered the wave with a short sword comprising obscene amounts of dark energy, Apollo made a second move.

Utilizing the Partial Shade Silhouette that he had trained to the peak, he was able to arrive behind Salem. With his next attack, even the surrounding space trembled from the constantly augmenting pressure of his first. Every one of Apollo's strikes was channeling a minute amount of his modified Ira.

Due to this, they had all reached the peak of the Lesser Demon standard. Since his irregular Ira existed somewhere between the Greater Demon and Archdemon standard, it didn't take much effort to elevate his strikes to the height of his level.

Nevertheless, Salem was not to be underestimated. After all, he was a Spirit who also attained the Spirit Warrior Realm. He was able to weaponize all parts of his body. By instilling a fragment of his power into one of the straps around his wrist, he lengthened it and used it to grasp Apollo's ankle and throw him off balance.

  Once again, without pause, Salem performed a heel kick on Apollo's torso creating another sizable crater. However, when the dust cleared, he saw Apollo had blocked the strike with crossed arms.

"Quick reflexes. No, that is incorrect. I should say you are starting to respond faster. There was almost no pause between my strikes. This only makes me further interested in you, tell me, how much can you handle," Salem smiled while holding out both arms to his side.

All of the straps around his wrists deformed and reformed into two short swords with shadow flames dancing off the tips, "It's been a while since I have awakened the Twins Sword of the Abyss Flames. Since this has happened, you are definitely a worthwhile opponent."

Meanwhile, Apollo's expression became solemn. His Tainted Temple kept emitting heightened signals of dangers, those weapons were a threat. Left with no other choice, Apollo stopped monitoring his Anima output. He merely exhaled and relinquished all restraints.

On both arms, each of the runes was fully illuminated. Afterward, both sides rushed in countless times over. Every strike was accompanied by loud bangs and expanding cracks on the floor. Yet, neither side gave in.

By the time they stopped clashing, both sides were heaving. Their strong strikes depleted their strength quickly. But, in both of their eyes, there was excitement. 

"You young thing, your strikes are good! This is a first for me. Even in my world, after inheriting these swords, I have never been matched in battle. It is just a shame that coming here, fragments our power. But, this new experience has opened my eyes. Again!" Salem exclaimed before executing a tornado-like spin. 

Numerous shadow threads separated from his body as they shot towards Apollo's vital areas. Despite defending, due to the high volume of attacks, a few of the attacks made it through his defenses. As he grimaced, he glanced at Adeon and Ragnvald's situation.

While the others had already finished their battle and retired to recuperating, Apollo was having a much harder time doing so. Not to mention, his health had fallen under 40%. Even his battle abilities were beginning to dwindle.

More importantly, he had less than 30% of his Anima Reserves remaining. After this dawned on him, Apollo exhaled and lowered his stance, 'It all depends on this last strike. Take everything learned from Fuhrer and mend it into one.'

Upon exhaling and discarding his worries, a black orb with faint crimson lines appeared within Apollo's overlapped palms. It continued to grow while he focused on Salem preparing a grand strike of his own.

Although Apollo didn't know what to call this he was doing, it felt dissimilar to both the Demonic Massacre Wave and Nether Severance. To him, it felt like the dark side of Hellfire, one that invokes Sin rather than burn it.

Once it was ready, Apollo held his palm out and fired it. Out of instinct, Salem tried to slash it apart but he was shocked. His sword didn't even pass through the orb. It felt almost like metal. 

Salem roared as he continued to exert himself whereas Apollo faltered. On the other side, Ephraim's body swayed while he fell pale. There was a danger accompanied by becoming a user of Spirits. Should they get injured, the summoner is injured as well.

Before the results could become drastic, an armored titan interfered. As the orb was crushed by a sharp greatsword, a long crevice spanning from hundreds of meters appeared. From far away, Rezar gave his input, "That is far enough, the outcome of the battle has been determined. We'll stop here as there are no benefits of letting you two kill yourselves."

"Correct, I'll announce the results of the year's freshman elections," Sylvester added while stepping forward.

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