The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 259 - Revelation Of A Shocking Change


With the Hellfire showing new qualities, not only did it get amplified in power, it seemed to unlock a new ability as well. The moment this happened, Apollo's expression brightened. 'Interesting, two birds with one stone. This is what I like to call a favorable situation,' Apollo thought as he looked at the notifications before him.


〈System Alert! Due to the path of your Hellfire, you have unlocked a new ability «Purification». For more information, please look at your technique menu. This falls under the skill «Hellfire Manipulation». Furthermore, your flame affinity as per this world's standard has reached the peak of the elementary level.〉

Without further adieu, since he was interested in this information, Apollo sifted through the information on his panel until finally what he sought appeared. 

Skill Name: Hellfire Manipulation

Skill Rank: Near Greater 

Information: As a Demon, especially as one who is fueled by Ira, the most vital ability one is to possess is the power to interact with Hellfire. Depending on the current attainments, there are different abilities possessed by this technique. Beyond basic manipulation, it is possible to touch upon unimaginable paths. 

«Creation» - By using the ability of thought, this allows you to create a flame copy of any items within your recollection. However, the more intricate the internal flow of the weapon, the more Hellfire is consumed to fuel both the creation and sustaining phase. Furthermore, if items possessing intent are fabricated, then the consumption increases even further.

«Purification» - Any energy this fire comes in contact with can be cleansed. Whether it is unknown or Sin, all this foreign to your unique body can be cleansed. However, this doesn't work on people or items beyond the skill rank. This rings true for sealed beings as well. Just because their power is sealed, that doesn't mean their physique has returned to a weakened form as well. At the base of things, they still possess the residual effects of the higher state. 

As Apollo looked at this, he wondered if this could be used in tandem with the Pure Demonic Conversion ability. If that was true, this was another workaround to resupply himself in a quicker fashion. If the Hellfire purified the essence into blank energy, it would just take a bit of his demonic aura to transform it into Demonic Anima. 

If the process was faster than normal, then he would have effectively found a workaround to reduce recovery time until he finally crossed the threshold into the Greater Realm. Until then, it was up to his hopes and dreams. Nevertheless, this wasn't what truly excited Apollo, it was the second message.

〈System Alert! Congratulations, another derived form of the Dominance Intent has been learned. You have learned the branch of Demonic Intent—Destructive Intent. Similar to the others, when this is in use, the volatility as well lethality of your attacks experience an increase.〉

On the other hand, when Fuhrer sensed the new strain of Intent on Apollo, he grinned, "Hoh? You've secured the intent needed to empower the Fourth Annihilation, however, if I wish to teach you the third, perhaps I should find a way to introduce you to Avaritia and perhaps Gula. Any of them shall suffice. Out of all the Annihilations, this is the one that touches upon their true nature aside from the last 2."

Nevertheless, the more Apollo attempted to use this intent, the more he felt it was incomplete. The destruction he caused was nowhere near the level depicted in the scene embedded within the volcanic pool. Even after instilling more of his Hellfire into the strike, he failed to recreate the destruction.

'For now, we'll leave this incomplete. It shouldn't be the intent that is lacking but rather the flame itself. I should attempt to raise it to the complete Greater level. My current stigmata should be able to contain the aftershock of doing so,' Apollo estimated as he retracted his consciousness from the orb. When he looked over to Typhir, he realized he was still stuck within the orb.

Compared to his comprehension, Typhir's was a notch below. Nevertheless, through their connection, Apollo was able to sense that Typhir was advancing without much hitches in his progress. It wouldn't be long before he came across his own intent. When that happened, Apollo's arsenal would expand. After all, the more his followers learned meant the more methods at his disposal. 

Once he made sure Typhir was set, Apollo left him a set of directions. Afterward, he left and exited the origin room. However, the moment he left, an unfamiliar woman appeared before him, "Are you Apollo Kaiser?"

Unbeknownst to Apollo, this woman had asked every unfamiliar individual who left this place this question. By now, the number of times she asked this question numbered in the tens. Nevertheless, before he answered, Apollo examined her up and down.

