Chapter 711 711: [711] Together(2)

The ability to unleash a wave of electricity that would maim even Alan in an instant, the ability to turn into a bolt of lightning and travel great distances, the ability to weave it like it was thread.

Those were the other abilities possessed by the fragment of Kizmal, simply listening to them made my head hurt. And Alan was certain that was not all. How do we even beat something like that…

I don’t know. I had thought that maybe destroying the hearts would be able to kill it… But would we be able to accomplish something like that before it killed us? Even if its attention was divided, even if it was focusing on the two dragons…

The ability to unleash an electric wave would kill us, if it maimed Alan, it would kill us… We would have to run away, far away, to avoid it. But could we do it?

What were the indicators it would use before using the skills? This was not a video game boss, it was real… it would not follow any patterns, it would not give us massive hints at it using its skills.

How do we defeat something like that? Keep going it at until we can ultimately kill it, slowly learning about it, learning from our mistakes, and simply keep dying until it is the one that dies?

How long could we do that? Alan could do it, Alexander perhaps could do it along with Kazikato, but I am not them, Olivia, I, and Edward cannot do something like that. So should we give up?

Should we just leave it to Alan, Kazikato, and Alexander? Perhaps…

I want to leave it to them, but whenever I think about them fighting something like that…and on the other hand, us simply resting… I can’t handle it.

‘… I want to help.’

But the memory of death is vivid, Of course it would be vivid, I never forget something, no matter how much I want to forget something like that… I can never do it.

[Are you okay?]

The silence had alarmed someone, and I would like to believe my troubled expressions had alarmed him too. He had asked me once more, but I didn’t know how to respond.

Alexander was still pushing his idea, and whilst everyone was listening to it, he was focused on me. His brows were furrowed, and a hint of worry in his eyes. I adored it.

And I guess that was it.

[You can rest, I’ll challenge it a bit more and find out other thi-]


I guess that look was what took my…fear away. While everyone was still talking about how to kill it, and presenting their unique ways to kill the fragment, mainly Alexander, Edward, and Kazikato, I took a deep, deep breath.

I shook my head, vigorously, attracting their attention. The group went silent and stared at me, confusion and worry laced within their eyes.

“We target the hearts. Kizmal has fifty-six hearts, if we can manage to take out half of them, or even one third… we can kill him, assuming he isn’t as broken as he seems.”

I am aware I should not be following logic when considering…that, but I need to follow it. Everything follows logic, no matter how absurd it may seem… no matter how absurd that giant is.

Blood flow, every living organism needs blood, it needs its blood to flow, to receive oxygen. No matter how much Kizmal can delay the inevitable with whatever special abilities he has, he can be killed if we destroy even one third of its hearts.

“We target the hearts, and only the hearts. The drums on its back are made of bone, we can’t possibly seem to break it. Alan could, but it would never let you.

There are fifty-six hearts within its bodies, one third of them… If we can destroy one third of them, it will die. That bastard will die. It has one heart the size of a building, but the rest are the size of houses, we target those.”


“Alan and Kazikato attract its attention. Trust me, that giant will be focused mainly on you two. Whilst you are doing it, I want you to make injuries at certain parts of it’s body. Just penetrate the epidermis, We will handle the rest.

Alexander, you can try what you want to as well.”

I wasn’t planning on saying the last part, but I had too when I saw Alexander raise his hand. He was fixated on his idea.

“But what if we die? That electric field skill, won’t it kill us? What if it focuses on us?”

Everyone turned to look at Olivia, and they had to agree, her point was solid. It was granted that they would be extremely close to Kizmal if they wanted to destroy the hearts.

Our bodies won’t be able to survive the electric release, and what if it focused on us? Would that giant truly ignore them even after its hearts were getting destroyed? Was it hatred for dragons that immense?

I gulped, I didn’t have a response to that, but it all changed when I looked at Alan. You could see the dark circles in his eyes even with his regeneration. I really wondered how long he had been doing this.

Maintaining a life like this, solely depending on his regeneration to keep him alive, how long had it been since he had proper sleep? Since he had anything proper? He really was pushing himself.

“We die, and if we go at it again.”

Perhaps no one expected me to say that, and maybe that was why I chuckled like a crazy maniac. How wonderful, the ability to die and come back to life.

Only to challenge an abominable calamity. My anxiety and fear of death disappeared in an instant.

Have I gone insane the same way Alan has? Maybe, but it is definitely good. No sane man can take that thing down, I have to be insane to defeat it.

We have to be insane, after all, we are trying to challenge the very definition of it.

Insanity is going after the same thing, expecting it to change.

We need to kill, no matter how many tries it takes.

“Come here, I’ll inscribe some runes on all of you.”

I’m going to fucking kill that thing, no matter what it takes.

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