The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 260 - A Concealed Weapon


While the strange aura zoomed towards Apollo, his posture tensed. At any given moment, he was ready for confrontation. Whenever an unfamiliar person approached him, the first reaction was to make sure he was in a prime state to counterattack. With the way others moved in this society, not everyone could be trusted. Not to mention, Apollo was sure there were a few people who wished to see his demise.


Nevertheless, as he continued to look towards the distance, he could finally make out a dashing figure. Be that as it may, it was still extremely difficult to discern whether or not this person was a foe or not. Although their aura didn't seem hostile, Apollo was sure his senses were correct. Whatever was approaching him gave off a dangerous vibe.

Meanwhile, Fuhrer appeared behind him with a small chortle, "Interesting, what a momentous presence, however, they are still weak."

When Apollo heard this, his eyebrow raised, "What do you mean weak?"

"Well, in respect to what I can accomplish, they are still weak. If I had to make a comparison then...I guess they'd be somewhere around your level," Fuhrer responded with a small shrug of his shoulders. In the grand scheme of things, Apollo knew Fuhrer was right, thus, he didn't try to rebut that.

On the contrary, he stood silently until the person appeared before his eyes. However, when Apollo saw who it was, his eyes widened. Truthfully, he couldn't believe what he was witnessing, "Aaron?"

The newcomer nodded and glanced over at Apollo, "Yes."

Such a simple answer, yet Apollo frowned when he heard it. Based on Aaron's prior attitude, he was extremely talkative. It was outside of his character to utter a single word as an answer. As a result, Apollo started to examine him closely. In addition to the large change in his appearance, his demeanor also seemed altered.

Up until now, Aaron's appearance was one of a typical frame. Yet, now not only was his body extremely lean, but his features were also on the wild side. His untamed hair flowed down his back and reached near his waist. It was only now that Apollo realized it had been over 3 months since he saw his cousin. On top of his outward appearance, Apollo sensed the faint aura of a concealed weapon emanating from Aaron.

"That boy has learned an Intent, however, it doesn't originate from this world. In fact, it is stronger than what can be learned in this world. I don't know what he has put himself through, but the only energy flowing through him is Intent right now. Even his essence has been morphed. Whether or not this is beneficial, I can't say. But I will say this, that boy is a walking weapon," Fuhrer muttered while paying close attention to Aaron.

The moment Fuhrer mentioned this, Apollo looked at Aaron's damaged shoulder. By now, it had healed quite well but what Apollo saw was an intangible aura. 'It's like the arm is there but not. Just what has he learned?'

"Apollo, how strong have you become?" Aaron asked while approaching Apollo. At the same time, he tilted his head to the side and monitored Apollo's body. Slowly, his left eye underwent a change and turned silverish. 

"I don't know how to answer that exactly. Cultivation-wise, I should be equal to a Peak Zul Warrior. However, my body is much stronger than what is known. How about you, how strong have you become?" Apollo responded with a small bit of skepticism.

According to Fuhrer's words, since he only had an obscure intent flowing through him, his cultivation base was hard to determine. 

Aaron then smiled before raising his hand, "My cultivation base has gone untouched. I've learned that the ways of this world are obsolete. To obtain the ultimate power, the power of self, your must rely upon your beliefs. Thus, I only wield intent. It would do you well to abandon the practice of this lowly world."

Once again, Apollo was sure that Aaron's mental state had undergone a change. This talk about lowly worlds and so forth, Apollo was almost certain that this came from the influence of a Spirit. After all, only a Spirit and other high races were capable of possessing knowledge about the higher worlds and so on.

Additionally, there was also the talk about the ways of the world. Naturally, this didn't apply to Apollo. He didn't even cultivate the way this world did, however, this also raised questions in Apollo's mind. 'Is Aaron still a human or has something strange happened to him?'

"What about your arm, will you heal it?" Apollo asked. Most of his actions inside the academy were made in order to secure a way for Aaron's arm to be healed. But now, Apollo sensed a sort of aloof pride within Aaron. Hence, he wasn't sure if he would accept that.

"No, there is no reason to. I have only stumbled upon my inheritance due to the fact I have lost it. Only when a great loss is experienced can one come across a grand fortune. And I have found mine," Aaron answered.

Since he expected this answer Apollo didn't press the matter too much. On the contrary, he was far more interested in what happened to him, "Come inside. I want to have a talk with you."

After a short pause, Aaron nodded, "Very well."

As soon as the two entered the residence, Aaron took off the upper uniform. At a glance, Apollo thought his body was scar-ridden but when he paid more attention he realized this wasn't the case. In fact, the scars looked more like markings at this point.

"What is that pattern?" Apollo inquired while attempting to sense the flow of the pattern.

"So you can sense that isn't scars huh? They are Marks of the Sky. As for the origin, well that is something I can't disclose. Everyone must keep their own secrets, even you," Aaron answered. At the same time, he spared Apollo a meaningful glance almost as if he was insinuating something. 

Suddenly, Aaron's next sentence caused Apollo to be taken aback, "Summon your Spirit and have them create an independent space."

When he heard this, Apollo's eyes narrowed, "How did you learn about that?"

"From my Spirit. While he isn't capable of doing such things, his perception is the strongest I have ever seen. Every time you open one of those spaces, I am notified. There is also some passageway that he doesn't quite understand but I have no answers," Aaron answered truthfully. There was no need to fabricate lies. After all, there was something off with Aaron now, it was as if he lacked fear.

On the other hand, Apollo's expression became solemn when he heard this. 'Fuhrer, his Spirit can sense you, what does that mean?'

'It's quite simple, this lad's Spirit must excel in perception. Furthermore, it must be exceptionally strong. This may be the reason he hasn't summoned it. I'm sure those markings are linked to the Spirit and are tempering his body to withstand his Spirit's strength,' Fuhrer answered. 

In the same instance, he also made his presence known, "You wish to enter an independent space, is it? For what reason?"

"To spar, why else? A fight isn't allowed on academy grounds, but your space exists outside of it. Hence, I and Apollo can have a spar in there," Aaron answered. Moreover, he also raised his hand causing a majority of the intent in his body to pool towards his hand. 

A silver spear with emerald gems and gold engravings appeared in his hand before lowering it to his side. Similar to Reiner, this weapon was part of his Spirit's given abilities. However, when Apollo felt the ripples coming off the spear, a cold sweat flowed down his back.

'Hoh? This spear seems to possess some rather nasty qualities,' Fuhrer thought with a small chuckle before adding, 'I guess he is now related to a higher entity. The only question is how much of their power can his body assimilate with. It seems that Spirit is looking for a vessel.'

"Since you wish it, then let's open it!" Fuhrer exclaimed before erecting another independent space.

Without delay, Aaron took a stance. Furthermore, his left eye turned completely grey even losing its pupil. When this happened, the emeralds embedded on the spear shimmered with power. 

As he raised his spear towards Apollo's direction, he gave a light smile "Now, let's see if what my Spirit insinuated is true. Prepare yourself, Apollo!"

Contrarily, Apollo's mind moved rapidly, 'Just what information has he learned? It can't be related to my identity can it?'

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