First and foremost, from her attire, Apollo could tell she was an instructor and not a student, however, he still didn't understand who this what. Thus, he evaded for some time, "Who is asking?"

"Pyrexia, Instructor of the 101st group of the seeded division. Now, are you Apollo Kaiser?"

"Correct, I am," Apollo revealed once he verified her identity. In response to his confirmation, Pyrexia stepped forward and scanned him with her eyes.

"Although I won't say the Headmaster's judgment is subpar, it is up to mean to determine whether or not my students are truly worthy of their position. I would like you to stay still while my Heavenly Flame Eyes detects your general condition," Pyrexia commanded in an authoritative tone.

In the meantime, Apollo took a chance to examine her closely. Typically, one's features would suggest the user's strength. For example, those with fire affinities typically possessed varying shades of red hair. However, Pyrexia's hair was hazelnut, but when Apollo looked into her eyes, he understood why. Her eyes resembled the color of rubies as they shimmered with a blazing light.

Soon after, a pleasant smile appeared across her lips, "Very well, you more than deserve this position. But, be careful. Your flame is cynical, there may come a day where it consumes even you," Pyrexia voiced before departing the area. 

As she left, Apollo looked at her retreating back. For most, they would pay attention to her words, but in his case, this was information he was already privy to. Both Fuhrer and Azridan told him that Hellfire wasn't a docile existence. When it came time, just like the other matters he has overcome, he would do some to the flames as well.

For now, he also bid his adieu. While he did so, he also checked his panel for any small changes.


(Demon Monarch System) Lvl.4

Name: Apollo Kaiser

Race: Lesser Demon [61.51%]

Title: Azridan's Successor

Age: 14

Level: 110

Experience: 10.00%

Health: 100%

Demonic Anima Reserves: 6,062 units.



Body Cultivation Realm: ~Rank 9 Zul Warrior

Spirit Cultivation Realm: ~Rank 7 Spirit Apprentice

Meridians: Saint-Grade (Middle Tier)

Zuls: 15,625

Oz: 520

Strength: 625.0

Agility: 550.0

Intelligence: 570.0

Vitality: 505.0

Comprehension: 55.0

Willpower: 55.0

[«Traits»]- 5


[«Techniques»]- 7


[«Elemental Affinities»] 

Level 9: Darkness, Fire

Level 7: Metal, Wind, and Lightning

Level 5: Earth

Level 3: Space 


[«Demonic Servants»]

[Daemonic Avatar] Erus Fuhrer (Demon Knight) - The Tenebrous Master.

[Greater Demon] [Requires 5,000 units of Demonic Anima to summon.] 

[Demonic Acolyte] Typhir Estrada (Demon Knight) 

[Lesser Demon {Non-Summon}] Added benefits to you.


[«Interdimensional Inventory»][«Inheritance»] [«Lucky Draw»]

Stat Points: 0

Once he made sure everything was up to par, Apollo headed back towards his residence. As of right now, there wasn't much action going on inside the academy grounds. By now, all the murmurs surrounding the death of Reiner have faded. Moreover, Grayson had been completely inactive. It was unknown just what he was planning, but none of this scared nor phased Apollo.

His pace towards the living quarters was leisure, however, his expression soon grew tense. The more he felt it out, the more he was sure, 'There is an odd sensation in the atmosphere right now? What is this? It doesn't quite feel like murderous intent but it feels just as if not more dangerous,' Apollo inwardly thought.

Cautiously, Apollo peered around his surroundings but found nothing out of place. In fact, he started to realize that the sensation was originating from in the distance. 'Wherever this energy is coming from, it's forceful.'

Then it happened, a small raucous was kicked up in the distance as a beam of white light shot into the sky threatening to pierce it. When it met the dome protecting the academy from entering Astarat's rightful space, it took some time to dissipate.

Meanwhile, Apollo's eyes squinted. He could feel something traveling in his direction at rapid speeds. 

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